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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20200527 00:30:00

tonight, as the u.s. nears the 100,000 mark in lives lost, the flash points. the images of the giant crowds. the questions. and are some americans putting each other at risk? and the other developing story as we come on tonight. the death of an unarmed black man, under arrest, telling the officer, i can t breathe. the growing outrage tonight over the deeply disturbing death of a black man arrested and handcuffed by police in minneapolis. the officer seen with his knee on the man s neck. and the man can be heard pleading on that video, i can t breathe. the video playing out for nearly ten minutes. bystanders demanding police check his pulse. authorities say he died a short time later. tonight, four officers fired. and what the mayor is now saying about the officer. meantime, as america approaches that chilling milestone, the unsettling images. packed beaches and parks. huge crowds at parties. no sorocial distancing.
hundreds from one of those parties already told to self-quarantine for 14 days. tonight, at least 14 states reporting a rise in cases of coronavirus, as new york city tonight marks a turning point. the war of words breaking out late today between president trump and joe biden. trump taking aim at biden for wearing a mask with his wife as they marked memorial day. tonight, biden just now responding, saying the president is, quote, an absolute fool to talk that way. the horror unfolding inside brazil. and a new white house travel ban on brazil going into effect just hours from now. the images tonight of mass graves. hospitals overwhelmed. back in this country, the urgent manhunt across state lines in the northeast. the student considered armed and dangerous, wanted for the murders of two people, allegedly kidnapping another. the woman who tells an african-american man in central park she is calling police on him after he tells her to put her dog on a leash.
tonight, her words in that video and the swift action now. and diane sawyer is here tonight. 12 weeks of reporting. our new realy. how did we america get here? and the remarkable story tonight of what caretakers were willing to do to save lives, and it worked. good evening. i hope you had a safe and happy memorial day weekend with family and loved ones. we have a lot to get to tonight. the u.s. nearing that difficult milestone with coronavirus. but we re going to begin this evening with tension building in minneapolis after an unarmed black man died after being arrested and pinned to the ground by an officer. he can be heard saying i can t breathe on the video. tonight, four police officers have been fired. a witness recording the horrific incident. the handcuffed man on the ground, an officer s knee on his neck. the man can be heard repeating over and over, he could not breathe. the video lasting about ten minutes. he was unresponsive when an ambulance arrived. tonight, members of the
community have begun to gather at a makeshift memorial. protesters now gathering. the mayor outraged, saying the officer failed in the most basic human sense. alex perez has the story, and we warn you, the video is very difficult to watch. please. please, i can t breathe. please, man. please, somebody help me. reporter: tonight, the black man in this horrifying video on the ground and in handcuffs is dead. the white officer with his knee on his neck along with three other officers all fired. and the fbi is investigating. he s not resisting arrest or nothing. reporter: the roughly ten-minute video begins after police have the man identified by a lawyer for family members as george floyd, on the ground monday night. police say floyd was unarmed, suspected of trying to pass a forged check at a convenience store. and also appeared to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. his nose is bleeding.
he s about to pass out. reporter: about five minutes into the video floyd appears to lose consciousness. bystanders urging police to check his pulse. let me see a pulse. reporter: but the officer does not get up. more than seven minutes into the video emts arrive on the scene and check his pulse, the officer s knee still on floyd s neck. floyd had worked as a security guard at a minneapolis restaurant for more than five years. police say he died at a nearby hospital. the statement last night said he resisted officers. they handcuffed him and noted he appeared to be suffering medical distress. being black in america should not be a death sentence. this officer failed in the most basic human sense. i can t breathe. reporter: those words, i can t breathe, reminiscent of the eric garner case. i can t breathe. reporter: in 2014 he said those same words. he died after a controversial arrest in new york city that set
off nationwide protests. because we have the video, we know the truth. we can see with our own eyes what happened. let s get to alex in minneapolis tonight. we know the fbi is now investigating. we can see the crowd gathering behind you. and you ve learned the officers were wearing body cameras? reporter: david, first i wanted to show you the crowd behind me. massive turnout for the protest here tonight. yes, the officers were wearing body cameras. federal investigators are working to determine if they violated floyd s rights, and whether they should face federal charges. alex, thank you. and that awful scene playing out against the backdrop of this pandemic. crowds outside in many parts of the country over the weekend. many americans eager to get outside and see people again. but there are images that troubled many. leading to the questions, how close is too close? are some americans putting people at risk? and the american lives lost, now nearly 99,000. the boardwalk in ocean city,
maryland. crowded pool parties in the lake of the ozarks. health officials have asked hundreds to self-quarantine for 14 days. it is a reopening that comes with risks, we all know that. and turning points as well, as we witnessed in new york city today. here again, tom llamas. reporter: today, for the first time in months, wall street opened to the new normal. lines for temperature checks to get on the floor of the new york stock exchange. the governor ringing the bell and reopening the floor. traders wearing masks and socially distanced. the market today surging despite that grim milestone looming. nearly 100,000 american lives lost to the virus. the president insisting the toll could have been much higher. if we didn t act quickly and smartly, we would ve had, in my opinion and in the opinion of others, anywhere from 10 to 20 and maybe even 25 times the number of deaths. reporter: but tonight renewed concern after scenes like these
over the weekend. social distancing is absolutely critical. and if you can t social distance and you re outside, you must wear a mask. reporter: from beaches to pool parties like this one in houston. to this crowded bar in arizona. many americans close together and many without masks. if you re worried about it, stay home. if you don t want to catch it, stay home. reporter: after back to back pool parties at missouri s lake of the ozarks, health officials urging anyone there to self-quarantine for 14 days. it seems like the younger generation doesn t have any fear here. reporter: tonight, cases of the virus still rising across 14 states, including in alabama. the mayor of montgomery telling our marcus moore they re low on icu beds. is it too soon to open alabama and this city? absolutely. i think it s too soon. we have to make sure that we are being guided by the data and not the dollars. reporter: but tonight, signs
of progress in new york state. in the suburb of new rochelle, where we saw the first containment zone after a cluster of cases, today, a slow reopening. kamesha salmon opening her store for the first time in nearly two months. i understand the pandemic, but you also have to understand i have two children. they got to eat. we still have bills, and nothing changed. tom, i know you were in new rochelle tonight. things are starting to open up, and some positive signs. but restrictions in new york city still in place. reporter: that s right, david. and no date has been set to reopen, that has frustrated some new yorkers. but the governor and mayor have both said it s still not safe to reopen new york city. it will likely reopen in phases during the first two weeks of june. but an exact date has not been set. there is still major concern about minority communities in the city. tom, thank you. amid all
of words erupting between president trump and joe biden. president trump taking aim at biden for wearing a mask on memorial day. biden responding, saying the president is an absolute fool to talk that way. here s mary bruce. reporter: tonight, two images reflect the split screen this campaign has become. president trump in a factory without a mask, surrounded by people who are all wearing them. and his rival joe biden, out for the first time publicly since march. his own face, covered. he was standing outside with his wife, perfect conditions. perfect weather. they are inside, they don t wear masks and so i thought it was very unusual that he had one on. reporter: biden tonight firing right back. he s a fool. an absolute fool to talk that way. i mean, every leading doc in the world is saying we should wear a mask when you re in a crowd. this macho stuff for a guy, well, i shouldn t get going. but it just has cost people s
lives. do you think wearing a mask projects strength or weakness? leadership. what it projects is leadership. reporter: the two candidates in stark contrast. president trump pushing to reopen, and is now threatening to rip the republican convention away from north carolina unless the state will allow a packed house. but today governor roy cooper, unmoved. i will say that it s okay for political conventions to be political. but pandemic response cannot be. reporter: the president is blaming the governor, not the virus, for why the convention might not go on as planned. we have a governor who doesn t want to open up the state. reporter: but the governor says his decision will be guided by health and safety concerns. noting that other large organizations like nascar have put together a plan to reopen safely and now it s the rnc s turn. and now the republican governors of florida and georgia are raising their hands to host the convention instead.
while democrats are taking the opposite approach. they re already planning to massively scale back their convention. possibly holding much of it virtually. mary, thank you. we will turn next to the horror unfolding in brazil. second only to the u.s. in number of cases. hospitals there overwhelmed. they re digging mass graves. the white house with a travel ban that begins just hours from now. ian pannell tonight. reporter: tonight, the countdown to a midnight ban as travelers in brazil scramble. the country is the world s new hot spot, second only to the u.s. in confirmewhe house now p through the travel ban two days ahead of schedule, though u.s. citizens are exempt. more than 23,000 have now died in brazil from covid-19. the daily death rate exceeding that of the u.s. for the first time as hospitals become overwhelmed. and across the country, mass graves are dug to handle the surge. president bolsonaro, who called
covid-19 a little flu, still defying social distancing and, at times, not wearing a mask just feet away from supporters. and here in mexico, cases also steadily rise with more than 71,000 confirmed cases and more than 7,600 deaths. but a new study of the data by a civic watchdog group claims that the number of deaths could be much higher. all of this as health professionals on both sides of the border are increasingly concerned over new plans to open up popular tourism sites in mexico like cancun next week. just turning back to brazil, have a look at this video of president bolsonaro amid the crowd of supporters and hugging a small child. accused of flouting social distancing rules, attending rallies as brazilians are dying in unprecedented numbers. david? ian, thank you. and back here at home
tonight, there is a desperate manhunt under way for a college senior suspected in two murders. police tracking him from connecticut to new jersey, now to pennsylvania. releasing new images tonight. erielle reshef is in pennsylvania. reporter: tonight, the urgent multistate manhunt intensifying for suspected killer peter mandfredonia. the fbi and local law enforcement combing monroe county, pennsylvania, after the university of connecticut senior was last spotted walking near train tracks in east strousburg. police now say he got to those tracks by taking an uber to a nearby walmart. a 2012 hyundai santa fe stolen from the area. peter has struggled with mental health issues over the past several years. reporter: the 23-year-old a fugitive since friday when police say he brutally assaulted two men in willington, connecticut, killing 62-year-old ted demers. sunday morning, manfredonia allegedly breaking into a home in willington, stealing food, firearms, and a truck. and nearby, authorities discovering the suspect s childhood acquaintance
nick eisle dead. i heard a loud bang. i heard a girl scream. and then i heard two people kind of arguing. reporter: manfredonia allegedly abducting an unidentified person from that home. the victim later found unharmed in new jersey near the pennsylvania border. peter, i want you to know we re continuing our investigation. the one thing we are missing right now is you. reporter: the fbi saying they want this to end peacefully. in the meantime, they say if you see the suspect, do not approach him and call 911 immediately. david? erielle, thank you. we turn next to diane sawyer and her new reporting on our new reality. diane has been reporting for 2 1/2 months, witnessing new yorkers cheering for health care workers, reporting on how this virus has changed america. we ve seen the terrible toll on nursing homes, accounting for a third of u.s. deaths.
tonight, diane reports on a group of caregivers in ohio and what they did to protect their adopted family, and it worked. reporter: i ve covered over the decades so many challenges and seen how we transform them into strength. a group of dedicated ohio caregivers saying good-bye to their own families, not sure when they would see them again. i ve converted my office into my bedroom. reporter: these administrators, nurses, aides at two assisted living facilities, sharonbrooke and chapel grove, decided if the enemy was heading to their doors, they d go inside, lock that door, and fight to keep it out. we knew that once it reached our facility, it would be too late. reporter: the weeks go by. in private, these workers admit it s not easy. my son is a senior this year so he s not only missing his mom at home, he s missing prom and possibly graduation. reporter: they make sure the
residents see only smiling faces. after all, these lives were in their hands. people who had been architects, accountants, paramedics, people once so vital and so young. over these months, birthdays were celebrated, even a high school graduation for an aide. and then last week, after 65 days, these caregivers finally began to go home, knowing that not one of the 200 residents got covid. now there will be new protective testing for any caregiver who goes in and out. but what they did, in this moment, is going to last gn app facilities saying it all. heroes work here. love lives here. 65 days they moved in with their extended family. just an incredible effort in ohio.
and this is just part of an incredible body of work. 12 weeks of reporting. diane with her report at 9:00 p.m. eastern, right here. thank you, diane. when we come back, the moment in central park going viral. the woman, what she tells an african-american man after he tells her to put her dog on a leash. her words in the video, and what has now happened to her, in a moment. people are surprising themselves the moment they realize they can du more with less asthma. thanks to dupixent, the add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. dupixent isn t for sudden breathing problems. it can improve lung function for better breathing in as little as 2 weeks and help prevent severe asthma attacks. it s not a steroid but can help reduce or eliminate oral steroids. don t use if allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur,
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follow the rules. no one was arrested. she later apologized, but she s now fired and has returned the dog to the animal rescue. when we come back, news on america s return to space. the countdown is on tonight to an historic launch. wn is on tonight to an historic launch. for at least eight years. for me, the greatest benefit over the years has been that prevagen seems to help me recall things and also think more clearly. and i enthusiastically recommend prevagen. it has helped me an awful lot. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. leading armies to battle?, was that your great-aunt, keeping armies alive? drafting the plans. taking the pictures. was it your family members? who flew. who fixed. who fought. who rose to the occasion. when the world needed them most.
