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Transcripts for BBC Somerset BBC Somerset 20200414 160000

It was a classy can has now isn t 12107 that s an increase of 7 am We interrupt that now to take you straight to Downing Street and the Chancellor. Of England earlier today the government s independent fiscal watchdog the Office for Budget Responsibility the o.b.l. Published a report into the impact of coronavirus on the economy and public finances it is important to be clear that the o.b.l. Is numbers are not a forecast or a prediction they simply set out what one possible scenario might look like and it may not even be the most likely scenario but it s important that we are honest with people about what might be happening in our economy so before I turn to today s Health figures I want to spend a few minutes explaining what the o.b.l. Have said and let me thank them for their continued work there are 3 brief points I wanted to make 1st the o.b.s. Figures suggest that the scale of what we are facing will have serious implications for our economy here at home in common with other countries around the world these are tough times and there will be more to come as I ve said before we can t protect every business and every household but we came into this crisis with a fundamentally sound economy powered by the hard work and ingenuity of the British people and British businesses so while those economic impacts are significant the o.b. Are also expect them to be temporary where they bounce back in growth the 2nd point I want to make is that we re not just going to stand by and let this happen our planned economic response is protecting millions of jobs businesses self-employed people charities and household. Our response aims to directly support people and businesses while the restrictions are in place and to make sure that as the restrictions are changed we can as quickly as possible get people back to work get businesses moving again and recover our economy the o.b. Our today have been clear that the policies we have set out will do that the Irby are today have been clear that if we had not taken the actions we have the situation would be much worse in other words our plan is the right plan the 3rd point I want to make is this right now the single most important thing we can do for the health of our economy is to protect the health of our people it s not a case of choosing between the economy and public health common sense tells us that doing so would be self-defeating at a time when we are seeing hundreds of people dying every day from this terrible disease the absolute priority must be to focus all of our resources not just of the state but of businesses and all of you at home as well in a collective national effort to beat this fire us the government s approach is to follow scientific and medical advice through our step by step action plan aiming to slow the spread of the virus so fewer people need hospital treatment at any one time protecting the n.h.s. His ability to cope I said in my budget a month ago that whatever the n.h.s. Needs it will get and we have honored that promise yesterday we published an update showing that we ve given our public services an extra 14 and a half 1000000000 pounds in recent weeks. We are taking action to increase n.h.s. Capacity with more beds more Keystone off and more equipment on the frontline and the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care will be updating on our plans for social care tomorrow this is why we are instructing people to stay at home so that we can protect our n.h.s. And save lives I can report that through the government s ongoing monitoring and testing program as off today 302599 people in the u.k. Have now been tested for Corona virus with 93873 people testing positive 19706 people in the u.k. Have been admitted to hospital with the virus down from 20184 people yesterday sadly of those in hospital 12107 people have died an increase of 778 fatalities since yesterday after all with the family and friends of all those who have lost their lives these figures are a powerful reminder to us all of the importance of following the government s guidance stay at home protect our n.h.s. And saved lives. Thank you and now hand over to Steve to take you through today s date or in more detail before we take some questions from the media thank you well as you ve just heard our main strategy in combating this virus is social distancing So in other words stay at home avoid social contact and by doing that we can ensure that the spread of the virus the transmission from one person to another is reduced so over time we will start to see a reduction in the number of infections from Corona virus and I m pleased to say that we continue to see evidence that the great British public are complying with those instructions you ve seen this transport chart most days and you can see that we continue to see much reduced activity in public transport but also the ickle transport and there are other data that we look at on a regular basis that tell us that compliance levels in the public are very high and and we need to keep it that way we absolutely need to make me make sure that we keep the benefits of this going forward and we don t take a foot off the pedal we don t become complacent now of course the reduction in infection rates in the next slide will then translate into a reduction in u.k. Cases and you can see here our testing has shown a plateau in of the number of new cases we re picking up we re not testing everybody who symptomatic in the community so this data will never be a true. Complete reflection but I think in the next slide you can see that that in turn will then translate into an effect on the number of people who require a hospital bed now as we ve often said for the vast majority of individuals this is a mild illness like a flu like illness or or a bad cold. But for an unfortunate minority This will require hospitalization but you can see that there s increasing evidence now that the number of hospital admissions is stabilizing and clattering you can see that in London but you can also see it in other areas such as the Midlands and this is evidence that is now accumulating that the benefit of that social distancing of reducing transmission is now beginning to be manifest in stabilisation in hospital admissions and then on the next slide you will see the. Number of deaths in the u.k. Energy of hurt that is continuing to rise this is the number that will reduce last unfortunately with sadness it s the one that will take longest to change but those benefits from social distancing will eventually translate into a reduction in the number of daily deaths so the message is quite clear we are beginning to see the benefits of the undoubted hardship that we ve all been asked to to go through in terms of social distancing in terms of not meeting with friends and family it s really important that those benefits of maintained that we continue to follow the instructions that we ve all been given and we will then get on top of this virus. Thank you Steve if we could turn to some questions that 1st floor Kings book from the b.b.c. And that s where we leave Dunning street now just a little summing up if you missed the beginning of the update from the chancellor where she seemed like the latest u.k. Figures now show 778 people have died in hospital the chancellor began with a few words on today s economic outlook from the u.k. Office for Budget Responsibility He says these are tough times and it will be impossible to protect every household and business he adds that the protection may not even be the most likely scenario and that the o.b. On has been clear that the situation would have been much worse without government action and Mt so far that was the chancellor she seemed like he had that on Professor Stephen Price and h.s. England thank you that is travel coming up after this from Wyndham fi it s September it s b.b.c. Somerset. Thank you our. Thanks. To our. Thanks to our. Was. A . A a a a a a That b.l.s. Earth Wind and Fire is b.b.c. Somerset Cicotte a brilliant team from Adele to play feel as well in the next 10 minutes and talking more following that update from the chancellor where she sat will be talking more about how small businesses in the West are coping right now financially bringing more of the ways that you are making a difference some uplifting tyo of incredible people taking wonderful things across the county will go to. Them on say shortly to find out how people are raising money for a new fence a nice if West and General Hospital and very shortly as well going to Chad s to find out how that fairing with a building that was started regarding the new leisure Sensa by email is that still going ahead what s happening will be checking in with South Somerset district council that get all the latest also getting We latest travel fairly quiet on the rise I imagine. B.b.c. Somerset but let s get the actual lowdown from Jules Buckley Hi Jules Yeah Hi Caroline thank you people of course heeding Mark Everman travel instruction amounts to stared so not to make any unnecessary journeys by road or indeed by public transport unless it s to get some essential groceries in all health reasons of course or you need to travel back and forth to work Vasily being reflected and what I m seeing on the major roads the m 5 it s slightly slow north of Taunton a 25 but that s because of the ongoing road works quite slow beheading their own through a sprint only a 370 and down on towards Bristol Road the a 38 is queuing down towards Edith Mead roundabout heading towards the center over Bridgewater the Broadway is quite busy and then towards the road if you re heading toward the lights to and from them looking slightly on the slow side as well beheading them for Lysander. Rode in the to be over enough I m too badly I m a $37.00 on the move in and out of town but a bit further north east of you heading up towards that for them false on the a 37 the temporary schools in one the 2 you ladies just heading through that stretch of the moment though it s not about picture at all and if you re heading out to the bar please do update us if you can if you spot something we haven t just mentioned it s always 106781566 Thanks Jill. Back Our relations between North and cross is continue to was. Very strange the difference between you and Sophie could never work for. All it s a strain. On key here he told Adele and set fire to the rain is b.b.c. Some aset said checking in with how they current current virus situation is affecting people across on the sets from families in rural areas to tourism businesses small businesses in general across on us that we re checking in in more depth shortly and also I can Holmes official figures suggest around a 10th of crowd of virus link deaths have happened outside of hospital the data from the Office for National Statistics comes as the charity Age u.k. Ones of covered 19 spreading like wildfire as they put it in cat homes but charities are warning that many older people are being airbrushed out have coronavirus figures in the u.k. The official death toll has been criticised for only covering people who die in hospital but not by using cash games or indeed in their own homes welcome pensions secretary tree s coffee told the b.b.c. The daily figure was based on hospital deaths because it s accurate and Quake sedated and used to run the Care Quality Commission is center executive chairman of the largest cab company in the u.k. h C one which operates a number of facilities across Somerset including Catherine house in for him and the glen in shape to manage his way into. Having the baby say it to scale at the problem in his calf and this terrible virus does target older people and people with underlying conditions and what that means is some of the frail us elderly people that we ve got in our society are residents in care homes and therefore those individuals are increased risk from this terrible virus and we ve been monitoring these numbers since the beginning of the outbreak and as of yesterday evening 8 o clock we ve had $2447.00 cases of the suspected or confirmed coded now and staying within our care homes its presence in $232.00 of our homes which is about 2 thirds of the total number of homes that we wrote and again as of last night s there have been 311 residents who were died as a result of or suspected covert 9 say and indeed sadly over the weekend we ve lost one member of staff Kovac 19 deaths to Representative about just under about a 3rd of all deaths that we ve had over the past 3 weeks so this isn t just an issue of deaths from covert 9 saying this is a very frail group of older people and we d normally have a number of deaths taking place throughout the winter months and we re also dealing with that as well so the consequences. That we ve got stuff alien anxious not just about personal protective equipment but also our interests that they will catch the virus and take it home to their loved ones and indeed with this high number of deaths stuffed feeling helpless their own able to help people that in many respects many respects it cared for for a number of years so it s emotional and psychological impact of this virus that we continue to be concerned with an air offering support to stop during this difficult time and the impact that you ve outlined for us I mean that does seem very high doesn t it in 2 thirds if you will 300 homes much higher than the one in 7 that we re getting from the official figures so do you think it s that it s your homes are being particularly badly hit or would do you think that some will realistic picture of what s going on nationally but we think this is a more realistic picture and there is an inference that there s been a high level of Kopechne aren t training care homes because people aren t being cared for properly I don t think that s the case it s all I m sayin and hearing about thousands of acts of kindness and stop demonstrating quite extraordinary degrees of heroism and bravery as it s turned in every day. Dale with the end parts of this virus care home staff have high levels of skill the day away in seasonal flu norovirus on an annual basis they used to bury a nurse in using personal protective equipment but this is the 1st time any of which ever sat so we were a kid in managed and worked with in a virus like the one that we re dealing with now these are quite unprecedented times and I say What stuff are demonstrating extraordinary levels of scale on the figures issue again they speakers have never been collected in the way that they now are so I think they were Professor Chris. Outlined yesterday I ve been asked on. Office the national statistics because I think the low we should be allied behind those the dues and I think we did need to object to discipline about the definitions being used to collect these figures and then we can comp. From we can compare these because in a realistic way that s David being in there previously of the Tax Policy Commission now executive chairman of the largest cab company in the u.k. He will mess up writes the city s in Froome Cason house and also the Glen cash in shape to manage the outside of society a one of those calling on the government to publish a comprehensive plan on how they will support the social care sector during the pandemic Catherine Smith is the chief operating officer from the outside society she was asked if she thought the help from the government was enough well we haven t felt like we have I mean we ve heard many of the briefings and in other situations that this artist said that the person protected criminals there are provided police just not coming through fast enough and in sufficient quantities for the care homes and for you know all cash that it needed. To the minister and we have been promised that there will be an actual plan comes out this week and that this will be addressed but the fact appears to have been a bit of a delayed afterthought and Social Care was already in crisis in terms of its funding and staff in and obviously this coronaviruses really highlighted that crisis and made the situation much more difficult and a fatuous part just not come true quickly enough and the staff doing well it s hard to lay in the efforts that they re making at the moment under these circumstances so dedicated working so hard as well they are absolutely I mean you know the care on staff or carrying on turning up to work that they all know that this is a really really difficult situation just now the care homes are quite short of staff anyway as to the suit itself I slipped and that makes it more difficult but I carry on staff are going in day after day looking after resident. Doing the best they really are making an enormous exit that they just haven t got the right and that they need to do that we are expecting a plan from the government this week I m going to hope that addresses all of those issues including making sure that a nice guy didn t shell out so that families are able to fit their loved ones at a time of dad you know. And they said it is really quite Humana because they write that your treatment has to be to sample many care homes have to be able to do it at the time Catherine Smith the chief operating officer that s me out some society thank you so much to everyone Q So hard and Ok homes across some set right now you re doing an amazing job and staying with current virus we ll check in with how it s County affecting small business across the council. That hasn t passed by. 5 that he won his. Your latest headlines with a Russian official figures show the number of people dying in England and Wales reached a record high at the start of this month 16000 deaths were registered in the 7 days to the 3rd of April with coronavirus accounting for a 5th of the total one further person has died with Corona virus in a Somerset Hospital brings the total number of people have died at Thompson s Musgrave Park after testing positive for HIV 19 to 16 and 7 at Yeovil district hospital the government has insisted it s constantly working to support the social care sector by providing enough testing and protective equipment the conservative pair and form pensions minister Lady young men had complained that care homes were being left in the lurch its image there were 217 deaths in care homes in England and Wales to cope with 19 to April the 3rd and that number had increased tenfold in a week in the daily coronavirus press conference chancellery she see not began with a few words on today s economic outlook from the u.k. Office for Budget Responsibility he said these are tough times and it will be impossible to protect every household and business but said that the u.k. Strategy is not about choosing between people s health and the health of the economy construction work on the new leisure center at the site in China has resumed today when support on the site just over 2 weeks ago to allow for coronavirus risk assessment for site workers and the local community and I know in your old Army veteran has raised more than 2300000 pounds for the n.h.s. After pledging to walk $100.00 lengths of his garden before his birthday at the end of this month Captain Tom Moore he s from Bedfordshire had an issue and Mitchell target of a 1000 pounds and said the response he d received had been almost unbelievable b.b.c. News it s almost 533 a fantastic chapter for you lazy and compare his 700 lengths she could do that get you one involved maybe that s what I mean I feel like he s you know his age that s like incredible That s like a marathon in comparison I feel like probably yet is walking down the gardens you know. Particularly for it up. Bisque. B.b.c. Somerset. We still need biscuit right the morale of that captain It s pathetic isn t it is where they re coming up very shortly and let s check in now with the latest on the writes his Jules Buckley Hi Jules Hi Caroline thank you on the congestion bridge to speak of in 2 spots at the moment through the road works north of junction 25 on the m 5 just heading north of Thompson and also just through cokes he looks slightly slow for the a $39.00 both ways but I swear it s a fairly clear picture to be honest as people heed that government travel instruction a mass of course to stay at home and not to make any unnecessary journeys by road or public transport unless for food supplies or health reasons or indeed a need to travel back and forth to work for heading for public transport or buses and trains many operators no running an amended timetable needing to use public transport to check those out before you travel and or to check those journey times if you can back on the road though if you can update us on the House by the something we haven t just mentioned please do let us know by the give us a ring safe or legal it s always 106781566 Jones How are you handling looked at an exercise are you keeping fit and well not as for the well as the gentleman the story about the news that only what he can shift really can 99 I ve shouted watching him in a regular I know it s feeble I m almost 42 next week I m just not that fit and healthy I m. Definitely. Somerset s whether it s b.b.c. Somerset. A little bit later Let s check in with the latest weather now here in Ferguson below that while the fine conditions today are going to lead us through into an equally fine evening and through the course of tonight s will continue under clear skies withdrawing conditions that s going to lead to once again a risk of frost much like the was through last night and into this morning we can expect temperatures to drop towards 0 in a number of rural spots possibly even a degree below and for the. Generally about one to 3 degrees so either way it ll be a cold and some of you frosty start initially tomorrow said tomorrow will ultimately turn into a warmer day it will once again be a day plenty of fairly strong sunshine just a little bit of cloud aside and will continue under dry weather as well as tomorrow should lift up to about 16 to 17 degrees fairly widely perhaps 181 or 2 spots and it will be warmer still as we head through Thursday probably not going towards the low twenty s for a fair number of our districts with the chance at least of one or 2 showers appearing later through the afternoon now it s worth noting that Friday is going to bring the risk of some wet weather indeed it should be the most substantial rainfall that many of you have seen for a good number of days now so that rain arcs its way north and northeast winds will turn fairly heavy for a while and it s not impossible to be the rumble of thunder that your forecast thank you very much. For. Coming up in the next 5 minutes and this. it go is that on the Somerset It s Caroline on drive time in from out fo know all this week have you really well if you re just joining as me to have you along madness by few in just a 2nd and now this is really unusual to hear about something that is actually still going ahead right now that isn t kind of online but something happening right now that if you live in or around chart that might make you prick up your wrist today and child building work restarted on the town s new leisure center about a male Jason by a South Somerset district councillor for chart of the works will post a couple of the teams with us on the site. So it was just to assess the risks to the people working on the site on the people in the community around and some local people who might be surprised to consign possibly to see a gang today how did you come to that decision so we have government guidelines and government immediately the construction industry should continue to work wherever possible we ve done this within the safety guidelines that the government and when a full assessment of all the rest of the team and could come under there and we ve made sure that all the staff are working safely and that there was no risk to anyone in the wider community it must be and a tough decision to balance I mean how important is this project to the town. This is an extremely important project for this town of the surrounding areas but it s important is we have made that decision balance on the safety of the people working there made sure that we have people on site that need to be there and that they have everything they need to make sure they can do a good job safely Well I ve got just wanted to ask you about one other thing as you say the chair of the council s Abir West Committee last week the government s Planning Inspectorate went in the council s favor on a long running planning matter which means Marriott s may now get a new doctor surgery how are you feeling about you know 3 relieved. I think it s a very good you know it s a great decision I think it s great for. Expanding in many of our local So I think it s something that the village needs I m very pleased at the parting spectra agreed with all decision that we ve made a lot of that stay some buy from south summit that district council chair of the council s area west Committee talking to me coming up going to hit some incredible things that we re doing in Somerset to try to make a difference we had here about the Army veteran Tomo who at 99 as raised 2000000 pounds for the n.h.s. Doing an incredible trial and completing 100 laps of his goals and Bice the Walking with the aid of a fry absolutely wonderful stuff sigh fantastic a little bit because it s a high in which to live shortly hearing how that raising money for new friends might say that West in general with a brilliant charity will. Think . well. To the rights now let s check in with a high Joel s and high Caroline thank you m 5 slightly slow between junctions 2425 s or bridge will to soften tolling to the will because of the narrow lanes on the course the speed restrictions through their 50 miles an hour in the road work section still slightly slow through Coakley for the a 39 and those time bridge just southwest of lead for them falls on the a 37 again because you want to hold ups of course the government instruction is to stay at home not to make any unnecessary journeys by public transport by road on their sister get some essential groceries and or health reasons well course you need to go back and forth to work if you re heading to a public transport was the buses on the trains in most cases now the role of bread . Doing amend the timetable so do check those out before heading to use the buses and the trains and of course on the roads if we do something we haven t mentioned the please do let us know and ring us if you can say from legal please it s only 206781566 he was thank you very much. To volunteer to help others in Somerset just 1300000 kids in the u.k. From low income families who risk of hunger now you can register to be put in touch with volunteer organizations across the county Treasury much saying to be polled just coming in and keep people contact us. To find a group that s local to you that needs the kind of skills you have to offer just go to Corona dash help is Doug the u.k. Here when he needed space to be on the set. B.b.c. Somerset s make a difference. To music from Fleetwood Mac. And how are you going to stoop to stick on for you before 6 o clock Charlie Taylor after that. We have been hearing so many brilliant heartwarming incredible stories from people across Somerset doing just going above and beyond for those in the local community to keep Mr it s up to be other people spirits up you are absolutely brilliant lots of fitness challenge is going on up there we ve talked quite a lot about this and lips now just now been a month see if you re not familiar raising money for a new ventilator and west and General Hospital they re doing a massive charity walk this is the liberation look down exercise challenge so part of this involves more than 10 families who are going to complete the distance of John O Groats to Land s End or maybe even further Sarah Saxon is one of them where you sit in. 60 minutes a day so I. Was like Oh it s very family orientated so all the people taking part have got young children in fact yesterday want to buy. Youngest members at any rate the 1st time on a pike that stabilizes and she s only 3 a half a mile I mean we re a close knit community anyway in Memphis and we always have a and we do tend to rally around but also supporting nice people but so in themselves. So that the sake of our loved ones you know the nurses and the girl because that s what we want to do is raise money for p.t.a. And possibly Apprentice later on Sunday we ve got to come thank you or 146 miles which puts a somewhat candle because we re enjoying ourselves so much hope is Ok with it we d like to carry on we might even end up by the North Pole at this right. I would be absolutely incredible brilliant stuff so if you were doing something in your area you d like to tell us about you can email Somerset at b.b.c. To accredit u.k. Where on social media Facebook Twitter Instagram drop as a Lima or you can tweet a story part of text one triple 3 stop that with a word some asserts or as ever you can get involved all in off our number so if you just want to get in touch. With standard message rights but Phone crews are completely free you can coolers on the usual number which is I 106785066 love to hear from you. Maybe see Somerset make. My tweeting my texting all mixed up to me twice definitely coming up we will be talking to small businesses in Somerset finding out how that fairing and finding it was all some of the top finance questions getting off to accountancy firms right now. Getting. We. We will. We. While. We. Will. Obviously Maggie own b.b.c. Somerset going to squeeze in some. Way very shortly with more. And make a difference to 6 o clock now it s been a really tough time for so many. Across the county we ve been checking in with so many of you tonight. Tough time for small businesses in the west right now accountant John Mayer from tax system Weston super Mare advises many Somerset businesses and has been extremely busy in their current climate so many questions out I caught up with an idea to find out a little about some of the tough questions being asked right now furloughing anywhere you know actually not being not a works of all the might redundant all being sacked employees retiring is how the following is the biggest question I m certainly getting and then we know the principle that you employees are going to get paid I spent their wages but how it s going to happen is a question I ve been asked all the time by my clients and that s unclear furloughing of directors is a big question Johnny get they get for a large. Part of their salary Is that Ok any income from dividends that s an ongoing conversation other reply from John Paris letter I wrote this morning that something has been taken to the Chancellor. That. So it business grants for business people get business write relief is another one that is actually happening getting feedback from clients saying that our actually getting the business Grant straight when they get this right when they ve sort of that s why this actually is happening the last one really is pretty self employed people where they got to get their 33 years worth of average their profits from 20171819 right national average Jane white for more information on that sort of think if we summarize a lot of a lot of information coming through but the practicalities of how it has got to go to happen is lacking. That is accountant all my efforts hacks the system Weston super Mare and shot Guillen is empty of classic Keynes a small family business in Hinton s and George she fill me in on some of her concerns the main problem we have is that we are down by about 92 percent of sales we supply or king sticks to retailers across the u.k. And many other countries around the world but the typical customers are garden centers publicity shops gift shops shops and will contest areas and most of the customers have had to close that door was so we don t have a lot of money coming in and we already had a lot of money by the retailers we supplied We don t know when the reef that s going to come in and we also have things like imported stock coming in that was already in ships coming from faces like Taiwan to outspend we still have to pay for that and can t stop it so they the outgoing security no one in the incoming so I m not very good at the moment the help we ve had from the government so far we are on the 80 percent guarantee of wages for the for Star which was it a great short term measure of making stuff better obesity but we don t know when the government will repay this money to us and said that supposed to be not going to be until June which means we need to find the money for the April in May and month and payrolls which is going to be difficult you know I think we can do that a lot of companies are not going to be able to find enough money to pay their employees say that the government needs to really move on with that. We are supposed to be getting a little cash grant from the south Somerset District Council which we ve applied for because we re eligible for small business rates rebates but we haven t had anything on that yet. Our bank manager has informed us that we re not eligible for the current a virus business interruption loan scheme because we have in effect off a city already in place which we weren t using probably will be which of course we have to pay interest on that to the bank and in any case our bank is not a member of the British business bank as group that s administering the lanes say they can t access the land in any case. And we have lots of customers based of our customers the smaller businesses as well and they ve discovered they are the same position and we don t actually know anybody that s been able to get any help from the Lane scheme yet. Wow It is incredibly tough times as you say why many people in terms of how strong your business is Charlotte what s the situation how long do you think you can keep going in reality it depends really how much business comes the as I said at the moment when down 92 percent so we re quite pleased with the 8 percent I think it s nice to have that and that s mostly if you Internet retailers do a trading and if you export customers some places like Sweden to knock down for example and we still sending to places like that the emotional there isn t any income support for people in my position at the moment because of the lot of employees around Egypt to the middle to if so traders are on something similar if they can can be eligible for it but for people like me who take a very small salary out of the business and then top up with diffidence there s been you know income support whatsoever for us which is difficult because we can we pay ourselves a dividend it s not taken out in one lump sum we keep it in our businesses so we can have the benefit of that for cash flow and borrow from also through other than from the bank but that money s overheating swallowed up fast with the costs of running a company with with no money coming in and when that money runs out I have a further income so that s that s a concern fascinating snapshot of a somerset small family business in the current climate that Charlotte Gannon and classic Keynes in Hinton s George will bring you more on that as we get it s everything from cab small businesses we have been across this day thanks so much for the lights not for lovely messages that been coming in as well how do I see Kate s bulb and Martha from children told me be indulging on the kitchen especially to baggy trousers from up in the style of that one much to my daughter s amusement as I love it thanks so much more fabulous jeans on the way with Charlie Tyler I m going to squeeze I think another how he stole some baby some. Let. Me. Just you know I do are you from Harry Styles I do adore at p.b.c. Somerset Caroline cook back with you. You from 2 o clock tomorrow have a really lovely evening Stay with us for Charley Taylor if you can t get to the pub right now say no it has a virtual populates on this evening and some really great music on the way. Some sex people on the sad stories.

