Well, good evening once again from our nbc news headquarters here in new york. This was day 769 of the trump administration, dominated by a gripping and at times intensely personal day of testimony from a man who lied for donald trump, a now disbarred lawyer about to ship off on a threeyear federal prison term. But on his way out the door and off the public stage he delivered a public and systematic takedown of his old friend donald trump. And when it was over, we were left with distinct allegations of bank and Insurance Fraud and Campaign Finance violations for starters. Unlike most of the scandals and investigations of our television age, this one has not been hearing driven until now. That certainly changed today with Michael Cohens testimony. Cohen was questioned by members of the House Oversight committee for over seven hours. At the heart of his Opening Statement a damning indictment of the president s character and his own remorse. I am ashamed that i chose to take part in conce
mr. trump put mr. stone on the speakerphone. mr. stone told mr. trump that he had just gotten off the phone with julian asanage and that mr. assange told mr. stone that within a couple of days there would be a massive dump of e-mails that would damage hillary clinton s campaign. mr. trump responded by stating to the effect wouldn t that be great. january of this year, 2019, the new york times asked president trump if he ever spoke to roger stone about these stolen e-mails, and president trump answered, and i quote, no, i didn t. i never did. was that statement by president trump true? no, it s not accurate. today julian assange denied ever having a call with roger stone. and roger stone himself, despite being under a gag order, spoke up when asked to call cohen s statements not true. cohen also told the committee