Malte C. was beaten by an assailant after he intervened to help a group of women being harassed with homophobic threats. He died of his injuries six days later.
The Catholic bishop of the western German city of Münster says he won't resign in light of a report that criticizes the way he dealt with sexual abuse. Felix Genn admitted mistakes but said he did not cover up anything.
A university study found at least 610 underage victims were abused by clergy in the western German diocese. With many cases going unreported, researchers estimate the actual number of victims could be 10 times as high.
Für ihr diplomatisches Geschick im Namensstreit um Mazedonien werden Griechenlands Ex-Regierungschef Alexis Tsipras und der jetzige Premier von Nordmazedonien, Zoran Zaev, mit dem Westfälischen Friedenspreis geehrt.