Radio-program , Radio-bbc-somerset , Stream-only , Radio , Radioprograms ,

Transcripts for BBC Somerset BBC Somerset 20200201 040000

I m going. To. Be. Out of. This. Coming this is coming. Don t like that track the 1st on my head now I do that circles and post Miller it s the best the b.c.f. Am right here on b.b.c. Radio Bristol and b.b.c. Somerset Hello my name s Pat hots and my name is Ivan Jackson now for the 1st time in I don t know how long we re together in a studio rather than being in different parts of the world does it please you Mr Jackson need to know as it s nice to be together again. I m sure there s a song about that Jeffrey now on today s show we mark the beginning of l g b t History Month with 2 clips from shout out it s b.c. Fms magazine show made by m. For the lesbian gay bisexual and transgender plus communities now there s going to be one from a woman whose public community established to help plus Muslims and other the other discussion about a new production of rents from the Bristol music comedy club and. He still from our nature program shepherds wife fills us in on how to make our gardens insect friendly in readiness for the spring and summer and Sandra Golden from our sister station a gym right here popped in to tell me what my breakfast team about the Super 6 a collective of voluntary and social enterprise community organizations in Bristol who are hosting an event in the hope of inspiring other members of the community to think about volunteering plus the Friday breakfast team up the beginning of Chinese New Year with celebrity chef Larkin in the studio. . Called income. And I knew that it was cold. Cold. Cold. Susan. Bolton a. Good. Mom. Says. Now I. Make a mistake. In Colorado. But you come. To me. And It s. For us. Craig David to have a new home along with Sting rise and fall now on our 1st clip today it marks the history month and it s coming from Shantelle b.c. F.m. Show made by and 40 plus community many l g b t people often find themselves isolated from their friends and family when they come out as a result of cultural or religious clashes now and there is a national organization that supports l g b t plus Muslims and stuff Ebonics spoke to one of its members about her experience coming out she started by asking for Ina how translates into English the meaning of you guys means guidance comes from the Arabic and a lot of it is about guiding our members guiding l g b t f Muslims and so we use that word to be. To mean you know guiding people personalty here. Can you just tell us a little bit by during the experience I 1st came out to. Friends at the age of 16 and. And that all went really well and the family why I came out to my mom when I was 21 that wasn t a very good experience. Did a lot of moms do brushed under the carpet and went into I guess denial my aunt. For a very long time and then my very last on Probably my wost coming out experience was with my dogs back in October 28th where he then decided that he basically didn t want me to be farming anymore can you can you tell us what that means to you . Means to mean finding a chosen family that I can finally be myself with my. Brothers and Sisters. Don t judge me you are going to have conversations with about my sexuality about Islam about you know all the things in between that you would talk to a siblings about. It s about finally being with people who. Although we don t share blood we share so much more. To have meaningful relationships with your colleagues and family members there. Absolutely I actually regard them all as brothers and sisters and family members as one of the committee members I jokingly call Hala which means on t.v. . And it is you know an ongoing kind of a. Day absolutely every one of them very important to me does it give you a warm family feeling to start will everybody is yeah I think for me especially because I have no contact with my family now what they represent is my family so having lost a family I ve now gained one with him can you tell me through. Changed your opinion of your face 100 percent I grew up in a Muslim household with religion being forced down my throat and being in a situation where I couldn t question them and every time I did question I was told to shut up and just get on with that and so I lost my faith for a very long time and I didn t really forgot myself as a Muslim is not being until I joined the diet I was able to hold both identities to get out now started exploring religion in a much deeper way I ve always had faith and I ve always believed in God now I m actually really searching I m looking for. And feeling like I belong to the faith to start conflict with roots the Qur an. I don t believe in. The Koran in its purest form is grand in our back I mean if you translate that into English depending on who translate set on how they translate it can mean so many different things and he died a website and we ve actually got. Transcripts and sections from the Koran where we ve given you know the true Arabic translation to which we really helpful for people who might be searching for answers but what does their religion say about homosexuality and how does a story all. Transcribe with regards to him sexuality us and so I would definitely recommend people to go to all that site and have a look at the resources we will do some future looking for you know. The features from a next very much. I m very much. A Muslim in my own right I m carrying bank events identities together we. Expanding when he died. On a daily basis we are extremely extremely happy to members joining us C on a daily basis and we hope to reach as many muslims out there as for possibly can. People want to get in touch and actually you ve inspired people which hopefully they are Muslim. And would like to get in touch or maybe join can tell you. They can do that. Every single one of all the links is on our Web site I would probably say our Web site is a best resource to go on to. Our website address. U.k. . And contact us. You can subscribe to our new select tell you can have a. Monthly events our top 10 all across the u.k. . And you can volunteer for us as well say please go on there and how about. That. Let me Histon I want to dance with somebody I ve been I was thinking. You know you know that s dangerous but he started you know I never I already was thinking all right when we played Craig David in sting Yeah rise and fall I was singing in the. That we could do a song we could be like. A duet. Because we re at the b.b.c. We go to the b.b.c. To play we say to the bosses hey you know here s. Let me think about that for a minute no no and listen we could get Adam Crowther on being b.b.c. Upload and we wouldn t know we could download it to upload here we can change our names we could call it ion pay. Or pay and I. Why I ll go 1st p. And I you know what song would we say or think about it maybe will decide that before the end of the show maybe I ll give a little rendition as well as move on Jenny Steele is my favorite and also one of the regular contributors on Shepherd s way b.c. Fms weekly look at the natural world around us and the wildlife that thrive in it you can catch the show in its entirety every Wednesday at 7 pm indeed this week with the prospect of losing more and more insects due to climate change and ever decreasing countryside habitats Jenny looked at ways to encourage pollinators into the garden by planning and nectar border boarders designed to provide nectar and pollen for invertebrates brim over with colorful flowers and harm with insects in the summer which is exactly how our garden should be a border where lots of insect friendly plants are all jumbled together is a perfect addition to any garden and you don t need a huge area to make a colorful impact and help pollinators organize gardeners often plan changes to their borders in spring and summer but carry out those improvements during winter and early spring when plants can easily be moved a new pot grown variety is planted. But how many of us really are that organized or can wait that long to make our gardens better wildlife habitats planting can actually be done at any time but it is important to make sure your new plants authority watered every day until they are stopped simply watering after planting will not be enough plant nursery Singleton centers now have a wide variety of nectar and pollen producing plants plus there are lists of good plants for invertebrates everywhere but not all information is accurate it is better when you re out and about visiting gardens garden centers or plant nurseries to make sure you have a notebook with you and jot down the names of anything that seems to be buzzing with life whether you re starting an active border from scratch or adding to an existing area planted small groups of 3 or 5 of the same plant if you can a mass of one color is more likely to attract bumble bees and butterflies than individual plants started here and there choose plants that flirt different times spreading nectar and pollen production over a long time period will benefit a wider range of invertebrates late summer flowers are especially important for insects building up energy reserves to get them through hibernation in the winter and don t worry about planting everything tall at the back borders can look more interesting with Heights a bit jumbled up to make good use of space some plants have both nectar and pollen including the been a binary and sis Ecan a seer and economic. Herb s such as time kept Mint Burridge and Marge room will cater for many species of butterflies and be well lavender has seeds for birds to. To maybe not. To create the path think. We ve. That was the. Driver I had that one for a while used to be played didn t played and played now maybe we could cover that song. Maybe his affair. You have to wear the dog reserve where we re in a bit but still to come on the best of. B.b.c. Radio Bristol and b.b.c. Some of the Super 61 of breakfast and a taste of China with fast when celebrity chef a lot of the girls that s what key facts are all right in a walk you know well all right well he asked when celebrity chef Larkin Sen joined the Friday freckle team so at the beginning of Chinese New Year before that I mean my element now because it s time to get all theatrical Yes Yes In the 2nd of our clips from shout out today Bristol music comedy club popped into the studio to tell the team about their latest production of. The show began by asking director of jeans and choreographer Charlie Elon what the show is all about when is actually based on which is very much very much like Mr Graham was based on Madame Butterfly . Was the inspiration for the or the big Bohemians was the inspiration for for rent but obviously the period was up to date and it was set in the ninety s which is sort of just after the core aftermath of aids and it s about the fallout not not not just from the sexual side of aids but from the drugs side of aids and everybody trying to cope with it afterwards so it was very very pertinent at the time a very very sort of revolutionary if you like so I didn t really feel it and you know none of them are honest but he didn t see it he didn t see it he was writing it for years and years and he had a undiagnosed heart condition and on the dress run it was the dress one was performed and he had a went to a party afterwards and and had a heart or chest problem and the preview was supposed to happen the next night which he did but he never made it because he did. Have an aneurism a heart and you know as I m saying you know the course is going on for those the music was one of the iconic ones the kind of reshapes of a. Things you can do with me Sickles didn t it it did they the history of music who have always been interrupted by pivotal show completely revolutionized the musical by adding a story Oklahoma revolutionized the musical by adding a story through choreography some time obviously state today s issues into the musical and by the time we got to have and then rent we started to use what music in the musical form which hadn t been used before obviously now with Hamilton and lots of things that that s commonplace but back then it never been done so rent was revolutionary to set the scene set the scene for us how how does how does it start the story on and rent and how it then progressed I don t want you to give away the ending but it be nice to say no to be fair I mean slightly different from the opera lovers out there well we all know the story already it s about a group of Bohemians obviously in this iteration it s rock musicians it s performance artist and so on and they live in a down and out part of New York and it s very good because it covers all types of personal types of gender all types of sexuality so it was very ahead of its time for covering those issues yet you have everything you know I don t know but you know what the old interaction was when it 1st came as a musical I mean what was it was it taken with that kind of a wow that s quite Absolutely. And that s why it won say many awards I mean it won 8 Tonys Drama Desk Awards and it won the Pulitzer Prize which is very very unusual I think I could be wrong but I think how much in just one the put the Pulitzer Prize which is the latest musical to have changed history and yeah yeah so tell us a bit about the group is performing it on a because of the peony. Yes this v.m.c. a Little musical comedy club and they re brilliant the cost is incredible really really strong very lucky yeah very strong we all see we re only auditions and you felt like you could have passed it many times but they re really accomplished great singers great dance practice say it s going to be something to behold I think love even use the Redgrave Isn t it was you know. If you used to the big ones like the lies a lot smaller a little more it was a lot more intimate isn t it. Proved challenging so depending on how we can fit one of to before both Charlie and I have been doing shows for years and years and we ve done the most of our career in and out of the Red great theater so it s not too much of a pressure person because we know everything about it and sometimes you know an intimate theater is really nice for something that is a story a story like this there are both very sore small and dark details you know sometimes big stories are great for board theaters but to get more intimate and to touch the audience sometimes a smaller theater is really really useful he just didn t want to us she started running we started with singing just because the whole like he said the whole show was singing so i m day it s incredible he s been doing loads of singing with them I think he s been surprised at how quickly they picked it up they re really talented bunch and now we ve got the lyrics and the music we re just trying to add some movement and setting and it s looking really great what kind of early days but it s going very quickly as well sorry well. We ve got you come back close the Times is right you ll It is. Tonight that may actually if you come in the evening now it s a little bit cheaper as well but yeah but now cars are starting to sell We ve already sold for a few so you go to the red graphic website and tickets are available on the website you can also see what s the you want to sit in there which is really sort. Of this still b.c.f. Thing on b.b.c. Radio. Breast and b.b.c. Some say. So don t rock the boat Ivan that far is there on the best to b.c. F.m. Did you get the message you are because I m a fellow to Chad I mean yeah I was saying you know I said Well Ok and you tell me it s not work it s walkie talkie so I m hopin that I can tell you off cold then they haven t. Done anything yet so could you just deliberately make a mistake in Saturday s allow me to tell you off let s move on. Sandra Golden is no stranger to the wonder of breakfast show as well as one of the co-founders of the rise award she s also a broadcaster on Jima radio yes she s got I think is in a lot of parties now this week Sandra came in to talk to Pat and the team in the middle of breakfast about the Super 6 and a volunteer event they have planned began by asking who the Super 6 l 6 Bristol s black organizations we ve got together and Microsoft can imagine that groups coming together that we realize how much we have in common and sometimes you know not so much that we re where fighting against each other but didn t definitely is something we d be fighting to get that conversation and let s yeah let s not kind of like you know let s mention the elephant in the room is that sometimes and especially. The predominantly for run by people from Bain communities you have almost forced to say listen there s a few ground you up fight for it so I think one of the key things there for us coming together is just realize that actually we ve got a lot in common and maybe if we started working more together we can kind of 13 the pool our resources and also we ve all got different skills within each the groups help each other towards sustainability because that s really what all of the 6 groups need right. Here we were only talking yesterday so Felix wrote of edge of playground up our street an Eastern community center have merged when when you think about it and people panicking on it what s going to happen I want to keep their name but the thing is that they ve moved because of sustainability because time and time again one organization might be in problems because of finances and they cannot afford to run them there is somebody that runs out in isolation that s got expertise it could help that organization and all of a sudden when you combine your expertise as well and you cooperate and you say do you guys want to come to this and whatever things become a little bit easier that definitely and I think that s what we found we know many of them for what that s less than last available in organizations we don t want to just rely on funded by the white guy sure we have to look at different ways that we can. Rise they should or otherwise we re going to find especially Baby led organizations start to. Disappear Ok and that s definite what could happen so we ve come together we can start to create in some great relationships so we put together this is office the van that would do in is that what seeps x. I love a lot of it so talk about. The 6 organizations who are so we ve got huge amount yet we ve got black cameras pressed about cameras you ve got the market next we ve got staples carnival Bristol Somali for. The Mali. Pretty So we re going to isolation is the need for individual reasons kind of support you re involved with to kind of probably move into but you know you re part of the governance of 2 of the organizations Malcolm x. Center I did you Meridia I love unity and I think Unity It s a beautiful thing it s a case of getting because we re here in the city but we re not doing things together. And I agree with you on the unit say that ask. Week so I want a sudden we re on the same agenda in the ring and we ll try to support each other in the ring to helping each other so there isn t my oh there s a pot of money and we ll try to fight for it there was none of that there s such a wow you ve got the same problems that right you know within my organization how do you know I ve done this this can help Pete given each other advice so it s time to kind of not pull How do we get over that fear because you know anyone listening and we know so yourself and pram. You dream Arabia for example so when a pastor Jima b.c.f. Air you know fight in you know fight him down the alley way and Roger and it wasn t just as it was other organizations too and sometimes it was over advertising or funding or evolution is so of course many of those many of those disputes are based on fear and ignorance. Could be talking about racism and also a phobia about but fear and ignorance so how do we get over that fear when when you approach these groups and I m sure you know each group will have workers then some will have board members not everyone will want to be together some might want to leave and go I don t think it s a good idea they ll take out money and whatever how do you get out those problems you know I think I have doing something for instance of what we ve done come in really yet been very open and honest because it s about built in trust and absolute 1st stage about built in trust is just getting everyone together you know because sometimes we see each other we cross we cross Paul s embarrass different throughout the city but we do actually spend time together talking about what some of the challenges are talking about what some of the opportunities are create trying to do that so this is what this is that s really what the whole program is really for us and it s about moving forward and we hope that could be the Super 12 or 18 or a number that may be so we kind of build and build it because it be great to have a massive organization. They embraced all that we pool our resources and that includes expertise to create a lot more sustainability in our longer term organizations because like I said we all kind of do interact with the same way we want to support. Communities within Bristol so people listening now that have some affinity or interest in all of the organizations that we ve mentioned. For the general public can come and and learn more to tell us what their experience when they were a bit write bass if everything s run on volunteers you know all these organizations would an excess in that you know less we didn t have a parts stop this fall into a pace so we re always looking for volunteers and I think some people know a little bit about these organizations so it s not you just to come along speak to each of these 6 groups find out what they do and find out what opportunities we happened within each of those community groups in terms you can get involved so something like St Paul s carnival people thing is a one day event it isn t you know it s 12 months hard work. To get involved so I think it s just kind of open it up to the community and say look we re here come and talk to us come and volunteer with us. G. S. G. I love those long fade outs musical You Pass the Dutchie now I think I ve come up with a short list very quickly one of songs that we could cover so it could be Elton John Allen s on Kiki the yeah you re breaking my heart you suggested Sonny and Cher Yes I got you baby guess what I ve gone for Donny and Marie Paper Roses Oh hey there s a new you do the harmony and we wear those orange jumpsuits I ve been told to do have a look at Cher though you know fall just need a bit longer hair that s going to be Donny and Marie Ok now with the outbreak of the coronavirus in China new lunar new year celebrations may have been a little muted over there but here in Bristol most went ahead as planned yes Larkin send is the celebrity chef behind walkie fest to the annual Chinese New Year festival at Wapping wharf and Tobias John interviewed him on the Friday breakfast show he started by asking Larkin how he got into cooking and about his experience on Master Chef 7 years ago and how I taught him to cook is a bit of a long story here so there s a lot I was a lawyer before so my passion was kind of like cooking Ok I can like I really want to the submarine restaurants and stuff like that my parents didn t really want me to do I was in the group and take what you see so you always like kept me away from it but I was always quite fascinated by cooking and supply than his is in the family so at the. End of that I was at my desk one day and I thought right I m definitely going to quit my job this year and I didn t really watch Mascia before where everyone knows of it as a brand you know yeah so I decided to put an application in and that I m going Vita to a casting day cookoff and stuff like that and then about 3 months later they call me and say Ah gee fancy coming on the show. And I was and then I had to take up 4 month sabbatical from work basically I told Tom across about it and feel like you re Can you cook because I think. They re like Ok fair enough I think they all thought he d be back so yeah from what I won weeks of article and being too weak and they kept going on that I kept having called back to work as I am or I m still in. And I was like 4 months off work to do it so most been quite quite daunting then in some respect I mean it takes quite a big thing to follow your passion and put aside I guess what you know is a guaranteed form of of income in some respects to put that aside follow your passion and take a risk in some respects and Holmes quit uni my 2nd year to do it so for me psychologically I was already out of it so if for me it wasn t that hard doing it I think the real test was actually after the show with me actually because for the 1st year in my business my 1st business actually I set up with a another finalist on the show right didn t work out you know we just weren t experienced enough but I can t live and that living off credit cards for basically year Ok a mass huge debts the company went under and it was huge personal guarantee against my name but it took me but then luckily I had secured a contract with the Celtic Manor which is terrorism and then it got me out of a bit of a hole that s over just near Newport and I made of and I think it was you know they gave me a restaurant in my own name so that got me out of the hole. So I was able to repay a lot of debts and have a little bit to set up walk eco Yeah and walking more because like it was a bit of a riffraff sort of operation that started it was me in 2 of the chefs because that s all I could afford. And like I fit out based on no money like our basic put it together which many fell apart with. Luckily we were able to repay all of that within 6 months and then from then it just kept flying and you know now no we do really well like our turnover is like over a 1000000. And also you know we ve got team of 40 employees north which is which makes me really proud you know but it s all down to them so now you ve got a master chef is quite far behind you 2013 we re now in 2020 and from from that point now until where you are now with the restaurants you ve got and the kind of success that you are experiencing Do you kind of put that down to that one key moment when you went on board to Master Chef and that everything that kind of changed from that point onwards. Open up blood Yeah definitely you know it definitely would have secured the Celtic man a contract but I guess it was premeditated I knew he was I had nothing to lose basically so I knew if I got far enough. I could really visualize again far as well like I remember saying to my dad it s just like I think I ll get to the final by will win because I hardly ever cook Yeah because every practice I don t think I practice enough to win it and that s exactly what happened but I guess the real learning happens afterwards most of the mosfet find this have really should we say this. Really kind of thing. It s like it but you know I compared to where I was 6 years ago because I fully dedicated to this trade you know doing about a 100 hour weeks or just constantly learning about food elevating it. I think is that dedication that. She keeps pushing you on so actually the real learning happens afterwards for those that don t know what the 1st is happening a whopping war. Will feature Chinese New Year celebrations and I ll let the man himself tell more about it so this is not the 1st time this is happened is that how many. This would be the 3rd 3rd So the 1st year. When we 1st set up in the converted shipping container restaurant we did ask on line dance and we branded it as Walky fest because we wanted to get people really involved in it because I walked in was a definite community help and actually we want to get people involved families and stuff about getting introduced to sort of Chinese culture the 2nd year was better than that and we had a bit more budget the spend and and actually this 3rd year we ve really gone for the on that we ve got a much bigger team I m sorting out I m bringing a lot of entertainment throughout the day for it also it looks fantastic the type of when you ve got. Conferee performances put making workshops loads of things that the Chinese law and dance troupe will be putting on a. Traditional Arbor for dance performance as well so it s really full on is an open war that area is so kind of unique in the way they looks and the way this set is well it seems almost as if it s the kind of the perfect match for you in some ways are massively and I think everyone there because it s such a strong community how to know all the trade is really involved as well so you know we had a meeting to see what we could do with each other to make it really for events and I think a lot of them putting on special Chinese New Year men used the event and that s great. Going off I m already I ve been wise that explained how I taught him to cook Chinese food lucky number I m not impressed I think about telling you think Yes Ok . Definitely. Stand by on this show next week we ll be debuting a brand new single p. And I missed the name of the band and it s going to be Paper Roses a cover of the Donny and Marie classic and percussive walks as well yes there we could but Larkin s not invited numbers don t come in unless he comes clean about how he learned to cook. For the best to be c.f.m. I hope you enjoyed our little golden nuggets one Ok move to yet do get in touch with social media if you want to be c.f.m. Radio or just broken the desk. With the cards. Right and. Try. And make. Sure. That. You re. Getting. They re. Just. Going to. Say. C.b.c. Sounds like a good place to. And welcome along to the most of them to show for another Saturday morning pinch of the punch for the 1st of the month that is.