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finally tonight here, america strong. and the granddaughter who said this is what true love looks like. alice and jerry krenke from stratford, connecticut. married nearly 60 years. three children, six grandchildren. they ve never been apart for more than a week until now. alice had to go into the hospital after complications from a heart valve transplant. they were worried about the virus. they were not allowed to see each other. so when alice got word she d be released, the family decided to surprise grandpa jerry. listen as the family talks to jerry without mentioning who s about to walk in. i ll go get the quiche. reporter: they say they re going to get the quiche. they re going to get alice. are you guys going to eat? yes. you re kidding. oh, my god. you didn t tell me. on purpose. oh, honey, you re home. oh, i missed you so much. reporter: it was the longest
they ve been apart in 60 years. how are you feeling? you feeling all right? i m better now. yeah, better now. reporter: this is what true love looks like, said their granddaughter paige. hi, david. my name is paige hine. reporter: paige on that moment. we decided to take that video because we love them so much and we wanted them to have that to look on. and they love it. they love rewatching it together. and we are so happy that their love is seen by so many people now. and everyone deserves to be loved the way my grandpa loves my grandma and my grandma loves him. it s so magical. reporter: magical, and a moment 60 years in the making. alice and jerry, back together. i m david muir. diane and her special at 9:00 p.m. eastern. good night. i m dan noyes. a state lawmaker takes a step to
avoid the next pandemic. i ll have the story. california officially entering phase 3. i m liz kreutz. we re breaking down the latest announcements from governor newsom and what that means for us in the bay area. i m spencer christian. this was the second consecutive day of record heat in the bay area. i ll show you the hottest spots coming up. building a better bay area for a safe and secure future. this is abc7 news. the reality is this pandemic has just begun. it hasn t ended. and while we are moving forward because of stabilization, by no stretch of the imagination is this virus behind us. churches, shops and salons are getting the green light to reopen in california, but not in most of the bay area. and when you look at the data, you might be glad. good evening and thank you for joining us. i m ama daetz. and i m dan ashley. all but 11 of california s 58 counties are moving further into reopening. of those 11 county, half of them

Lives , Images , Us , Crowds , Questions , Mark , Flash-points , 100000 , Officer , Story , Arrest , Man

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20200611 00:30:00

tonight, new reporting on tonight, breaking news as we come on the air in the west. we have images as a man opens fire on a california police station. a deputy shot in the face. and new reporting at this hour on the former police officer, derek chauvin, charged in the murder of george floyd. prosecutors confirming chauvin was negotiating a guilty plea to local and federal charges, so, what changed? as george floyd s brother appears before congress today, his emotional plea, saying his brother did not deserve to die over $20. and what he said when asked if he believed his brother s killing was premeditated. also tonight, as we come on the air, the urgent manhunt for a gunman who open fird on a police station. a deputy wounded, shot in the face. a second person found shot to death nearby. investigators do believe the shootings are connected. residents ordered to shelter in place. and what authorities have just
revealed tonight. after military leaders said the time has come to discuss changing names of u.s. military bases named after confederate leaders, tonight, president trump saying this will not happen, saying they are part of a great american heritage. and nascar late today revealing they are now banning the confederate flag. the coronavirus here in the u.s. alarming news tonight involving the spike in cases right now across more than 20 states. some hospitals told to enact emergency plans. and some authorities now talking about a potential for a stay at home order again. and the race for a vaccine tonight. tens of thousands of americans now volunteering to be injected with experimental vaccines. so, what could this mean about timing for a vaccine here in the u.s.? the voting chaos in georgia overnight. voters in lines well after sundown. some in line for six hours or more. what caused this and what does it mean with the presidential election just five months away? and there is breaking news
tonight in the case of those two missing siblings. the discovery on that property and what their heartbroken grandparents are now saying. and we pay tribute tonight to a renowned debate coach, eight decades at texas southern university. tonight, right here, his students on what he would expect from them in this moment. good evening and it s great to have you with us here on a wednesday night. we are back from houston tonight, where thousands came from all over to pay their respects to george floyd, his family. remembering him as a gentle man, a loving father, an imperfect man, but saying his name will now stand for the push for change, for justice. and tonight, what we did not know about the officer with his knee to floyd s neck, charged with murder now. how close was he to a plea deal, and why did it fall apart? and on capitol hill today, one of george floyd s brothers telling lawmakers, enough is enough. pleading with them to stop the pain of police brutality.
breaking down, asking, what was his brother s life worth? we have learned prosecutors and that former officer, derek chauvin, were closing in on a deal on state murder and federal civil rights charges until the day before his arrest. chauvin now faces up to 40 years behind bars if convicted on all charges. and tonight, as we come on the air, an urgent hunt now for a man who opened fire on a police station. a deputy wounded, shot in the face. another person found shot dead nearby. and we have it all covered for you. we re going to begin with abc s alex perez in minneapolis again tonight. reporter: tonight, the stunning revelation. as prosecutors mulled charges against fired minneapolis police officer derek chauvin, he was angling for a deal to plead guilty on federal civil rights charges and to murdering george floyd. as prosecutors were walking up to the podium on may 28th, the deal had just fallen apart. we thought we would have another development that i could tell you about. unfortunately, we don t at this point. reporter: chauvin charged with third degree murder the next day, upgraded to second
degree the following week. mr. floyd, what do you hope to tell the committee today? justice for george. reporter: word of those negotiations coming as george floyd s brother emotionally testified before lawmakers on capitol hill. you don t do that to a human being. you don t even do that to an animal. his life mattered. all our lives matter. black lives matter. i just wish wish i could get him back. those officers, they get to live. for him to do something like that, it had to be premeditated and he wanted to do that. and intentional? yes, sir. reporter: and tonight, those chants on the streets turning
into demands for reform. minneapolis police chief medaria arradondo, faced with the possibility his department could be disbanded, unveiling his own plans for change today, revealing the department will no longer negotiate their current contract with the police union and new, real-time technology to track cops accused of misconduct and intervene. chauvin had 18 complaints against him, but was only disciplined twice. under these new rules, what would have happened to someone like chauvin, who had all these complaints? we could have intervened much earlier. if there were problematic behaviors brought to our attention right away, we could have made those appropriate measures. reporter: back on capitol hill, george floyd s brother demanding more accountability for officers before anyone else is killed. george wasn t hurting anyone that day. he didn t deserve to die over $20. i m asking you, is that what a black man is worth?
$20? this is 2020. enough is enough. powerful testimony. we hear the demonstrators behind you there in minneapolis tonight, alex. and we also know there s late word that one of the other officers who was charged in this case, thomas lane, we remember, he was on his fourth shift as an officer that night, a rookie, there s news on him this evening? reporter: well, david, according to jail records, former officer thomas lane was released from jail just a short time ago, late this afternoon. he posted $750,000 bail and has been released. you ll remember that s the officer who in court shifted blame towards the veteran officer on the scene that night, derek chauvin. now, as for the changes here at the minneapolis police department, the chief tells me, today was just the beginning. he expects to make several announcements in the weeks ahead. david? all right, alex perez leading us off again tonight. alex, thank you. and as i mentioned at the top tonight, there is an urgent hunt at this hour for a gunman who fired on a police station in
paso robles, california, shooting a deputy in the face. and then, a body found a mile away, someone shot dead. authorities do believe it s related. that community put on lockdown. and abc s will carr is in california. reporter: tonight, police are on the hunt for an active shooter wanted for attacking a police station in california. shots northeast of the building. reporter: authorities say this is the shooter, with that long, curly hair and dark beard. we feel that this was an ambush, that he planned it. reporter: the gunfire erupted early this morning, around 3:15, in downtown paso robles. the pd is advising they can hear gunfire coming from the east side of their station. reporter: the gunman shot and wounded a sheriff s deputy in front of the station. taking gunfire. at the dmv! copy. taking gunfire on ninth street at the dmv. keeps shooting at us! gunfire is coming from a southerly direction north of the dmv. reporter: that deputy is in serious but stable condition. later, around 7:00 a.m., police
discovered the body of a man near an amtrak station less than a mile away from the police department. the victim was shot in the head from close range and investigators believe this homicide is connected to the shooting this morning. within the past couple of minutes, authorities released a picture of the gunman. they say, without a doubt, he set out to kill police officers and this is the third time that members of law enforcement have been ambushed here in california in just the past couple of weeks. david? the scene playing out in paso robles, california, tonight. will, thank you. we have been reporting here on the growing pressure across this country from demonstrators and supporters to take down confederate symbols, and tonight, late word nascar is taking action, banning the confederate flag at all nascar events. driver bubba wallace wearing a t-shirt, saying, i can t breathe, black lives matter in recent days. u.s. military leaders have expressed a willingness to discuss renaming bases named after confederate generals. but tonight, president trump says that won t happen, saying
they are part of a great american heritage. here s our chief white house correspondent jonathan karl. reporter: president trump today firmly shot down the idea of changing the names of military bases named after confederate generals, tweeting, quote, my administration will not even consider the renaming of these magnificent and fabled military installations. in case anybody missed his tweets, he dispatched his press secretary to read his words aloud. these monumental and very powerful bases have become part of a great american heritage and a history of winning, victory and freedom. reporter: it comes just after the army announced, the secretary of defense and the secretary of the army are open to a bipartisan discussion on the topic. around the country, signs of the confederacy are coming down. now nascar is announcing a ban on confederate flags at all events. tonight, racing star bubba wallace s car will bear the words black lives matter. there are ten u.s. army bases named after confederate soldiers.
among those calling for that to change is retired general david petraeus, who wrote in the atlantic of the, quote, irony of training at bases named for those who took up arms against the united states and for the right to enslave others. he added, we do not live in a country to which braxton bragg, henry l. benning or robert e. lee can serve as an inspiration. acknowledging this fact is imperative. today, the president wouldn t answer questions on his decision. while the white house makes an impassioned defense of bases named for pro-slavery confederate soldiers, the president has yet to propose any specific reforms of police practices in the wake of george floyd s death. on capitol hill, republicans have tasked the only african-american republican senator to take the lead in coming up with a plan. we should all want to follow the lead as it relates, to, a, making sure we get something accomplished, and not just having pieces of legislation
they are for show. reporter: the white house press secretary said today the president is working, quote, quietly and diligently, to come up with a plan to address the concerns of the protesters, but we have heard nothing specific. so far, all we have heard is what he opposes. we are told the president opposes the idea of limiting the immunity now enjoyed by most police officers. that s an idea that democrats and some republicans say would make it easier to hold the police accountable for their actions. david? jon karl live at the white house. jon, thank you. i want to get right to abc s martha raddatz tonight, because martha, the army had said the defense secretary was, in fact, open to discussing renaming military bases named after confederate generals, but you heard what the president said today, essentially saying this won t happen. so, where does it stand tonight? reporter: well, david, the decision is technically up to an assistant secretary of the army, but given what trump has said, that would likely be professional suicide. but as you know, it was just last week that secretary of defense mark esper spoke out publicly against the president s
threat to use active duty military to quell protests and there has also been a growing chorus of retired military officers blasting trump s decision-making, so, you can t rule out the base names changing, but for now, that seems unlikely, david. all right, martha, our thanks to you, as well. now, the news this evening on the coronavirus. the number of cases spiking in several states across this country. and there s news tonight on a potential vaccine. tens of thousands of americans volunteering to get injected with potential vaccines on the horizon. so, what could this mean for any timeline for the rest of the country? here s matt gutman on that. reporter: tonight, the u.s. government saying tens of thousands of volunteers will soon receive injections with one of three of experimental vaccines. those injections are part of third phase of vaccine trials, the stage before possible approval. and dr. anthony fauci now saying there are no guarantees, but he s cautiously optimistic about at least one of them working.
we could have a vaccine either by the end of this calendar year or in the first few months of 2021. reporter: moderna beginning phase three trials in july, followed by the university of oxford and astra-zeneca s vaccine in august and johnson & johnson in september. the goal, to test their vaccine s safety and effectiveness. that, as at least 20 states plus puerto rico seeing increases in new cases and eight states reporting rising hospitalizations. in texas, hospitalizations jumped 40% since memorial day. officials there say it s too early to tell if that s because of the reopening, the protests or both. and in arizona, some experts say it might be time for another stay at home order. one doctor telling us they re maxing out of icu beds. reporter: david, the goal of a phase three trial is to determine how well a vaccine works. that s why they re casting an enormously wide net, up to
90,000 volunteers from all walks of life. half of them will be given a placebo, the other half, the actual vaccine. and it will later be determined who came down with coronavirus and how many of them show the presence of antibodies. david? and we know you ll stay on this. matt gutman, our thanks to you again tonight, as well. we re also following that developing headline in the case of two missing siblings from idaho. their step-father was in court today facing charges now after human remains were found on his property. and what the children s heartbroken grandparents said late today. here s marcus moore. reporter: tonight, the grandparents of two idaho children, missing since september, say their bodies have been found. but police not confirming they are the remains of 17-year-old tylee ryan and her brother, 7-year-old j.j. vallow, discovered during a search at chad daybell s home, their mother s new husband. we are aware that those remains are the remains of children. reporter: daybell appearing today before a judge today via zoom, facing two felony counts of destruction, alteration or concealment of evidence. mr. daybell, do you understand the allegations on both counts that have been brought against you? i do. reporter: mom lori vallow already behind bars after
refusing to tell police where the kids were. lori? can you tell me where your kids are? reporter: the couple under a cloud of suspicion for months after a string of deaths in the family. marrying in hawaii weeks after daybell s first wife died. vallow s husband killed last summer by her brother, who later died himself. friends and family insisting lori changed after meeting daybell, a religious author. after lori s arrest, daybell telling us the kids were safe. is there anything that you would like to say to people at all who are, number one, concerned about the kids or concerned about you and your wife, anything at all you want to say to them? just grateful for any support. reporter: tonight, j.j. and tylee s family saying, we are filled with unfathomable sadness that these two bright stars were stolen from us, and only hope that they died without pain or suffering. lori vallow has pleaded not guilty to child abandonment. meantime, she and her husband are both being held on $1 million bail and, david, daybell is due back in court in july. marcus, thank you.
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if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. ask your doctor about eliquis. and if your ability to afford. .your medication has changed, we want to help. finally, the legendary debate coach. eight decades at texas southern university, teaching until the end. and tonight, his students determined to make him proud. dr. thomas freeman was born on june 27th, 1919, in richmond, virginia. 1949 is when i came. the 60s, the 70s. reporter: he was tsu s debate coach and he was a legend. his students winning thousands of competitions over the years. dr. freeman remembering the
moment dr. martin luther king jr. approached him at a dinner. he stuck out his hand and said, dr. freeman, you don t remember me, but i remember you. you taught me. reporter: dr. freeman was just days from turning 101. he was still shaping minds. we spent time with the debate team. started at texas southern with doc. just a positive, beautiful experience that i ll never forget. reporter: the debate team president, prince, and dominique. and you talk about a man that came to work every day, at even 100. he didn t miss a day. even when we weren t there, he was still at work. reporter: and every student remembers their first interaction with dr. freeman. he would point to the piles of prose, of poetry in his office, telling the students to select something. and then, to read it. it was about more than debating, it was presentation, how to carry yourself, how to be heard. this was your first time interacting with dr. freeman.
yes. he does that with every single one of us. reporter: angelica. you re really nervous, because you ve never done this before. i went in there, like, i want to debate, because i want to be a lawyer, and he ll say, louder! make sure to correct you, and say, it s often. make sure you don t say it wrong. so, yeah. reporter: you ll never say it that way again. yeah. reporter: and they all told me they now know what he would expect in this time. al zsazan alexandria. it s a heavy time in america. and what would dr. freeman want from each of you in this moment? i think that dr. freeman, because he has always encouraged us to not only be articulate, but vocalize our plight in a way in which we can have the best outcome for ourselves. meaning that he s always pushed us to do our best. it s in our motto, we all know what we do, we do well, what we don t do well, we don t do it at
all. reporter: the faces that you see, black, white, latino, from every race, every background, every story, part of these protests. do you sense it s a turning point? absolutely do. reporter: what s your message to the country right now? that there s always hope. that you can always be better. that you don t have to settle. i think the message would be, there s power in your voice. you should definitely use it. definitely. reporter: well, i would say to your debate team, keep winning. we ll try. thank you. keep winning. vowing to carry the torch. it s about more than winning, he would say, and they have already made dr. freeman proud. thank you for watching here tonight. i m david muir. from all of us here at abc news, have a good evening. good night.
a silicon valley lab owner is under arrest. i ll explain. no one can say it won t happen again. it s just not possible. the man in charge of the alameda police department speaks only with abc7 news and our i-team. hear his take on the officers who arrested a black man for dancing in the streets. reporter: restaurants are reimagining opening. it s very upsetting and angering to see people like this individual taking advantage of what is happening in our community. new at 6:00, the first case by the u.s. department of justice related to securities fraud involves a silicon valley lab owner.

