paul: welcome to this special edition of the journal editorial report as we look back at the highs and lows of 2023. president biden s poll numbers sink as the year comes to a end. gallup s final poll of 2023 find 39% of americans approve of the job he is doing. the lowest of the last 7 presidents in their first term. the president has become frustrated with his low approval rating and polls that show him trailing donald trump nationality. can he turn those numbers around in the new year? let s ask fox news contributor karl rove. these numbers have been persisting for a while, the president is going down. s it too early to conclude that americans have made a judgment that this has not been a successful presidency? they have made that judgment and they made that judgment about the president himself three quarters, more than three quarters of the american people think he is too world to seek a second term. two thirds of the american people think he lacks the stamina and ment