Radio-program , Rpm-country-tracks-number-one-singles , Billboard-adult-contemporary-number-one-singles , Community , Types-of-organization , Celebrity , Chefs , Comedy , Beekeeping , Pollination , English-male-singers , Atlantic-records-artists

Transcripts for BBC Somerset BBC Somerset 20200201 200000

With their releases this side of Christmas but Starlight for instance yes a really creative artist is still writing but hibernating until February so you re writing it but not till February but it s still a it s still a busy period and no I don t there just not disagree with that just not putting stuff out exactly out there holding it back unlike the ones that we re going to play tonight yeah within the shooter now I ve got rapping violinist extraordinary Mike thanks so much for joining us Mike welcome to the sense here right what the fear is want to know. Your career was going pretty well at one point what happened basically out of the brink of she take a chance of. A complete state of this to be more like from playing send it. To my dentist on b.b.c. Introducing the West that is famous and is going to be on not pay this coming out this year not to repeat my death will be releasing $3.00 pages in 2020 include leading the 3 trees part one. Truck is going to be. Is going to leave it all I online and try to explain how the. Song was created not least when he went to Tito and said Make me a wonky jazz piano song. B.b.c. Introduced in the West and I. Welcome all me somebody him over there Richie Pitts. We are coming. From the center of London once again. To 2 hours a brand new music from across the West Country. Bristol based 5 piece of rock to. Photograph. The past is regrettable the future undeniable but nothing is inevitable now is the time to make a change make a difference all we know will rock. Thanks Simon and. Of course the. Album wasn t last year. Escapism. They ve released since album so much music online check out their bank account. All played in a number of different come together. To make incredibly loud. Psychedelic rock music b.c. Introducing in the was. Coming out very shortly this week s main event with the album good time not so long. Done the work he s paid his dues he s made the contacts again deplored it so now he s. Heading into the distance. After 9 o clock tonight. In session Lewsey from Gloucestershire. His special trainers for the session. They did in session trainers. This week recommends comes from the dead. In the West Country he s going to recommend. The music needs with. Or if you want to get involved send us your music by the b.b.c. Introducing upload b.b.c. Don t cut or u.k. Forward slash introducing. Which is exactly what this next office has done k u d m. He s from Swindon as if. He is already. 1000 and his last single this is called s n 5 freestyle Imani Larry s from. A year. Ago Frisco. Sugar in the. Liver demo ride to get a crowd harshly by Michael going to show that also by trying to lie money on mine jump on the mike and you might get by. Like I. Want to think of any rhythm but. I know spinal trying to get down. the likability of a Sunni Muslims the bomb that getting rid of them a back give me a. Better and stronger. Come From a little to some but it s something to be. He s just back from university studying reading now residing in. A few minutes just chilling in some. His name is a k. He is the 2nd single that we ve had uploaded to the u.k. Ford splash introducing s m 5 freestyle. I love picking apart the kind of narrative in songs like not least on that one for you. Or him was in there. But the I miss you a lot of very very quick Larry coming up in just a moment another man who knows how to split a bar or 2. 9 event comes from God not. Before . Now I had to have a quick conversation on s.m.s. Text message this week because she said only if you play that song yet I said I am really sorry I haven t got around to listening to it yeah it s on the up later just going to check it out so I did as you are right now yeah yeah for you could find under I couldn t find. My thoughts most of Saudia what have you called yourself and she said You re what they wanted out and. She said I m cool myself Saudia grace it s taken a while for there to get to a point where she is releasing a body of music she calls it little pieces of me and I think maybe there will be. a theme that we re going to hear from Gardner as part of this week s main event in just a moment but yes that reminder you can get in touch with us allows know what you re releasing through our social channels just search b.b.c. Music introducing in the way we re all over everything social channels social channels your social channels turn up the channel turn the channel. So you ve got the house making music for an awfully long time in fact when I was talking to him before this interview he remembers all dishing up the croft in Bristol at the age of 131 particular gig now are amazing but we ve known him as an up and coming artist and it wasn t until around 2018 when he guested on the pound for pound LP made by next man a gentleman s dub club that it really felt like he was gaining in confidence and going forward. He was a student at the University of music at Bristol. I worked with him quite closely with. This student there and he. Didn t take himself too seriously but he always took the music very seriously you know that makes sense and he came away when he left university he was one of those students to get a burst from the end of it which was great which he s then I think gone on to ease on things like this record good time and normal times and he s also had P.R. s find funding over the last couple of. Yes Yeah but this is his debut album released just before Christmas he s really versatile you know wellness album there a bit as reggae there s this grind there s garridge there s jungle you name it it s there and basically the title is well it s a kind of state of mind it s a manifesto for his lawyer and it s definitely gotten off to chewed. Young man for a good sign on a long time and I said yes he did a good laugh and it s made it good music pretty good times I just want to get that good good good long I m in a good mood it will be good to go there goodbye and I need some good food I just said good morning to the good few I don t want bad news not have a good life I have some good friends I love where I live I live on I love my friend they are. Bats and I was no good them but I ve heard that s good for you and look out at times you follow new trends it is. Good. I m. Good so I know a long time is a say like it s floated around between you know me me and my friends you know if it gets on the long time it s like that s that s what it is and is kind of true to me and what I do like I m never in one place for too long time or you to. Do. Anything with this option of going to. This to talk about you know the good times you know you go and I like being young party and you know traveling with the sound and it s like to do that and self experience and all those things. I made pretty much the whole album minus a few the tracks of the Luke who is like he s a producer from London He s one half of the next man produces multiple records finally Guy of course then the great job on the album so I go to his studio in London and. I was going there like twice a month maybe just getting the train up and down make a bus is you know just so. That we basically and we had to go in there just like you know a couple of buses and then we d sit down together find the vibe for the b. And then who do we want on this and we just a minute every time he s you know going to get me get that you know the next the next time I come to London we come in the studio. It was a pleasure to work with him like you know he s a legend and made so many great tracks and. Even my mom loves our mom my dad but that is by no in the tapes and stuff so you know and you know it gets a little. Kind of cool so yeah like yeah just you know did you just go. You want to sing on it and he said yes along with this particular one. But it was a simple enough it s just. An Instagram. For you to like you. And I sent him a speak to the manager comes like a month and we ve got him in the studio in London he s just finished a karate class. Comes in there writes the song because the lyrics harmonize is in 10 different keys in this. A 7 hour just under an hour 15 minutes and it s out the door again. Literally good time not a long time and oh my you re a g. For the. 6 weeks mine event. In the West in conversation with God not. About his debut album good time not a long time. Which has. Taken a long time from to get. Some as we say gardeners advice is don t rush it and take the day to day he actually firmly believes that his career is really only started with the release of this debut album and that. 10 years of his work. Things that happen in to me now that you know if I was to try and rush it boy sliding into someone s DMCE you know 5 years ago my might just make him like it was it was never going to happen at that time because it was the right time you know you have to always put in the work and just step by step day by day just keep on doing it until you know the people that you want to work with know it s it you know but it s not about like shoving it down people s throats it saves me. It s a slow game but also now I m like I m $25.00 now and I m thinking like you know this I ve got to take it out to the next level in the next 5 years you know to be to be. In the place I want to be so yeah I like this it s not about Russian essentially you know I see some people are sometimes too corny. Like going hard very quick and you know it doesn t it doesn t work out. And you know it s good to keep it that way you know happy happy here in Bristol and I spent in the music and the sound of what I did never cross cross Europe and even for. A straight nose exactly those are the opportunities that come off the back of not only you producing your own great music but I guess the collaboration of people you work with you know you make all those contacts and it gives you gives you opportunities that if you were doing an isolation you wouldn t get so yeah definitely my people actually think for me like having having had these successes you know go into the shows and you know meet in the people who were in the same lineups as me you know and go in there and you know becoming friends with them essentially like spend a lot of time with. You know you see them again. Some festival season where the kids are more and you see that this has definitely helped me to show up and you know I like the people I have a mile but a lot of people that you know I look up to and I love the music and you know they re real inspirations to me like Jenny So welcome to the. Shit. Show my sound is very much true to Bristol and it has the place the bass line and you know all about the sound systems and stuff this is the sound it s recognised now well why don t I was shocked that you know when we go to places like Australia like this is essentially it just felt to me. Like it s like you know it s very much very much look to the u.k. What we re doing is like I think. You don t realise how lucky you have it here to take the lead in Bristol sometimes and how massive it is everywhere people. From Bristol and this be so cool living there and I m like it is. Like there is no place like and. It s a good thing and so we keep it all in and wherever it takes me so experience is all about the old in it and taking the music as far as wide as a prosecutor can so as long as it s an active venue you know under. The scanner talking to me last week about his debut album good time not a long time it all kicked off a gardener back in 2018 really because he made this album pine for Pine next man. Who producing this album plus gentleman s dub club released this album and Gardner was amongst the collaboration s one of the features one of the voices on the album he s kind of taken up ball and run with it so this new album continues those collaboration the features are absolutely key and as we ve said it s a melting pot styles from Omar who we heard on good time to artists like Taiwan and see they are key to the garden a signed. God not want. To make the music live in mind for it to be played to a big stage on a festival so you know tracks would translate on a big stage or a festival they d also work in you know in a small in a small dance you know a 100 capacity you know small venues so that s what we try and try and make it for is for the. Songs it s got you know the baseline and you know it s heartbeat and I m into it. But. When the influence varies from so I think it I think it completely depends on the vocalist that we had in mind for the track so you know it was the only one is Scott double bass isn t it got that kind of like 2 step garridge old school. Vibe to it and like straight away like Ok I was the one with Taiwan and Cece out I. Think most people who look at the album Look pick up the record and look at you look at the sleeve you ve got yes most people recognize at least one person so. Like a lot of a lot of people can relate to and how does that go when you go. Do you have different covering for the people who have been on originally. Everybody together on a regular basis yes a lot of I d love to. See happen for the show which is amazing you know we was basically a sold out factor and we had all of the artists down and it was just incredible in London and the next week similar things happen and it doesn t happen for every show we have like special versions with the chorus already in the front of the mic so you know if people want to sing along to the courses that they can I m not going to have you know me trying to sing in Cali cooks beautifully I don t look at. The a. Bank. Was. Such a a. Thank you thank you for your feeling baby no one. Ok you. Mean. Like you say she s like you know like you just up 1st let me see oh my goodness indeed it. Would be taking it on my tongue but I get. To this next hour the spider web site I guess is going to go into the guy. Is a g. She s a friend comes through to the studio just lays down the hook super easily writes it down on the spot similar to our mom you know these guys I go pros and just sit there and really you know when you re in the studio with them you know they re there you know artistic level was just like it s just my. d To sound. Big up or to be seen gang a long time is out now and the vinyl is available on a white 100 in a heavyweight and yeah it s available to God The Music dot com So it s here yes yeah radio friendly. A copy of my yes yes and I have taken it. So you can t nick it off me I mean that s what you d normally do You were there he s got a bunch of shows coming up in the governor Yeah I want to mention that the 2 trucks you heard there were lioness featuring the vocals of holly Cooke and then pressure Taiwan mc was the feature on that when you know he s he s just on a debut London show he sold out Thekla in Bristol but you know you London show alongside Bristol s disco so that was obviously a big gig for him and then he s looking forward to the summer you may have seen online when he released rude boy with next man and gentleman stub club last year all the you know year before last year of course there s this amazing video of him in front of thousands of people a boom time in the summer or 2019 it s absolutely going down a storm so you can see where he s kind of stepped up and I can t wait to see him at the festivals during this summer the summer of 2020 not least how great would it be to have the g. The big g d t c that I think it was last summer that that video that went viral of garden like in there in a flat on Gloucester. Out the window. Just kind of like playing in I think in someone s bedroom or someone s kitchen someone s house he s playing in but he s obviously there turned out loud and then outside the window there are people dancing in 500 people in the. Craft obviously. If you want to catch garden performing live he can be going to be at South. Yanna 22nd in Bristol he s touring with gentleman s dog club during February March some really big venues and there s some so the one in Bristol at s w x 22nd of February thanks to Gardner That was that was great fun coming up in just a moment we ll have music nice with Pammy near We re in session with the big man Lewsey and we ve got more recommend to Chris Smith as well now in session a few. We had. Most. Of the in-laws. Came in they were really kind of creative interesting character based in Stroud involved in theatre. Quite a remarkable young chap he is partnered up with to create this new project Lupo 80 it s quite an exciting kind of moment. Because Alex is actually a drama so this is this is his a kind of you know instrumentalist kind of song. With a drummer they have to coming out later in the year. There s been a few singles and actually with every single change that they release there is a film which they re playing in the film alongside this little beauty is quite something let me introduce you to. Pegs. Was not on an occasional dulcimer an instrument. A c. Instrument the enemy to use is in the. But it s just one of a see if got a few of us something a dreamy industry a Yes Yes And it s a kind of on the table string he thought it was when you when you live in it yeah yeah Ok. With dull some pegs on b.b.c. In chief he s based in Stroud. 80 is working with the man Alex Leapai percussionist and. Is well. Still to come on b.b.c. Introducing us because session. Internet which we recorded in the White Room 3 trucks from Louisiana is a film online if you re a musician and you want to get on this radio show and you want to get in session and you want to involve the b.b.c. To a forward slash introducing is the place to go we don t care how many fans you ve got we don t care how successful you might be or might feel or people might think you are if you re making good music and if you are pushing the boundaries of music and doing something exciting then we want to hear from you talking of which we re going to play a new single from slunk working with Cage work in just a moment can t wait for that. Before the a couple of brilliant musicians 1st time plays for floral with the Chilean accelerator which will play in just a moment but before that Rachel Jane with get up she is originally from Barth currently residing in Bristol although she seems to be if you follow her on social media in Nashville at the moment all year well they are a little bit she will talk about you are a little bit. Later was she performed and she this week at the Grammys did she perform at the Grammys you know she was on one of the big shot shows on. Making it all happen on Exon on stuff she was just 23 years old this is one of the 1st things that she s put out is certainly the 1st thing that we ve played from. Talks about Martin Lianne La Havas talks about. Being an influence as well you can hear it all but also you can hear Nina s you can hear freshness you can hear excitement the name Rachel Jane you heard it here 1st this is get up. And waste. So much precious to. No good at. All of it. So. B.b.c. Music teachers she said. The business it is. To get. The sense. That the head of the Law This bit is that it needs to vest can t be anything you. Leave it with kids fit even. If it is anything that can they be. It. Came from. The 1st time. She says it s taken me a while but it s finally here I said at the beginning with just lyrics my piano and I had no idea how much greater this would become it s been the biggest learning curve that I have ever had as a musician and I m so proud of myself for getting this finished we are excited and we are proud to give you your 1st time play for thanks for joining the club. So the music news with just a moment and then of course after the news Lewsey in session but it s time we caught up with an old friend Joe Sharon. Been a busy boy he s been off on top with family but he s back making music I think with planes. And he s kind of drip fed to us over the last few months Tracey being the last thing we heard and actually I caught up. Watching a session with nowhere sessions in Bristol harbor but it s not as simple as just saying it s Bristol it s actually one of those things one of those bits that sticks out into the warm. Almost yeah yeah yeah yeah so if you get the camera in the right angle. All intents and purposes go flailing around but apparently it was not a particularly good day for the weather there were heavy showers so they re pursuing a career outside of conveyancing and there s Tracy both with Joe. As it got increasingly dark and dumper but he did a fine job as well with looking the know where sessions with long and is a great gig coming up on February 5th next week at the exchange in Bristol put on by printhead what a bill this is Benjamin spikes. Time recently. And Jamie Cruickshank. The exchange I would really recommend. Breakfast as our. Release tomorrow I think I think you might be really. Kind of crazy bring your own wedding present. So we d like to make me. Think. They do anyway this is Mold featuring cage work just epic and orchestral and you Louisiana and moldy old but also quite beautiful yes wonderful I mean if I ever mind me of the band Polyphonic Spree that kind of vibe just like you know loads of vocals loads of noise loads a mess but underneath it like essentially just call just beautiful Chocola just melting away in your mouth I think it s an open secret that you re not going to be here next week so you re going to miss the brand new single from radiators and I think Joe s been working on the crazy able governor. So the big keeper by radiators that will be on next week s show but that s a mold featuring cage work Lewsey in session coming next. If it is. The same b.b.c. Intro West music needs if you have some news that you d like us to mention on b.b.c. Introducing get in touch c.b.c. In True West on Facebook at b.b.c. Intro Webster on. This is exciting news for small pups in bars in England and Wales actually follows a nicely from independent venue where the government has announced they ll be a 50 percent reduction in business rates the small and medium sized grassroots pennies which will mean they ll see thousands of pounds sliced off their belts the music venue trust which supports indie venue stakes at 230 class rates me. Pennies across England and Wales will benefit but the average saving $7500.00 pounds a year as the cold winter months continue to dampen people s spirits festivals across patch are releasing their 1st wave of lineups last week we heard from the bt cum Rock Festival 2000 trees and this week we look at 3 other similar parties however Porter Chris Arnold reveals all in Bristol loves things that they have announced Kaino little Sam s shy facts and d.c. And crept in Conan is a big names for the last dance a useful part of Darlington a stay in Somerset will this year by host the shindig festival for the 1st time we ve really as jazzy be nightmares a wax and goatee all announced there and finally the finale we can t have revealed some of their acts including Billy Ocean but fly Scouts of ago as k.t. Tunstall and the fun loving criminals a local Gloucestershire musician is appealing for new musicians to share their own material on the professional music circuit Alex Chapman has been playing music around the u.k. For the past 20 years and has now secured a weekly visit in sea at Aqua v.t. And child in them and would like a vigil songwriters and musicians to join him for his weekly guest slot I spoke to him earlier about why he s decided to use his cut the music night to incorporate new acts loads of great music coming through people who struggle generally to find a platform and audience already generated in the. Play the room to enjoy. The chance new stuff and hopefully together happily ever after is out every Thursday night at Aqua Betaine charging them with free entry and music starting at 830 so we mention last week that the sensational belly I.

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Transcripts for BBC Somerset BBC Somerset 20200201 100000