Man , Reporting , Breaking-news , Air , West , Police-station , George-floyd , Fire , Face , Prosecutors , Police-officer , Murder

Transcripts For CNN The Source With Kaitlan Collins 20240612

bars in clark county. you have potential victory is lying in those sales at least for now. i want to i guess is it makes a huge difference night, i step toward voters like elliot carver hall having their voices heard, it felt a little bit of empowerment, a little slow, a little tiny bit sara marie joins us now from las vegas. so this is the first time he s running boost had been used. how did the process go? it went pretty smoothly, although there were voters who showed up to vote and found out they were actually registered in a different county or in some cases, in a different state, which is negating the education gap that still exist for those who are behind bars. there were dozens of folks who wanted to vote from the jail today and we expect that that s going to number is going to be even longer when we get to the general election in november. this was sort of a dry run for the big event coming up, anderson be interesting to do polling and see if they re running for it? sir, maria, thanks so much in news continues. the source of kaitlan collins starts now i m kaitlin collins. welcome to the source tonight. president biden wasn t scheduled to be back home in wilmington or what happened? inside the delaware courtroom earlier, abruptly changed his plants is only surviving son, hunter biden was convicted on all three felony gun charges just that he was facing today. hours later, hunter biden was standing on the tarmac, as you can see here, to greet his father when marine one landed in delaware it was striking to see the two of them embrace for the first time since that guilty verdict came down. in his only comment so far on the matter, president biden said, in part in his statement i am the president, but i am also a dad because he also praised his son for overcoming a battle with drug addiction. but this conviction also comes in the middle of a presidential election. there was also a message tonight and biden statement regarding his role as president he said that he will accept the outcome of this case, that he does accepted and they also respect the judicial process, seeming to reiterate a promise that he made last week that he won t part in. hunter biden but as biden balances both being an english parent and president in-between the verdict and that we re union that you just saw there on the tarmac. he also gave a speech on gun safety in washington it s time once again, do what i did when i was a senator, ban assault weapons before that speech, that was preplanned. i should note before the verdict came down this morning, it was in the delaware courtroom where the jury s decision on hunter biden was unanimous, guilty but notably three jurors told cnn after that they question whether or not these charges should have been brought at all a fourth, that was known to only us as juror number ten, said no politics were at play when they were deliberating their decision pressure, inviting never really even came in to play for me. you kinda put that out of your mind. politics was not even spoken about the first family was not even spoken about. it was all it was all about hunter and of course, as we know it, as far from over for hunter biden, he is facing sentencing on the gun conviction that is going to come at the height of the general presidential election and another potentially even more serious trial on tax charges. this fall. few people know more about the personal toll that this is taken on president biden than my source tonight. evan owls knows is one of the country s foremost biden biographers and a cnn contributor. he is the author of joe biden, their life, the run and what matters now and having joins me now, i mean, there s basically no precedent for what we are seeing right now. a president s a sitting president s immediate family member has never been convicted on any kind of crime while they were in office. and i just wonder what you make of it, what stood out to you have how president biden reacted today? yeah, it is something extraordinary to see. i mean, he is balancing these two distinct roles as father and as president and on some level, this combination of private life and public life has been at the center of his relationship with hunter since hunter was a baby after all you remember, of course, his mother was killed in that car accident when he was a toddler, joe biden at that point was between being elected and being sworn into the senate his hunters entire life has been in some ways straddling the struggles, the privileges, the choices, the risks that come with that. and i think of this tonight is a moment in some ways, it s part of this long arc, this really sort of epic american political story. yeah. i mean, the family seemed surprised when this came down today. it did it happened relatively quickly. hunter biden himself is not even at the courthouse today and you saw them them rushing back in there and including the first lady, jill biden. but after we didn t see any of this anguish or they re real response in front of the cameras. at least we saw the embracing the tarmac what do you think it s like behind closed doors and wilmington tonight? yeah. they ve got abundant experience of tragedy on some level, and tragedy is not to be exculpatory here when nobody and least of all, joe biden is saying that hunter biden didn t make choices that lead to this result. but they have also learned over the years about how you get through this. they turn inward. they have this. it s not a coincidence that they re going to wilmington for this. that s sort of the ancestral homeland and they go there and they meet as a family. they have these traditions of these family meetings and the line that you often hear in politics from biden is that through pain you have to find purpose. it can sound like it s a line, except that for him, it is at the core of how he gets through this. and i can tell you that is no question what he is telling the other members of his family that if we re going to get through this part of our purpose is to demonstrate that nobody is above the law that a president does not interfere in the activity because of the court that a jury can still find its way to a result even in a time of intense partisanship, you ve spent a lot of time with biden. i and his family as you are writing your book, did you ever think that you d see a day like today? i ll be frank. no, i think when i first started interviewing joe biden back in 2014, a decade ago, beau biden was alive. it was actually kind of a hopeful moment in the course of his treatment. they thought that they might have had some good news. and in so many ways, this story, the one we are inhabiting today is the result of beau biden s death in 2015. it was like a bomb that went off in that family and i have to say one of the things we learned from this trial and it really was a revelation even to people who know the family well was the depth to which the impact of addiction rippled all the way through hallie biden, as we heard, of course, also ended up involved with crack cocaine. it was just a a period of his life and i think as as political observers, we study president s not only because it helps us understand the choices they in make the pressures that they re under. but it s also a reflection of ourselves, of our country and our time and what this family was going through between 2015 and 2021 and all toya all the way up to today is in itself a very american story as someone who studies biden. i mean, what is it? what did you take away from? they already had this pre-planned event on gun safety at the white house, which i think a lot of people were thinking to themselves. i mean, the timing here is unbelievable, but he came out, he didn t give the full speech. she actually was going to talk about a new gun restrictions that the doj has enacted what that has resulted in. he did not he spoke about it more broadly. his speech that had been previously planned, but he didn t seem to give anything away. i don t want i saw that speech. yeah, not a word. i think there s a way that he has drawn this bright line between what s happening with the family and what s happening in politics. and it can almost look, i think a little awkward because people are expecting him to talk about this thing in his life. but he is so concerned that it will be turned into a talking point by his opponent that i think he s almost going out of his way not to talk about well, i wonder how, how does a way on him when he hears three jurors who told cnn obviously they voted. this was unanimous. they voted to convict, but they were asking themselves if this would have been brought it all had he not been a hunter biden. that s been a fact for awhile. i mean, joe biden is said to have told people around him that he knows that had he not continued on in politics, that his son might not be facing the charges that must really weigh on it. i think to tap that i think it s a very heavy burden and look the joe biden s decision to be in public life as long as he has has added to the pressure on hunter biden, joe biden has always known for a long time that the gene of addiction, which is in this family is in hunter biden his life and by staying in politics, by being is exposed as they are in some ways, it has put pressures on hunter biden, and i do think that weighs on the president. and obviously officers coming in the middle of the election year, we will talk in a second about how republicans are handling this. but how does biden handle this at the debate? i don t think anyone thinks it s gonna have a huge impact on the election, but we ll see, but how does he handle it for the debate trump, who of course, at the last debate brought up a hunter biden. i think in the broader sense, there is a way in which this adds to the psychic load of what he is contending with. i mean, if you think about the middle please do you think about the us and now of course, within his own family, actually though as a pro, as a political matter and in the debate that s actually an area where joe biden knows how to handle this. you remember in 2020 there was a moment when he essentially telegraph very clearly back-off. i love my son and actually, and the data in the campaign was clear about this. that was a moment that americans responded to. i think there is some piece of the public that says we want to see not only that president, but also that dad. yeah. everyone else and it s great to have you on this. thank you for joining us. pleasure. of course, as i mentioned, the fallout from this verdict is already happening in a fast and furious way from capitol hill all the way to mar-a-lago. tonight, joining us here also, andrew mccabe, the former fbi deputy director and cnn senior law enforcement analyst, ashley allison, scene and political commentator and the former coalitions director for the 2020 biden campaign. and also david urban, cnn, senior political commentator and former trump campaign adviser. so we really got the entire gamut here. and andrew mccabe. but let me start with you because we did hear from the special counsel, david weiss today, someone we have not heard from very often in this case, he came out and spoke after the guilty verdict no one in this country is above the law everyone must be accountable for their actions. even this defendant however hunter biden, should be no more accountable than any other citizen convicted of this same conduct obviously, andrew mccabe, a hunter biden s legal team has made clear they re going to challenge this, but this is not the end of the legal exposure. legal troubles front or biden. he s got another case pending this november or this fall yeah katelyn, he s not out of the woods by a long shot. the case that he has coming up in september on the tax charges very serious case, and it s one that on its own brings the threat of much more extensive potential jail time. now, of course, they ll go into that case, having already been convicted of another felony, so he s no longer considered a first-time offender in the resolution of the tax case, which could make his penalties if he s convicted even more intense okay. so you do believe age or became that it would it could impact the outcome of the case potentially yeah, there s no question. he goes into that case now is having been recently convicted of another totally unrelated offense. so that s not a good thing for him. i think it was interesting that weiss made those comments about the fact that hunter biden should not be held more accountable than anybody else there s no question that this the trial was conducted in the way you would expect to see any criminal trial conducted. the prosecutors had an overwhelming amount of evidence. their case went in very smoothly. the defense had a very, very limited range of motion to work with here, trying to get the jury to basically thread the eye of a needle and focus on the fact that hunter allegedly wasn t taking drugs the day he bought the gun that was kind of a hail mary pass and obviously didn t work for them. all of that aside, despite the validity of this jury verdict, i think mr. weiss is going to have some really tough questions to answer in the long run about the broader decisions that he made along this path. why he offered such a favorable plea deal that he then walked away from and wouldn t give back to the defendant once when he asked her that initially. so there s a lot of questions about why hunter biden was held to this standard. maybe prosecuted in a way that most other defendants who might be who were allegedly involved in similar conduct would not have been held to the same standard. those questions are still i think hanging out there for me. yeah, weiss, it we don t often see a case like this broad as we ve noted and looked at the historical context david, can we talk about how the trump campaign responded to this day? because obviously republicans talk about hunter biden a lot, but this i noticed this today with the trump campaign where they first released a version of the state of a statement on what happened criticizing biden, criticizing his family, essentially saying that hunter biden should have been charged with with other things. but at the end, on the initial statement, they said, quote, as for hunter, we wish him well, in his recovery and legal affairs okay. but then they retracted that and put out another one striking that last line and no longer wishing him well and then resending the statement all together. what do you make of that? well well, kaitlan, i like i like the first version better, right? obviously, nobody wants to see anybody languish in an addiction and spiral downward any more than they already have been. and is well chronicled on the laptop and is andrew pointed out correctly, september 5, hunter biden stands trial. again on these tax charges, which is what are much more serious, they re seven charges, i think three felonies and for misdemeanor charges, he is facing for not paying over $1,000,000.5 in taxes over a five-year period on $7,000,000 earned and so he s he s in for, some rough sledding ahead and two, your earlier get to evan s point earlier, it s going to be right in the middle of that campaign, september 5th. and it was kinda right when people are getting ramped up in campaign season. and that s gonna be weighing heavily on joe biden mind, he is not campaigning and it s going to be in the news every day is american goods are contemplating what they re gonna do. i don t think it s going to have a positive impact on who votes for whom, but people republicans are going to point back to the laptop and the 50 plus national security individuals who said the laptop was rushing russian interference camp the pain and it wasn t real. and in this case, the laptop with the fbi said laptop was real. israel could be so it s going to provide a bunch of fodder for the campaigns. for the republican campaign moving forward. yeah. i just wanted to when we ve had any of those officials who ve signed that letter, james clapper, brennan, we ve talked to them about putting their name on that and what not but ashley, in the sense of this of what we re hearing from republicans and then struggling to kind respond to this. some of them are saying that they believe that conviction is kind of dumb in the words of one of them. in other situations they ve been arguing there was this two-tiered system of justice, but, but i mean the president s son was just convicted by his justice department yeah. i mean, it s interesting to see republicans contort themselves in certain moments to make the story work for them. downtown was prosecuted. will the state a state-level charge not joe biden, they blamed joe biden now, hunter hunter biden. joe biden s son is prosecuted by the department of justice, who joe biden are president nominated attorney general, and they still are not satisfied i love i think at the end of the day, i agree with david in terms of there will be another case that hunter biden and involved in. and i do not think that these outcomes of the case particularly related to joe biden, son joe biden, like donald trump, but joe biden s son will be determined them on how voters actually the decide to vote in the fall. but what i do get allows an opportunity to do is to draw a contrast. yet again, on how the two 21 former president, one current president, who both our fathers approach the situation, talk about the situation, handled it with compassion or lack of compassion, handle it with honesty. and i think that will be in there ll be opportunity hey, this fall to see the state contrast how one side handles it versus the other. well, and we heard from the house speaker mike johnson on this listen to what he told manu raju today. david mr. speaker, you ve been saying two-tier system of justice for some time. here s the president sayyed being convicted on three counts as that undercut your it doesn t every case is different and clearly the evidence is overwhelming here i don t think that s the case and the trump trials and all the charges because it had been brought against that have been obviously brought for political purposes. a hunter biden is a separate instance okay. but david, is that really i mean, it does undercut the claims that it s a two tiered system what it does, it look, everyone s saying, look, two things can be true here, right? people are saying, oh, this wouldn t have been brought if hunter biden wasn t joe biden? in sun, but yet nobody is saying that same thing, right? except maybe for fareed zakaria, that nobody would have brought the case against donald trump if you weren t his name work donald trump so possibly both those things are true in this and these both cases, and i think that s what s getting republicans goats here. andrew mccabe, can i just get your thought on this? i mean, you were the deputy director vector of the fbi. how do you view this in the sense of, you the rule of law and justice system overall and how that is. but this new political weapon at the center of everything caitlin, i spent my entire professional life in it. the justice system in this country is not perfect. it s got a lot of flaws, but it is not two tiered. i have also seen that people who have outcomes, they don t like, generally don t like the system. and people who have favorable outcomes, they like it this politics aside, that s basically what shapes people s opinions i guess the speaker believes that his own judgments about the quality of evidence in each individual prosecution, which he admits they re all very different, his own judgment about those things should supersede the decisions of judges and juries. i disagree with that but i guess we ll just have to leave it there and i should note figure johnson was not actually in the courtroom. we were listening to all of that evidence, of course, andrey cave, ashley, i ll send david urban great to have you all talking about this, breaking it down with us tonight. thanks thanks for having me. i head, stop the steal flags and now the wife of the supreme court justice samuel alito is condemning the pride flag and more lots of flag talk. it s all in tape will let you listen to it in a moment also for her republican house speaker unloading on former president donald trump tonight, holding nothing back truly he is a populist. he s not a conservative this populism is untethered to principles presidents, the former under our leadership, the forgotten man and woman, will be forgotten. he no longer the current typography is still a sacred qarrah. there s no country in the world better positioned to lead the world on who will be the next, the most anticipated? they did moment of this election, the weight only cnn can bring it to you moderated by jake tapper and dana bash to cnn presidential debates thursday, june 27, unknown live on cnn and streaming on max start your 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talked about moving no thank you. you could use open door. so your house cleaner, and