There is much discussion regarding the differences in cost and function of hearing aids vs. over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids and Personal Sound Amplifiers (PSAP). We can help an individual with
insurance companies to cover it. you you had an opportunity to talk with her and these are the things that give us hope in medicine in the future. when i saw it on you tube, i was skeptical. the doctor is really well trained and university of michigan and now at the university of oklahoma. the science makes sense and she is the perfect kind of person. it s not going to work for everybody. if you have a certain nerve deafness and hearing aids are not doing the trick for young kids, this allows people to get better speech and hearing. this will help a lot of children with normal speech development. he is very cool. seeps like a wonderful woman. they couldn t pick a better spokesperson. thank you, tamron. occur rick perry campaign for president as his family s hunting cam will join me live.