Some say our policies will be like the Charlie tell it because of the As always I m just all over the place but chilling comics thank you for getting in touch with us this morning going to do the gardening and thanks to the new portable radio won t have to be said here the programs Well that s good well enjoy your day Jill Dougherty back out. The event last night comedy very well so we ll find out more from Charlie soon thank you Robin for getting in touch Angela important has been. Making 24 cupcakes for grandson s pool party this afternoon all of it was 11 yesterday well happy birthday hope it s lovely and we ve also got. One here that is coming from Alan Puritan saying can you bigger powerplant Oh poster attach a Markov on the poster anywhere looked long and old for the post bulk of cover on it so I can only apologize bugs Pancho Puritan if you fancy it it s big it s good and it s all exciting So there we go that s it we re done Don t go anywhere Charlie . After the c. a Monday morning at not have a lovely rest if we can. Some such people some sad stories. Station. With a rush. Starting any phase in national life after officially leaving the European Union they ll now be a transition period until the end of the year when the government will try to force any relationship with the e.u. The former press secretary David Davis says they ll be some complicated arguments ahead but insists a deal can be done. In time we ll come up with a conclusion which will be very workable for our existing businesses but also open us up to be able to create a new regulatory structure and a new trading pattern for a lot of new businesses whether it s genetics or artificial intelligence or robotics or whatever the things we re really good at will be able to take control of ourselves health officials in the north of England are trying to track down anyone who s had close contact with 2 Chinese nationals who tested positive for the corona virus they re now in isolation after staying at a hotel in New York maybe 90 people flown home from Wilhelm in China where the virus emerged and now spending 2 weeks quarantine at a hospital on the where all as a precaution so Jeremy He s the director of the Welcome Trust research charity says an issue for the world now is what happens outside China when it comes to the spread of the virus to date we ve had 100 or 200 cases side in Europe in North America Australia Southeast Asia and really what we need to look out for now is when does that start to spread if it starts to spread in the community or between people outside China itself and that will be the signal that actually other countries may suffer from the same sorts of issues that we ve seen in China and events to give the public a chance to have their say on plans to stop flooding on the levels takes place today is the 1st of a series of events by the adapting the levels projects where going with communities farmers businesses and like all governments its height the partners can help to tackle the issue of climate change and its impacts in Somerset Stephenie s is from the Somerset Wildlife Trust one of the organizations involved we ve got a long low coastline and we ve also got large areas of low lying land and land on levels of Morse and so that makes this sort of uniquely vulnerable in many ways you know to sea level rise increasing storm but that s what we saw in 1314 so it s all about being better prepared better adapted to what s coming our way and what scientists are saying what happened in the coming decades in. Still say he travelled to Queens Park Rangers in the Championship looking to maintain their recent good for 3 straight wins in the league has seen the move back up to 6 in the table the squad today is different to that which one are reading after the movement in and out of the club before the transfer deadline had Coach Lee Johnson though is confident they ll hit the ground running naturally you have to but this squad is very adaptable and it s one of our qualities we can play a number of formations depending on who s and who s not and obviously Nucky as well can play various roles b.b.c. Somerset s Johnny Taylor has made it through to the next round of stand up for cider as part of our make a change challenge here at b.b.c. Somerset Charlie took to the stage and did a stand at retain for the 1st time in front of a sellout crowd live from the Creative Innovation Center in Taunton 2 x. Made it through as the winner and runner up and Charlie was put through as the wildcard and in the weather today will be windy but largely dry with sunny spells and just a chance of an isolated shower some strong westerly winds and highs of 11 degree Celsius that s 50 to Grace Fahrenheit B.C. s I was at me as it s 5 past 10. This is b.b.c. Somerset with Charley take. Me. This is. Tweet and getting us going today good morning it s a Saturday morning it s Charlie Taylor live with you through till 1 o clock this afternoon loads coming up on the show Don t go anywhere. Charlie Tiger b.b.c. Isa on the set thank you very much Simon for the last few hours I seem to have made the news this morning that s nice and often get in the news bulletins. Often introduced that don t often get mentioned in despatches generally speaking a good thing to be featuring too many news bulletins. On that for the right reasons yes I have made it through to the final the Grand Final of stand up for side I was thrown in as a wild card I m like the the Brits at Wimbledon and I throw in to try and make up some numbers so what they ve said. You have a thing is always you want to do we re not forcing a but the options that I will let you know want to come to a decision the moment I m still recovering from last night if you missed it if you were unable to listen. Or if you couldn t make it couldn t watch it on Twitter we will be playing it in full the full 10 minute set on the way in the next half hour or so and so don t go anywhere we re also talking food and drink today on the program. It s February which means Dry January is finished that we some cheering going on across the county as I say that and also began you areas come to a close so you back on the booze. Will be back on the eggs and cheese and milk and meat because it s the end of the gun you are right let us know what we re doing on fit the bill today are you back on the booze as the 1st one modern let me know if you are successful complete a dry January same goes for the gun you every It is the. Today So if you were a boy doing animal products because of the gun you are let us know you going back on it that we what we want the 2nd one the 3rd one what about the changes that you ve made for me maybe comedy but the changes that you ve made for 2020 that you thought maybe are just at January are you sticking with them maybe going to. January works so well for me I m going stick with it and have a dry Februarys Well that s all we want today on fit the bill want to tell your stories we ll also be finding out how some of the county s best athletes need to fuel up during when they re playing a sport we will find out just how much food it takes to keep an overturned twin going if you re in cricket then you ll know if not they are 6 foot 5 strapping twins massive guys must flee athletic they need tons of food to keep going their diets we ll be finding out about it a little bit later on after midday today when we catch up with strength and conditioning coach from Somerset County Cricket Club all of that on the way plus some great music full stand up comedy routine as well in question number 6 on the pub quiz Don t go anywhere it s all on the way here between now and 1 o clock. Yes Rod Stewart on b.b.c. Somerset yet we re going to play the full set the full comedy set is all new way if you missed it if you want to hear it again. The video on Twitter that he did just makes the stop of it on Twitter so we can play out the whole thing including the little bit at the start which that the Twitter video mixed it there why we ve sat down as because of it now I m joking and junk. Although I ve had enough of jerky now for a while going to extremely serious program between now and 1 o clock it is Charlie Taylor with you through until one today thanks to Alys in Puritan who loved your stand up he says You were fabulous. Can you big up the pantomime The Post to come I ve got the poster I ll send it again but I ll give it a mention because he was so nice about it here the comedy routine thank you won t trouble 3 Start your message with the word Somerset You can call me 106781566 now I ve got to sort out what happened on the pub quiz Yes There s works I wasn t actually in this room as I was backstage at the Creative Innovation Center now and we had a lot of messages we got through as many as we could be adding up making sure the school board is absolutely correct as we head into question number 6 promise here Good morning Charlie Teo morning now we re talking food and drink Ok and that I speciality excellent did you give any did you do dry January or Vigo on your ear or any of those sorts of things no I did chiding stopped the alcohol and I did it for a few weeks but was totally October alcohol I thought smoking anyway I stopped drinking alcohol for x. 3 weeks for 3 weeks it was a vibrator I mean it was a really nice to kind of my south and a voluntary austerity. You know no I I just think you these kind of fads I just think you know if you want to just cut down just incorporate it into your you know every day life like going cold turkey yeah I don t think so because you know it could almost be like a catapult you know that kind of pressure builds back and then you know last night no one just gets absolutely he no tailed test to do it is not a northern frame that everything is assessed and phrase Ok so yes because it was the start of February and it was hilarious Well yes I mean is that I mean at midnight it was a state brace what I m talking about but yes and also there are a lot of parties going on last night well. People celebrating or commiserating weighing the departure of Britain from the e.u. We re not I don t want to go into politics today but there are a lot of people meeting and drinking for celebration or folk commiseration we know that it s been very divisive over the last few years but if you were doing something like the guy new area I would love to hear how it went what was difficult what the the tough things to find and what the things you miss the most as well I guess that s really important and I also want to find someone who did dry January something which I think s been going probably a little bit longer than began you around and I actually think that yeah I think people have become more aware of the how the benefits of cutting out your meat from your diet perhaps only the past few years whereas you know. On the old source that s you know quite well known that doesn t have all the benefits there 930 is cracked up to be. So if you feel it s getting into this love to hear your thoughts on v. Gan you Arry on dry January or if you re sticking with either of those things I d also love to hear from you or any other diets and things you ve been trying out in January that s what we talk about today will come on and find out about Craig and Jamie overturn a little bit later they are probably what I d guess about 14 stone 13 as they are big made us a bit too much I don t know listening in I m sorry if that s overstating it they re big guys are tall basically muscling cricketers for Somerset they bowled tons of overs they put loads of effort and they need a lot of food we re hearing from their strength and conditioning coach who sets out their diet literally gives them the food that they need to ring the games that they play a heck of a lot of calories probably a lot of protein chicken. Yasna say you know is actually when I said are there in a lot of calories I said well I burgers and chips but I was a new not chips We ll find out what they are eating after midday today it s really interesting but do keep your calls coming in began are a dry January are you sticking with it did did you have a big party at midnight when it ticked over just have a meat feast with loads of let us know all about it it s 21 minutes past 10. B.b.c. Somerset right let s find out how the roads are looking his path thank you very much so it s looking Ok on the m 5 and the a 383 we do have some road works in our operation so blacked out on the 86 a that s in both directions from clan dispatched to Station Road there are water main works the road is closed and that s until the 4th of February or so in mid-summer Norton on the 867 so that s the force why Nia well is row temperature lights until the 5th of February and then across to you over. Town this is Charlie kickoff at 3 pm today so expect actually traffic around there and then just looking at the rails so southwest of our way there is no service between Yeovil Penn mail and Weymouth However tickets are being accepted on Great Western Railway services and that s also until tomorrow as well and you know any more information give me a call 806-781-5960. Thank you Pamela let s have a look here what the weather is doing for us today and through the weekend windy but largely dry with sunny spells just a chance of the isolated showers strong westerly winds will moderate a bit later on maximum temperature 11 Celsius that is 52 degrees in Fahrenheit tonight is going to start of draw i Cloud will then increase bringing rain from the southwest heavy bursts possible but it should turn drier later on moderate southerly winds will freshen minimum temperature down to 4 Celsius $39.00 degrees in Fahrenheit tomorrow sunny intervals for much of the day a few scattered showers cloudy skies later on May bring rain by Dusk very mild but strong west southwesterly winds maximum temperature 12 Celsius tomorrow it s 54 degrees in Fahrenheit the sun rose this morning and watch it at 9 minutes to 8 o clock and will set there listen to this we ve gone past the 5 o clock barrier will set there 3 minutes past 5 o clock when. I know there s one the 6 Nations it was a game against England to give a penalty from the scrum they get picked up. And hit to the left but done believe that Joseph. Moments it all comes down to food blinks 1st so the 6 month kicks off the players this is a tough place to go from one file to b.b.c. B.b.c. I Player. This is Deacon Blue City of Love coming up next with my comedy routine from last night in its entirety. That is coming up straight Dejan blue new from the City of Love 27 minutes past 10 Good morning I would love to know this morning we re talking food and drink it just felt right because we finished January we know people give up a lot of stuff in January it s the new Lent. That s thank you to people already getting in touch I want to know about whether you re doing the Daniel. What was that like exist I think that s tough although I think it s going easier I think it s getting easier I think 5 years ago being vegan was really tough but now it seems that restaurants especially fast food places and Greg s k.f.c. And all these things are doing a lot of the can options. Let us know if you were doing v Can you were it was a difficult I would love to hear from you this morning 080-678-1566 extension 2 give us a call right now we re going to hear what happened last night if you weren t able to listen that connected came from the Creative Innovation Center I was backstage for most of the night as stand up for cider was happening on stage and there was a group of 10 amateur comedians who were given a well supposedly 7 minute slot I actually overran a little bit as I thought I might but that s what we were given and the live bit of of my show actually happened on b.b.c. Somerset as well so I went out on stage and I was not only performing to a sellout audience in the room but also to everyone listening in on b.b.c. Somerset and there was a live twitter stream a lot of people have message me to say they were watching that thank you for did hope you enjoyed I haven t seen the Twitter video yet then how well it worked because I was moving around the stage but I managed to stay in shot for most of it so this is what happened for those who missed it this is in full the comedy set from last night to stand up the side of this is what I was doing for make a change something the old b.b.c. Some separate centers did. Throughout January mine was to do a stand up comedy routine and here it. Was back from this course I couldn t rely on the rest of you I want to tell you a story something that we did on man this was actually a steam fan which is where I m very happy I love this team trains actually involves a woman called Bridget when I think it s here Ted had was put in place for us and said doing things for it seems a little bit of track the real way track which a person exhibits on so there was an engine cut the carriage is a break very exciting step people like me another way to put it on she was it that helped me out I want to run away from Bridget I think you can chase the thing you can give it a read piece if we can go broke us from then so she went and she was on there one for 10 minutes and went yes it s fun to talk wants nothing to go wrong I mean it s an honor it s likely that we went on board and I did Chaplin. Volunteer who is working this break down and we were interviewing her way through the interview recently of you said to me could you sit down I thought there was a 2nd sit down in the plane to going to make a fast some live on air so I went fine to see the people sitting around the outside of this thing and as I went to sit down the whole thing to my absolute horror. For words Ok 5th grade and suddenly moved now I m not sure the British had anticipated that this train was actually bound for mine page also. But if so as I tried to fight to see if some of my height I m 65 and means that your center of gravity is quite high up in your body for me it s probably about neck or hate myself and this is where my center of gravity is so this thing Joe would almost expect me and I fell it s like a tree fall and getting someone who took my life before it is like I know what s happened in the silence go again right here so 1st producer is this as they say about the b.b.c. Those who say Charlie speak. As if they have real life problems despite the fact I knew I was presenting a live radio show I was going to stop speaking. There was no I can t say that just in case the microphone does come back on for a 2nd producer who buys into into this is Will who says to me here what s happened to Charlie only it s true maybe it s because that with someone from the train was. The biggest thing that this thing is about 23 years of service to help hold it together on the trains it was a close run thing though is that. So this thing goes on I thought maybe this bus like a miracle that the market will pick up signals I thought could remain polite on him I constantly start swearing. Down the line just in case he suddenly popped back on as I said we ll just in case you can hear this do you think that my mind to fill up speech he did not believe me I couldn t come up with that problem the solution and he made no reply and the train rumbled on for probably deafened by this point and we get here and so I said to the interior only breakdowns of how far does this thing go do you think so hoping he might say we re we need to go now as far as. Proximity How far is that. A mile the showground isn t even. Mine alone will be practically the next village by the time we get to the end of the line so we ramble on and there s nothing I can do suddenly you 2 persons Why is one of the producers after about 30 seconds has finally pressed play on the song so we have something going on the radio. So we get to the end of the line now and the time comes to a stop I think finally we re going to be heading back to the platform back to my signal but the breakdown man was passing a very different shape to someone who might have been in a hurry almost as if he didn t have a radio show to be getting back to the student who took center stage here now he was in control of the situation this is this is what he lived for this guy he came up and he says is that as far as we can go here the for the long post in 1963 there have been stations at Milton with the is. More are Dalton this is true one of the passages did you miss that move change involved in that. There s the way to get back to a radio show if you. Please write you want to soon Milverton within the law then cross the border war of junction. It s over to. Move on at this point I hear another track in my ear this is where Charlie Brown you hear me I was so cross by this I knew there s no way a very Ranger a mile away from the place I actually stood up. And. Now obviously the people in the rest of the 5 year war I ve been here in my unit for instance or that I ve just stood up in the middle of this fascinating chat about their stations on the line through took part in the book so I m just going to guess I found all of them glaring at me. To be just the static. You see on people the. Wealth of the. He that missed it on the b.b.c. Was shouting Milverton. Ah but thank you. For the time finally eventually we got back only on the line back towards the platform I could see we were coming into view of this makeshift platform and I knew we were coming into range so eventually once we got back to signal I managed to get a message any length of play money is in this point we moved on from youtube. Another one from the call b.b.c. Somerset playlist I think it was Why are those really interested. And I said Look guys I can t explain it s a long story but to get me back I m going to be a signal I can talk all voice in my ear Ok I ve got 20 seconds left on that is my client in 10 seconds you can resume as if nothing s happened. We get back to the no signal again carried on. First thing I heard in my headphones as soon as I realized I was saying it here well said Charlie for God s sakes. Ah thank you very much. That s what happened last night at the Creative Innovation Center I hope you enjoyed it well that was the 1st or 2nd time you heard it thank you so much everyone who was there the audience was amazing so thank you s you had they were really supportive and I think we had quite a few people some said guys giving us a cheer as well there s so many of them turned out in the audience to thank you and thank you is one of those listeners who turned out was really lovely to meet some of you and for those who I didn t have a chance to chat with thank you for coming along it really meant a huge deal and after 10 o clock the show went on until 11 the actual event went on till 11 o clock at night and towards the end they announced the winner which was a fantastic idea brilliant said it was on just before me and which was partly the reason I think I got a last 6 I came on straight after this really funny guys the audience was really nicely warmed up and I was a runner up as well and then they announced that the wildcard was me they put me through to the final so I am in the grand final if I want to be. Because you know that was a challenge that I was forced into doing but I ve made it through so I ve got to keep the 17th of July clear just in case just in case. I want to take part in the final we shall see we shall see not making any promises yet but that s what happened I hope you enjoyed it and a lot of you probably will remember listening to that radio show where I accidently boarded a train live on and that is a true story. Corona. Rhythm Of The Night. says Last Saturday I was on with you talking about the Christmas card mystery Oh yeah it was good we solved the mystery to me she said when I went to shoot on Wednesday which is a club thing Glynnis is part of I was speaking to a lady there who said she was in her car listening to they said to me you re famous you re on the radio Glenys if you go are more famous than any of us put together the queen of chart party then he moved there a few months ago from bucks. And the lady s husband works in the donkey centric well with someone s got to thank you very much Glenys and they got you on the celebrity our celebrity chart listener thank you not to say there are other childlessness celebrities Pam is here we need to find some people who ve done began you I know everyone you know what I think that probably still in bed if they haven t drank at that last night they. Hides Well that s even just won t be can can make you feel a bit funny Well that s right isn t it because well this is for people doing Dry January they wouldn t you know that I suppose there they would become like well it s one way of looking at it because their body would have been dealing with no doubt be home and then would they meet probably in some kind of like meat coma you know when you ve just eaten so much just because you know what people did one minute past midnight bring out the mixed grill. Or you can man very fast food Yeah exactly yeah I remember Supersize Me Yeah but with yeah with meat and milk shakes Yeah tons of eggs oh gosh you hold along all those sorts I know I hate everyone kind of slowly and so I was back into the regular sense and way to do it we d love to hear from you I want to pursue what he did began you Arry or is just begin generally maybe it started off by began re when you tell us about 808-067-8156 extension 6 we also want those who are not exactly or maybe not but who tried to drive January did you finish it off last night one minute past midnight in February so you could have a big bear or something let us know 806781566 thank you to Robert who s you know he says you put on an excellent show last night thanks Robert he says Well done for getting through to the next round is this going to be your new job. Thing is Robert thing is I can t just can t just leave this job and go into that because no one would pay me to do that that s a problem with that is the problem they barely pay me to do this but they certainly would pay me to do that but who knows for the future Kenyan line port he says you ve got to go on until July your fabulous can thank you so kind thank you very much and Phil from Shepton of enjoyed listening to the rerun of your comedy show last night I ve been laughing nonstop fail. The massively Why did you why do you think you did it no fantastic it was good fun it was very good fun and good confidence booster as well when you come off stage because I was nervous leading up to really come off stage actually. You know what I went on there wrote something myself people found it funny and I delivered it great I can see you being that man in the Pearl give it you know 50 years time I was in court with your pints of a alongside and I said be the Iraq until that you are you have just described my retirement plan. Rather funny how the road today went. On with his power so looking at the a 3 o 3 and the m 5 nothing major to report we have got a message in from fail a from Shapton our on the ground reporter there is heavy traffic on the $8071.00 leading to the back and West Show ground and that s going back to the sheep roundabout at Cana it s grave we think there may be an event on today and then just looking around the rest of the county said there are so road works in operation so mid-summer Norton So that s I m near Wiles road there are temperature lights until a 5th of February and then also any over a huge part there is a football match today kick off at 3 pm So expect more traffic around there just look at the railway so no service on the south western railway between the oval pan male and Weymouth but tickets are based on Great Western Railway services if you get any more information give me a call 806781566. Thanks Prime your help please offer the bill needed dry January and. People did you stick to I also really want to have people who weren t able to do it perhaps they tried it and they got 2 weeks into general which is a long old month. 31 full days of of not much daylight certainly to begin with. Drags on cold weather long long month it definitely feels like the longest month of the year. Thank you Laurie who s been in touch I scurry truck he says I had a beer a nice single malt at about 5 past midnight now carry truck we ve been trying to keep up with you because you ve been doing Dry January give us a call 806781566. To hear from you and tell us about Dr January says that there are good alcohol free beers that which keep people going. Thank you thank you do give us a ring x. I d love to speak to someone who did drive January truck if that s you we d love to hear from you give us a quick chat we can get you ticked off on fit the bill 080-678-1566 is the number to call you can text 81 trouble 3 star a message with the word Somerset we ve got to clear up what happened on the pub quiz as well thanks to one who did get in touch last night is a bit odd I didn t have the leaderboard because that was back here at base it s literally legally not allowed to leave this building and so it had to be here so I didn t have in front of me but Ben he was driving all the buttons and everything going on it last night he was in charge of the technical side of things he was adding your scores I m going to go through and double check everything 0 all Ok as we head into question number 6 on the pub quiz very shortly after the news and maybe 11 o clock ish. Right and let s have a quick look at the weather windy dry sunny spells today perhaps chance of an isolated shower max temperature 11 Celsius 52 Fahrenheit is going to start of dry tonight but rain coming in later possibly it could turn drier towards the morning southerly winds freshening up minimum temperature down to 4 Celsius $39.00 Fahrenheit overnight tomorrow sunny intervals for much of the day the few scattered showers cloudy skies may bring rain by dusk as well maximum temperature 12 Celsius 54 degrees in Fahrenheit interesting. Interesting story parking I can take a lot of guts to just go after house with bad skin sometimes people slap my hand and tell me to stop scratching in it 70 seconds do you think and have some empathy for what that s like to live with I used to get called names like letter was the one from a. Quickie you mentioned. People just don t understand how how her. Part it was they didn t want to touch me they didn t hold my how. This looked horrible and felt horrible park I m back Monday morning from night b.b.c. Some. Just gone 10 to 11 thank you to Simon who s here earlier this morning be back with you on Monday morning from night let s have a chat with Laurie Laurie is Curry truck hello Laurie Charlie how are you doing it is the 1st time we ve spoken to. Think no. More of us if you re not the 1st one clearly that didn t know that memory. Could use a tiny bit more memorable this time do you think I m only joking Laurie So tell me about Dr John Riggs we kept up with you because you are Curry truck on our pub quiz so how did you find it. And it s fairly easy this year is something I ve done for a number of years I did it just to prove to myself that I can because otherwise there s a danger that you drink every day so I think that that was my reasons for doing it and actually it s this year there are so many good alcohol free places and things like that around Actually it was very very easy that s really good to hear now your paper connoisseur are the really like you know your proper beers and aisles correct Ok And when you say this because quite often these alcohol free days have had really bad reputations for not taking not beer one just not a very nice in general but you re saying that the standard is improved definitely absolutely definitely right and what it needs are for my point if you use the pumps to get on board because some of the pubs are there with the convention you know one of the big one of the very very big chains has a pub in every town they re on board they have a good range of alcohol free beers. A lot you go into the smaller pubs and they will do you an alcohol free locker and that s their option right but there s a lot of people who don t drink a lot around there so I think some of them need to come up to speed a little bit but I was certainly terms of drinking at home very very straightforward what I m really playful here for and I like the idea what you re saying is just because you like beer not you know fair enough but to have to say you know I don t need it I like it I don t I don t rely on that kind of thing and they say well for January I m just going to stop really well tell me about last night then so midnight click interface break how long did it take you before you cracked open a beer. Actually cracked open before midnight or if. There was. It was it was there where you from your brother actually started it until probably near the 1st house or 10 past or the subway actually sort of had a nice mouthful of a very nice Stout You know we must tasted very nice today. But actually it s interesting because of the saying that there are such good alcohol free beers. The taste wasn t this so you. Particularly special thing because some of these are not even sound and alcohol free felt it was possibly except you know really nice drinkable so. It s been a shock this year. You are shocked shocked and now the other thing we should mention is that Mrs Kerry truck your other half she hasn t been doing dry joinery So she s continued to drink hasn t she and you know she has the odd tipple I guess has that been difficult was it I know you say you found some really nice stuff that was it difficult you know and social situations with her still drinking and you know now I m not so sure a lot so no because the because these are called for it is so good to be happy drinking knows I mean I make originally my stuff and that s you know are noisy making that not a problem to me so I m not thinking it for the wife or for me that kind of thinking . So there we go Laura great to hear from you a great day for me now then because of the puck which was like did you get in touch last night on the pub quiz. Question but not really on the signs because Sandra was with me yeah. We did we missed out last night oh you re all to your point streak that your 1st one you haven t got right in 2020 right. That s a big leaderboard upset we will find out how things are looking after 11 o clock thanks for forgiveness uring there Laurie great to chat to you thank you thanks I will remember this chapter that s very kind of you very kindly thank you glad you enjoyed it does and the next but there s Lori. Curry truck on the pub because it s called Lori truck and he lives in Cary rifle Ok he s trying to piece the the the name together so they go 1st one down and fit the bill we found somebody did dry January so we need some of these done v Daniel every place the guy knew every If that s you or if you just have a hole I d be quite interested to hear from you oh I 106781566. Is the number to give us a ring today you can fax that one trouble free start your message with some a sack This is called. Told b.b.c. Somerset has all been sprayed a lot of what. Is coming up towards 11 o clock pub quiz on the way after the news we will also be talking about food and drink let us know if you re a vegan I want to hear from you today. Whether you did began you are or whether your place to be back on the make or you think you know what. May be on to veganism ago love to hear from. Somerset people sunset stories. Somerset s radio station. B.b.c. Seriously it s 11 o clock with the news Emma rushed and after 47 years of membership of more than 3 years after the bricks that referendum the k. Has officially left the European Union the historic moment which happened at 11 o clock last night was marked by both celebrations and process candlelight vigils were held in Scotland which had to stay in the e.u. While bricks.

Radio-program , G20-nations , British-culture , Billboard-hot-100-number-one-singles , Beer , Greeting-words-and-phrases , Training , Concepts-in-physics , Mass-media , Social-networking-services , Communication , Winds

Transcripts for BBC Somerset BBC Somerset 20200201 020000

choices have probably been dismounting way along appears to me like my friendship bridge is up and down and you want it s time to shut down because people see profit as a distro much as always got it cut down to size the tell a could be proud if it came out the kid a lot out as a try to go on like a professor like you to put yourself what you put in it you get out of course at least at the perfect scale you could work on to actually give you a name I know even the mystical elf in the field better 100 honestly that was your very tells couldn t keep up with the proceeds pay him that he can t pay for their a blood. That s probably. The toughest part. Trying. To ask. A child. Class. Tax. Cuts. Cuts right. Thank you. Ellis is the brakes and bass you already know listening should I pay you to stand live right now to get yourself. A d. For the last hour or maybe best of luck in the studio with a big grin on my face the because we back the thank you but the scene in the sea has been super busy every past they gave us an interesting mind studies Matthews and I got the juice from the credit. The best and based that music. Thank you. Thank you. Thank. You thank. You I. Thank you. Thank you thank you. Thank. You. Thank. God. Thank. You. Thank you. Everybody to. Get in touch in the 10 celebs maybe done the research of the track this on last week s show and check out if you actually was recommended to you pick up yourself. Bringing the same with the sweet sounds to Nauset remakes and from the twisted chop the screwed by sentiment. This one to on. People. Coming up on the show. A lot of high profile music has been released over the last days. Drops a new Bristol baby. Is this one underneath. Keeping it fresh with new released heat from the notion. Of the visit in Kings is endless stream just full of comments and a perfect opportunity to cool things down each pressure you know. They want to show you know who ll be doing and exclusive guest makes next month as well as your horoscope she celebrity. How to care about that. As I mentioned earlier on this month. Drops released as the one compilation 18 free tracks for the sounds of grind our age many more on track and it s one of my personal favorites of that drop imposture won the bee This was called push it if you want now and boy you get to know this beats breaks this. I want to go and such recently over the past 8 days the time to say and give out to John Supernova as well. As the bigger the heavy truck is scope P.T. s because last time the b.b.c. Introduced in the West Bank every time. It s great some books. You know you look at the thirty s marquees of be displayed here briskly this one. Is called Push It is a day by the one head of compilation. The finest doesn t lie like I m following more that because from what I hear there s another drop coming in about 2 months I 3 months time we have a more flare more sad. First of the let me say. That when I used to live outside of Bristol City in Leeds to come down. To catch these guys in numerous sets that he won 27 residential. They disguise b.b.c. Introducing a while back last year and the boys are back with this one. And yes as you expect and sly when this one is man. It s all about. It s a little. This sounds a sly one b.b.c. Radio Bristol track there fluctuates you for release later on day she. May she hook up with sly one follower like him one lie to get in the know about the release for that one. Outside the entire strike records is actually quite he sounds on life on the sly with guys I know is coming now they are all this year I m really looking forward to get my hands on I may remember the dumbest cow done by. Ok food is the sound is the direction let s keep on it for a new Under least bang for notion. Mindgames. Must be a few months ago now but I m going to disco boys or do an f. Bunch and celebrate Coast day there s a lot of heads up that pieces you would expect for an event like that. And one thing I remember most is that every single nation trust was related to will this when I bring it back to the edge is no exception this is the b.b.c. Radio Bristol is studies Matthews new tune into the sounds of notion this is mind games. Shouts of Bugsy. And everybody out the list right now this is s b t v warm up drugs. Do absolutely killed it. Back now to make some base represents safe shots at Coast shows that s a joke. Got some. Bread and see absently. Down. Here on in February the why does collective shots of those guys to. Go to names on a body. Try to grizzle big up yourself. Do you. See I. Said by way too much Sesame Street when I was. Walkin out re re on the vocals this one getting stuck by Ozzy release bar a 3 track e.p. Last year on truck door records with the regime. Going to let you guys know what s coming up in the 2nd half of the show after they. Get back into this would. Be Great somebody. You. Don t need. A new. These breaks make me but. Still to come on the show. We take a look at the latest Lucky me installment from the best site that s v. 8 just dropped so let me bring you a spoonful of that. At this the wretched one side of a hyper Lloyd records from Sundance people. You got me. To take the super rich you know old school Corden string style grime. And you know who would go to the beach break some bass guess mix a movie take a look it s more the trucks from the Federal Police as previously mentioned. Ok I m actually really stoked to play this next track sent over by Cream collective and huge shout for those guys who back me. Now this track is by Saeed. S y z o is that again I m not going to have discussion. The bases trust screwed I need you close in you know it s just me for elites man just the rotation in the post and wave that you feel running for the whole track this is a world exclusive failed piece breaks bass I need you close by size. This right here the sounds of size on b.b.c. Radio still. I need you close enough s y z for the same in every phone a world exclusive right here in peace breaks in face and it is so sweet if you can get hands on it you know what you wait for this when you draw make sure you go check out size up on Sound Cloud is goes raises e.p. Which is available for free download. So I do can bring up bring up. This is available for you to go get right now. Con a neat. One half the Geo least by Con at the end of January so you just missed it show but for that show get in here this was called up That you can indeed individually and collectively together they justify the loser a fight which actually sold out in what I was I don t hound Stylistics cross and a 2nd release is making serious music is wow. You . Really are yelling. Back. At. She. Makes me. Bring that one back the sounds of Mazzy and Daffy distrust nights never free release of the paradox of the one and as I understand there s a remake coming for this track for. A number different heads on that. Take away. This track of the nebula e.p. By Tiger Blood was released 2014 you can go get that one right now it s a free download. Shot so they just keep me up to date were fresh and new expense because a lot of things going on in 2015 Oh well people I am sure. Tiger blood and spectrum hay on b.b.c. Radio Bristol. Sure beats the brakes putting the brakes Ok so it s at this point at the show it s time for me to let you guys in on the big c. Crews going to be doing a piece breaks apace exclusive guest makes the next 30 days with us. Information based just released. Could 96 crying s still absolutely shredding data slows with a 2014 release enemies and a. Monkey wrench is going to be up in the guess mix. Breaks from base Yes see the state for that one over to pilfer that jump straight in something off of the Right now expected this woman to guess makes is a massive try this one is a tried but. This one is 96 crying monkey wrench. Monkey Wrench 96 grind the little taste just a little taste of what this boy is going store for you and I guess mix coming to these breaks in base next month. Nice 6 crime the e.p.a. Of the. Right now go and get yourself a copy of. The . One of all this one by kings This is called stop and listen which is full of come in and his endless stream. Another one up and run cinema raving to the b.b.c. Introducing in the West guys about say from Swindon. Bristol based now Sky love very versatile. Sometimes income of a super hot smashing bullying. But then really stripped back and really come from something contemporary make you think about your life. a lot of pressure for that to make people get in touch. With And now we are going to go somewhere come pay a different. Huge shouts unlucky. Flanagan in the blessings hook me up nice and early with this one here which you can go and get right now. Of the s v a p. S I one of the names of the Glasgow bass label. Regular collaborate would like to have some Mohawk. This sign hooking up with the likes of Loomis and on this one young good to this one could fire. A. Clock gullet. Got to. Go of. The a. Glock . 00000000. 000-000-0000. 0. 000000. 0. 0000 Thank you. Featuring young Good night when it s fire and peace breaks on the base and she goes quiet as guys now let me family if you I know by now is going to be looked in the bus this into some of the best forward thinking music on the planet. Great some bugs I want to get super grimy now so what you say and I say. Is one forgotten past but as a picture of the series here on a c. Early no is crying there are. Thank. You. This one on the Right now. Dogs Out. Said You August by the Elks of no exactly sure now I think it might be Caesar Caesar block is again released by the Padres compilation is hot this is sick as super had great soundtrack and friends before he s got the sounds of battle gone past shallots battle this was quite. A. Good. Choice imo of course put me down so gee my new Lang. Or the guys from tar show. You know the whole February crew. Georgie. My mind on a joke was lost by how big my ever was I did. Get a big shout out to the boys on a digital sound gang. I don t know what you guys were doing to me emotionally pinned on to the biggest nights like so far the. Same night. Toying with my emotions I swear I ll talk to the cops right. Everyone holding me down just a harsh Jordan what if you thought I d let me work too hard and then we saw it one bit. To oppose it because the hyperlink records kept. Defragmenter e c don t. Do of course hold it down for the hour before sale radio shows. Because of the absolute and gongs I missed. You know I m going to be out bring up a list. For every single person to such a show because straight tough Roman thank you. Of the recent project for those who are not of. This truck underneath me just now is by some people just released on hype a bit. They really like that site they go much justifies about 99 percent of my south maybe you guys out that see this when his.

