just a second, let me just very busy as you can imagine. firstly, i will finish. there is the ramp up within the nhs, say thank you for getting up in the there is the middle of your night to talk to us on the programme. 0ur viewers existing testing do companies like thermo appreciated as we do, as well. thank you very much for fisher, and companies like thermo fisher, and companies coming new into this that. yesterday, space, and there is we saw the press conference with matt hancock and the chief the university la bs a cross medical space, and there is the university 0fficer. matt hancock and the chief medical officer. a lot more detailed labs across the board, where we have coming an awful lot of work to do to make in. just as a gp, and it happen, and that s why i talk in i know gps are some way along the line when it the language of a goal. of course we got to get there. but there is comes to testing, tell me what you initially felt about the change in a huge amount of work to do. o