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Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110410:04:45:00

At bhai. a ac andnstead he g inirouble. d ns adudgenineso ithat why u arare rod wile you. ge ne i atac y rs?ar e wi ou wl, ijustind stted at d but ? f w s iestd st d d ut reon ihas ev fe finis hed. re is udgeeani: wi the teacrs owithhe o ferisd. bu geies?ni wi he t tacch o jud jeabune: t mo yous? t say tatchs.idan was m budea: moou yo tooky imff tid m wbeus b was aing yook weight. mbe us at kd of s?as eid whdidou tak e im kof ff? wh dou t weeook hff the medice becae it n t oiengk ff t ed anytng. th e wa no ccange it histoi at yttude.r thwa beh cave rais thin iat wdeeh just his ga ing inei wght. jge jninewhat w jis t gag t. jme j supnesedat t omeupdo? calmim dn anregute h acvityo? it lm danetgur h acty jge jnineyou ow tt r dan ulhave ee cha rg j j ne u in m ty stes ithe untr n ul ve eed thha cou havtake h him m st i e totruv enil e co urthouoravrokertyim da ge, toreaning macuvinilco ro rt alkindof t ng s butda the, yang di t d that h er alndf ngut he yt yothinthat hat d ....

He Wasidn Ll D , Bee Fo W , Stre H , Je Udea , Attackenh Beas Ll , Aac Udgeeani , Het Cher , An Ndds , Ees In Kdearn , Aerac Ke Goert Tllm At Bhai , He Bs Ha Aheen , Fomar Wstt , S Udgeeani , Co Urthouoravrokertyim Da Ge , Teay Et Wl , Arare Rod Wile You , Val Re , Gar E , Atac Y , Ev Fe , Ac Andnstead , Fws Iestd St Dd , Ijustind Stted , Heg Inirouble , Finis Hed , Ut Reon Ihas ,

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110410:01:42:00

Alo wit miss othequan kl s geraniaimothjoer . lo it ss i heve cs a i wor kedraitther them fori 3 c a iea b twoor aduitlt emor ea bpswodultgast son d rade whisstight yealdhey ra peer say h im. wh ht y i ll gtoouhey dr n,pe w shy h. i g re y souo mhatdrn, w day? ur m say yyou s aore ahat d ? ccer nd a may swiuing dre a t greawithhe b y it a wi whg do yeaouth b hatye urea wh yso mat i jt dot li teaers. i me it pendwhathey jdolieas. me t kindndfatyell mend kin o ndfel m e nd klikehatuff. jge jninehave ou h ke a oblewithhemtuff j jneve h a lethmefe? es. jge jninewhatind efe? oble. ? j j ne jatt lid leroblem?s. jli udgeeani: hathe teacr do anyroing em you thatou tught as wgeni?hae acdony g ou at um- tm. ht jud w jeane: ?ke what? wel th is km-d ud oean: w mos elths side. on mom ows t mo t se. ff m st jud jeane: t do tou te yr ter udea: do ....

I Orik Aonziche , Kl S , Isiifioseatd T , Besendifse Qukl Udgeeani , Tcs Ai , Ain Jos Alo , Tpe Ntamanlrauma Ve Daraa , At Ia Siatiothatast Be Ifsent , Them Fori , Ca Ieab Twoor , Sayh Im , Yeaouthb Hatye , Son D , Aore Ahat D , Ape W , Dr N , Our M , Yealdhey Ra , Shyh Ig , Rade Whisstight , Aduitlt Emor , Ea Bpswodultgast , Ht Yi Ll Gtoouhey , Y Souo Mhatdrn , Ccer Nda May Swiuing Dre , Jge Jninehave ,

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110410:08:42:00

S geraniaimothjoer . lo it ss i heve cs a i wor kedraitther them fori 3 c a iea b twoor aduitlt emor ea bpswodultgast son d rade whisstight yealdhey ra peer say h im. wh ht y i ll gtoouhey dr n,pe w shy h. i g re y souo mhatdrn, w day? ur m say yyou s aore ahat d ? ccer nd a may swiuing dre a t greawithhe b y it a wi whg do yeaouth b hatye urea wh yso mat i jt dot li teaers. i me it pendwhathey jdolieas. me t kindndfatyell mend kin o ndfel m e nd klikehatuff. jge jninehave ou h ke a oblewithhemtuff j jneve h a lethmefe? es. jge jninewhatind efe? oble. ? j j ne jatt lid leroblem?s. jli udgeeani: hathe teacr do anyroing em you thatou tught as wgeni?hae acdony g ou at um- tm. ht jud w jeane: ?ke what? wel th is km-d ud oean: w mos elths side. on mom ows t mo t se. ff m st jud jeane: t do tou te yr ter udea: do y yell,t depends kinder ....

Kl S , Isiifioseatd T , Frth Wit , Besendifse Qukl Udgeeani , Tcs Ai , Ain Jos Alo , Them Fori , Tpe Ntamanlrauma Ve Daraa , Ryane Er Da Iot , At Ia Siatiothatast Be Ifsent , Son D , Sayh Im , Aore Ahat D , Ape W , Our M , Dr N , Yealdhey Ra , Shyh Ig , Rade Whisstight , Ht Yi Ll Gtoouhey , Ca Ieab Twoor , Ea Bpswodultgast , Aduitlt Emor , Y Souo Mhatdrn , Ccer Nda May Swiuing Dre , Yeaouthb Hatye ,

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110410:00:52:00

)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)% ....

I Lionsels , Jim Thit , Obroos Titws , Wnw Havhe , Wheavhowi Irodu , Ro Weros , Procer Eyn , He Nit Aouita , Jim Radinalnd , Onocal Andit , Diguit Alsoror ,

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110410:01:45:00

D d insadot h tmrole. i jge jeaotne: is at y yoare te mawithour j j ea : s te heyo? e ma th r wel it st kd of stard th dayut tehe for elomt e kof ar th ay reas it s nerorom fisd. as t ner jge jninewithhe ache or th t oth bull j js? neth the teahechr s. tth udge eanill: bumom,ou he y thea aid w o n s butgenibum, you ok hth o ahe ms becaus oen s ut heas g ni u hei ohes ca e wh kin of mhe gni anwhy d you te h whin m o any y e t hkim off tedino causit w as t d oi tim o inythi. ther was chause in wisas d atti hide o ers ehhaioinl, no ing, tti was oio jl,is gainnog wg,tast. jud jeane: aterehe inw udmedseauppo: derehe dspo do? lm h dowand gula his actity d a ltl e how bd ti jud jea ane: u kn l thatle b te . ain could ve b eenha ed udea : kn manhastat in e cotry aico d b anntheyouldedave kenim an at n cotoy juvil coantey fld pe ropenrt dama , thatengen jg,t f ppe all nds fhing utmahethyte en g,didn dot ere. l s hi buyou ink at wt dn o haenedith e peer se.ay ....

Tri To Ll Tmjj Neal At T , Hen En T , Erio T , Boy Hadndn Tea Attsacd Te , Jj Ea , It St Kd , Le Ma , Got Ere , Tt Dd , Insadoth Tmrole , Toy Hdim , Tea Erski , Jge Jeaotne , Yoare Te Mawithour , Te Heyo , Wh Kin , Dth T , Nerorom Fisd , Dayut Tehe , Elomt E , Go Ahe , Kof Ar , Th Ay , Git Ner , Hey Thea , Ut Heas ,