So, what if a marijuana facility gets approved for your community . Many residents in the area where permits are pending just arent clear about how dispensaries, growers, and processors will be regulated. With me now to help us understand how the program will be rolled out in pennsylvania is william roark. Roark is cochair of the pennsylvania bar Associations Committee on medical marijuana and hemp law. He is also the chair of the medical marijuana practice with the law firm hamburg, rubin, mullin, maxwell lupin. Roark helps clients comply with pennsylvania medical marijuana laws. Welcome, thanks so much for joining us. William roark thank you for having me. Lauren now, you recently took a trip out of state to do some research about how this works. Tell me what you found. William sure, and i love the word research. It encompasses all sorts of sins. I went out west for a trade show, and what i wanted to do was try to see what was in the cutting edge technologically in states that have d