wjz maryland s news station. good morning and welcome to eyewitness news this saturday i am gigit barnett. i am tim william. it s just about 60 degrees. good morning. good morning. we are looking at a pretty muggy kind of a morning. humidity levels are a little high. cloud cover is out there. so kind of locked in some of the warmer air that we had yesterday. won t get up to the temperatures we had on friday. we have got into the upper 80s around most of the area. cloud will see to it we don t get that high. we will see sun filtering through the cloud but the temperatures stay down pretty low in the 70s today with a chance of rain in the afternoon. your forecast looks like this for the day. starting off with temperatures in the 60s. we will see some sun. not a ton of it before the cloud start to increase. we will get up into highs in the mid-70s down into the 60s again tonight with a chance of showers through the evening and into tomorrow. we will talk about it in th