enjoy a spotless house for $19 filing earth would liev schreiber sunday at night on cnn tonight one of the former leaders of the republican party is unloading on the indisputable current one. and a new interview. the former house speaker, paul ryan called donald trump unfit for office. in squarely blaming him for republican losses up and down the ballot so he s process a lot of seats. i could probably spend some time to come with the numbers he causes senate twice. he causes the house because he has nominated. he is pushing through the primaries. people who cannot win general elections, but who pledged fealty to him. that s not a good way to build and grow a party without relationships still is ic as ever, we re also learning that another relationship may be on the verge of thawing out donald trump and senator mitch mcconnell will share the same air for the first time in nearly four years this week as after mcconnell confirmed to cnn today that he will be at that meeting, trump is having with senate republicans in washington on thursday. now this is so notable because donald trump and mitch mcconnell have not spoken since december of 2020 it was shortly before the january 6 attack on the capitol for which mcconnell, as we all remember, and that floor speech said trump was practically and morally responsible for what happened then of course four years later. and a remarkable turnaround, mcconnell announced in march that he will be voting for donald trump come november by source on all this tonight is former republican congressman adam kinzinger, who served on the january 6 congressional committee and gardens and just first off, what do you make of trump s upcoming meeting with senate republicans, but also the fact we don t know if they ll actually interact. it s not that big of a crown bit, but the donald trump in mitch mcconnell will be around each other for the first time in four years. well obviously the meeting itself isn t surprising. mitch mcconnell meeting with trump really isn t surprising. he s a political animal at his core. i mean, he s a he does some honorable things like the support for ukraine and stuff like that, but he s made it clear from the very beginning that he will support the republican nominee money i wish he wouldn t because, i mean, obviously, he could stay away. he could not say anything at all. and it s pretty obvious he s not going to be there in a number of years. so why not go out with the legacy? so it s too bad, but like i said, i m not surprised at all well, i mean, it s essentially the opposite of what we are hearing from paul ryan. he said is now voting for trump. he s going to write someone and he did that in 2020. so it s not a surprise. but this is what he said to neil cavuto about why he can t bring himself to vote for donald trump i think it really is just character at the another day and the fact that if you re willing to put yourself about the constitution and oath new or swear when you take office in federal office where there s president, remember? for congress, you swear an oath to the constitution. and if we re willing to suborn, it to yourself, i think that makes you unfit for office why do you think that other republicans more republicans who feel the same way, paul ryan does, don t say it i don t know when i wish they did. i mean, i look, there s reality that members of congress and former members of congress, particularly, or ones that are leaving don t want to make the party mad because they can go make a bunch of money lobbying after that. and so a lot of them stay quiet, which is why people asked me how can somebody that s leaving stays quiet? you don t want to tick off the party. i m very proud of paul ryan for saying that because he could have stayed silent. he could have not said anything, but he made a very clear, concise case for why he he s unqualified and on the point about the constitution law, caitlin when i swore in to congress, i did not take enough to my district. i didn t take an oath to the 700,000 people i represented. i took an oath to the constitution of the united states. that is the most important thing more than any issue. we re than any tax rate. the most important thing is, are we going to uphold these basic principles because democracy can t survive if you don t. so i think paul the speaker, made a very compelling case. he did it in front of an audience that didn t want to hear that. and i hope he says it more. it didn t talk about people though who are political animals that are interested in keeping their jobs on capitol hill. i mean, i think they look at this in a cynical way and say, okay, well, if i say what paul brian s out there saying, look at paul ryan, he s no longer in washington. he is no longer the house speaker. he left he s out why would i take that route if that s going to portend my fate? yeah. and let s look, it s true. you will be kicked out. the question is of conscience what is most important to you, a title, an identity. i mean, those are powerful things where you re conscience or your country, or the legacy that you leave. and so these people look at him, they ll look at, you know, liz cheney and i this is what a colt does by the way, it takes a few people that are out of line that don t swear fealty to the leader. they kick him out they politically execute them, and it sends a message to everybody else, don t get out of line. and that s why over the last eight years, we ve seen increasing, not just loyalty to trump but increasingly members of congress, for instance unwilling to go outside, criticized him for anything unwilling to go outside of what other whatever his daily orthodoxy is, which has nothing to do with conservatism and look, it s really just a question of conscience i m glad you said that about conservatism because this is what paul ryan s essential take was on what trump has done to the republican party. obviously, your lifelong republican, this is what he said also today i m a conservative republican. he is a populist. he s not a conservative. i want to see someone who s, who has fidelity to principles. i would prefer a party that is based on principles not personality or populism this populism is untethered to principles, but is that the future of the republican party mean that is the direction it seems to be moving in more and more look it depends how far in the future i think in a year, yet still that party i think if you fast forward ten years, i believe there s not going to be a person on this planet alive that will ever admit they support it and donald trump, because i think look, if he loses, obviously he s a loser once again. and that has a way of basically waking people up in a movement or in a political party, even if he wins, he s president for four years. very few presidents come out of that more popular than they went in america will be exhausted of him. and i i think the republican party will start to eat them up by the end of that. that s my optimistic view. but then somebody else could come along and run that same formula. and so who knows, but this is why people like paul ryan speaking out talking about being a conservative. but now being called a rhino, not because of what he believes but because he s not pledging to leave agents to a man and steady pledges, allegiance to a constitution congressman adam kinzinger. thank you you bet. if tonight there were not enough controversy surrounding the supreme court and won justices in particular, especially justice samuel alito. tonight, thursday, new one to keep up when it s a secret recording that is now been published of his wife or the end talking about flying even more politicized flags will play it for you after a quick break. alder chains is cold, calculating, cynical, and needs the money. not only was the cia compromise heel so was compromised secrets and spies, a nuclear game 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surreptitious audio recording of the justice samuel alito and his wife, martha. and it was captured by a liberal activists who posed as a sympathetic, sympathetic supporter. and like-minded admirer i want sacred heart of jesus because i had to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. exactly and he s like, oh, please don t put a flag. i can i won t do it because i m deferring to you. but when you are free of this nonsense get up and i m going to send them a message every day this audio of course, coming to light after the new york times first reported on two flags that were flown on alito properties including an upside down american flag, which became the symbol for the stop the steal movement around january 6, justice alito responded to that in a letter to congress saying that the response to that reporting, blaming his wife for putting those flags up tonight, their neighbor in the alitos house, emily baden, said that she believes that everything that has happened, everything new here on this audio proofs are right absolute horror if there s one thing that is the basic job description of a supreme court justice. it is to remain impartial and with the upside-down flag, with the appeal to heaven flag. samuel alito has shown that he is not impartial here tonight. the vernon jordan chair and civil rights at howard university law school. cheryl, an ipl and it s great to have you here. i should note, we ve heard the full recording. this is just what has been posted online that we can hear but from what we did here i wonder what stood out the most to you and all of this audio that is mostly about martha-ann alito, but also we re from justice alito himself as well yeah. katelyn, i am focused as well on the recording involving the justice himself. justice alito and the parts that i found most disturbing, probably the part that i find most concerning is when the reporter says that we need to return this country to godliness. and he says, yes, i agree with you. i find this to be a very shocking statement coming from a supreme court justice in a democracy like hours, which is not a democracy ruled by a particular religion you know, when john kennedy was asked whether as president his allegiance would be to the catholic church or to the constitution. he said, i swear an oath to the constitution. and that is what will guide my, thinking and my work. as president of the united states. i would ve expected justice alito or any justice on the supreme court to say the same and then similarly, i was very alarmed by his endorsement of the idea that it is impossible to compromise around a set of issues that people feel passionately about. the very nature of the judicial function on an appellate court like the supreme court, is to engage in compromise, to engage in conversation, to find a way towards an answer. justice alito is fond of citing brown versus board of education, which is indeed a magician important decision that changed american democracy. but it was born of compromise to get to a unanimous decision striking down separate but equal required months of work and wrangling. but but ultimately, the court created a unanimous decision because they understood the importance of coming before the country as one speaking to such a volatile issue and what justice alito essentially said was that he concedes he gives into the idea that there are simply things he cannot compromise on and that the two, what he calls the two sides cannot compromise on. and his framing of these decisions as well. winners and losers also suggests something that is, that i think is contrary to how we think about the judicial function. what does it say to you that we haven t heard from justice alito since these recordings were published? well, i d say a few things. kaitlan that i think we should be keeping our eye on. first of all, as, you know, senator durban is going to try to move forward. the senate ethics bill that he and senator whitehouse have put together that s obviously going to be a difficult thing to do, but he s determined to do to it. and when he was asked why he s doing this, pushes it because of the recordings. he said it is not because of the recordings and he said it was because of a financial disclosures and ethic statements. and i would remind everyone that justice thomas issued new disclosures, just a few weeks ago revealing trips from 2019. so quite late. and justice alito sought a 90 day extension, which he was granted so there may be other shoe to drop so we don t know. and i think that justice alito is not going to respond to every drip and drop of the revelations that are coming out. i think he responded last week around recusal from the case because that is imminent. yeah. but i don t think he intends to respond to each of these allegations. we saw him respond to that because they were asking him to recuse himself. he said he didn t fill he didn t think that it met the standard here. but cash you something else though because i m curious as we talk about this is i wonder what you would say to people who listen to this recording in their responses. well, i m uncomfortable or i m skeptical of this because it was someone posing as a conservative supporter or a sympathizer of what the alitos deal with. i wonder what you would say two people who raise questions about that when they listen to these audio recordings yeah. i mean if the questions are about the ethics of recording someone pretending that you are sympathetic to their cause. that is one set of questions that i think are actually not the focus of our concern. i think that the focus is that justice alito was speaking in an environment where he felt very comfortable. he was speaking unreservedly. he had a sounded as though he were speaking quite sincerely as did mrs. alito. and what was also interesting was that it confirmed much of the account that was given to us by the neighbor of the very disturbing account about what was happening winning between them in that community. and even that violates at least as i read it, the court s own code of conduct that they released in november last year in response to pressure that they were getting after the revelations of financial disclosures, many of us have criticized that code but that code does say that adjusted should require similar conduct by those subject to the justices control in terms of harassing behavior and conduct, simply saying it was my wife who hung the flag or it was my wife who was engaged in the altercation by their own standards is not enough so we learned a lot from that recording that i think is important, and we ll be watching closely for the disclosure as well. cheryl, an i fold great to have you. thank you thank you. caitlin. and i should note that tonight on laura coates live, you will hear new audio of justice samuel alito. it comes from the person that we were just talking about, those recorded this the liberal activists, lauren windsor, she ll share. new excerpts from her secret recordings. that s tonight at 11:00 p.m. eastern up next here, that when the source it is primary night here in america, it was your monitoring critical races that could sway the balance of power our in washington. one major question is, did ousted house speaker kevin mccarthy and get his revenge? she was seeking tonight a brand new scene and projection right after the break hey, mom, how many should i decorated have ran have blue that s a really tough call. who are you if you look at the latest data, you re probably going to need a lot of those purple sprinkles how this guy, when he knows his stuff i, bought the tape. i ll put it on my chase freedom unlimited call and i m a cashback on a few other things to data with the sound system. from deep step one more thing, the team owner gets five minutes again, because rose i like it. i ll break the clay back like a pro would chase freedom and limits. how do you catch back? jason, make more 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27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max breaking news as cnn can now project that republican congress amend nancy mace will win her south carolina primary tonight former house speaker kevin mccarthy tried to take her down by supporting one of her challengers after mace and seven other other republicans voted to oust mccarthy from the speakership last year. his revenge tour, not playing out though necessarily as he predicted. if you ve watched her, just her philosophy and the flip-flopping yeah. i don t believe she went through election cnn s senior political data reporter harrington is here as these primary results are coming in, not just in south carolina, but also across the country. and obviously, the mace race was interesting because she had kind of didn t hesitate to criticize trump previously, especially after january 6, that all changed as she was facing this challenge. listen to what she said in her acceptance speech tonight about president trump i also want to give a giant heartfelt thank you to the 45th and 47th president of united states for his support. president trump, south carolina will have your back in november how much of an impact did he have in this race? i didn t hurt. right. i mean, last time around in 2022, nancy mace barely squeaked by in that primary against kt arrington when she was seen as more of the anti-trump candidate. now she has this massive advantage and that kind of lines up with what we ve seen throughout this cycle, which is when trump makes an endorsement in either governor s race those are congressional races. his candidates have always one and 2024, at least before tonight. and the other thing i will note is somebody cares, at least in the republican primary electorate, what kevin mccarthy has to say, he s not the speaker anymore. the idea that he could go on this revenge tour and somehow get revenge against these candidates. these voters care about donald trump. he runs a reply publican party, not kevin mccarthy. yeah, there was some funding that kevin mccarthy helped with with mazes challenger, but but that was pretty much it. but we re also projecting that the republican michael ruling is going to win that that special election in ohio s six congressional district. this obviously matters because right now republicans having teeny tiny majority in the house and heal help with that margin just to teeny tiny bit. yeah. yeah. he ll help in that. but really what s interesting to me there is the margin which is he s not winning by a whole heck of a lot of the margin i last checked around was about ten percentage points. and why that s important, it s trump won that district by nearly 30 points. this is just another example of democrats turning out and high numbers in these special elections democrats are highly engaged and that s the thing they re hoping for come november, right? that this highly engaged electorate that they re seeing in these special elections will translate come november and their voters were turnout and trump s voters perhaps won t. okay, so that s interesting. so he wanted the district by how much in 2020 trump won it by a little less than 30 percentage twice and now you re seeing how close that is in that race is exactly right, and that s something we ve seen throughout the special elections since roe v. wade was overturned as democrats been outperforming their 2020 basin and democrats are hoping that translates to 2024. but of course there ll be a much wider turnout in 2024. the question is, how much larger? well, that turned out, actually, yeah, and highly engaged voters important can i ask you? we re going to talk about a few of the other races were still waiting on some polls so close in nevada, cui talk about what is happening with george santos, your war, the associated press is reporting tonight that the former congressman who has, we know is facing federal fraud charges right now, has just one. this bid from a judge to be able to go and visit the poker nose and pennsylvania yeah from a judge essentially granting his request to be able to leave the state to go to this area. it s restricted as a condition of his release while he awaits trial, but he is going to be at least allowed to go to the poker news, isn t that nice? you know, he can go skiing and the poke anos perhaps that could be my winter vacation come next year, the next time i take a winter vacation, i can go to the polk and maybe still a little bit with george santos and have a good time. i mean, george santos is the gift that keeps on giving. that s really all it is. his comedic relief and a political world in which everything seems to go wrong. and so down he is the comedic relief that actually allows us to smile once in a while when talking about politics, people don t ski in this summer, harry, you know what asking, taken water ski. why don t we go to a water park with george santos? we could do that. skiing s is for all seasons i ll leave that to your arians and i know you re keeping an eye on all these racism. we will to thank you for that. up next and i go to a concerning development that happened as the feds have now arrested eight foreigners who have suspected ties to isis, how they enter the united states according to our cnn sources, that s next to a cnn special event. it s time to