The Shanti Path âOM Aapyayantu Mamaangani Vaakâ: NJ Reddy, YPV Sadhana
NJ Reddy
This peace chant commences from the Kena Upanishad, which is embedded in the Saama Veda. Peace invocations are made at the beginning of any study or work in order to still our minds and also with the intention to remove any obstacles in performing the planned work.
The Mantra
Shrotram-Atho Balam-Indriyaani Cha Sarvaani!
Bhahman Niraakarot,
Te Mayi Santu Te Mayi Santu
OM Shanti Shanti Shanti Hi!
Literal Translation of the Words
OM : The Supreme Parabrahman, manifested or unmanifested
Aapyayantu : May grow vigorous (joyful interest and enthusiasm)
Mama-Angani : My limbs