Tigg + Coll Architects has completed House for Theo + Oskar, a renovated and extended house deisgned to support children with duchenne muscular dystrophy.
LOUNGE: 17 9 X 11 10 (5.40m X 3.60m) Wall mounted electric fire. Vinyl wood effect floor. Downlighters. PVC patio doors.
KITCHEN/DINING AREA: 17 9 X 11 6 (5.40m X 3.50m) Potter Cowan fitted kitchen to include range of high and low level units. Large and small sink unit with mixer tap. Built-in oven and gas hob with stainless steel extractor unit over. Space for American fridge. Larder cupboard. USB connection. Breakfast bar. Minerva crystal ice worktops. Integrated dishwasher. Downlighters.
UTILITY ROOM: 9 10 X 7 3 (3.00m X 2.20m) Range of high and low level units. Plumbed for washing machine. Space for tumble dryer. Extractor fan. Tiled floor. Back door.