week and brought a ground game and credited with what they are calling here, a land slide with one geological metaphor and tsunami if you would like a marine one. the newt gingrich campaign is riding high and they are themselves surprised by the breadth of the victory. we ll be introduced to newt in a moment. as we wait for the introduction to end and winner of thitate to come out. they are talking about his ability to wall off the south from mitt romney and clinchh the nomination on the strength of tonight s victryy. 41-26 percent as they continue to count and 50 percent victory far wider and exceeding the poll overperformance for newt gingrich with a victory. the winner of the first south primary. innocent it amazing. maybe you can turn around.
man. he is apparently going to be the republican nomination by default. juddson, is it fair to call mitt romney the bum of the month? i don t think it is fair to call any of them the bum of the month. that s low class. but then again it s barney frank saying that so i m not surprised. you get the idea. he was suggesting a different analogy to the flavor of the month. and you ve seen multiple individuals, michele bachmann, rick perry, herman cain and now newt gingrich is back up there. we ll come to newt in a moment. is he not right? that republicans are bums? no, no. that every month there is a differentรง competitor for the front-runner alongside mitt romney. oh, sure. this has been a particularly volatile election cycle. but you know what? if you remember back four years ago, everybody was saying it was going to be a fred thompson, rudy giuliani race. and look where the two of them ended up. so the republican electorate is