as james white s daughter, katelyn, told us i was told that monsters don t exist. my parents always told me that. and after going through that trial and seeing what i had to see, i can tell you with absolute certainty that that is 110% false. he is a monster. reporter: and rachel s men? we weren t surprised to hear that james has his own idea of what justice might be. did you have any thought about what would happen if the justice system didn t look after todd in a way that seemed reasonable to you? he would have been dealt with. reporter: by whom? me. reporter: you know, they could have put you in prison for life. it would have been a one-way mission. he and i are both goig to go down together. i m not going to shoot him. i m going to kill him with my two bare hands. i m going to do to him what he did to rachel. reporter: tim cherrington,
no breakdown. the former fighter pilot sat quietly and listened. he got 26 years to life. it was over for todd. but not for anyone else. not really. as james white s daughter, katelyn, told us i was told that monsters don t exist. my parents always told me that. and after going through that trial and seeing what i had to see, i can tell you with absolute certainty that that is 110% false. he is a monster. reporter: and rachel s men? we weren t surprised to hear that james has his own idea of what justice might be. did you have any thought about what would happen if the justice system didn t look after todd in a way that seemed reasonable to you? he would have been dealt with. reporter: by whom? me. reporter: you know, they could have put you in prison for life. it would have been a one-way mission.
secretary of state, have leeway to not send her back and that is where it gets interesting. like a presidential pardon. she was turned over. the case was turned over. she is here, she s engaged, getting married, she s moved on. the way the legal system is set up, it seems like she was railroaded. will that play a role if the president, who is a lawyer, says, i m not sending this girl back? they could say, listen, italy s justice system didn t work correctly, they could say the italian prisons are overcrowded, known for that, could say her human rights would be violated. the purpose of it is if there is somebody convicted there, we re supposed to send them back if they ask. but if somebody is hiding out there who we want, they re supposed to send that puerson back. the more we say no to them, the more they could say no to us in the foo uture. this extradition treaty is mutual. we want to make sure our relationship with the italian government stays in tact, not just we re going to