Radio-program , Wrenches , Coastal-and-oceanic-landforms , Hardware-mechanical , Radio-bbc-somerset , Stream-only , Radio , Radioprograms ,

Transcripts for BBC Somerset BBC Somerset 20200131 140000

The show using tonight if you go into the venue club in was it got a signed picture of the show is. A good one workout only either one of them used to live in well once or one of them comes from well but there is a link between the wonderful band if the show is on the city Well I. Didn t hear the answer for 10 minutes. Even bridge wanted to be able to stave it was secure fast today if it was neuer an anchor but it was a beach will be. I was up in the loft you see costumes down for next weekend eighties adult weekend a Butlins that just raises so many questions to be honest with you Steve. Do let us know if you dress up as maybe a photo if possible. You can see your station. B.b.c. . 2 o clock Here s Emma Rushton the chief medical officer for England has confirmed that people are being treated for the knee strain of the coronavirus in this country Professor Chris Witty said the patients were receiving care at a specially she unit in Newcastle pull Hunter is a professor of health protection at the University of East Anglia he explained what the patients treatments might involve eventually what people will be doing is monitoring the respiration Mond for general health and treating pneumonia symptomatically effectively that if their oxygen levels fall there will be given oxygen to breathe they might if they re getting fluid on the lungs they might be given direct ticks to to help remove that fluid a plane carrying more than 80 British people who have been evacuated from we hand the Chinese city at the center of the corona virus outbreak as landed at our a.f. Brize Norton in Oxfordshire it s understood the passengers will now be taken to an n.h.s. Facility on the way roll to be quarantined Meanwhile a number of students from Bath University have been told they won t make the start of the new term after they went where an able to return from China they re believed to be locked in. Side their homes because of the threat posed by Cook the coronavirus they travel back to the country for the Chinese New Year. Is the cook coordinator of the Chinese undergraduate program at the university and then Mr Bart there are some and my aunt both to Tootie who each plot locked in on the epi center of the deadly corner of hydrants which started last month ministers are preparing to mark Britain s formal departure from the e.u. By holding a cabinet meeting in Sunderland the fastest t 2 to Clapham Bracks in the 2016 referendum some will describe it as a moment of national renewal in a video message to be released before the leaves at 11 o clock tonight Jeremy Corbin said today would decide the current country s future direction and he called for reflection on all sites I voted to remain in the referendum in Indy campaign for that we got the result we didn t want that we have to accept that and my position is that we are close to your we must maintain the trading relationship and recognise that European Union nationals that have made their home in this country have made an enormous contribution to our society Scotland s 1st Minister Nicola Sturgeon said the departure from would be a moment of profound sadness for many she ll say said she wasn t ruling out the option of a consultative referendum on Scottish independence if Westminster continue to reject requests for another poem a Somerset man has been travelling across the Atlantic in what s described as the world s toughest right Richard Baker from challenge has traveled nearly 3000 nautical miles in the Atlantic Challenge started in the Canary Islands and finishes in Antigua from the Atlantic Ocean he told b.b.c. Somerset what the highlights of all the cruises are some great so I m sick of niceness when it was sunny mine s been so there s no it when school is a science others say you don t know where you re actually you can be rowing. In the civilian space. The actress whose 9 children around the world as the voice of Peppa Pig is stepping down after more than a decade in the row Holly bird he was 18 has been a member of the continent s cast since she was 5 she s being replaced by 9 year old Emily bass Smith in the weather rain for a time this afternoon but they should move off to the east it will remain mainly cloudy and misty day mild but with fresh to strong south westerly winds and highs of 12 degrees Celsius that s 54 degrees Fahrenheit b.b.c. News it s 4 minutes past I m not sure if I agree with that which we re up. The bricks ship the 11 o clock one No I mean Peppa Pig voice Oh yeah I always get when cartoon voices become different it s never fun it s time and some they change they want should now they re not anymore I know that s the trouble isn t it and we had that with the Muppets Yeah because Jim Henson did. A show horse and I remember he did it when I was a kid rainbow remember Bongo and some people yeah suddenly one of them a car. Was George you see the pink important yes I remember I might have been Bongo but Member one of them suddenly turning the Glaswegian overnight. That I don t know if he was a 9 year old boy doesn t make sense scar don t like change or don t I don t know long creature of habit but also even worse now I remember sitting on or when I 1st joined Twitter whenever that was when he 131 of the 1st pictures that I found on Twitter was behind the scenes of Rainbow. But all the time in the desk and dislikes the scenes where you know I want to know I don t want to know what s below that. Travel update b.b.c. Summer sweep is a real dog and that is the end of it isn t there of course and we ll hear nothing else now from Jack exactly anyway on the rights yes why not m 5 looking fine through the county starting to pick up on the Radio 3 on the elements to bypass it and I m looking quite busy on that stretch of the county worth mentioning the a 36 a 3 blacked in the high street there is closed in both directions g. To a burst water main It s alternate looking busy on the streets now and also outbound on the chain way and along the a 358 awards junction 25 of the m 5 or so months and Heathfield the lights there on the a 3 to 59 causing delays but also up busy on the Bristol road into town and also slow along the Broadway at the moment you stop at the lights and ongoing road works on the a 37 Dorchester road looking quite slow in both directions that s near the turning for hoopers lane if you re on the foss Mall Road works there that s also in both directions a $37.00 and if that Cross Keys. At the ready to act and it s the Cross Keys and well to a couple of couple of temperature like say 39 s. And very busy there from Strawberry lane it struck me way to just in dry answer as well another set of lights and breaks in the 851 currently closed on the high street anything else you spotted on the rates give us a call 806785066 woman who isn t there so we ll do it I m finding We sure. Know it s a pretty woman saw him quite well and he s got a brand new afternoon show The View and the baronet on t.v. She s summer s Adrian s been on the text has a year after year Andre I m taking my 2 boys Ashley and Christian we re going to watch q.p.r. Over the weekend yeah exactly they re playing city that we have our city fans so they re going to play our way yet they re so yeah they re big they re proper season ticket holders name of the city so there was to follow the city yes to q.p.r. Which I think is Loftus Road I think it is a show I once went on a training course the b.b.c. Said you know you would think it would you give me the triple we do at 1 o clock. Nothing clearly I went on a week s training course how to be a journalist Yeah it was yeah yeah. This is what they do they depend b.b.c. Training Yeah they don t just say here we are watching this is radio no no you know I thought I was going to turn up there be a nice big you know how you present step by step video by Johnny Ball or something nothing like that so they d give me a microphone and they say right go to the nearest sports ground get your way in and finds it was find out some news about them relay we were right outside we were in the White City of London we don t hear the old b.b.c. Studio you know television center back in the day and around the corner it s q.p.r. So I thought I m going to try and impress him I m going to go to q.p.r. And find out I m something yeah really an Ok want to go in there the trouble is. All those 20 other people in this. Course with me and they will tell you what has changed or so suddenly they re going to q.p.r. a Member the guy was that he was the training manager he was the imparted to the ground training for the youth team he looks down the road season to 20 might be very good I can make it like it was a national scandal what he s been saying to us he said well and we also went in there and I don t like football I love watching it and I ve been to see a young boy when you see man you know a play once yes. But I don t understand the rules so I don t get to have a good go. Ok offside rule forget it Ok but I m not watching the game I really do but we were turned out there and we were at the same question the bloke was sweating he was carrying around a net full of people was like looked like 20 or football was and we just tell us something and of course he s bound to happen had it before because he s 1st he said to us was another b.b.c. Trade I m going to like Ok so have a safe trip back actually agent Christian and they said can you possibly like decision exactly Yeah can we come can we are playing a song but I don t know many q.p.r. Bassong So we got there so. I have been good authority Ricky Martin for the season ticket holder for q.p.r. . So whatever this one going to. Ricky Martin. P.P.O. s biggest fan. Given to be the loca 13 minutes past 2 o clock on the afternoon show high that he s trigger or a great name or die if I recall half of your q.p.r. Talk I hope you know saying bad things about Bristol City in different will be very upset he s a true Robin that man he looks like a whopping dozen a recent head the only trouble is no I m not by the way I m not I have learnt with football so I don t know a lot about the boy I ve learnt never say anything about city over his Because you could upset the other there is no point so I m going to say this now Bristol City are equally as good as Bristol Rovers that s why and that s why I say I m not upset anyone they re both marvelous teams. And also when I get a shout out to the mason boys who are q.p.r. Supporters and they re travelling up on a bus for the City fans yeah that s going to go Well we ve met. Anyway some of this is turned up to Geoff Twentyman who s time data. Going in with your footballing thoughts Hi Andy this is more may have you been seeing this musical chairs Maggie yes I have I m off to see the Book of Mormon tonight at the Hippodrome in Bristol have you seen it big question mark Asplen Book of Mormon is great bridge when last week was it bridge it is hysterical what I would say if you re looking for musical there is p.c. No bad language no inappropriate references I wouldn t go in see Book of Mormon it s the most. It s like it was wrote back in the sixty s it s like you will not we can t quote any lines from there because we ll all get taken off the air including even the text into the show but it s a brilliant it s a brilliant show and the Book of Mormon is up at Bristol. Well now look what s happened we just have texted now where to put their name Rovers who is going to City a bunch of exclamation marks on not going into it I m not out on the range in the Argentine the afternoon make sure I don t give an AC some of. The old great teams that what they do they will kick the ball really well. And so do you when talent is put no one in as well right. Now keep them sweet. To go then final day in the village a spark food a few a 3 or 3. Here s what we re doing 2 places ago today we re going to the spot for so many around quarter for. The 1st boat that s in a chopper counter. He was 2 and a half decades working for Haines publishing let s be honest we had a Haynes manual some point didn t we we have 3 books here today with Haynes publishing the 1st one is the 1st 25 years the 2nd one is the 1st 40 years and then the final one like God is the 1st 50 years and not take this up into 2010 I ve seen that one before somewhere Haynes manual is a like a staple part of every car I ve still got the 1st one for my I have 4 escort 1809 so what has manual of a Ford Escort 92 I had a Persian 306 I ve still got the manuals how the cars anymore but still got the manual was a Haynes manual is a bit of an institution was in there very much so for a long long time and hopefully that will still continue into the future although I think possibly in a different format to the printed book of things online isn t it whereas before a book could be handy was now you just do something if you will never get you that s right and I think that s the way the future will take it that maybe for the time being you can stick to a few books there and so tell me about you then how long when we were Haney. When did you start what year I started it happened in December 1991 and I was there for 25 years and I had to leave in February 2017 when my husband became terminally ill that s the signed copy on this one signed copy as well as you were talking I am up and it says the 1st 40 years who just joined by Jeff closely author This is jumping to myself This one I ll mention John Haynes a little bit in another interview I did earlier in the week and nearly a year since he passed away yes I think it was it was February of last year yes just about a year what was he like as a chap Oh he was lovely he was very much for the people for the workers he knew everybody by name by 1st name and he d always stop and shop to ask asking you know how we were and everything and when my husband became ill the him and the family were so kind How did you end up there how do you end up there in 91 it s a place where I ve always wanted to work and I applied and luckily there was a vacancy going in an editorial position and I was lucky enough to be offered the job over the years my job changed an awful lot it started off as an editorial assistant and it went from ice to manage several projects I became health and safety officer is well over safety officer in Haines was checking out a paper cut towards the end where he was though and it s Day Obviously we had a huge printing operation as well so we had big heavy machinery which obviously was a lot more to worry about than a paper cup. Your 1st job editor or am I or some survivors role editorial assistant Yes what does that entail that Intel really proved checking and obviously a lot of it was cooked computer orientated so we stick. Code up work basically to to get to go into the graphic design elements of things in the page builder did you have to know a lot about cars I mean did you pick up stuff for you naturally or do you not Few know a lot about these things I knew nothing about cars but from my to get in the driveway I don t see why you re an expert I can ask you no absolutely not no manuals inside out no definitely obviously you pick up a bit but I m no expert even now I know this knocking on the front cover and there on the on the 1st 50 years when you open the 960-2010 book there is a little miniature convents of a lot of books I ve done Haynes manuals they did hundreds and I absolutely I mean obviously at the beginning it was just a manual it was just a car workshop manual and then 25 to 30 years ago we started doing other kinds of books to do with health motor sport more of a reaching back I suppose lots of it s to do with the transport industry maybe shipping sailing railways motor sport was a big one so you started off doing a bit of editing what did you end up what was your final job when you were there back in sort of 2017 to be honest I m joy to think I actually had a call to. One of those companies where you just got stuck and you did everything already oh yeah he was very very much office based very much clerical lots of computer work day to day office management I suppose really but yeah I could be a I still go shopping for the company take a car i places like you member one incident quite a few years ago I got sent to Newcastle on a on a flight from Bristol to Newcastle in order to drive the company Mercedes home. And a vertically got filled with petrol rather than diesel so after a very expensive repair I was asked to fly up and drive it home which was not absolute. Jolie It was. Wonderful time but all the stories I could tell you if we only had the time was there a lot of things that was you know a lot of love humor and good stories involved in your decades have been Oh definitely absolutely we had a ball I mean it was a good place to work it was good fun and the stuff that happened there will long termers I mean these people still there now that of the 304050 years so yes what you there you tend not to leave by choice to be honest obviously lots of things have happened over the years but no we hug fun lots and lots of fun. Lives in some a turn worked for Hanes publishing. For about 25 years in just a moment. Ok. Today. And. That s. To. Me. And. You know I. Remember that last line in excess need you tonight only after we all know what s happening tonight that way. That s right. Taking to the stage we cannot wait can t wait we re all going along the whole team doing his. His comedy performance Ok he s going to be on stage it ll be on his show tonight so you can hear it live also put it out on Twitter and he is really getting into the comedy he s turned a day into Tommy Cooper style phrase get right into it 25 past we re going to head back now to Somerton to talk to Carl Turk who worked in Haynes publishing It s all part of a road trip to spark for she was there from 9091 to 2007 they used to print in-house and then the printing like to America which was still owned by Haynes but in America. America was that yes there was to practice in America there was Haynes Inc which was based in Los Angeles and then in Nashville Tennessee we had our printing works and then the books were physically shipped back on container but to the u.k. To spark for it for storage and I wear high saying Did you ever go to America no no no no I went to Paris a few times for a few shows but never America how many would be printed time oh I couldn t tell you that I can t remember to be honest with you obviously in the thousands and I think the print run was decided on the type of manual it was if it was a very popular word of it was not support and the print run wouldn t be quite so high subtly the printing is no longer done at Hains of tall It s all night to Malaysia which was cheaper in the are just going to page page 46 is a picture of a fire like that that s right that spot for many many years ago long before my time there was a fire and part of the factory which enabled eventually the company to rebuild basically as it stands today. Is pretty much bombs or. Yeah yeah how many people working for Haines in its heyday you know he was a big old outfit with a lot of people doing a lot or it was a big outfit I think probably in its heyday it was well over 200 again I couldn t be certain of the actual number but when I left in 2. 17 I think we were dying to part in less than 50 quite small team isn t it Yes Yes Well obviously the printing was the warehousing went and we were just left with a basic day in office and editorial I know you left in 2017 because of our family things we husband we sad to leave you have a long time yes I was sad to leave it was a great company had great friends lovely people I did actually go back for 2 months last year or 2019 because they were short staffed and they asked me to go back to help for 2 months which I enjoyed was that like going back was the same team as a new faces know the same team same people like I said earlier you know what to do there use and stay there you know the truck is independent traders van it goes New York Paris Packer Yes you ve got Haynes publishing. Spock furred Los Angeles strike yes yes that s true there was a deputy only when I started there 1st I didn t realize I thought Haynes was just so I didn t know if leads and I think Lisa was just a depo I don t think it was there was no printing or publishing going on there are several places and some assert there was a place and you know fall there was a place in El Chester where they still work from a place in West count to begin with in the very early days and obviously ended up in spot 1st with everything going on the pictures of humorous things like a manager in a cage and a bloke running through a brick wall and someone I was asleep with a book over that s right yes that seems to be a lot of humor like I said we had great fun in this picture here this is a guy called John Alston who s a friend and a colleague of mine or ex colleague of mine and he s still there today really yes yes and so this is you know many many years ago was most popular Haynes manual was there one was there one when you re working at people wanted to buy for whatever reason was a quarter you know was it a cavalier there s probably been several over the years. To be honest with you cars change obviously things like Ford Escort and the 4 Cortinas on the Fox the last. Note is going to be your most populist because that s you everyday cars but yes I mean I wouldn t be able to tell you that this the sales figures but before you go Carol give us. A story that only you would know as an ex Haines employee Well when we did the 40th celebration we had the most wonderful Christmas party which was held in Joan on the net Haynes s home it backs that up us during the afternoon we had a children s party with food and games and a barbecue and Mr Mrs opened their own private swimming pool for the children and then in the evening we had a huge market with a pig roast which was up on dots for all the employees they laid on transport and every think like I said they were lovely lovely people a lovely family very kind and great fun. Lovely camel Turku some attorney. 25 odd years working behind publishing great to speak to how people want to Haynes manual. Or go about 3 maybe 4 other sort of got one for called Never even on time so we keep it might come in handy. Hold back tonight by the tramp s on the afternoon show just going half past 2 we have some updates bridge Yes I m Stephen Bridgewater Ok and had a 10 minute teaser an hour ago right because he was up in his lot. Looking for push teams to where I don t think Butlins weekend Yes Yeah the mind boggles at that one however I m going to be either a cowboy a scare crow or a Blues Brother he s not quite sure I ll go with the police brothers because that s my it s a great film yeah do you remember when the Batman and Robin the Only Fools and Horses Yes Well yeah when they break down he said I want to go as the Blues Brothers because you ve been a. Comb and they were my last looks like Mr Ben going in a fancy dress shop to Steven Bridgewater me having fun yes you know that s enjoy perfect no problem at all we ve got anonymous message that will say their name and no can you find out there s a Haynes manual for wife so clearly I m going to able to put their name in less shipping find out who it was in fact I have found out who was asking because I ve got a text in before I m going to drop them and no I m not but that s because I m sure Steve and I was joking Oh sure no we don t get you in trouble tonight and I m giving you a warning at home when i was time and I had my latest amusing thing that he granted said Oh but I saw it s this is going to be it s going to take thing also Well this one can only be about today about what might happen at 11 o clock tonight Ok Unfortunately for those of you don t know because I go and visit me granting ospital because she s doing the tours she s not Western She s got his growth she s now. Bridgewater so. There we are hanging out there taking up space so I pop in the other day she was convinced only Taylor was in the car because it was on the show so yes when I went to see her not before last I was your dentist I was on the show tomorrow and she looked around the hospital where we see them so he s not here always you go in the car if you weigh in so no he s not well there was something she mentioned that s what may happen at 11 o clock tonight so I do so I do a public service and just mention that after. You do that 21 you now. Travel update b.b.c. Somerset how the roads it s not looking too bad and emphasize fine through the county a moment something took a bit busy on the a 3 o 3 on the elements to bypass at the moment just worth mentioning a 368 Blackton and the high street has closed in both directions due to a burst water main So try to avoid that if you can Taunton looking slow on East reach and also outbound on the train way starting to pick up as well and along the a 358 out towards junction $25.00 of the m 5 that s where you got the ongoing lane closures monks and Heathfield as well a 3 to 59 light cycles interlace in both directions but also looking busy on the Bristol road into town slow along Broadway and starting to pick up along contact rate as well as the a 39 out towards Cannington Yeovil 8 x. 7 Dorchester road delays in both directions near Hooper s line that s down to these ongoing road works on the Fos as well as 7 slow that look a little bit Cross Keys with road works on that section and well as a couple of sets of trap temperature like ca 39 Glastonbury road slow from Strawberry way to just in drive and repulsion as well and great in a 351 currently closed on the high street diversions are in place no problems on planes and trains anything else give us a call 80678662 further add to it 6 of us are doing coach Jim search Steven Brill one word Ok Ok a different cost you meet each day for the shuttle and so on but on Mars are you going to be all of them. People walking down the front isn t it Andy Bennett in the afternoon the most fun you can happen. Upload song. Let. Me. See. A. Single mum. Gave. Me a. I would say. Was. A I was. A I was going to. Be a. Serial. Was a. Woman. Was. Told it was was. Ok. It was. Such a huge area and. Me it. Was a. Tsunami is such. Claim . Moved. To a. Whitney Houston how will I know if he really loves me will just just ask I suppose 19 minutes to 3 o clock. In. The afternoon show where you have to guess what part of Somerset County Bennett is in boy so we cryptic clues and listening to the interesting facts about the area where at the end of it you don t want any money holidays or even a new car because we don t have the budget for these sorts of things here only after the. Yes good afternoon 10. Point 01 of the wait. Game with the long name of. Never heard of it let me enlighten you that. Is what we do every afternoon I ll give you a bunch of clues a bit of music. That gets slightly easier as we move towards 2 o clock it all links to a wonderful Polish counting. Could be a town village an event a person a famous person famous event. Even a landmark. Clue number one you know this place was 1st used on the 21st of September 19th 27. We re getting a lot of old he still concludes that the beginning let us do as well as cathedral 1129. This place was 1st used 1st opened. 21st of September 1927 very. Significant about September or even aged 27. 080-678-1566 extension 81 trouble 3 Start your message with the word Somerset. The Somerset b.b.c. . This place was 1st used in the 21st of September 927. Plates. Joan. Is it. Brilliant to pass Lloyd Oh. You know what we re looking for it s not bad Lloyd always Lido I m never quite sure what was box boss Skaggs was that leader for. Day Stanley and for him Well done to you go live somewhere you are correct poor Lizzie over there in Kew Stoke and Jeff I have no idea as yet but did you know that the 21st of September 927 was 33727 days ago you need to get out more Jeff you really do we re having a bad effect on you I can tell. Stanley you got it right how he and Jeff back together again you are right. There. Gath also getting credit in Barrow vowed to get it right Herbert toke Raca the godfather of Welsh taxi maffia I was concerned we ve not heard from him for a couple of days can suppose he s got a lot on you know being a Matthew and all that was horses heads and what not valid Bridgwater you are correct and also. Diffie is also going to the adult themed weekend we don t want to know what you all dressed up as really we time Ok we can live without that one. Street outdoor pool one no. Not street outdoor pool Ok so this place was 1st used in 1927 in September the 21st to be exact and the next event here is this coming Sunday there is an event at this place this coming Sunday so we still in 4 years people will see some was what do you think. The best out. There we go. When you want to somehow we story a place that we love and. See some of. The afternoon show. My. Job. Carry style was on a door you just coming up to 5 to 3 we re talking back to us in about 10 minutes time it s back to weekends we have got one more clue and a bit of music and being a fight even a bang or in the gather a little bit more. Clarity son spoke well done to you you have got it right. Then she text and by the way I ll google that following you haven t let me down Claire is always here we sleep at night that s absolutely fucking. Well don t you a light blue Daisy in crosscut Tropicana I love the Tropicana I still remember the giant pineapple to slow down that was a young and also but where you re wrong no it s not the Tropicana not what we re looking for that was a noise by the way of me going down the joint slide it will con me. Becky and I have just completed our forklift training oh oh wonderful. Just giving you a lift. Good work well done if you know when to gardens they say no it s not I m afraid not Winter Gardens but well done on your forklift training Good good work is the answer Yesterday s I was nearly right out and dyin Mike have just got back from fishing chips on Barrow beach but on you are correct the farmer in Mark it Butlins in mine had it could be couldn t it that s over around that time not after Captain Carrot crunch. Has come up with a musical clue he wants yellow the race we re not going with that one because we had that as a musical clue last week but thank you to get in touch Robert in Cardiff You are correct well done to you Judy ruse is right to anybody on c. And also Andy in Taunton is that right no he s not sorry it s well that Wayne and Nicky the mill born poor butchers great team over there if you want some good steak go and see them honestly you can choose you Kowen every day. Both ways showground No and there was you were so keen as well you put your message starts with oh oh I know bottom I show it s not though it s not really did you put your name did you put your name on that one can t find your name I m afraid and also let s have a look on the way in Turkey next week you missed your show in the last 2 in Bridgewater. Am I right by the way if so can I have a case of what you mean like in person where you live Bridgewater come Friday in bridge war on the traffic you d have one of these say. I did I do not attempt Bridgewater on a Friday afternoon so you know that. What I was if we got Jeff what on you are correct good work and also Steve get it right as well here is your musical close like Does this help you at all. We re looking for something that s got a course of just over 2 kilometers in length. And this song is a clue as well would seem to. Be so sweet. 50 is in Taunton and he s reckon it s to race course one now she is saying when Canton race course the race course is Kris s don t know which way to go is it when current is it tuned to. You should have gone to mention Chris.

