THE National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) on Friday sought the prosecution of 17 police officers of the Philippine National Police-Criminal Investigation and Detection Group who were involved in the killing of Ariel Evangelista and Ana Mariz Lemita-Evangelista during the so-called “Blood Sunday” operations against suspected New People’s Army (NPA) members on…
(File photo) MANILA - The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Thursday said it will fully cooperate with state prosecutors in the proceedings against the 17 police officers implicated in the so-called "Bloody Sunday" operations that resulted in the death of six militant activists in Laguna and Rizal last March. "The PNP respects the recommendation of the Department of Justice to file murder charges against 17 police personnel who figured in a lawful police operation that resulted in the death of a labor organization leader," said PNP spokesperson, Col. Roderick Alba, in a statement. He said the PNP will ensure the availability of these police officers for the scheduled preliminary investigation in January next year. "Our respect for the DOJ action to prosecute the 17 PNP personnel extends as well to the individual rights of the police respondents to due process and equal protection of the law," he added. On Wednesday, the Department of Justice (DOJ) said a
JUSTICE Secretary Menardo Guevarra on Wednesday said the Department of Justice’s Administrative Order 35 Task Force-Special Investigating Team (AO 35-SIT) has endorsed the conduct of a preliminary investigation for possible filing of murder charges against 17 law enforcers believed to be involved in one of the nine deaths during the…