celebrate freedom progress and the trailblazers who paved the way this is a festive day for all black americans. we still have a lot of work to do, joins cnn s victor blackwell for a native interviews the performance is by john legend, fatty new bill, smoky robinson, and so much more cnn s vegetable, june, celebrating freedom legacy wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn kate made progress with her mental health, but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia or td so her doctor prescribed us dead oh, xr a once-daily td treatment for adults costello xr significantly reduced katie td movements. some people saw 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realisation hits are going to sell the house don t worry, just selling, buying one move when you start with open door. wow. her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. beta prostate, find it at walmart news night with abby phillip next on cnn closed captioning brought to you by guilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands, it has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices new every day, hurry. they ll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70%, an sop tom today some breaking news for you. this evening as sources are now telling cnn that eight foreigners with the suspected ties to isis have now just been arrested here in the united states. we are told they re rounded up in los angeles, new york, and philadelphia on immigration charges and law enforcement sources tell cnn that they came in through the southern border, the us southern border, and they were screened by us officials, but apparently no red flags at the time investigators later discovered possible links to isis members overseas, which is what triggered this initial federal investigation. here tonight, danielle harvey and the former head of intelligence for the decent dc homeland security department, i mean, how concerning is it that homeland security officials and how worried are they after seeing this about potential terrorists, people with ties to isis exploiting the us southern border to enter the united states well, the good news is that the system worked, right? so let s just everyone take a deep breath. federal officials caught these individuals. they investigated them, they track them down. they have them in custody. so this is exactly how it s supposed to unfold. why didn t catch them when they entered is a whole different conversation. they will have to hear soon as the investigation goes through, it may be because of what we call trade craft. these individuals may have hidden their intention. they may be well coached. there may be a larger conspiracy at play. and if federal officials followed them that look at some of their communication, some of their activities, and deemed that they were a threat. so that s good news. they were caught the bad news is as christopher wray in an april and many cbp customs and border protection high-level officials have told members of congress and the public that they re concerned about terrorist and known as what we call k asts, known suspected terrorists, and people in the no fly list sneaking across the southern border because of the the volume of individuals that are coming and the number of countries are coming from. i mean, this is exactly what we ve heard from republican critics of the southern border and how it s being handled at this moment is a concern that this something like this could happen and the system not working yeah, it s always a concern, especially when we would call them up the gottaways. so if you look at if one in every hundred thousand individuals who get away is a known as suspected terrorists. you can have dozens or hundreds of individuals that could potentially threats and so this is a wake-up call to all

Hunter-biden , Verdict , Tarmac , Parent , It-s-time , Washington , Speech-on-gun-safety , English , Bars , Clark-county , Sales , Victory

Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240612

we can secure our world. don t just use a password alone. mfa sends a call, a text or a code to your phone. learn more at that s how we can secure our world! on that note, i wish you a very good night. from all our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thank you for staying up late. i will see you tomorrow. tonight on all in. as we deliberate, we reached a verdict pretty quickly. the president s son found guilty of violating federal gun laws. no one in the country is above the law. everyone must be accountable for their actions. what the verdict means and does not mean about the rule of law in america. everyone is saying where is hunter? two tiered system of just a we have. the campaign led by compact is vetting potential running mates. i don t know. certainly, like, you committed a crime. the alito scandal that will not end. you know what i want? i want a sacred heart of jesus flag because i have to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the month. jamie raskin on the push to get answers from the supreme court. can you tell us about how the supreme court and specifically the chief justice have addressed the scandals? all in starts right now. good evening from new york. i m chris hayes. in a political era marked by seemingly never ending string of historic firsts, there s another one today. a record decision the conservatives received with glee. hunter biden has been found guilty on all counts in his gun trial. federal trial in wilmington. hunter biden, the last living son of the sitting president was convicted today on three felony counts related to his lying on a federal firearms application in 2018 by not disclosing the struggles with drug addiction. he had the gun for 11 days. hunter biden now faces as much as 25 years in prison and his father, president biden, did not blast the case is a which one or target the prosecutors, judge, and jurors some of whom called into cable news shows to discuss the verdict with no major fears for their own safety in this high-profile case. president biden did not shake his fist at the justice system. he put up the statement. as i said last week, i am the president but i am also a debt. jill and i love our son and we are proud of the man he is today. so many families who ve had loved ones battle addiction understand the feeling of pride seeing someone, the other side and be so strong and resilient in recovery. as i also said, will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process is hunter considers an appeal. jill and i will always be there for hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will ever change that. i find that genuinely touching. love of family, respect for the process. its income incredibly stark contrast to the ceaseless barrage of absolutely unhinged authoritarian histrionics we all witnessed last month. remember? not just from donald trump but the entire republican party. other people dressing up as donald trump who went to the courthouse so he will pick them to be the vice president and mob chanting for them to be hanged. all of them calling to tear down the entire judicial system are casting aspersions at new york jurors or near justice for the judge or the prosecutor. all because their nominee got caught falsifying business records and was convicted unanimously by a jury of his peers on 34 felony counts. this was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt . a rigged trial, a disgrace. this is like the soviet style thing. show me the person and i ll show you the crime. it was a smear job. it was an attack job. it s what you see in a banana republic. the problem is democrats have crossed the line. it s a justice system the hunch republicans while protecting democrats. this was a hoax. a sham. do we want to become a country where we jail political opponents? republicans and protects democrats. what do you think the party affiliation of hunter biden is? and so, this hunter biden conviction is as clear a moment of contrast as possible between the two major coalitions, the major parties and political polls today. what did illustrates is one party under donald trump, and this is important, has placed itself outside the american constitution while the other still trying to defend and uphold of. that was closed in january 6 but at that time, particularly the aftermath, there was palpable horror among republicans. lots of them talking how horrified they were. re-signing from the administration and all that. there was a sense the party wanted to distance themselves from trump s lawlessness. that was then. today they are fully united as a party in opposition to that. attitude typified by possibly the most powerful conservative you ve never heard of russ vought, portions of the heritage foundation project 2025 on how to remake the executive branch in a trump presidency. this week, the washington post identified russ vought as a potential chief of staff and the trump administration even if he lays out his vision for a post-constitutional presidency to turn the government into a flatly authoritarian project or failing that, just a mafia state. reporting that he is help craft proposals from trump to deploy the military to quash civil unrest, seize control of the justice department, and assert the power of appropriations and that s just on trump s first day back. democrats are not just making statements of faith and the legal institutions, they have taken reelections to preserve those institutions and their independence. no better example of this is the prosecution of one hunter biden. remember how this started? back in 2018 under david weiss, the u.s. attorney the trump- appointed in delaware, the fbi probed hunter biden and there were subpoenas but no charges. remember, trump grew angry at that, quote, was justice department had not publicized the investigation into his opponent s son during the 2020 election. after trump lost that election, republicans insisted president biden would obstruct justice to keep his son free and they called for a special counsel to investigate hunter biden. when the new president comes in, it s his right to replace any u.s. attorney who wants in the usually do. been replaced donald trump s appointees at doj except for two. john durham who bill barr tasked with investigating the rusher probe, trump special. and david weiss who was investigating his own son. that is because the new president, at the pains of a possible criminal conviction of his surviving son in recovery wanted no appearance of impropriety or of fearon s. merrick garland went a step forward. and he appointed david weiss as special counsel to make sure his work on the hunter biden case was independent. that was a move that republicans opposed? the republicans in the house judiciary, david weiss can t be trusted. it s a new way to whitewash the biden family s corruption. after all of that and a plea deal that was worked out with hunter biden but ultimately rejected by the courts, he ended up charging the president s son for an weapons are rarely prosecuted that even trey gaudi, the far right ex- congressman and former prosecutor could scarcely believe. i did gun prosecutions for six years. i went after convicted felons. i went after people who were fugitives from justice. i went after lots of different people who were prohibited from possessing a firearm. i will bet you they were not 10 cases prosecuted nationwide of addicts or unlawful drug users who possess firearms relied on applications. i bet there were not a dozen. it makes you wonder of all the cases you could be pursuing in delaware, why are you pursuing this one? all of this facilitated by democrats in the white house and the department of justice and capitol hill, all to try to restore faith and equal justice under the law and the norms of the constitution. trump flagrantly violated the norms at every turn. stewing we could not interfere further. publicly calling for prosecutions. you may have forgotten this nugget that months into his presidency trump was calling federal prosecutors and cultivating relationships with them including the was attorney for the southern district beat barrera, obama holdover who was overseeing investigation into stock trades made by trump s health secretary tom price. he said those calls made him uncomfortable and he was fired as u.s. attorney less than a day after he finally refused to take a call from trump. people inside the administration would later tell propublica, trump s personal attorney bragged about getting bharara fired reportedly telling trump this guys going to get you. the former u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york joins me now. an interesting study in contrast over the last few weeks. indeed. what strikes you about the reaction today? when you think of the biden family and how joe biden in particular thinks of his job, and his family, upon a conviction before the conviction, the investigation and arrest and indictment of his son given what his family is been through, you would think every parental, a fatherly instinct would ve been to protect him. if you are a father, you love your children more than you love yourself. you need to protect them from harm and you try to protect them from bad consequences. the biden family has suffered bad things as a family and yet there s some things more important than that when you are commander-in-chief and the president of the country. one of those things is no one is above the law and the rule of law matters. this that you have been pointing out, joe biden had absolute authority, literal authority. no authority over alvin bragg and did not direct the prosecution of trump. it s his justice department and he had authority to direct people not to prosecute his son. he could ve fired special counsel and directed them not be appointed in the first place. he could ve pardon has some preemptively. he could still pardon him but he said he will not do that. all of that conduct given it is his son, it s kind of think how unbelievable that is. in 1 million years if the shoe were on the other foot and donald trump was facing the prospect of his son being prosecuted by me if i had been held over, a biden holdover or obama holdover prosecution, not in 1 million years with that have happened. some of the people on the right who support donald trump are trying to cast this as some clever ops program by which this actually proves it to hash i will say it s outlandish to announce don jr. getting in trouble with guns or drugs. stephen miller said it s a misdirection and easy effort doj to sell to appliance media that s too willing to be due. it s about protecting joe biden and only joe biden. no matter what happens, the corrupt rigged system is steeper than you realize. if every possible outcome, permutation is arguably a point in your favor, maybe your position is terrible. i used a different word than terrible. i don t even think he was required even by probity to keep david weiss on in delaware. honestly. when i say bend over backwards, it would ve been perfectly reasonable bend over backwards above and beyond. and it would not be reasonable to say wink wink, nudge nudge. if you say, do your thing. he didn t have to do with. other features important to point out and you mentioned some of them in the intro. the jury verdict came out and they didn t dox the jury or take the judge. he didn t say it s a travesty of justice or a witch-hunt. he said what i used to say when i was attorney and from time to time even though with the you win some and lose some. we respect the jury. opposite of what trump did. one of the most striking things is after the trump verdict and i remember judge kaplan in the federal civil trial with e. jean carroll told the jurors, you can talk to the press, i advise you not to. and they did not. in alvin bragg s case they did not talk to the press. they would expose himself to harassment a possibly threats and harassment. i m a reporter and i like it. what a contrast. it s a stark contrast. i think it goes to show and when joe biden and his supporters talk about the rule of law, they mean it. you can disagree with his policies. talk about the border and other things that are not in my daily work but on the question of whether or not the rule of law is to be enforced in fear or favor to be given to anyone including the son of a sitting president of the united states, the republicans are full of it on the trump side and biden is not. walk the walk. final question, independence and the department of justice. we have a post-nixon order. one of the things about nixon, a level of regulation, norms, and statures was the department of justice can t just be a tool in the hands of the executive to pursue vendetta. to prosecute and punish enemies. to protect friends. the trump vision is that. explicitly that. russ vought, they really think we are going to come in ski and it will be day one open investigation and that person and prosecute them. that which they accused everyone as of doing, they are saying, there is great irony, one of the cases pending against donald trump, the mar-a- lago case in florida, donald trump s team is made a number of motions to dismiss the indictment. one is vindictive prosecution. there is no evidence of that. no evidence that joe biden or anyone else directed that prosecution and indictment. by saying the things they re saying now that you are pointing out, donald trump ironically laying the foundation for a vindictive persecution motion to dismiss on the part of all the current people who donald trump will be going after because he s announcing his plans before election. all the statements in the plans, project 2025 and everything is will be chapter and verse in the briefs asking for the dismissal of those indictments. that s a great point. preet bharara, thank you. coming up congressman alexandria ocasio-cortez and jamie raskin on the scandals rocking the maga supreme court. donald trump s rude awakening from the criminal justice system. l justice system. her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. donald trump has been convicted of 34 felonies and now, americans, the ones who don t know at least getting a crash course the way life changes when you become a felon. since his conviction, trump is expected to have his gun license revoked under federal law. convicted felons are prohibited from possessing a gun. that was part of the issue when the hunter trial. it s unclear what it means for guns he has in his possession a. he told the probation officer he has a gun in florida. he could lose his liquor licenses first three new jersey golf clubs. new jersey prohibits any person who is been convicted of a crime of moral turpitude from having a liquor license. have you ever been convicted of a crime is often on job applications. a subject of reform campaigns to ban the box as a way to help former convicts get jobs and reenter society. that question about criminal convictions is part of the vetting for vice presidential pick where it seems only one member of the ticket gets to be a felon. the vast for a number of things. a number of people have been asked to submit this and that. like taxes? i don t know everything. criminal background? have you convicted a crime. charles coleman and civil rights defense attorney. a senior political reporter at rolling stones who has covered trump world. trump hoped would save him from conviction. they join me. it s interesting to watch folks who don t know this to watch the various implications of being convicted of a felony and the different regulations and things you cannot do. in some states it s voting, liquor licenses, and the like. speaking as a person of color and a former prosecutor, i am unmoved by these newfound epiphanies that are occurring on the right with respect to the reality of life in america if you are a convicted felon. one thing i find to be particularly interesting is how the right is scrambling to rearrange the narrative of what it is to be a felon. you are talking about the party that has planted its flag on the notion of law and order in america now having to walk out and say it s politically advantageous for our candidate to have 34 convictions on his record. this is a narrative they are not going to be able to square but it s funny to watch them try. he had invited on stage in the box, two folks broad conspiracy of folks like moving heavy drugs and violent crime. very serious stuff and has them on the state. this is our thing now. you were talking whether someone is an associate of felons. that is donald trump s jam. the list is very long. shockingly long, especially for someone who held the highest office in the country. i think it is a psych job. they re trying to say it s good we are felons. it s amazing how the tough on crime falls by the wayside when it s the racist game show host. donald trump and his minions love to talk to in and day out but two tiered system of justice. he is correct that one does exist in the country but he is at this tier and everybody is below. there s so many things he has been doing lately that no other defendant in a criminal trial could get away with. including the stuff