repetitiveness of this cycle, but you keep seeing in the war against terror, we go in there with the best fighters in the world. that is the u.s. military, period, objectively. they clear out whatever the situation is. and then the real problems become. and the higher on the military chain of command you go when you get up to someone like you, it becomes even more clear, general, that s the easy part. yes, it s costs us blood and treasure, but treasure is less important to america than the blood. but that s the easy part. it s what happens afterwards. how big are those concerns now? have we really gotten better at this than the taliban and al qaeda and now isis. are we better at the after? look, the after is really hard. so, a couple of iron clad laws of physics here, chris. number one, i think anybody with my experience will tell you, you can t kill your way out of this problem. the only way you resolve this problem is to change the facts on the ground. and i think president trump a