Farewell Jerry. My comrade. My friend.
You were a larger-than-life personality. You were a man of intense passion, courage, conviction, and fortitude with an incredible capacity to communicate your emotions and perspectives and to inspire action in individuals, institutions, and nations.
I recognise your strong personal code – a mixture of “old time” traditional, Catholic, and military values. I know that at the centre of this was a deep sense of solidarity with the downtrodden and of outrage against the “down-pressors” of the world. You believed in the dignity of labour and in simple living and in leadership by example. You loved Ghana deeply - her peoples, her cultures, and her physical beauty. You may not have expressed your views in classical/ideological “anti-imperialist” or “pan-Africanist” terms, but there was never any doubt that about. your love for all of Africa. Indeed, you burned with indignation at the legacies of slavery and coloniali