Radio-program , Technical-communication , Streets , Tickets , Terminology-used-in-multiple-sports , Pseudonymous-musicians , Paper-products , British-childrens-television-programmes , Printing , Market-towns-in-somerset , Communication , County-towns-in-england

Transcripts for BBC Somerset BBC Somerset 20200131 150000

That s what we re after a 20 race course opened in 1927 thank you for playing your county your station. B.b.c. On the set thank you Brick clock Here s our Washington 2 members of the same family a being treated for the new strain of the coronavirus in the council England s chief medical officer Professor Chris witty stressed that the rest from the disease was very late and said that the n.h.s. Was extremely well equipped to deal with it Craig Dillon spent time in quarantine with suspected coronavirus last week after he d been travelling via China he was put into an isolation unit at some Thomas s Hospital in London I woke up to these like sort of alien moon space men coming in covered like head to toe in can really hear what they were saying and there was a moment where I thought wow you know this could actually be it I could be the patient 0 would be the one who brought it to the u.k. And then I was panicking as I was thinking well I should have gone to Starbucks and I went and saw you know my colleagues at work or if I ve spread it s rover on a plane carrying 83 British nationals from China has touched down at an area base in Oxfordshire those on the flight were evacuated from we had the city at the center of the corona virus outbreak they ll be sent on to an n.h.s. Facility in the where old for the next 2 weeks bars Johnson will herald Britain s official departure from the European Union tonight as a moment of real national renewal and change European leaders have said they would do everything in their power to make the relationship a success the vice president of the European Parliament parade McGuinness said lessons needed to be Lance I wouldn t wish that. Understood that Europe is about I think it was always a sense when I spoke you probably didn t I your that it was already. And actually that s not the purpose of well it s purpose was to unite people but. Don t you think we will be learning that. Because life will be different without. Alexander wall is a novelist and was the candidate for Bridgewater unless some assess in the general election before the party stood at some of that candidate s down he told b.b.c. So much that the departure doesn t go far enough we re not leaving any sense whatsoever apart from you might say well we don t have representation. In Brussels but we never really meant and we remain loyal. With great threats to our fishing in the regions going forward due to the Conservative party signing this deal. Nicholas judge and set the U.K. s departure from the e.u. Would be a moment of profound sadness for many people in Scotland speaking in Edinburgh she warned there would be no short cuts to achieving Scottish independence and some of that man will face a 12 week suspended prison sentence and his ban from keeping dogs for 5 years 30 year old Michael Holland from some Senate pleaded guilty to an offense under the Animal Welfare Act and admitted causing unnecessary suffering is after his Staffordshire Bull Terrier was described as suffering with ulcerated and in fact itchy miss the hours p.c.a. Says the dog Scarlett was put to sleep to prevent further pain the actress who voiced the children s t.v. Programme Peppa Pig is stepping down from the role after more than a decade Hollie but he is now 18 and in her final year of a levels what about after for her role in 2011 she ll be replaced by 9 year old Amelia b. Smith spoke about how she got the role comedy for men because I was tiny and I went to law edition and they listened to my voice and I sound like a 4 year old pig so I got I got the job. Going to the 1st time I couldn t read at all and I look at the weather rain for a time this afternoon but they should move off to the east it will remain mainly cloudy and misty mild but with fresh to strong southwesterly winds and highs of 12 degrees Celsius that s $54.00 degrees Fahrenheit. It s b.b.c. Seventies it s full minutes past 3 hello my how are you going to k. Thanks to stuff you re lucky to be here for this 11. 3 Yeah so I m going to bring you my final thing until you make explicit to me gran Oh yes my grandson funny things at the moment he s always been a bit odd but he s 93 and he s doing a tour to a local hospital so he s in Bridgewater moment Don West and she s been wowing the crowds. And basically very standing room visiting she s in there it was in there. Not well she s like oh yeah you know here she said I should do to stand up tall no one was calling it. You know the standing room only you can get a ticket for a show that really people queue for their tickets around the block and yeah so she don t know what 93 so I went to go to visit her and the other they were to my dentist a lot you do and then the other day when I was talking to her and she got on to the b. Word 11 o clock to 11 o clock tonight it isn t happening in every other thing right now still happening to me because I always think if you re that age you get way of saying anything and it s great she said to me she was going to happen for you then I think you know she s not about Charlie Taylor s comedy. Saying like I don t know of course because I don t want to do we re going to wave a flag. And. It s going to be a bit like New Year s Eve business. So I said what you think last night the problems are all going to get out of the way vent so I thought just for her listening I thought I d put together this little montage Ok of what might happen today 11 o clock Ok you ready Ok. And you know I m just going to miss meeting the European Union all the time I didn t like the 2090 on the 29th of March 29th of March that will happen on the 29th of March you. Know. We will now not only. On time with a deal on the 29th. Breaks it. Have. What we recommend you doing the serious political This has just knocked me off my face looks good is not going to happen tonight the world is I know what I was. Going to be watching it on t.v. . You can tell me grand that s the. Travel update b.b.c. Somerset if it doesn t go that way should be very disciplined Yeah and what I m not telling them the start of which was because I don t. Own the rights and 5 and a 3 x. Ray looking fine for the county at the moment Bridgewater busy on the Bristol road into town and also slow along the Broadway 38 Taunton right into town also starting to pick up times and busy on a street also outbound on the China way and along the a 358 towards junction $25.00 of the m 5 mountain Heathfield as well looking slightly the lights there on the a 3 to 59 in both directions you know evil 807 daughters to road delays in both directions new persona can very slow through that section at the moment I m already too x. To mention it flew on the force road works at Lydford Cross Keys on the a 37 in Wales the a 39 Glastonbury very busy and I start from Strawberry way to just in drive and also St Paul show a couple of sets of lights and a 368 in Blackton and north of the County High Street they re closed in both directions heavy traffic due to a burst water main and in Britain as well the a 359 currently closed on the High Street and the l.c. Spot on the road so give us a call 806781566. The little kid who does a. Good job. Is to. Stand in his gold stool to give you the love We got about 20 minutes of movie coming up now. Because we re talking back to. The Wet Wet Wet and Love Is All Around. Easy to guess the film is now. Up. To. The soul. And soul of the. Bolo. Let. Wet Wet Wet and love is all around for me 1994 film 4 Weddings and a Funeral annoyed love that film I ve got on d.v.d. I had a video originally so going back a few years but I just love the fact that I think so started it didn t I think forward in a few new started the whole Brit rom com You know it paved the way for Notting Hill Love Actually about a boy you know sliding doors who made a star at Hugh Grant and he went on to play the the sort of typical Englishman for about the last 10 films that he s done but we ve got a big following now as British actors and of course this weekend is the Bafta us Bafta is 2020 and he s taking place Sunday night will be on b.b.c. One such February 2nd and it s happening more Loughborough hole and I think we ve got Graham Norton hosting machine in the past it has been John a lovely But we ve got Graham Norton holding the reins and we re going to speak now to some lovely people Ok Jenelle royally and Gary show in a form Variety magazine and they know everything there is to know about films because Variety magazine all the big events the Cannes Film Festival was the Oscars the Bafta anything there s everything Variety magazine in there so good afternoon Juno Good afternoon Gary how are you guys doing today very good effect excellent Now we have talked films in Bafta is now I d like to know what makes you the right people to chat to Ok to now name rank and what you do. My name is Joe Riley I am the deputy awards and features editor at Variety magazine which you know pretty much covers everything that happens in Hollywood music film t.v. Etc etc But when you put it like that I feel I feel very qualified no no you re on top of the list now Carol can you have a list Carrie Gary can you beat that no I. And I can t I cannot touch that you know is way more verse this is her life we need to have a chat then let s talk about movies and Bafta is in films what s going to win what should we be looking out for I think it s going to be really difficult to beat 117 it has just storm through this season it was a late entry I can t remember the last time a movie that was released in December went on to win the Academy Award but looks like that s going to happen and I think before that happens it s going to win the Bafta award for best film and probably for director Sam Mendez I want to talk or feet here the cinematography I watched it last week and oh yeah I ve never seen a film where it looks soft doesn t it never cut continuous shots it was amazing I didn t know I mean the thing well have you seen Birdman they kind of did it in that but they were very open about the fact that it wasn t really continuous you know we cut the fantasy sequences Yeah there s also a wonderful horror film called Silent House that Elizabeth Olsen was one of her 1st movies and they do it in an 11 minute takes because then they ran out of not film but I guess video or whatever they were shooting it on so you know it s been done before you ve seen Martin Scorsese like yes long tracking shots right but I ve never seen a movie like this where it s basically 2 hours and it looks like one fluid take one totally immersive cinematic experience that has to be seen on the big screen you know everyone keeps wondering with streaming movies still relevant in the universe and this is the reason it is for films just like this it s funny you say that God because that s exactly what I thought there s no way that would feel the same if I was watching at all my i Pad 2 on my t.v. At home it only worked when I was in no surround sound big screen environment I think absolutely and Sam and as has said that and it s Point well taken and you know there are some great films that you can see through the streaming services and you can enjoy them films you can even watch on an airplane and still enjoy and this is one of those that you can t this is why people want to still go to the theater. For those epic cinematic immersive experience that transcends and transports you to a different place also the shared community if you are in an audience of people gasping and grab Yeah throughout that film yeah we do grab each other a lot in the back where the cinema hit somebody. Now and then I quite like as well that there are moments where you can hear a pin drop and there might be 150 people in that cinema there s a lot of movies like that this year I feel like there are several moments in parasite where you can just hear the audience take like a collective gasp of breath actually marriage Tori was a movie I got to see in the theater even though it s on Netflix and 1st of all watching it with an audience people were really laughing at it it s it s actually very funny and then the serious moments I was just there s a there s a 700 seat theater in Los Angeles and were a bit of a rowdy crowd and the way that everybody was just sort of on the edge of their seat for you know what is you know a dramatic film without any special effects or explosions but just human tension was keeping people riveted well and you know Tom Hanks beautiful day in the neighborhood there is that segment where whoa no question yeah and it was it s said to be in a theater and there s that moment where literally they take a minute he asks a very profound question takes a moment they do the close up of Tom Hanks just staring at the camera you couldn t hear anything in that theater because everyone was processing that question it was a very collected unique moment well I could hear sniffles. And I just I mean I bet it wasn t like that it wasn t just you crying about why we re Don t go anywhere we ll be back in just a moment do you know Wiley and Gary showing they re from velocity magazines we re talking that from Variety magazine we re talking all about the Bafta which of this weekend. Tree I see. The. Sky and still. Speak. My heart will go on from the film about but we are back now talking to General Reilly and Gary showing from Variety magazine with talking all about films I don t know about about which is this weekend b.b.c. One Sunday night hosted by Graham Norton the. One thing I ve noticed particular time is that a question for both of you really do you know when Gary years ago it would always be the Hollywood a list and then over here but now you ve got people like Livia Coleman doing well and getting Oscars in town when I get in in Rocket Man and he does very well over there and yes we love you please everyone come to Los Angeles because your actors are so talented they have this incredible training you see them doing theater you see them doing t.v. See them doing film we want all of you to please you know defect to our shores and beach while you re there that s Ok. Beach you have to be always in l.a. Twice last year it makes me sound very like a jet setter I m really not but you know it s just a giant film and I love yes and Newport Beach is a beautiful place to relax and get away and I can t believe it s only an hour from Los Angeles honestly what makes a good film for both of you you are in the film business you watch your job is to watch and know about films what makes a good film for both you you know for the last year I would say surprise me you know parasite. The writer director of that film when it premiered at Cannes he actually sent notes to critics saying please don t spoil anything in this movie let people discover it for themselves I like to see things that I haven t seen before but at the same time you know I m a big fan of romantic comedies and those are yeah you know you follow a certain. Formula and you do it right and there s something to be said for that but I feel like this last year was was full of like really surprising unique original stories you know I think for me it s always about the story I mean it sometimes films get caught up in the special effects and superheroes and all of that and they have their place but I think those stories parasite being is you know a great example of that 1917 being a great example of those stories that are engaging and tell you something and enlighten you about some aspect of the human condition I always enjoy that I come out hopefully feeling better than when I walked in and if the story s been well presented then the special effects don t take away from the story telling about I m exactly the same as you I look same way you know it could happen which isn t really it before I let you go quick fire round Ok you know favorite film of all time all time Raising Arizona by the Coen brothers straight away straight in the book that she knew it Ok Gary how about you I m going to say you weekend. Yeah very much on Newport brand sort of I guess I m a little bit of an old school traditionalist I still love Citizen Kane and you know it was just in its day Bill you tell the story in the way they told it really broke through and I know it s a little cheesy to say because a lot of people feel that way but I really do I watch it once a year and I m always taken back by you can watch the buff does this Sunday you know it s hosted by Graham Norton at the Royal Albert Hall it s a 73rd event on t.v. Sunday evening Vonte magazine to be dad you know you know Wiley and Gary showing thank you so much for your time before the often a thank you. The jury is. Going to. Come. To. Grips with Korean. I seem to have you yeah a long time a long time ago I. Know. Or was it we have them in village hall that s the one yeah pretty good live always great I wasn t you were t.s.a. Before at the. Long time going to be the top of his game then yeah he s great he s great he s God local problems now has me how say you were suppose I was I follow him on Twitter and he s got like well he can t sing the notes like he used to it was a great shame to Anyway anyway Huey Lewis of the power of love all of our listeners got a good segue Ok Mark you played where love is all around just for you to a doctor is just me it always reminds me of when I have my appendix out. What I feel in my fingers. Maybe that was just getting I was going to say well I was in recovery and it was a number one. Where is it we go. Memories a nearby hospital and also Chris has been sending us a selfie of himself in Malta Yes We actually sent it yesterday late yesterday afternoon yes he did you hear some lovely but never quite sure if it really doesn t matter and he s just one of the. Lovely has what we like yeah what else did we have we had a message from Lynn in watch field. I think did I in the e-mail but I basically said I would go. And get what they say was really quite a while ago yeah it was a Beatle you know what I. Travel update b.b.c. Somerset Road support for id How is it out there well the main roads are looking fine and 5 and a 3 o 3 finds that county at the moment north of the county a 3683 blacked and that s currently closed in both directions due to a burst water main That s from post office lane to station road and back in the county really brittle to busy on the rest a road into town slow along Broadway Western way looking very busy as well Taunton slow any streatch busy outbound as well on the time way and along the a 358 towards junction $25.00 of the m 5 monks and Heathfield as well light cycles in delays in both directions on the 832-5937 Dorchester road long delays in that section near Hooper slang where we ve got the road works on going there and more road work to mention a 37 at Lydford on Foss that little bit Cross Keys looking slow there through the traffic lights Wells the glass and be right busy in both directions from Strawberry way to just in drive answer repulsion as well 2 sets of lights there causing slow traffic at busy looking busy through chatter as well at the moment the a 37 when we do have works on going through dry court as well on that stretch and bar while looking very busy along West Street it s that time of day schools are kicking out Britain 851 of the pubs Yeah it was kicking out. A 35 I currently place on the high street diversions are in place anything you spot in the road so apart from that give us a call 806785066 I was going to do give us a clue it was a clearance rack. And then it is to move people into this then neither is true Cecil said. Using. The. Plug plug. Hole at the music you love. B.b.c. So much. If you haven t noticed we re playing move the music you love nowadays . I love this one. Everyone loves cuddly toy you know if you haven t. Gone to him about 25 years and he s come out with a snow from a date with the brilliant song most. Of Damaged again I didn t hear beyond to the game with a long name as I was doing the school run and a chance of repeating it and mentioning my boys didn t. So when you saw him is not the multi loaf soon ran I think it was so when and Milo they would love that well hello team hope you do it Ok be quite the back Ok he has to drive now want to work out now is what was the answer to the game long name it was so long ago to one race course that s what looking for tone to the race course thanks for playing everyone that did and also we get a lot of text from people like in you like in the movie songs you did earlier on about about those other cool way goes but in touch a great name I enjoyed your movie songs I was quite good wasn t it I know you we do not Celine but quote that one My Heart Will Go On it goes on a bit doesn t it and quitting Glastonbury even though he got none of the quizzes right he still did better than a did a week. The fact that you played at all that s what matters to us that you got in touch and we want to chat doesn t matter if you win or lose drive show on the way with my foot in 18 minutes time there is a new 50 pence piece out today details to come it s a I do know that I ve got a new coinage every Ok and you here are some the bizarre excuses some people give her Majesty s Revenue and Customs for not doing their tax returns of course final days net and the latest from Brussels was on Brecht day I have no idea what sprouts have got to do with it but we ll have more that with my after 4 o clock and then tonight Charlie Taylor a hilarious episode of the connected show tonight from 7 he s going to be live from the creative intervention center. In Taunton for a standup comedy routine which will be broadcast lawyer on air in front of a sellout audience Ok to make a change campaign we ve been doing it all through January Ok so I ve been doing more starting with bridge Southern park in the mid-morning team have been volunteering learning on phones day and Charlie is doing I think he s doing the best one of all of us he s learnt stand up comedy group going down tonight about 15 of us going down to support him and we ve been told by him no heckling. So we won t . Get join a 3 Pads and things down and hold them up that s what we do. Know good luck to Charlie he will be fantastic as he always. She was. So sure. a 3000 mile road across the Atlantic playing on 50 go to supreme control really it s one of those experiences of war so we want to do it again Claire Carter and it was a morning of the big question what is the only acceptable source to put on your fish and chips I can t believe that I m going to have a fix wanted to mention it because it s wrong. To be the type of people to be a bad Monday from 6 am a brand new pun day and the fallout from the 6 Nations b.b.c. Summit. Myself and bridge were driving about one close show was on the Smalling we had a busy day today and it s the mushy peas where only start up a debate because she did walk this morning I cannot stand mushy peas or anything like peas when they re normal but not when you mash up. I don t get it I one with cable in that one I do not get the mushy peas I m not the biggest Panameno Yes Anyway this is not the Cooking Channel we ve got today the afternoon right here on b.b.c. 7 said. I cannot tell you how much I ve enjoyed this week. Growing them Spock president spoke to me sweet with a shout. But it s nice to go somewhere that you ve driven through hundreds of tall you. Then you find out a little bit more about. The traps you know and we ve met some lovely characters this week a spot for them is very great for. Afternoon and he really enjoyed the road trip this week but I m from South By South by even South by South by I was just down the road mom still lives that before moving to young voters many good memories of young farmers disco. At the spot foot in great pub in the ninety s and I was in the Cubs in the scouts in the hall and when the bypass was built of course the memories and we ve got photos of us winding bikes down the tracks before the a 3 or 3 open so before we put the big bipartisan Now this is Mark from the oval he s got pictures of of them winding down there on their bikes it s great isn t it I love and love in the memories that we get every time we go to do a road trip in different parts of the county we always get texts from people that can remember a certain time in that village Well if they did they know the person we re talking to and that s brilliant to choose Mark glad you enjoyed it we ve got one more stop on the road trip today the final stop is to meet up with no Julie who is from it used to be a spot for sawmill was that s what it s called I mean they re now cool spot for timber timber buildings and gates but known locally as a spot for sawmill I was not usually one of the directors used to be called Sparks it s all males but because of the name go on the Internet obviously people with Google spotted saw males and saw mills but they would not see get because we now make Him the buildings and gates so hence we changed the name to spot for Tim the buildings and Gates I don t know about 67 years ago when it works better for us now we re in a world now of wooden structure buildings are level and our we re in that world now aren t we Yeah that s right well of course it s the best best form recycling when there are trees are grown and then the buildings are pale and then eventually it all goes back in the earth and recycled again it s also stuff you make here because we re looking around the yard we ve got stocks of words that lovely smell of sawdust and various machines happening in one of our workshops we make the timber buildings and so they re all made out of software plaid with a feather edge boarding or they re cloud to the ship and then we can dip those into a tank of preservative so that make sure all the joints and everything gets fully treated or the feather edge goes out in its natural state which people like is it so whether it s dangerous silvery grey which seems to be what they all like So that goes on in one workshop and then in the other workshop there s 2 children is in there making hardwood. Gates so we made it hard to get out of Iraq you know good job orrible timber So yeah that s what the 2 were shops for any how long have you been here then the person who came into thise need 11 when we took it on from the last I don t know but obviously that the saw mill is itself has been here since 1912 you know I mean it was now yeah it s been here long ago telling that the saw mill saw it shut down in 2011 because obviously that became inefficient you have to keep a saw mill go in well you know yeah yeah 29 hours a day but the easy way as far as the nicer to be on the same site is a sawmill because there s probably people who still call you ve got to see that so many definitely least Yeah what we have to answer the phone is just spark that because a lot of people think it s buffeting the builders and gets you got the wrong number so yeah i still very much saw that show most but no in name anymore you still get I will even get on the on the What sold you may you know face now no man in the office but I don t know if I come out and they are let me jump in on the for if to unload a lorry That s usual time but now that we ve got some very good lines in the workshops they keep all that gathered but if I need it I ll do anything but no actually making anything most popular now I m looking around where it would store now I mean what s popular Wolf we go it taught me about it timbers like the most popular at the moment it s feather edge board in his closet and so that s a rough sawn timber cases tantalized goes on and not unnaturally dying to see that we can see on the side of the building over that is not everybody s after night it is less and less is going to software chip lap which I ll show you is right here yeah that s the ship that yeah Ok that was the profile that s applying to profile Yeah not support and I think that people of faith in us a bit dated and that can you go back as everything does to a song finish yeah which is what my experience would ve been down in the day you know is it strange that when you go and see like modern garden structures and things like that they want it to look rough cut Now that s not what Yeah it s smooth and beautiful they want they want. It s not like it s been there for years yet we can provide that finish if that s what they re looking for come on to our house or while farm buildings that like that because that was that was it they come back in fashion they look old Anyway yeah yeah what people buying now so some houses and we would stay in some houses things are. Biggest one is salaries Gary cheese with rooms above all that have set and workshops Yes we do a lot of gardening space spoke once if you want some a little bit different you know just you know where the place to come because we can you know everything every building is perspective what the person wants and so some could come in and say we want they said both my God and you can work with them yet with you take some of them will turn up with plans or when nearly other direct to go to see customers he would get their ideas in any or do a drawing with special quotes and take it from there really going around the corner hit a spot for it hope East shapes Do people still coming I want to get a garden shed they day I mean we ve always said I ll never be the cheapest on the market but you know we like to think that the most economic because they are sturdy well may take out into the tank as we said so we know every joint is covered and you know they are a good sturdy shed people have had them to look after and then. They ll keep on going so what s the best which to work with what can an idiot like me call. What any of the hard with it we use I mean the right case you could get wood to work you know scar natural finish to as well but yeah it all takes years of experience in the last in the workshops to get Yeah yeah that s what I mean it s the experience of working with it is yeah that s right yeah he lost it on a lovely tree that last only thought he was going to cut down in per se so my thought thankfully it s still there and I grabbed the sawmill it s. Still a. Very. Very special thanks to Nigel leave. From spunk if we could spot for. Even a spot for Tim. New place next week on the road trip. I. Don t know some of this time I know it s. Just before I go Peter from China. Today. But in the quick. For my children. Have a wonderful day Peter thank you for your tax new interaction not just the show but . You have a lovely weekend I ll see you back here Monday 1 o clock to 2 am I was on the way.