he said about the judge. behind the scenes and in the open, and his maga brain trust prepared to exploit parts of the u.s. criminal code, as we have reported, to go after the alvin bragg sand letitia james and jack smith if he returns to power. some of this is cooked up behind the scenes in policy papers but so much is done in the open. you also have got them get alvin bragg before a committee. he is going to testify at the gop led judiciary committee. one question i have about this is, does any of this matter in the process that trump is going through? no, it does not. ramose, the probation officer? it s all rigged? does that matter from what sentencing? his public rhetoric absolutely i thought you were referring to alvin bragg. with respect to the things that donald trump is parroting and continues to parrot in the public dialogue around his case, that matters. one of the things a probation officer will take into account is what degree of understanding and remorse do you have? i screwed up. i am sorry. when you are in every opportunity in front of a microphone saying what a political prosecution this was. you have been reported on this that house republican leaders are gauging support for legislation that would like current and former president move a state case to federal court. have you heard any of that? oh, yeah. we reported at the end of last month that trump had been calling around to different conservative allies including republican lawmakers on capitol hill to lobby them when i m back in office, wouldn t it be great if you passed legislation ready for me to send that can have former and current president move their cases to federal court? again, i think they re getting high on their supply. i feel like that is a bad bill to vote for. for a front-line republican member. if you are a maga lawmaker, there is a cute appeal to it. it s not only moderate republicans saying maybe we should not do this. i have spoken to extremely maga attorneys close to donald trump with told me, maybe we shouldn t go down this run. we want to use state ag s and district attorneys to go after joe biden or hillary clinton. the principle applying equal he would hang them up. there is back and forth about the gun situation. i m sure you have encountered this. folks have guns. what does the law say about whether he can keep the gun in florida, new york crime. he will probably need to turn the gun in in florida. he will have a grace period or that s allowed. technically, he might be in violation of the law upon the notice of conviction, he will probably allowed some leeway but it would not surprise me if he has to turn it in. hunter biden conviction today was about he lied on a form because you cannot in terms of taking drugs and own a gun. violation of federal law and lied on the forms and of the ex- president holding a gun. having been convicted of a felony. it s a remarkable set of circumstances. thank you both. samuel alito s wife has even more thoughts about flags. aoc and jamie raskin on the supreme court s legitimacy crisis. itimacy crisis. hi, i m janice and i lost 172 pounds on golo. a friend told me that i was the only one holding me back from being as beautiful on the outside as i am on the inside. once i saw golo was working i felt this rush. golo really works. donald trump wins in november his plans including as the washington post reports a plot to convert federal civil service into an authoritarian tool to report friends and punish enemies. the scope of his plan his desire to weaponize the government against perceived foes. one of the most striking example was a trump department of justice lengthy battle to block the merger between at&t and time warner on antitrust grant. there was always a suspicion which is been all but confirmed that trump was trying to block the merger because he did not like time warner s news network cnn. antitrust and trump s hands was another tool of government authority that could be used to corrupt ends. in the latest episode of my podcast series why is this happening with pot 2024 those steaks? i talked with timothy who is the architect of president biden s antitrust policy. we talked about the respective records of donald trump and joe biden as president when it comes to antitrust action. there were indications, genuine bits of evidence, and a widespread perception amongst i think fortune 500 corporate elite that this was essentially, if you are with trump, if you were his friend you could get the merger approved and it you were his enemy you would have a problem. this became this powerful almost unilateral lover for trump to wield against people he did not like and the most notorious case being, and i think it was somewhat surprising, when the doj announced it would block a proposed at&t time warner merger. there is some evidence to suggest that at least partly it was born of the animus trump hat of cnn s coverage of him. that is pretty bad. i think it s a thing where trump didn t think there was a problem with it. no. i think he thought it was within his rights to order the breakup of a company he did not like. his white house counsel sort of restrained were slightly dead and that. there is so much circumstantial evidence that the white house and the presidency were involved in antitrust decisions that it s hard to deny it. you can find the full conversation i had with him who is a fascinating guy and an amazing record in this area by going to why is this happening? the stakes by scanning the qr code on your screen. you can listen to it wherever you get your podcast. ur podcas flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and i must admit i was skeptical when supreme court justice samuel alito blamed his wife for that upside down american flag flying at their home after january 6. a symbol adopted by trump supporters who believed the 2020 election was stolen. it seemed like a convenient explanation but it looks like justice alito was telling the truth when he said infamously, quote, my wife is fond of flying flags. i am not. listen to her in a recent conversation secretly recorded and released by activist lauren windsor. you know what i want? i want a sacred heart of jesus flag because i have to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. and he s like, please don t put up a flag. i said i won t do it because i am deferring to you. but when you re free of this nonsense, putting it up and i m going to send a message every day, maybe every week. i made a flag in my head. this is how we satisfy myself. i made a flag. it s white and yellow and orange flames around it and in the middle is this word. in italian that means shame. shame. the opposite of pride? they have not responded to an nbc news request for comment but none of what she said changes the facts that justice alito allowed the flag to fly over so molly sits in the highest court on the land hearing cases related to the insurrection in january 6 and he sits on the court along with his buddy clarence thomas his wife was interviewed by the january 6 committee better tax with trump s chief of staff. both justice thomas and alito refused to root recuse himself despite the obvious appearance. we are faced with an urgent question. what can be done about us out of control court? democrats in the house oversight committee held a roundtable on the ethical crisis in the supreme court. one of the expert legal witnesses was my wife. leading the panel was jamie raskin, ranking member the oversight committee and new york congresswomen alexandria ocasio-cortez, the vice ranking member and they post join me now. good to have you on. thank you for having us. i will start with you about what the agenda was today to convene this. you cannot call hearings herself as a ranking member and not the chair. what were you trying to do today? the oversight democrats wanted to respond to the national clamor over this crisis of legitimacy at the supreme court. we analyzed the ethics crisis and we analyze the political crisis around confirmations that got us into this and the blockade of confirmations of people like merrick garland who was nominated by president obama that we began to talk about what things could be done both in the specific case of justices alito and thomas and about the ethical collapse at the supreme court. the highest court in the land with the lowest ethical standards. the only governmental officials in the land who are not governed by a binding ethics code. there is no process by which we can hold them accountable. it violates the essential principle that james madison identified as the heart of our justice system which is no man can be a judge in his own cause. we began to explore different avenues of holding them accountable. congresswoman, you said something toward the end saying it cannot be the case, a constitutional matter as an almost intuitive common sense matter that they are not subject to any checks. we have three coequal branches. checks and balances between them three branches in the position alito said in an interview that congress has no ability to regulate us whatsoever. what should congress be doing? what are you brainstorming? what s the conversation about what those checks can be? of course, justice alito s position is laughable. this idea that he can be and the court should be accountable to nobody and the only person that should be accountable is are themselves. this scouts promise sort of set up for how we should be having ethics standards for the highest and most consequential court in the land. it s completely unacceptable and not only unacceptable, but to have one of our coequal branches be completely unaccountable to the others is paving the path to authoritarianism, tyranny, the abuse of power in the united states. it s structurally, completely unsustainable. it s not a question of if congress has jurisdiction and power over the supreme court. it is what power are we going to exercise in order to reign in a fundamentally unaccountable and rogue court? one of the beautiful things about the roundtable today is we were able to call in one of our senate colleagues, senator white house, who has been pursuing extensive investigations into the dark money networks that has been exerting influence over the court and we raised and discussed a varying degrees of measures from term limits to actual binding ethics standard and congressman raskin i myself will be introducing a forthcoming legislation to even have the supreme court be subject to the same $50 gift rule that he and i are subject to is everyone else is, members of congress. that is a great point. i was talking to my wife kate shaw who gave testimony today before your hearing. she pointed out to me that if i m not mistaken, things like, you can get a book deal as a supreme court justice but you could not be a partner of wilmer hail. that s something congress passed a statute to say what you could or could not do. you would be nuts to be a supreme court justice and have a side gig as a lawyer. presumably, you can change data congress can pass statutes that says this is not allowed. congress has a ban on outside employment and as aoc was saying, we have a $50 gift ban. none of us goes near doing that. you don t do $500,000 vacations? that s a comical thing. members of congress don t even understand that. what circumstances would a supreme court justice accept millions of dollars in foreign travel prepaid tuition for very family members or recreational vehicle, motor stagecoach. it s outlandish to contemplate. that s a general level of funds for people over here. the normal business as usual at the supreme court that they are collecting millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of dollars from the so-called friends. we need to clean that up. we said, we will start was something simple that the country can understand immediately. we want a $50 gift ban for u.s. supreme court justices. they make $300,000 a year. pay for your own lunch and you re on vacation. that does seem quite clear congresswoman and has the advantage, there s issues to deal with. in some ways, the only way to legislate for congress to act as outlaying broad principles that are broadly applicable. absolutely. as all of us as public servants of federal public servants whether it s both chambers of congress, the white house, many of us are subject to the same if not extremely similar and uniform code of ethics. the fact that the supreme court which is already unelected, at least for those of us who run for office, we have to re-run for office every two years in the house. for an unelected body of nine people appointed for life do not have any sort of binding, strict ethics code to which they cannot only be held accountable but which can be enforced, is actually ludicrous. it s almost unbelievable that we are sitting here in the year 20 24/200 years after the establishment of this country, and we have not addressed this issue. it is something that s long past doing and it s common sense. one thing we addressed is how the private corruption of the justices mirrors the public correction corruption of. it has been dismantling civil rights law, civil liberties, women s right to choose an abortion, labor law, consumer law, you name it. as they grow more removed from the experiences of the way the rest of us live, the more they are willing to demolish the protections the rest of us need to. there s a bunch of things to happened outside of the purview of this question, the court has to deal with equal justice under law and i wonder if you would stick around to talk about that. love to. love to. are you still struggling with your bra? it s time for you to try knix. makers of the world s comfiest wireless bras. for revolutionary support without underwires, and sizes up to a g-cup, find your new favorite bra today at craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office. and sizes up to a g-cup, [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. still with me congressman jamie raskin and congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez, the ranking and vice ranking members of the house oversight committee. today, the president s son was convicted on counts he was charged with. i went to read the president s statement and get your reaction. he said i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process. jill and i will always be there for hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will change that. what did you think of that? i mean, it was very residential and he showed in his statement love for his son and love for his country including the rule of law. the different reactions between republican colleagues and democratic colleagues with the trump verdict in the hunter biden verdict, it s astounding. nobody on our side said the fix was in. nobody said it was a travesty. nobody said that justice system needs to be turned upside down. everybody accepted it. hunter biden like donald trump had the right of counsel which he exercised. he had the presumption of innocence and had the right to take the stand but chose not to do. trump chose not to do. they had unanimous jury verdicts finding they were guilty on all counts. i am saying about that what i said about trump s burdick which is they have a right to appeal and they can do that under due process. thank gut we ve got that in america and we will stand by the rule of law and the system of justice for the same reason we are fighting for a supreme court that restores its integrity and reputation. we need to have that kind of confidence not just at the trial level, federal court or state court, we need it all the way up. those supreme court justices are a runaway body at this point. speaking of state court in new york, congresswoman you represent part of new york. there was insults and vitriol that has been directed at alvin bragg from donald trump down in the people s carrying water for him. that has escalated. he is being called for the house republicans before i think the judiciary committee and be grilled by house republicans have rallied behind trump since his conviction. gop lawmakers are perpetuated the false narrative that president biden ordered his prosecution. what do you think about the fact that they are escalating to the point where they will haul alvin bragg before congress? what we are seeing here unfold is an out right abuse of power in the politicization, the seats of power these republicans hold to intimidate the courts and exact political revenge. we have to look at this from a basic jurisdictional point of view. alvin bragg is not even dad it s not even a federal case. we are looking at a state court. we are looking at municipal and state courts. we have republicans who are trying to haul them in, on what grounds exactly? it s not federal court. they do not have jurisdiction over it. it is truly an attempt at public targeting. we see they do this. it s in the model of donald trump and the model of invoking and trying to incite as much anger and intimidation in order for them to get the outcomes they want. and they are eager to be servile sycophants of donald trump that their political judgment is up. that s not where the public is and they understand what the hunter biden verdict in the donald trump verdict the rule of law is working and they are intervening as you say in a state case in order to placate donald trump. precisely. what we are also seeing is the stark contrast between joe biden and donald trump. president biden we have yes a loving father who was there to be supportive of his son but also a president who respects the rule of law and willing to accept the outcomes of a case even if the outcome is not in favor with his family or his personal outcomes. you have donald trump who takes and weaponize is the seats of government, the seats of power, and embarks on a campaign of political intimidation in order to secure outcomes that personally benefit him. that at the core is part of the stakes of our democracy that are before us today. once rule of law goes out the window, it s not something that is easy to get back. it s very much a part of the decision we have to make in the next few months. thank you for all your time tonight. that s all in on this tuesday night . night . tuesday night. good evening, alex. we have some new exclusive audio from the supreme court historical society that lauren windsor has given us and

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Transcripts For CNN Erin Burnett OutFront 20240612

