The incident took place on the night of February 17 in the Tukaramnagar area of Kharadi. Police have identified the woman as Varsha Dayaram Gaikwad, a resident of the same area.
According to MahaRERA data, in the first half of 2023, around 11,000 units of 1 BHK apartments were launched, compared to around 18,000 in the entire calendar year of 2022.
As per primary information, a CNG-operated PMPML bus, which was heading from Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) to Talegaon Dhamdhere collided with another PMPML bus heading from Wagholi to Warje-Malwadi
Residents have termed it as a misuse of an amenity space and said Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) officials were alerted about the activity, but no action was taken.