Radio-program , Musical-quartets , Bbc , Tourist-activities , Driving , Streets , Communities-on-us-route-66 , G20-nations , British-cuisine , American-voice-actors , Actors-from-california , Time

Transcripts for BBC Somerset BBC Somerset 20200131 170000

In Newcastle the past understood to travel to Britain from China recently and to fall ill while staying in New York Sunday to my school reports professor as he says the identities of the 2 patients and further details of their cases will not be revealed to the public in an interview with the b.b.c. He described the n.h.s. As being extremely well prepared and well used to managing infections adding that robust infection control measures are now in place he said Public Health England was in the process of identifying any contacts the patients had had with other people to stop the virus spreading Professor witty added that very early assessment suggested that the death rate from the new coronavirus was low at around 2 percent . He added that the impact of the symptoms on patients was dependent on their overall state of health a plane carrying more than 80 British people evacuated from one hand the Chinese city at the center of the outbreak has landed back in the u.k. The passengers then left r.a.f. Brize Norton Oxfordshire by cage bound for accommodation at an n.h.s. Ice in will where they will be quarantined for 14 days the public health minister j. Churchill was asked whether staff at the hospital would be safe everybody has been working very very hard to make sure the both the facility is ready to welcome them but also that the right actions have been taken by clinicians to ensure that all staff are safe yes it s about the safety of those who are coming over from within but it s actually much broader than that it s about the safety of the staff here at Arrow Park but also the broader safety of each and every one of us the number of students from Bath University have been told they won t make the start of the new term after they were able to return from China they are believed to be locked inside their homes because of the threat posed by the corona virus they travel back to the country for the Chinese New Year. Is the coordinator of the Chinese undergraduate program at the university and then with your bought there are some. Beauty. Propped locked in the center of the deadly cauldron of hydrants which started last month ministers have persons departure from the e.u. By holding a special cabinet meeting in Sunderland the 1st city to declare a full back seat in the 26 day referendum the will formally leave the block at 11 o clock tonight moving into a transition period during which hypes to negotiate a trade deal with the e.u. By the end of the Yam political correspondent Jonathan Blake the prime minister has said tonight marks not an end but a beginning a moment of national renewal and change the Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn. Said the country had to move on but also maintain good relations with the e.u. Official events to mark the moment will be limited a clock projected on to Downing Street counting down to 11 o clock and government buildings lit in red white and blue supporters of the e.u. Will hold a procession through Whitehall on Parliament Square they ll be celebrations European leaders have described Britain s official departure from the e.u. As a day of reflection a mixed emotions adding they would do everything in their power to make the new relationship a success Scotland s 1st Minister Nicola Sturgeon said that Bracks it was a pivotal moment for those in favor of another Scottish independence referendum the Church of England has apologized for saying sex is for only for such as sexual married couples the Archbishop of Canterbury and York said they recognize the division and her statement course last week the organization said Christians could only have sex if their marriage which it called the lifelong union between a man and a woman the actress who voiced the children s t.v. Program Peppa Pig a stepping down from the role after more than a decade 80 bird who s now 18 and in her final year of a levels when a Bafta for her role in 2011 she ll be replaced by 9 year old Amelia Bay Smith Holly spoke about how she got the role can really remember a lot because I was I was tiny you know and I went to law addition and they listened to my voice and I sound like a 4 year old pig so I got I got the job and I call them by going to the 1st time I couldn t read at all. News it s almost 5 past 5 Imagine being told You sound like a 4 year old pig I mean the nicest compliment stay I thought I wanted to be fair I ve been called were. Actually on the other hand always sounds wonderful I just follow my own thank you good evening 837 serve a daughter still still giving him a turn bring lights just around the door just the road turn off heading to war still for a $37.00 run for. Draw skis cueing just need to the Cross Keys in again to embrace the blame and the a 36 it will stretch between Barrington and blagged remains close and looking slow but our burst water main I ll bring you more about 10 minutes in the meantime though if you can update us on the spot or something we haven t please do call us if you can say from legal it s always 106781566. Somerset s whatever. Is in Ferguson hello there well it s been a mostly mild day once again across the county up to about 12 degrees in places the showery rain that we had earlier has tended to drift away towards the east and southeast of us albeit remaining fairly breezy if not rather windy it s looking a mostly dry picture now as we close out the day and similarly so that as we head overnight and into Saturday temperatures overnight about 810 degrees will find that the highest temperatures on Saturday are tending to be in the very 1st part of the day that 1st part of the day could be prone to some cherry outbreaks of rain or some individual showers or some of those will have developed into the early hours just skirting through some southern coastal counties of England and quite possibly through some parts of our county but it should be a temporary feature the rest of Saturday barring just the odd shower feeding in from say the Bristol Channel is looking like it will be dominated by a good deal of dry windy but fairly bright weather with sunny spells varying amounts cloud around and so will find towards the end of the day the winds drop out that bit further something of a lull before some rain spreads in overnight Saturday to Sunday some of that rain quite persistent quite heavy and it will clear through before daybreak on Sunday allowing a lot of cloud to still be around by Sunday morning but Sunday will tend to improve it will become windy or however but it will equally be one of hazy sunshine for a fair part of the afternoon accompanied by some very mild conditions of the highs on Sunday potentially up to about 13 to 14 degrees issue for us. Be Radley s and wake up the afternoon I m out with you until 7 on Friday s drive here on b.b.c. Somerset coming up Bristol City manager Lee Johnson has been talking head off tomorrow s match against q.p.r. Are more about the music on the way from Celeste brilliant song coming up from a and erase your playing as well before half past 5 today and we were talking about deadlines and dates and all the different things happening transfer deadline day breaks and it s the h.m.o. C self assessment deadline as well today the day where you need to have your tax returns sent in if your self employed but Ha Ha Marci Here are a lot of excuses such as the dog ate my post or I was up a mountain in Wales and couldn t find a post box and also some questionable expense claims like a music subscription so the person could listen to music while they work the case on this is from h m r c it s very important that line so many returns need to be filed online and pay any taxes. Jane and people that are impacted by self assessment are the people who don t have tax automatically deducted from their income so if you are underpaid you are. Normally your taxes deducted so to example the self employed so traders business partners people who have income of more than 50000 and who we see child benefit or the common everything child benefit so a few examples there and I suppose I mean in the past I ve had to do things like this and they are a bit of a pain but actually they can be as good for you is not because at the end of the day your telling h m r c event and also what your expenses have been and if you ve paid out and stuff like that that s right so and the good news is if you re doing week then you ll get it really quickly you ll be able to have at the end of your doing the stuff of. A calculation and it would be you you know you re either overpaid or and paid hopefully overpaid and I need you get the payment into your bank really quickly I don t ever remember getting a refund. I never lied and I do know that not because I ve tried this in the past but I do know that some people come up with some bizarre excuses as to as to why they ve missed the deadline do they get away with them and secondly do you have any favorites that you want to tell us about no they don t get away with them as an example of the strange reasons why you know people that they can file a return and. So when we talk about it we like why those got rejected so my mother ignored that which put a curse. On the form what is that I wonder what it s like because my mother in laws which yes. So when somebody s been charged a penalty they re saying I can do it my mother knows about another one that would make me smile is my dog ate the post again. Only was it this year that the dog ate a post but they got me in craving. I love that I love that and they also come up with weird expenses now I I know the expenses are very strange and there are lots of different people in lots of different vacations and that s why you can claim lots of strange things but you can t claim everything can you you know that s right so things like you dole as a guard dog not quite sure about. I don t think anything for that. There is things like that and you know we ve got the nation we ve got the return there by you know when we re looking at the expenses that people are claiming when you can see work as a business and whether it looks to be you know tied in with expectancy he s though it then we make some. Questions about it that s what I think more about that god yeah I m one of the I saw one about food and drink claiming 4 pounds 50 for sausage and chips for 250 days. And is that right. That s and a bit like. That is incredible I know that we re having a laugh but there is a serious side to this is I said it can be positive and negative Absolutely but it can know it can be positive for people if they feel easy right yes that s right so and everything right and on each day about what are reasonable excuses and just something that the pain is there on that list and the sort of things that we could say as being reasonable cause you know people s lives that things happen and there are reasons why you can t do something that you need to keep by a certain date so an example of the unexpected stay in hospital that prevented you from dealing with you touch which And so not that you knew 6 months ago you were going to be in hospital in January. That right but that. That it meant complete a software fail just before or while you would do in your line returned fire flood or death that prevented you and again you know it was recorded history to people it s from and how it happened. Every year there s a fire that makes them. But you know these are serious things and we do have you know we we take a reasonable view of our American garden. And the best thing is if you ve got something that stuck in you can go to contact us now to say so the deadline is tonight make sure that you let us know if there s something that s coating you up we are joking about it but there s a serious business and what does happen if if people don t hit the deadline and they don t have the excuse that they can be fined coming yes that s what s there s an automatic penalty of 100 pounds if you re like gambling in return and then it goes on from there so again a word of advice to be equally if they should miss this deadline do as soon as you can because the longer you delay and this does happen people like on this deadline not quite well the longer you missed you know wait to send it in the more penalties you can be charged under us from h m r c. Hit Once again any busy. Picking up now as we head into all the Friday afternoon rush hour mad certainly be heading through rad start really 361 the Barclay road in bound looking slow slightly further south than 3 ship them out of the Whetstone road stretch of the a 37 securing and it s also looking slow just heading for the a 361 as well the sometimes we like to see you on the 37 when the carriage grave road just need to come to merge and they causing queues as well little bit slow through the center of wells glass debris slow just west of it on the a 39 m. 5 slot the slow narrow lanes north of Taunton at 25 killing. In the Bridgwater for the road the Western slow and the Broadway heavy going to heavy as ever through particularly for the way and the a 358 roadworks heading through your will slow both ways on the road and then the a 37 stretch just around the turn off the temper lights once again causing queues 368 remain shut for the best water main between Barrington and but if you spot something else we haven t mentioned call this place if you can say from legal It s 106-7815. First. Richard from childhood almost completed a 3000 mile road across the Atlantic. Just. One of those experiences a one off. Again. And it was a morning of the big question what is the. Fish and Chips. You know. Because it s wrong. To be. Monday from 6 am a brand new day and the fallout from the 6 Nations. I . Was. Born in the u.s. And raised in Brighton she won b.b.c. Music sound of 2020 which is given to artists who attempt for success in the coming year she s absolutely. Brilliant stop this flame. And it. Just. It is. Celeste and stop this flame it s b.b.c. Somerset Friday s drive and talk talk about football now Bristol City travel to Queens Park Rangers in the Championship summer and manager Lee Johnson has been talking about the arrivals and departures this transfer window with b.b.c. Somerset s Richard Hoskins starting with Nucky wells coming to the club yeah I m delighted I think it brings us the movement if you like the raft and he brings us that form he s fit and flying at the moment and you keep your side that go in the ball and go and bowling good areas and he s a natural finisher say he s a player that Personally I ve liked for a long time and never been out to get near to in terms of the type of signing that the clubs are quiet at the time like. They previously So yeah I m very pleased to bring him through the door. And hopefully to Joe I know that he played with Johnny possum in k.c. Pramod before. Ready so call integration by football wise and personality wise and is a really good lad as well and he s been a prolific scorer now in the championship for a few years presumably you have to fossil have a club still and his signature Yeah I think that it was a difficult choice because there was a number of people that were off their Him and I think he set me for a poor Queens Park Rangers well but when you get the opportunity to speak to the player it s quite an easy sell I think in the universe of training ground on the way it s a fantastic city you know we get 222-3000 every week with 6 in the league 6 points off 2nd and hopefully somebody wants to buy into that and he certainly done that very very quickly and yet he seems like the type of character that completely suits us and what we need at this point in time how hard was it to let just Cranhill guy . Sell him a something from one ist and again it s a club decision rather of signed knocking can t just brown Oh of course I would but as it turns out I m very very proud of Josh and I think signing Joe is a 1920 road after taking him on loan from bombs Lee for the fee that we did. Develop in him in every element of his life let alone his for Guy and see him in then flourishing to be so of one of the if not the best sort of attack in midfield is number 8 if you are in the Championship and Premier League interest is bound to come and this is very difficult because like I say the the personal feeling for me is being really really proud of him bit frustrated because I wanted to continue the journey with him but at the same time and I look at him and I think he s a fantastic man as well for what he s turned into and more it s done and with all the speculation going on how well we perform they ll die off it that says a lot in the modern day you won t get too many footballers a premiership Premier League move 2 days around the corner put in tackles in and run in and stretching and everything that he done in that game against Reading so close up to around wish him all the best sorry to see him go but it s certainly a way to welcome back reverse around one for a cup of tea or Ashton Gate or to go Bristol City Manager at least Johnson talking to Richard Haas can you can he commentry of the q.p.r. City game amongst other things on Saturday sports more here on b.b.c. Somerset. Somerset with my full. And a little respect since b.b.c. Somerset events are planned across the u.k. To mark the moment at 11 o clock tonight that we leave the European Union We ll have more on that from our reporter in the next 10 minutes or so also before 6 you ll hear about an award winning fish and chip shop in Melbourne Ports that s going to be difficult to listen to come to dinner yet to even somebody like me who doesn t kill or at least 8 o clock and then off to 6 tonight I ll be talking about food and travel with blogger Millie Kenney including what she likes about her job I think it s sort of the draw actually actually that I enjoy the most you know because I do so many different things now I m sort of one damn thing a feat stylist the next day I m travelling to some interesting restaurant in another country and then you know I might be offering a slice to a company the next day about how they should run the social media so it s very exciting and as someone likes to be seeing keep things interesting it really works for me and also just being my own boss I mean I just don t think there s any comparison it s not something I ever intended to make a living from and I think that s sort of the beauty of it I think nowadays there are so many youngsters who go to university and sort of thing I want to be an influence. And that s all a nice which is sad because it not something I set out to do it sort of by accident I wanted to just enjoy writing about food and travel and taking photos up there and then you know after a lot of hard. A lot of just enjoy years and years and years it ended up becoming a career but it just wasn t the intention initially food and travel blogger Kenny Roy who you ll hear a lot more from after 6 tonight on Dr. 531 now time for the b.b.c. Somerset news headlines England s chief medical officer has confirmed that 2 people are being treated in the case for the new strain of Corona virus which killed more than 200 people in China Professor Chris Witty said the patients were now at a specialist unit in Newcastle a plane carrying more than 80 British people evacuated from one hand the Chinese city at the center of the outbreak has landed back in the u.k. The passengers then laughed r.a.f. Brize Norton in Oxfordshire by coach bound for accommodation at an n.h.s. Ice in will where they ll be quarantined for 14 days Meanwhile the number of students from Bath University have been told they won t make the start of the need term after they were able to return from China they re believed to be locked inside their homes because of the threat posed by the coronavirus ministers have marked Britain s departure from the e.u. By holding a special cabinet meeting in Sunderland s the 1st city to declare for bright state in the 2016 my friend the u.k. Will formally leave the block at 11 o clock tonight moving into a transition period during which they types to negotiate a trade deal with the e.u. By the end of the year they were all European leaders have described Britain s official departure from the e.u. As a day of reflection and mixed emotions and they would do everything in their power to make the new relationship a success Scotland s 1st Minister Nicolas Sturgeon said that Britain breaks it was a pivotal moment for those in favor of another Scottish independence referendum the Church of England has apologized for saying so. I mean for heterosexual married couples they are specially come to pray and that they recognize the division and hurt the statement coolest and the actress he voiced the children s t.v. Program Peppa Pig is stepping down from the role after more than a decade Hollie but he is now 18 and in her final year of a levels when a Bafta for her role in 2011 she ll be replaced by 9 year old Amelia b. Smith b.b.c. Somerset knees it s $533.00. Julia Buckley said once again how s it looking at the moment enjoy it Cheers Matt thank you the a 368 the stretch between Blagden and Barrington remain shut for the burst water mains are causing delays at the moment on all approaching routes low now through wells we just heading through the strawberry way round about how it was just in drive on the glass and rewrote it looking slow because of the on going road works also slow a bit further south to coax the on the 839 as we heading for the 837 near the Cross Keys in lead for them false slow once again temper lights holding you up and the a 37 south of you over to just around the stove or turn off on the Dorchester road temper lights causing queues a 3 o 3 slightly slow both ways spark for the pod I m all but it does he s off in some patches and 5 slightly slow north of $25.00 or Taunton because of the narrow lanes and the speed restrictions Silk Road west of Taunton heavy up towards Norton Fitzwarren and heavy Bridgewater heading down the Taunton road towards the Broadway which is snarled up in itself if you spot something else we haven t mentioned please call it if you can say for legal away 206781566. And his Ian Ferguson hello there well it s been a mild day once again across the county up to about 12 degrees in places showery rain that we had earlier has tended to drift away towards the east and southeast of us albeit remaining fairly breezy if not rather windy it s looking a mostly dry picture now as we close out the day and similarly say that as we head over and. Right into Saturday temperatures overnight about 810 degrees will find that the highest temperatures on Saturday attending to be in the very 1st part of the day that 1st part of the day could be prone to some cherry outbreaks of rain or some individual showers some of those will have developed into the early hours just skirting through some southern coastal counties of England and quite possibly through some parts of our county but it should be a temporary feature the rest of Saturday barring just the odd shower feeding in from say the Bristol Channel is looking like it will be dominated by a good deal of dry windy but fairly bright weather with sunny spells varying amounts cloud around and so will find towards the end of the day the winds drop out that bit further something of a lull before some rain spreads in overnight Saturday to Sunday some of that rain quite persistent quite heavy and it will clear through before daybreak on Sunday allowing a lot of cloud still be around by Sunday morning but some day will tend to improve it will become windy however but it will equally be one of hazy sunshine for a fair part of the afternoon accompanied by some very mild conditions so the highs on Sunday potentially up to about 13 to 14 degrees as you for. But don t judge me for saying it I m Every Woman at the top of my voice so I. Just one of those things happens when you put a great song. Doesn t have to particularly be about me or right. It s Friday strive I am math just to clarify and I ll be with you until 7 latest travel in sport on the way here on b.b.c. Somerset and it s only a matter of hours now that Britain will leave the European Union so I guess let s find out what s going on in Brussels our political reporter Peter sole is in a pub of course he is in the e.u. Capital hype Aitchison I m not yet raising my coat to you because of course it is still very much dry John Yuri and I put a long night ahead of me. What s the atmosphere like in here quite a few people that sounds very busy. Yes So this is Kitty O Sheas It s just like the right from the European Commission building the building or as they call it in these parts and it s a very popular watering hole for diplomats from all over Europe they re actually calling the current time that we re not happy hour tonight is the general mood here in Brussels people pretty sad actually that. We re all we now just met just over 5 hours to go will be leaving the European Union as a country after waste 50 years of participation in this town some people wandering around wearing Union Jack with a suit memorability a low side next to cup. Of Americans actually who said what Rex is happening tonight I thought happened months ago so not everyone is entirely I connected to what is going on here a very international feel and here tonight that is for sure I think the general feeling among people who work in the European Union is that they think. It in some shape or form happened some time ago because our participation in these situations has been fairly limited ever since the referendum but nevertheless as an acknowledgement here that tonight is a historic moment and difficult day for the European Union and largely the pretty sad to see us go so close 11 o clock am Brussels at midnight will anything actually happen at that time in Brussels we don t think it will actually at some point they re going to have to lower the Union flag outside the European Parliament but we re not entirely sure whether they re going to do that I mean you have to get away with doing up under the cover of darkness there not been loads of well events happening over the past couple days some advance happening the very squares around Brussels tonight but the biggest one I think was last night in the corner plus the famous square in the city center where they projected the red white and blue the hymn flags on all 4 corners of the square there was a novelty British red phone box there and to top it all it started chucking it down with rain so it s very very British indeed that but yeah I think that the of the general mood is quite somber one here in Brussels remember for quite a lot of Brits who are living out here brags it means losing their jobs not least the members of the European Parliament who have now all packed up their offices and largely gone home certainly the bricks and supporting Army pays out they re going to be started pricing back here in the u.k. And most people here tonight it s all about jotting this all right so after this deadline what actually happens that we have the next phase of negotiations that we want can we expect from the e.u. Yes it s not over yet I m afraid an awful lot still to be resolved and here. Russell has a fair amount of skepticism about whether there s enough time to get it all done I ll cut and of course out sooner I can get a trade deal done by the end 2020 lot of people I m talking to you. Think there may well be a need for some form of an extension without just cause this certain sexes will have to wait and see I said a news conference earlier on with the European Commission president of the council presence on the parliament president as well as are 3 of the most powerful figures in the e.u. And they re all expressing their sorrow really about this day quite a difficult day for the European Union but I think they can move forward they can put on a you know icy front Show me show the council priced and said the more that the u.k. Moves away from e.u. Rules and regulations the less access they will have to e.u. Markets that is been repeated refrain from e.u. Officials in recent weeks and hints at some of the potential bumps that will hit along the roads you need to phase 2 of the negotiations remembered by what we ve learned from phase one and that is when the e.u. Sometime say says no account the tension you need may be and so I think there is grounds for optimism moving forward not least also because both sides are determined to get a deal done to avoid what they call the cliff edge at the end of 22 and say thank you Peter enjoy the rest of your night and also enjoy Fabbri when it sounds like you can have a drink again if you want to a pizza sole reporting of reporting from a very busy pub in Brussels. Travel update b.b.c. Somerset Julian Buckley has the latest on the rights now Jules. Thank you Barrington to blanket and the a 368 remain shut and looking around the closure points was a burst water main is attended to slow through Coakley for the 839 slow then for the Glastonbury road through wells just away from the strong the way round about up to just when dry this road works the blame little bit slow at the moment still heading through it for them falls for the a 37 just leave the Cross Keys in this and to. Traffic lights causing queues particularly on the northbound side of the 37 much for the South on the 37 indeed south of Yeovil on the Dorchester road just by the stove are turned off again tempering lights a causing delays a trio very slightly slow spark for a pod or more but it s starting to improve m 5 slow in the narrow lanes on the speed restriction just north of junction $25.00 for Taunton Taunton heavy and brown for the term way slightly further west the silk Mills Road outbound is a building still and heading through the center of Bridgewater the Broadway is looking slow at the moment in both directions as ever though if you can update us and you spotted something we haven t mentioned and please to call this if you can say for legal weight 106781566. Onto the sport then Donald say with all the details and can we start with the latest on transfer deadline day please. Yes I could offer them at some movement involving a local club so not so much in the last hour or so though Bristol Rovers have signed defend Keane from a Swans a for an undisclosed fee he won t receive an international clearance in time though for tomorrow s game against Coventry as far as Johnson Clarke Harris is concerned bang gone a told us today that he trains this morning as usual and things as things stand there s been no official bids the transfer window of course closes at 11 o clock this evening one player has left Rovers today for Tom Nichols as joint chant on loan for the rest of the season striker to me Abraham who arrived from follow on loan yesterday could make his debut against Coventry tomorrow gonna concede supplier has been a long term Club Target series actually been a deal that was in place before I I joined the club so it s taken a little while to get it finalized but the club are very keen to push that one through the office differentiates to what we ve got here I think it s an opportunity for to me to experience League football and the environment and the physicality of the league and also for us to look and see where he impacts our team you know whether he can get ahead of the front lines that we ve got here in a quite a day at Ashton Gate though no real news from Bristol City they re big news here. And in the last 24 hours of course the rival strike and lucky Wales are the parts of just Brian Hill to Burnley some news today in the shape of the fenders and Vine are being recalled from his loan spell at Aberdeen your full time manager Darren Sol told us yesterday that he d be working right up the 11 o clock deadline in case any opportunities arise involving Premier League clubs or the National League clubs do not have the same transfer restrictions will host the bottom side surely in the National League to morrow midfielder Charlie set for a 503 parents as a professional footballer he says there have been some great memories along the way you never be the days we get promoted the games that you go up there very special and I ll never forget any of them yeah and hopefully then you will have some more of those with you over the season that s the aim of the. We don t really work sit in the new set of players and but we want to get the club back to where it belongs by Threepio Charlie Olsen some on the Hill were both starting when 6 Nations opener in France on Sunday clip makes Jonathan Joseph and will Stewart and named on the bench Stewart in line to make his debut and the Phantoms George Firbank starts at full back to make his debut with Anthony Watson of Bath injured Tom Curry moves the number 8 and the absence of believe in a polar coach Eddie Jones thinks Stuart is a good fit for the international stage world tided probably got one job yeah that s the scrum is a big lump of a lady s $131.00 K. s well put together he s learning how strong he still young got a willingness to carry and heat around the fringes of Iraq so there s a lot to like about him part of the job is to make sure the squad keeps growing keeps getting better and I think tight is no different from any other position and we finish with tennis Tomic team will face Novak Djokovic in Sunday s men s final the Australian Open maybe Alexandra 0 of in 4 sets in the semifinals today that s all the sport for my butt is more on the b.b.c. Sport website. On the. B.b.c. Some of. Those which didn t respond b.b.c. Some of the. The moment sense to list and I m calling colleagues at this week s nominated sensible radio stations to teach. College those are loose ends a becomes clearly asked some Friday as it is a cover. To play by our simple need for group to last with Richard Lewis somebody absolutely no he doesn t say on here find someone who can t be doesn t say that now you can say. Sunday morning from to call them in the know are you sure you read the right focus on do the sums. It would. Be. Close. To. The polls play a bad. Mood . Cara whenever wherever. The playing say Craig David as well in the next quarter and I ll be Somerset Friday s drive off to 6 we talk about travel and food we re going to talk about food now. When to find Friday is particularly difficult because as you probably know I don t end up eating until about 8 o clock after I finish the program and then been able to sort out my dinner so right now Mattel may start to run because we re going to hear about a somerset fish and chip shop this one a national award as Dan is reports. From just center in the something else fish fish and chip shop in Melbourne Ports and they have just won a National Award and the man behind that is Martin else he s the owner here. Is fantastic news we ve won the u.k. Best seasonal award so basically for use in seasonal products we ve got some fantastic fish coming off our local coastlines today for instance we ve got fresh taps on the menu just coming into season now we ve had sprouts on the menu you name it if it s coming into season them we want to get our hands on cooking it for our customers but this is just one side of the business isn t it we re in the takeaway while you ve got a restaurant as well we ve got a restaurant up stairs we ve got just short of 40 covers very very busy little restaurant which is great for us I think we have about 12 members a stone so it keeps us busy everything s homemade here we pride ourselves on all of our Does a sup in the restaurant are all gluten free and yeah we re a very family orientated business one of our daughter helps out which is great the other one is in training so hopefully she ll be here in a few years time that must make you feel really proud that this great team has then been rewarded with this award is fantastic I mean we ve had still so much publicity locally we ve had so many people well wishers asked just open into the take way to say congratulations and it s just great you know it s is testament to last staff I mean everybody works so hard. Here during the. Campaign we have. And I have too many things one regular car town one regular chips not the most important question I m going to ask you today Martin it s what is the most acceptable source to have with your fish and chips well for me it has to be tomato sauce I think so I m sure many would disagree with me definitely tomato ketchup for sure I m the same Yeah I know how it has to be doesn t we always have this conversation as well and cause people are coming in same what we put on 1st you put the saw on all the vinegar on 1st you know so there s lots of interesting discussions to have about fish and chip I think that s one of the reasons why I m so passionate and we re all passion about fish and chips because the moment you mention fish and chips there s always a story somebody has got to tell you about fish and chips when they were younger and when they went here from when they went there and it s great it just creates a conversation starter and it s Tina being very kind of going to let me judge the fish and chips so I ve gone for plain and simple just call the chips chips and is that the most popular order for sure code is our most popular order we do offer lots of different species of fish here we always have cold place and have it on the menu. I think you have a some Us woman looks incredible I can t wait to try this 1st ship about talking. Chips are so good. Covered in catch up lots of vinegar lots of so. Now how do you feel because I m hungry now I m actually salivating girl so you had Martin else from something else. Speaking to our reporter down as he. I didn t bring any. Good in the. Given. Name and no. You have to be in me. Don t. Own Me. I m the. Only home. On my own. But on the phone. Call Here I m just waiting for the key to finally get to see these words face to face. A song. Called will just. She was standing. Near me. To be. Told a. Whole. Battle. Is better. The battle. The battle for a. Better off of me it s 6 o clock.