chambers hopes this is one step toward politicians actively campaigning for voters behind bars in clark county. you have potential victory is lying in those sales at least for now. i want to i guess is it makes a huge difference night, i step toward voters like elliot carver hall, having their voices heard it felt a little bit of empowerment, a little, just a little bit, a little tiny bit sara marie joins us now from las vegas. so this is the first time these voting booths had been used. how did the process go? it went pretty smoothly, although there were voters who showed up to vote and found out they were actually registered in a different county or in some cases, in a different state which is indication of the education gap that still exist for those who are behind bars. there were dozens of folks who wanted to vote from the jail today and we expect that that s cut number is going to be even larger when we get to the general election in november. this was sort of a dry run for the big event coming up, anderson be interesting to do polling and see if they re running for sara marie. thanks. the news continues right here on cnn outfront. next, breaking news, president biden, now it is son side behind closed doors after you re biden was found guilty today. and if federal gun case, tonight, a member of the jury who helped convict biden speaks out. you ll hear plus more breaking news this our federal agents arresting eight people from tajikistan with two suspected ties. i m sorry to isis after they entered the us through the southern border, tonight, we re going to take you to one of the dead please. stretches of that border. and martha and alitos secretly recorded threatening to put up more flags to counter the quote pride flag. that s going up nearby. her neighbor, who s at the center of the controversy over alitos flags is outfront tonight. let s go out front and good evening. i m marion burnett outfront tonight. the breaking news, president biden rushing to his sons, sayyed tonight. hunter biden greeting his father on the tarmac of the delaware air national guard base just hours after hunter biden was found guilty on all counts of lying about being addicted to drugs when he bought a gun today s verdict historic hunter biden is now the first child, sitting president to be convicted of a crime. and the first family is now grappling with the fallout of the jury s verdict. a verdict that came incredibly quickly, just three hours so fast. in fact, it caught almost everyone off guard. firstly, jill biden, who was attended the trial almost every day. been commuting back and forth from france was unable to get into the courtroom and time to hear the verdict yourself. and according to people who were there inside that room, hunter biden stared straight ahead as the verdict was read, stone-faced, showing little emotion. afterwards, though he could be seen hugging family members a close biden family friend, fran person who was with the bidens today gives us this statement tonight out front says there was nothing but love in that room with hunter after the verdict. abbe lowell and his team put up the best defense he could ask for hunter was incredibly strong and gracious. look at how good hunter looks today. sober, going on for years. it is remarkable how far he s come and he will be a powerful force story of redemption and hope for attics and their families that love conquers all. now, hunter biden could face up to 25 years in prison and a fine of up to $750,000 in a moment, we re going to hear from one of the jurors about the discussions that took place inside that jury room and those few hours of debating as the 12 men and women deliberated it really is incredible when you take a step back here, you ve got the president s done, just found guilty, criminally, less than two weeks after former president trump was found guilty and is now a convicted felon both are now awaiting sentencing. and yet the reactions from biden and trump could not be more different just hours after his son was found guilty, president biden spoke to the nation s largest gun control groups. so he s actually i had a gun control group. he did not mention his sons conviction. he did not talk about a corrupt judge or rigged trial or which time. instead, he released this statement separate from his speech. i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal jill and i will always be there for hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. priscilla alvarez is out front. she is live in wilmington, delaware and evan perez is outside the courthouse. i want to start with you, though, priscilla, because i know you ve got some new reporting on this last-minute trip by president biden to delaware. so what is the biden family doing right now? how did this all come together as far as your learning era and the president and his family are huddling behind closed doors here in their residents wilmington tonight after the president rights only hours ago and was greeted by his son, hunter on the tarmac. now, this was a last-minute trip with sources telling cnn that it was floated late monday night, but came together after the verdict was reached and finalize with the president arriving here again, only a couple well hours ago. but of course this is a family that has often come together over the course of the trial. the first lady in the courtroom, multiple times as these legal proceedings were underway and even coming back from france briefly to attend the trial. and that really underscores the delicate and difficult balance that this president has had to strike with his foreign travel in recent days. and also as these deeply painful family moments, we re planning out in this trial and publicly now, the president did release the statement earlier today, and it was a statement that was frayed seen through the lens of a father, not so much a president where he talks about the resiliency of his son, but also said that he would accept the outcome of the case of the president has previously firm that he would not pardon his son. now, also, hearing wilmington is the biden campaign headquarters and sources telling us that as far as tonight, it is business as usual usual for this very sensitive and delicate issue for the biden family. all right. priscilla, thank you very much. in wilmington. and i d want to go to evan perez now because he s been in the courtroom throughout this trial every day you ve watched the jurors you ve watched the biden family there and i know you just spoke to one of those jurors, evan, what did he tell you well, erin this is? juror number ten. he s man in his stuff, these terms his from southern the southern part of delaware. and one of the things that we heard from the defense team as we were going through this trial was they believed that politics had a role in why hunter biden was even facing these charges. he said the defense team believe that the us attorney who was appointed by donald trump was essentially bullied into going after hunter because of criticism from house republicans and republicans in general. i asked the juror number ten, who did not want to be to show his face on television, whether their politics played any role in these deliberations. listen to what he had to say if anybody, was in that courtroom or in the jury room, they would know it was not motivated by politics politics played no part whatsoever in my mind no. i can t speak for the other jurors but nothing was nothing was ever said about this election year that was never brought up and aaron, we also he also told me that that the gun form that hunter biden signed back in october of 2018 when he bought the firearm that was the crucial piece of evidence in his mind and he believe that hunter biden lied when he signed it, and none of the other evidence from the from the from the defense to try to explain it away, really worked on the part of the jury one of the things that may come up by the defense team, they do they are weighing an appeal of this of this verdict is the fact that jurors never got to see a second oppression at that form, because the judge did not allow it. and so i asked the juror whether he believed that that would have made a difference. he said it would not have aaron sheep all right. i evan, thank you very much. outside that courthouse and having a chance to speak to turn number ten, which was obviously so fast thing is we d we d heard about the jury and their reactions and who they are all right. i m a panel with me now, katie rogers, i want to start with you because you have covered the biden family closely for a long time at the new york times and now we re seeing the president arrive in delaware, greeting his son. what are your sources telling you about how this has impacted president biden personally? well, i think everyone who has spoken to me who is close to the president and close to the bidens. they always really reiterate to me how much the president believes in his sons ability to stay sober. he s very proud on that level of his son and they always stressed to me that, yes, he is worried about the legal problems ahead for hunter biden, but he believes in his son s ability to continue his recovery. now, that said, the people close to him say that this is the thing that more than anything else he wakes up. if he s briefed by aids on gaza, the next immediate get thing is about his son or he is constantly in contact with his son. they speak at least once a day. so this is something that is going to add more weight to the president s mindset. he s already been quite worried about these legal problems, never having an end for his son. and this just adds to that, right? it didn t certainly at a crucial time in this case campaign. congressman buck, i wanted to play something else for you that juror number ten shared with evan perez about hunter biden. let me play it i did have empathy for him, for his addiction i don t wish that on anybody and especially correct. okay. let me let was the has to be a terrible dickson it comes from i think just significant that that juror says that after they unanimously convicted him on all counts. right. but still able to have that human empathy and obviously a lot of americans can relate to that who are dealing with this themselves or with others and their families, some sort sort of addiction the president though is to deal with the political side of this. do you think that he has managed this? appropriately as a father and as a president congressman yeah, i do. i think it s very difficult. you look at your son having an addiction like bad. the federal government, the congress obviously passed this law because folks who are addicted to drugs and buy guns are more likely to commit crimes. so certainly not a hunter biden category necessarily, but i think the joe biden president biden has done a great job of trying to stay above the fray and recognizing that his department of justice was a very difficult position attorney general merrick garland appointed a special counsel s so that that council would be independent and render independent judgment. and i think that people look at this case and recognize that it was done in an independent and fair way the idea that there may have been other crimes are really irrelevant. this this defendant totter biden, got a fair trial, a quick jury verdict, and i think that joe biden made the right statements after the verdict ryan, the thing is this this is not done for hunter biden or for joe biden, the whole family, right? he can still appeal just even on this case, i m i m talking separately from the tax case, which is very serious. but on this case alone, is this going to drag out for the remainder of election between sentencing appeals and all kinds of this process 100% because he s going to both appeal on the grounds that certain evidence should not have been excluded from the defense. and he s going to appeal on the grounds that under the second amendment, the constitution, that this particular criminal provision should be invalid and none of that is going to be sewed up before november. in fact, we ll probably at least a year from now before any of that gets stored up, even conservatively speaking, well, even conservatively speaking. all right, so that s a long time, katie, and it s certainly shows in terms of weighing on the president all the way through the election way beyond, but through the election i mentioned how joe biden, the first lady, was not able to get there in time today because happened so quickly. she wasn t actually able to be in the courtroom for the verdict but she was there almost every day. hunter sister was there is on its uncle a lot of other family members, his daughter testified ex girlfriends wives and we ve seen support from almost all of them on hunter and he s recovery. it has been something that clearly has damaged and hurt this family for a long time. they ve struggled with it what does the conviction mean, katie, for the whole family? i mean i think that this family has dealt a hunter biden has detailed his addictions over the years in various ways, whether it s through a memoir, through a lengthy magazine profile. but for the rest of this family, it s been a really long private, painful battle as we saw, this week during and last week during the trial. sorry these members of the biden family, onetime members of the biden family in current members recounted what was essentially they had all described as a held that they were in with him and a conviction is really the first time this very private battle has been laid bare for public consumption. so it s uncomfortable for them and they have had to sit there and here the shrapnel hit them yet again of hunter biden s choices have had to sit there and listen to him in his own words through his memoir, recount his drug use is a painful time for them congressman buck, president biden was asked about whether he would pardon his son right? on this crucial point, i want to play that exchange. it was with david muir let me, ask you will you accept the jury s outcome, their verdict no matter what it is? yes. and have you ruled out a pardon for your son? yes. you have congressman buck, how do you feel about this when he s saying that to show he believes in the system and he s not going to question it with a witch-hunt to rigged and all that, right? clearly, it is his son how do you feel? does he have to take this all the way to the mat? no. pardon? no commutation of his prison sentence, which by the way, he did not he did. not commit to or or do you think it would be appropriate and not hurt belief in the system if he were to commute his son sentence i don t think president biden wouldn t do anything until after the appeals are finished. number one, and that s going to happen after the election so he s going to have much more flexibility after the election whether he wins or loses to make a decision like this. now, if he were to engage in a pardon of president trump with president trump was victims of a federal crime at the same time that he pardon his own son. i think americans would understand a father doing that but i think he made the right statement at the time and that is i m not going to show preferential treatment to a member of my own family and a quick final word, ryan, just to be clear that this would go another year, you also have a very serious yes tax evasion charge, federal charge in california, which would carry significant present time that is underway. that s right. and the justice department said that it could carry up to 17 years in jail. and what s unfortunate for hunter biden is because you didn t do a plea deal. he will now have to convictions potentially steck up against each her to us sentencing guideline. the conviction that he just got today in delaware would count against him. he will not be a first-time offender if he is convicted in california. right. which could affect sentencing. i thank you very much. ryan. katie, and congressman, i appreciate all of you very much next trump and his supporters called the doj rigged and political. so what are they saying tonight? now that hunter biden was convicted by a jury on all counts unanimously, just like donald trump was a couple weeks ago. plus breaking news, the us is now tracking a flotilla of russian war ships less than 100 miles off the coast of florida and passing by a us cruise ship packed with passengers we are speaking to a person on board for that ship, just sending us some pictures of what they saw on that crews and new audio tonight of samuel alito s wife threatening to put up more political flags we what i want i want sacred heart of jesus glad because i had to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month alito s neighbor who had a confrontation with martha-ann alito and is at the center of the story is outfront tonight priceline helped stand can we say 60% on family-friendly hotels? so many great trips we might just leave here with another vacation maybe take it easy. paris and u2 for motor down lisa wasn t alito gardi are happy priceline hey, you ve seen this was the one you re telling me you can get direct tv, got good stuff, and you don t need a satellite dish are used to love doing my business on those things. won-sik pigeon, then dishes kept the rain off our beat we just have different priorities satellite free directtv never thought i d see the day or lifespans are quite short. extreme directtv without it satellite dish, you gonna do this thing with my neck just for a bit. right now, pet dander in sales mold spores, pollen, and dirt are being sucked into your air. ducks get cleaner air in system efficiency. now, with stanley steamer, your air done? 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[ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. pain. learn more. it s this is a secret, war, secrets and spies sunday at ten on cnn more of our breaking news, the deep states sacrificial lamb, those are the exact words from top trump ally marjorie taylor greene. she claims hunter biden took the fall for his father and a new conspiracy theory today, greene tweeting, quote, hunter biden just became the deepstate sacrificial lamb to show that justices balanced while the other biden prim s remained ignored meantime, longtime trump adviser stephen miller, posts and park quote, don t be gas lit. this is all about protecting joe biden and only joe biden there are those some republicans who are coming to hunter biden s defense team format is outfront this is the first time that hunter biden has faced responsibility and consequences for his actions, political spinners on the right are spinning out of control in all directions. biden s calling the conviction of hunter biden a step toward accountability and kinda dumb and saying things like hunter biden might deserve jail for something, but purchasing a gun is not it. why is this verdict so confounding for the right? first, it is about a gun or some conservative politicians and advocates opposing gun restrictions. the case against hunter biden was an invitation to attack as father. so long as this president continues to use every tool at his disposal to harass and criminalized guns gun owner there s and gun dealers, his son should be receiving the same treatment and scrutiny as all of us. let s just do a little more shooting over here but other gun enthusiasts, while not fans of the bidens, leave the law in this case is unconstitutional. as a matter of principle i do not believe the hunter biden should be convicted of that anymore. that anyway well, now should hunter biden is not talking, but he is walking in right now second, this wasn t the case. republicans wanted for years. they have talked without evidence far-reaching foreign corruption, secret payoffs, and influence peddling tied all the way to the top. so after this verdict, the trump campaign quickly issued a statement this trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the biden crime family. and lastly, this verse predict came just a dozen days after donald trump himself was convicted of 34 felonies, even as he appeals a course, republicans have joined him in calling the courts corrupt their case against president trump has been a witch hunt from the beginning. this was not criminal justice. the entire thing is political, but now some conservative seem to be squirming, suggesting hunter biden s conviction must be a ruse. posting timing is everything. this is the veil of fairness in the justice system. so maybe it is a measure of how twisted up the right is on how to respond to all of this. that when the trump team put out that statement after the verdict and much i made all those crazy claims about the biden family. they then send out an edited version shortly thereafter because the first version at the end so they wish hunter biden well. and then in the edited version, they had dropped the well wishes. they didn t fix the false claims. they just dropped the well wishes clearly, this has the republican right saying, what are we supposed to do on this? because there are cross purposes on so many issues, aaron. yeah. i mean, well, you know, you say it s a rigged system when your guy s guilty and then the other guy s guilty and then all of a sudden what he is supposed to say. maybe they could have foreseen that possibility. all right. tom, form. and thank you very much. i want to go now to ty cobb, a former trump white house lawyer. so tie i mean, can you believe hunter biden gets convicted on all counts by a jury in a case brought originally by a special counsel who trump initially appointed us attorney somehow, it s not fair and square to many in the gop can you believe it oh, yes, i can sort of believe anything. i mean, it s a really crazy de marjorie taylor greene is out there making the rest of us look like geniuses. what she can do on it regular basis yeah. i think it takes away from the gravity of the moment which is you know, he he wasn t added. it was a sad situation that was tragic but it wasn t political and keep in mind that he did have the opportunity to take accountability for this year ago and the plea agreement build up then they decided that they would insist on their de and courting and they got it but i think it s i think this is has to be looked at on its own merits. so i mean, this was a case the evidence says the jurors juror who was interviewed said was overwhelming and they didn t put politics into it and i just ruled on what they saw, on what they were told, just like trump s urey did. and i think both jury s got it right based on what they were told to do and the evidence that was before them. but i think it is a crazy time because you have the president today. i ve given a speech on tighter tighter gun controls. yeah. and keeping guns out of the hands of felons and people who don t don t deserve them. and his sons on trial. i think yeah, it s just it s a crazy time in america full of folic contradictions, but, yeah, but this was, this was a sad day and i think it was inappropriate result. i don t think he s going to jail for very long. my off the cuff assessment is scheduled for 1016 months as the first defender and the judge may well go below that and give him a probationary sentence. who knows? yeah. it s not going to be a punitive situation and then he does have that serious tax case involving $7.5 million in taxes. so yeah. i mean, that s that and that ll be in september and that ll be in the heart part of the heart of the election. so i think it s very hard for republicans to insist that this is somehow a ruse. well, i mean it s sort of amazing. it seems to me that if you did get a guilty verdict here, that this would be something that everyone could say. okay. well, there was it can t say that it s rigged or during goes one way or the other. and yet somehow that there are still some finding a way