Flight time from Derna to In Guezzam. Get exact flying time between Martuba Airport, Derna, Libya and Newark Liberty International Airport, In Guezzam, Algeria. Direct flight time, one stop & 1+ stop flight time between Derna & In Guezzam. Derna Airport to In Guezzam Airport (DNF to INF) flight duration and operating airlines.
Flight time from Derna to Sheghnan. Get exact flying time between Martuba Airport, Derna, Libya and Sheghnan Airport, Sheghnan, Afghanistan. Direct flight time, one stop & 1+ stop flight time between Derna & Sheghnan. Derna Airport to Sheghnan Airport (DNF to SGA) flight duration and operating airlines.
Flight time from Derna to Victoria River Downs. Get exact flying time between Martuba Airport, Derna, Libya and Victoria River Downs Airport, Victoria River Downs, Australia. Direct flight time, one stop & 1+ stop flight time between Derna & Victoria River Downs. Derna Airport to Victoria River Downs Airport (DNF to VCD) flight duration and operating airlines.
Direct flight time from Derna to Collarenebri. Flying time between Martuba Airport, Derna, Libya and Collarenebri Airport, Collarenebri, Australia. One stop & 1+ stop flight time between Derna & Collarenebri. Derna Airport to Collarenebri Airport (DNF to CRB) flight duration and operating airlines.
Flight time from Derna to Tirinkot. Get exact flying time between Martuba Airport, Derna, Libya and Tirinkot Airport, Tirinkot, Afghanistan. Direct flight time, one stop & 1+ stop flight time between Derna & Tirinkot. Derna Airport to Tirinkot Airport (DNF to TII) flight duration and operating airlines.