BJP MP Umesh Jadhav recently got stuck in an elevator during his visit to Bengaluru to attend a party meeting at Jagannath Bhavan in Malleswaram. As the MP and his associates were heading out, a power cut and technical failure left them stranded in the elevator for about half an hour. Technicians had to be summoned to rescue the MP from the confined space.
The Janaspandana meeting organised by mayor Sudheer Shetty discussed more than 400 orders issued by the commissioners of Mangaluru City Corporation (MCC) for the demolition of illegal buildings in the city. Read more about the discussions on officials' absence, road digging, vacant land tax, bus shelters, and illegal hoardings.
With the Tuesday downpour, the stretch got flooded with the water flowing out of the drain. The commuters were stuck in traffic for a long time. Two-wheeler riders had a tough time riding on the water-logged road. Even the footpath across the stretch was removed for drainage work and was not fixed back making it difficult for pedestrians to walk.
The mega rally is being organised in Doddaballapur, a neighbouring town of Bengaluru. With the rally, the BJP hopes to set aside all recent drawbacks faced in the state.