to say this is basically a veil of as nancy mace said, congresswoman avail of fairness, write that this is all to distract you from it s frightening in some senses, but you mentioned that a convicted felon, right? can i have a gun? and obviously, you know, donald trump and in this context, we found out today tie that he disclosed in his probation interview that he had three guns. now he acquired them legally. obviously, he is now prohibited from having any as a convicted felon were you surprised at all but to hear that donald trump own three guns not really. and i think all the people are hyperventilating on this a little bit. i mean, it s it s sort of ordinary that it would come up in this context particularly for somebody donald trump it s not carrying a gun i never saw him carry ganim, didn t know him to ever carry a gun. he s got to see as a concealed carry registration in new york, but you re right. that s what he had and i understand that, and i think he obviously has these guns and he s going to have to pony him up but that s what that s really what this process is designed to do is to get all that, all that, all those requirements out of the way before he couldn t run afoul of any other laws after the time of being sentenced up, tied before you go. also today, trump asked aileen cannon, the judge in florida, mar-a-lago, to dismiss the classified documents case. and if she didn t do that, he asked her to throw it any evidence gathered during the fbi search of mar-a-lago? which sort of confusing and confounding because that appears to be the entire case as far as most of us understand it that s actually much of the case. it s actually not quite the entire case, but it s it s most of the documents, yes. that we re included in the indictment and the worst thing that could happen to him is that she actually does it in advance of trial because that will certainly be reversed abruptly by the 11th circuit and giving them the opportunity i m for that. they re dying for given the circus that she puts on to remover. all right. we ll tie. thank you very much. as always thank you, aaron tax. and next new secret recordings tonight of justice alito s wife talking about conversations with her husband about political flag it s at their homes like, oh, please don t put up a black alito s neighbor who is at the center of the dispute with the alitos is out front but next, plus breaking news, this our federal agents arresting eight to gq nationals with suspected ties to isis after they came into the united states through the southern border. and we re going to take you tonight to one of the most dangerous stretches of that border right now, will take you there next detect this living with hiv. robert learned he can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that s why he switched to nevado divider was a complete hiv treatment meant for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than davon detect this morning to learn that most hiv pills contains three or four medicines. devito is as effective with just two if you have hepatitis b, don t stop to vada without talking to your doctor. don t take to vado if you re allergic to its ingredients are taking dofetilide. this can cause serious or life-threatening side effects if you have a rash or allergic reactions, symptoms stopped a bottle and get medical help right away, serious or life-threatening? lactic acid buildup and liver problems can 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frank, brad. how are you? fnth call 1803 558999, or visit home served i m mj lee at the white house. and this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by thunder shirt, constant gentle pressure for a calmer pet. if your dog suffers from fear of thunder, fireworks separation, or any other anxieties, thunder shirt can help thunder shirts find it. retailers like pet smart and petco tonight, martha-ann alito, the wife of supreme court justice samuel alito, in secretly recorded audio, vowing to continue flying political flags outside her home, mocking gay pride flags that fly nearby. mrs. alito to finally reacting to the controversy do that now swirls around her and her husband after the new york times reported that an upside down american flag flew outside their home in virginia in january of 2021. flag used by insurrectionists, as well as the second flag also carried by insurrectionist, seen flying outside their vacation home. here s part of what martha and alito said cnn has not obtained the full of audio you know what i want, i want sacred heart of jesus flag because i had to look cross the lagoon at the price the flag for the next month exactly. i made a flag in my head. this is how i satisfy myself. i made a flag is white and it s yellow and orange flames around it and in the middle is the word but goniometer that gunja in italian means shane gone yet vii car g, g they re gone shame, shame, shame anyway wow, shame, shame, shame on you spelling it out like that. such vehemence about the gay pride flag. those comments were secretly recorded by a liberal activist, journalists lauren windsor, who misrepresented herself to me this is alito as a sympathetic and like-minded admire her, but she recorded these conversations and we now know what was set out in front. now, emily baden, a former neighbor of the alitos in northern virginia. she s the person justice alito says provoked his wife and to flying the inverted american flag after a verbal dispute between the two a claim emily says is false and is backed up by police reports, which showed that the dispute actually happened weeks after the flag went up. so emily, i m glad to see you again what s your reaction now you hear this audio, you hear martha and alito a voice, you know, because you had conversations with her and she s saying she s going to fly these flags spelling this out, that she s going to fly a flag very gunja, and she spells it out. every letter to say shame that she wants to fly a flag against the gay pride flag. yes an erin excuse me. thank you so much for having me again, it s great to be with you again my first reaction to hearing this audio i think was the same as most other folks, which was absolute horror if there s one thing that is the basic job description of a supreme court justice. it is to remain impartial and with the upside-down flag, with the appeal to heaven flag samuel alito has shown that he is not impartial and yeah, hearing martha and talk about that, it s interesting because i was used as a scapegoat for why she flew the other flag and we know clearly that that s not true and she says you, you obviously interacted with her and in very negative circumstances at one point, which i ll ask about in a moment, but she when you hear her tone of voice here, that she s going to fly this flag against the gay pride flag that says virgo anya in italian means shame. and she says it and then she spells it out. she hits every single letter virgo kn. yes. she says again and then she says, shame, shame on you did that tone sound like the same woman, the same tone that you d heard yes it was defiance. it was just very, very clear that she wishes shame upon the lgbtq community and yeah, i definitely recognized the tone for sure. so that secretly recorded conversation went on for about six minutes. at one point, mrs. alito said her husband asked her to stop flying flags and she said she would do it temporarily. i want and to play that part of the exchange for you, emily, here it is nazis believed that he should control the hell. do you never can tell and he s like please don t put up a flag. i can i won t do it because i m deferring to you but when you are free of this nonsense i m putting it up and i m going to send them a message every day, maybe every week the change in the flag s, there ll be all kinds i mean, look, she you talked about how she glare at you, called you a fascist. she spat on your car. i know that you have said you regretted calling her, that that vulgar epithet but when you hear this audio, is this this is consistent with the woman that you interacted with it is. and i think it s only fair for me to point out that mr. and mrs. alito are essentially strangers to me and my my interactions with them are very limited. so i can t really make any type of comment on you know, they re their attitude or their mental state or just aside from the facts of what i witnessed and what i experienced, and i just want to bring that back to the facts of this whole situation that he showed allegiance to january 6, he showed allegiance to christian nationalism and it s just very dangerous for our democracy. and i think he opinion value are secular. he wrote, it, wrote an opinion actually, after a year after the upside flag was flown and it was actually about flags flying outside boston city hall i just wanted to read the operative leinz. again, this is after he himself had known these flags were flying at his homes. and he says, a passerby on cambridge street confronted with a flag, flag flanked by government flags standing just outside the entrance of boston seat of government would likely conclude that all of those flags convey some message on the government s behalf. so it s clear he s saying if they fly the flag than any reasonable person would think that you support what that flag stands for. and yet he s saying it s not the case when they fly at his own home is there any doubt in you did interact with him and i know he didn t really speak. you didn t say much in those interactions but is there any doubt in your mind that a supreme court justice sees the hypocrisy here so he must see the hypocrisy and maybe just doesn t care it seems to me that their behavior and these words maybe they feel like they re above the law. and a lot of ways they are. we don t have an enforceable code of ethics for the supreme court they essentially police themselves and that ruling is really important because it only proves me right, and it proves all of us, right? who think that he of course knew about the flags. of course, he he endorsed them and him making those statements to congress that oh, my wife did it. i don t know about it. oh, i did it because of a neighbor. those are lies and this is important for our country. we need to, we need to hold our elected officials accountable, and we need to have a congressional hearing. we need to enact term limits. we need to have an actual code of ethics that they have to abide by. alright, well, emily, i appreciate your time and thank you for coming back on. thank you so much, aaron. and for. all who want to hear more, more of those alito audio tapes will be played tonight on laura coates live. that is at 11:00 eastern. next we re going to take you to one of the deadliest stretches along the american mexican we re scores of migrants are now risking their lives what a look because of all the threats there they can t go back also breaking the us, tracking russian warships, including a nuclear powered submarine that are passing by florida, were speaking to a passenger who is right now on a us cruise ship and just saw those russian warships hi, my name is kim and i am 41-years-old. i ve been given the opportunity to work from home, so that means lots of video calls. i see myself more and i definitely see those deeper leinz i m still kim and i got botox cosmetic. i wanted to keep the expressions that i would normally have you re right, you re on camera. 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frank, frank, bred. how are you? fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge breaking news, cnn learning eight people with suspected ties to isis have been arrested after entering the us from the southern border a source as the suspects were arrested in los angeles, new york, and philadelphia. so they d fanned out three different cities and had been monitored for overall month. it comes to cnn is going deep into the deadliest stretch of the us mexican border, speaking to migrants, reaching this remote and desolate region. after days without food, seemingly, these people on aware of president biden s announced crack down on asylum claims. david culver has this special report that you ll see first tonight, outfront while this is a. larger group here, let s see she s asking us if it s much longer to reach asylum. so what this does documents in hand and this family desperate to find border patrol does they ve been walking through a yes. they ve been walking for three days obviously, she s very emotional, says there s no food, there s no way when you think we re in a remote part of the arizona mexico border, getting here, not easy, took us about two-and-a-half hours from tucson. much of the drive off road with no cells signal and yet as desolate as this part of the border might seem, the trash and close literary in the gravel tell a different story. we find makeshift encampments were migrants, shield themselves from the scorching sun and wait for border patrol to pick them up she said three board. of ritual past about a little more than three hours ago and they assume they pick coming back and go, but they haven t seen them yet. this family fleeing cartel death threats and kidnappings were surprised hearing where they re from illness on negative limit heiko, mexico. and as we drive on, we meet another they make windows towards an encampment further down they may go from he s saying there s a bunch more that are coming from from mexico and he said, after the election of particular i felt the motivation to leave fearing the corruption and the lack of work. see what we end up steam because it s late getting near sunset, there s a huge and camp and mostly children a non-profits at this camp up for migrants who ve just cross are saying, please wait here, immigration is going to come and get you here and actually have wifi setup. most everyone here mexican what s up candy he said that they ve been getting a lot of threats and they said it was sort of the reason of the elections, it didn t vote for as they put it, the candidate who ended up winning on june 2, mexicans voted and local, state and presidential elections that campaign season proved violent and deadly. even the roman, she says that the reason they left us for reasons of security, which she says as now, everybody that we see here is from mexico, but they might not be in the us for law just days after mexico s elections, the biden administration took executive action on the order allowing first swift deportation of most migrants after a daily cap is reached. in nogales, arizona, we see those deportations up close. we counted probably a dozen people altogether most of them kids, about eight kids from what we could see getting off that bus and border patrol agents then escorting them directly flee to the border. and they ll continue walking them over right into mexico. what do you think does executive orders that going to do anything more in a rare encounter, we meet a border patrol agent eager to vent he asked us to mask his identity. worried, he ll be fired for talking to openly does it frustrate you when you hear that when you hear the narrative like wire border patrol doing anything don t blown off the mecole one he blames the current administration but isn t any more hopeful with the alternative, really to learn we meet others also frustrated by border policy, though, for more personal reasons. is, is this the only way that you can get face-to-face? yeah. litter carla pachinko crossed illegally nearly 30 years ago. she s recently gotten her work permit, but it s still waiting on a green card. i can be within the us how the mexico side that s her dad, freddie, who crossed illegally and was deported more than a decade back. they and other families meet here every couple of months to catch up. when s the last time you got to hug your dad? 15, 16 years ago. when you think about what s happening at the border now what what goes through your mind? yeah, well, it s unfair because we ve been waiting what has been 20 years, 20 six years, and nothing nothing was being here paying my taxes and not owing anything, no tickets or nothing. yeah. i don t get anything out of it. while washington focuses on illegal crossings and asylum claims cases like carlos have been put on the back back burner for decades, it s still freddie. once his next crossing to be done, laughlin, i wanted to take you write everything, you know with my passport every in legal even if it means waiting years, though it will happen the way i can wait await for border patrol at this remote section of the arizona mexico border unbearable for some. and so you re going to keep walking where cartel back smugglers often mislead migrants to think that once they ve crossed the hard part s over, it s not a struggled to push on and triple-digit heat kliger, the border wall for balance and shade ahead of them, i ll seemingly endless stretch of hills to climb aaron, i want to go back to that breaking news you mentioned just a few minutes ago those individuals was suspected ties to isis who were arrested, believed to have crossed over the us southern border. it s something i d actually asked our border patrol agent that we had connected with somebody who is very candid and open and he was concerned about some of the folks who are coming in. he said, look, the vast majority sure. are women and children and he said, that it s heartbreaking. but they in turn can distract from nefarious activities that might become an cross including potential terrorists. he said, it s terrifying for him and it s for that reason, aaron, that he does not want his signature on any of those release forms. wow. that s really credible. and honestly amazing that you able to speak to him and admirable that he was able to both be honest, but yet he wasn t didn t express kind of rage or anger at anyone fastening and what he said about trump and biden not being satisfied with either all right. thank you so much. david culver for that spectacular reporting next to the us is now track king russian warships packed with high precision weapons that are just off the coast of florida one. can one. i want to do in which and to be with my family i want you to join your brothers in the rank welcome to the show i just love being out there with you guys the only thing that matters to me rigid or now streaming exclusively on max when to leave 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being tracked by us navy and coast guard ships as the russian flotilla is heading to cuba and out front has obtained pictures. a passenger and a celebrity cruise line ship. look at this picture off the coast of florida, took these pictures as the war ships pass by he says they were just a couple thousand feet away and he saw us ships and planes tracking them. the passenger telling us quote, i just happened to look outside and i saw one of the ships so i went outside to investigate. i can see six ships at one time across the horizon. there have been shifts in sight. most of the day and we just think about that most of the de, russian warships next to a us cruise ship, he adds quote, i was surprised how close they are. we re not that far offshore meantime, in moscow, russian state television is touting the deployment of the ships off the us coast as tensions increase with the us and matthew chance is out front from moscow tonight these are the first images of the russian flotilla steaming towards cuba, just 90 miles off the us coast the russian defense ministry says the strike group including a nuclear powered submarine, the qizan, armed with modern caliber cruise missiles practicing the use of high precision weapons. but it s really about putin flexing his muscles on the international stage led by the flagship of russia just northern fleet, the admiral golf cough, which russia s defense ministry says is normally equipped with latest zircon hypersonic missiles this is meant to deliver a powerful message to washington russian state television has been celebrating than evil deployment, placing some of russia s most powerful vessels in cuban waters. i boil and accordion. the american media, has been discussing the event, reports, the russian news anchor claiming the pentagon has no idea where our submarine is positioned. in fact us officials or downplaying any threat. but moscow has been signaling displeasure that washington recently green light getting ukrainian attacks on russian territory with us supplied-weapons speaking ahead of the cube and naval visit, vladimir putin warned of a possible russian response. easley, and you put it today in the west lai weapons to the zone of combat operations and call for the use of these weapons against our territory. then why do we not have the right to do the same? to mirror these actions? i m not ready to say that we ll do it tomorrow, but we of course, should think about it elsewhere moscow has been stepping up tactical nuclear drills to staging exercises with neighboring belarus near the ukrainian border. russian tactical nukes delivered from either ground or air can level entire cities or the kremlin insists it has no plans at this stage

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