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Transcripts for BBC Somerset BBC Somerset 20200131 160000

On air than I am and digital thank bbc is Somerset thank you with the b.b.c. Somerset news at 4 o clock I remember rushed on a plane carrying more than 80 British nationals has arrived at our a.f. Brize Norton Oxfordshire from the Chinese city at the center of the outbreak of Corona virus the passengers are being taken to hospital on the will where they will be kept in quarantine for 2 weeks to the cases of the virus have been confirmed in the u.k. They re members of the same family who are receiving treatment at a specialist genus in Newcastle Natalie McDermott is a clinical research fellow at Imperial College London and she says the cases were expects it we re not surprised that we have a couple of cases now here in the u.k. After we ve known that France and Germany have a couple of cases as well so I don t think it s going to change anything press a but it just means that our public health authorities will be tracing any contacts of those 2 individuals that they think they may have had meanwhile the students from Bath University stuck in China because of the outbreak of Corona virus have been told they ll miss the start of the new term they re believed to be locked inside their homes after travelling back to the country for the Chinese New Year. The coordinator of the Chinese undergraduate program at the university says he understands why they haven t been allowed to return yet so it will be safe for them as well as for the war you don t need the World War But people who are particularly . Joiner did not come on their own to the u.k. Or to go to any or are in fact become not because. There is no plane flying out from one or 2 commercial flights the government is marking Britain s formal departure from the European Union with a cabinet meeting in Sunderland the 1st city to declare for breakfast in the 2016 referendum bars Johnson would describe it as a moment of national renewal in a message to be released later tonight the s.n.p. Leader at Westminster in Black said thinks leaving the e.u. Are both just people to vote for independence one of the things we see from the you ve got polling that sure does have a job to give it independence this week a significant number of people that voted no in 2040 have no change their mind because they recognise the rest of the economy of Scotland and jobs and they want the opportunity of Scotland rejoining Europe and I ve met with most of the e.u. Ambassadors this weekend and London is a tremendous sense of friendship and support towards us well as the u.k. Prepares to leave the a year later the former international trade secretary and m.p. From North Somerset Liam Fox says we now need to Knight the country the lifelong Breck s it is says he doesn t think trade deals will necessarily be difficult and Britain has strong negotiating power with Europe in terms of the European Union of course we are beginning from a unique place we already have an agreement the question is what will that arrangement be should we choose to divert from some of the rules that s the key to that and of course the e.u. Doesn t have a trade agreement with the United States so anything that we get with the United States is additional to what we have today President Donald Trump s impeachment trial is approaching a key stage when u.s. Senators decide whether to call new witnesses and extend the proceeding or bring it to a speedy conclusion the Democrats have been arguing that they should hear testimony from officials including the former national security adviser John Bolton about President Trump s dealings over Ukraine the actress who s known children around the world as the voice of Peppa Pig is stepping down after more than a decade in the wrong Holly bird he s 18 has been a member of the cartoons cast since she was 5 she s being replaced by 9 year old Amelia b. Smith in the way that Wilson. It will be funny cloudy with a few patches of drizzle and some health and perhaps patchy rain for a time skies may start a clear later and mild with a press quest really when s the nice of 6 degree Celsius that s around $43.00 to Grace Fahrenheit b.b.c. It s 4 minutes past full. B.b.c. Somerset I m just back at the b.b.c. Somerset s Travel Center Good afternoon temper lights causing queues in a couple of spots of the a 37 firstly to the south of Yeovil on the Dorchester road and then secondly just around live for Cross Keys just near the Cross Keys in the days to when the road work stretch of the a 37 mile in Chad of us Church Street and the high street in blood on the course remains closed as by the Boches there because of a burst water main are bringing a full update in the around 10 minutes and throughout the afternoon and evening if we do spot something on the roads we haven t mentioned them please call us if we can safe and legal it s a wait 106781566. With my folks not. Very Good afternoon welcome to Friday strife will get ready for the weekend together I ll play you some cash or some Sugar Babes Deacon Blue coming soon and the 1st and last the word course is on the way and talking of things like that as test the spelling. Of. The. Somerset so very good afternoon thanks for your company today I m out with you until 7 as usual for Dr and it s an absolutely packed program as usual in fact I m not quite sure how going to fit it all in but I will I promise there s a new 50 pence piece out today more details on that coming up also breaks it day of course we ll listen back and see how we got to where we are and what s likely to happen going forward but before all of that let s play the 1st and last this is the word quiz always looking for just one word but there could be lots of different answers and it s up to you to see what you can come up with but there are bits to help you there s a clue coming up and the 1st letter of the word is v. For Victor the last letter is a for Alpha and the clue is fud So can you think of a word that works our 806781566 is the number to call that s free and you can tell em your answer there you can text the word Somerset your name an answer and send your message to h one trouble 3 fute not food as in something you eat but fute Ok 1st letter v. For Victor last letter a for Alpha and you have 20 minutes. Oh Am city of love. B.b.c. . So how is Friday shaping up so far on the road Studion Buckley we ll have the details now hi Charles Yes Hi Matt thank you good afternoon Fred to middling is how I describe it at the moment a 3 o 3 is not too bad slightly slow on the m 5 north of Taunton a 25 and the narrow lanes and the speed limit Taunton that solve busy for the term way as you might expect a way from there the a 358 road works starting to cause queues further east of there on the 10 later to the m 5 starting to build south of Yeovil Dorchester road a 37 Q. s and the temporary lights much further north up the 37 or lift cross he s queueing by the Cross Keys and again temporary lights to blame quite slow Glastonbury both ways of the moment for the a 39 slow in chatter cones to blame on Church Road the a 371 just around Union Street Scene one the 2 delays usual queues into. The road heading for the West then towards midsummer nor to really slow for the right stock road the a 362 and Blagden high street across from post-office lane to Station Road remains shut near the butcher s because of a water main if you can update us though I may have spotted something else please call us if you can say for a little away 206781566. Cents to this and thank you call and colleagues this week s nominated sensible radio stations to. Call it was really. Becomes clear yes. It is a color. To play by our simple need for you to do it Richard but if somebody says it doesn t say on here find someone who can quote it doesn t say that I. Found a meaning from tangent. Are you sure you read the right. Playing the 1st and last the Friday edition then the 1st letter is v. For Victor and the last letter is a for Alpha your clue is feud and the number to call are 806781566 or you can text the word Somerset and pop down your name an answer and send your message to one trouble 3 if you would joining Puritan well done Brian and Elsie in Wellington and Sandra from high bridge and Linda from Ranstorp also correct Janet in Kingston Mary s there as well and Molly in in Chester and Joe from crew can and Jack in order in Taunton a right as well the dream team of Glenys and Pauline in charge and Jane in St also writes accounting Gillingham well done Johnny Newport correct as well Linda in old Km and Derek in Barrow Tom in the car also right well done doc in Burnham on sees correct as well and Julian Yeovil and Chrissy in Taunton and Cher be the trucker is right as well so fail and also if you texted me and your number ends in 301 then well done nice to hear from you and you are correct as well and there s still about a quarter of an hour on this if you haven t to go the 1st letter v. For Victor last letter a for Alpha and feud is the clue 806781566 or do text the word Somerset and your name and your answer and send that over to 81 trouble 3 there s a new 50 payout for breaks you know we re hearing all about that after Nick. B.b.c. Somerset. Staying playing soon. Now there is a new 50 pence piece to look out for from today you may of already seen one I haven t yet but then I really don t have much cash on me these days commemorates breaks it 3000000 are being released this week although some people have said they will refuse to use the 50 p. Coins of course one of those things that come very collectable that featured lots of different designs over the years did you realize the 50 pace started in Bristol where it was designed by the same people who brought us Concorde our porter looking back at the history of the coins. Peace Prosperity and friendship with limitations is the right kind of thing to be saying Do you think. It s confusing because it s meant to be separating and now it s uniting what I don t understand don t make sense yeah so King about peace and friendship so I don t understand that makes sense to me is a run of thing you d like to have seen or heard on a new calling Would you like to see probably is it just. Written. Yeah simple Yeah simple. Very good yeah yeah yeah I think it s good I think it s. For this year for the end of 30 the end of this month yeah it does say that we re out of the e.u. Is going to be commemorated then in your in your mind certainly yes I think so yeah the design itself remake of it it s good and yes good really good yeah what you make of the message that it puts forward I think is a very good message and it s a Christian message didn t annoy you do you collect coins of any kind no not really but I think it s a good one to keep for your children for when in years to come do you think bricks is the kind of thing that we should be celebrating you coined for we. Have no idea really. That s my opinion Ok what do you make of the design then I guess nice is I wanted yes one of the like nice fifty s you go uncollected we ll be keeping one we ll be spending it if you get the 1st one you get people spend. Are we going to practice more is being praised as well there question very good question yeah what are your concerns. Just the way the words go in they all seems to be very negative there s no positive so you might be able to get a positive. Message that you know. But what. Do you think is good that there is a break Well we seem to celebrate everything else because I know there was a reporter Chris for my soule asking people what they think of the New 50. Out today so it does have some history and his that was Cali so I don t know maybe I ll do one thing for you the money making money and then you get the benefit you dangle from the machinery in preparation for the public everything money from coming out when it made its debut in 1691 review described it as a monstrous piece of metal director of coin news magazine Philip muscle says it was a big deal when it 1st came on the scene the 1st ever 7 is what it called it captured the imagination straight to a course the original ones that were produced 50 years ago they replaced a shilling note because they were going to so that s what they did they produced this cause they wanted to be special because they were producing the 1st single point of course instead it s reduced in size. So they remember the larger size ones but they changed and they re no smaller size but back then these go they were big chunky coins and it comes to the imagination since those early days people policed the 50 pence piece and there are some really attractive designs say with the u.s. Might find launch of Bannister s legs running the 4 minute mile maybe the Battle of Hastings perhaps one of the new ones with Paddington back Chris Barker the curator of the Royal Mint Museum prefers one of the more obscure designs one of my favorites probably be the slightly different is from we do in 2550 p. To Mark. Johnson s Dictionary and it s just has text on it and it s brilliant because it s using something like text in a very different way different text different fonts and it s just very engaging over the past 50 years the coin. His speech at more than 60 designs commemorating the military political moments how many other aspects of British culture. In reporting on the history of the 50 pence piece keep your eyes open then you might see that new one that s out today. An athlete thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you. It s. Sick. Use. The books. Staying an Englishman in New York it s b.b.c. Somerset. A news travel and weather on the way sport for you as well in the next half an hour and on breaks it they will just have a little trip down memory lane remember how we got here and also don t miss this in the next 25 minutes or so a Fawlty Towers themed restaurants being a sell out in western Superman. But it s coming back in April and I ve been speaking to the lady that plays civil don t miss a she s brilliant more details on that in the next little while before 5 on the 1st and last of the 1st letter v. For Victor last letter a for Alpha feud is the clue well done Ken and Dawn and Terry from midsummer Norton your ass has been accepted as well nice to hear from you Val in bar Scott right Liz and Dave on the school run Mike the cabbie is correct as well Keith from Hatch beach not only has got it right but wants me to tell his wife he ll be home soon and fishcakes and chips will be nice to see if there s any spare money on the road that s all right John in Taunton correct as well Nick in Yeovil nice to hear from you Craig Heathfield school your right as well calling from me or Katie Harrison also correct well done nice for you to get in touch and get it right Robert in Taunton is correct as well and Christian blasphemy with a little help from Dane also right well done. I will tell you what the answer was in a couple of minutes only one answer accepted today that. It s $430.00 maybe Somerset news headlines now has them rushed on a plane carrying more than British nationals has arrived a Tory f Brize Norton in Oxfordshire from the Chinese city at the center of the outbreak of the corona virus the passengers are being taken to a hospital on the world where they ll be kept in quarantine for 2 weeks 2 cases of the virus have been confirmed in the u.k. The students from Bath University stuck in China because of the outbreak of Corona virus have been told miss the start of the needs there are believed to be locked inside their homes after travelling back to the country for the Chinese New Year the government is marking Britain s formal departure from the European Union with a capital meeting in Sunderland s the 1st city to declare for BRICs in the 2016 referendum bars Johnson will describe it as a moment of national renewal in a message to be released later tonight President Donald Trump s impeachment trial is approaching a key stage when u.s. Senators decide whether to call any witnesses and extend the proceeding or bring it to a speedy conclusion the Democrats have been arguing that they should hear testimony from officials including the former national security adviser John Bolton about President Tom s dealings Crain the actress who s going to children around the world as the voice of Peppa Pig is standing down after more than a decade in the role. 18 has been a member of the cult seems cast since she was 5 she s being replaced by 9 year old Amelia Smith I mean the weather tonight will be fairly cloudy with a few patches of drizzle and some hill fog skies may start to play later and mild with a brisk westerly wind Lays of 6 degree Celsius that s 43 degrees Fahrenheit b.b.c. Some sad news it s 430. Here hi Joe. Thank you Stuart crawling pretty much from John into his round stalk heading down the bar Mirrodin then just between right. The a 362 slow going a killed a street a 37 heading through shipped amounted to pretty much other crawl as well a 37 Lydford Cross Keys. Much for the soft on the a 37. By the stove and off if you heading for the door. To there pretty much until July the. Drive from the Simi heading out of you on the road slightly slower and he just slow both ways now inside the last 5 minutes heading then just between in the m 5 a 25 and a 35 eighth s building. Bridgewater where the Broadway is seeing the worst of the congestion heavy and Chad of a Church Street in the road works to me means the 368 and Barrington are remain shut now for the waterway not closure has been extended inside the last 10 minutes of course something we haven t mentioned please call us if you can say for legal it s a wait 106-7815. Feud was the clue and the I think. Vendetta. Like you have an. as an e.u. Member will and it s been a bumpy relationship since David Cameron announced the referendum back in 2016 Tolleson back 3 years ago I committed to the British people that I would renegotiate our position in the European Union and hold and referendum now I m delivering on that commitment. I ve decided after a huge margin of heartache I will be advocating but leave whatever the team is called. There is nothing more positive than having a stronger economy supporting jobs and opportunities and that s why I believe you should pull remain thank you we ve got to be. Good to. Believe this Thursday could be our country s independence day. The decision taken in 1975 by this country to join the common market has been reversed the British people have spoken and the answer is wear out. I think the country requires fresh leadership to take it in this direction. The article 50 process is now underway and in accordance with the wishes of the British people the United Kingdom is leaving the European Union Yeah news breaking that parsed Johnson the foreign secretary has resigned from to reason May s Cabinet choices to the right 286 the nose to the left 340 Paul. Once again we have been unable to support even your appearing. After. Tonight s their pm accounts of the side that to grandstand that kingdom of flexible extension . Do not waste the system. I am today announcing that I will resign as leader of the conservative and Unionist Party. Today at 6 we have a new prime minister in waiting. This is a great deal of food our country for the u.k. I also believe it s a very good deal for our friends in the e.u. As it stands we cannot support this dude and will oppose it in part of a saturday i just been to see how much she the queen earlier on and she agreed to dissolve parliament for an election. Poll is suggesting that there will be a conservative majority in the eyes of the right $358.00. The No 3 the man 230 form. So now is the moment to come together and write a new and exciting chapter in our national story to forge a new partnership with our European friends to stand tall in the world to begin the healing. And Britain leaves the e.u. At 11 o clock. Tonight The Late Show with Chris Baxter between $10.00 and $1.00 will therefore of course be a breaks at night special with reporters across the west marking this historic moment in Britain s history for b.b.c. Some of. Us. Lol. Jennifer Warnes of course. Had the time of quarter to 5 now. On the way. She has meant thank you the a 368 the stretch between Station Road in blank and Ashley lane in Barrington is. Seeing delays because of a burst water main still slow in patches just by Union Street in the road heavy still through false just near the Cross Keys and in the fall the 837 holding up there as they are too much for the South on the a $37.00 by the Stouffer turn off the road causing about 5 to 10 minutes worth of additional journey time heading in and out of the roads getting busy as ever heading up the a 358 out towards the m 5 to a. Stop start approaching the motorway. In the a 358 road works and on the way on the viaduct looking slow too and the street. Bridge well to the Broadway bearing the brunt of the congestion the bathrobe the bus the road slow going to the not looking to brother what is of course slightly slower than normal just north of junction 25 in the narrow lanes and the speed restriction but if you can update us. And they have spotted something that I just haven t mentioned please do call as if you can say for legal always 106781566. Now there s a lot going on today the 31st of January is a very busy day you ll hear about the bizarre excuses some people give h m r c for not filling in their tax returns by the end of the day of course we ve been talking about Bret s it and you know what it s also transfer deadline day so if there s anything to hear about there well let s find out Donald but stay with the latest one down. Good afternoon yes some movement at our local clubs Bristol Rovers they ve signed defender Kian Haris from swans the front of this close feel he won t receive international clearance in time for tomorrow s game against Coventry as far as Johnson Clarke Harris is concerned much of being gone a told us he trained this morning as usual and as things stand there s been no official bits but they are prepared for all events you want to see should they receive a bid for any of their players that meets the club s valuation the transfer window of course closes at 11 o clock this evening one player has left forward Tom Nichols doing Cheltenham on loan for the rest of the season as for the latest addition Garner says there s a lot to like about new boy Harry says he s excellent on the ball he sees big strength as good a passer as I ve seen in a young center half left footed very good range to his policy and will give us the ability to bring the ball out and progress it from the back so he s got strong defense about tributes he s had a really good grounding in the game and we feel we re signing a talented center half a very good age in terms of developing him what he can offer to the club in a future it s been a slightly quieted say at Bristol City though the big news happened for them within the last 24 hours of course the arrival of Nucky wells on the departure of Josh Bryan Hill to Burnley some news today the defender Vyner has been recalled from his loan spell at Aberdeen we ll hear from city Head Coach Lee Johnson on the come and go into the run 20 past 5 here on b.b.c. Somerset time manager Darren Sol He told us say yesterday that he d be working right up until the 11 o clock deadline in case any opportunities arise Although the National League clubs do not have the same transfer restrictions you will host the bottom side surely in the National League to morrow midfielder Charlie they set for a 5 $130.00 here and says a professional footballer but he admits it s a milestone that s crept up on him only found out couple of days ago so really proud and actually somebody mentioned at the start of season they said if this is it goes well you ll get your 500 I knew it was it would happen but he d get yes a good milestone I m really pleased to get there. Charlie Rose and some on the Hill were both starting glints. 6 Nations opener in France on Sunday clip makes Jonathan Joseph and will Stewart and named on the bench with Stewart in line to make his debut Northampton s George for bank starts for back to make his debut at some place of birth Anthony Watts news. The number 8 in the absence of believe in a polar coach Eddie Jones says that you always deserved his opportunity or he did really well in the run up to the World Cup we really impressed by him but the fact is he s going to start going to finish and we ve looked at that particular with more inexperienced front row being on the field in the last 20 to 30 minutes of the game we thought George will be able to help them and on that team will face Novak Djokovic in Sunday s men s final of the Australian Open tennis he Alexander of in 4 sets in the semifinals today that s all the sport for now an expletive isn t and I was talking. Heads would be. Interesting people telling interesting. Take a lot of guts to just go out of the house with bad skin sometimes people slap my hand and tell me to stop scratching in it. And have sympathy for what that s like I called names like letter was the one from a. Quickie you mentioned. People just don t understand how hurtful. It was they didn t want to touch me they didn t hold my hand this looked horrible and felt horrible. I m back tomorrow at 7 b.b.c. Summer. Thank you. Making me be. The best. Thank you me. Some. Because some. People are. Crazy because they. 6 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And Sharon Justin Bieber I don t care on b.b.c. Somerset news travel and weather on the way Bill rattlers and Celeste also playing for you in the next 15 minutes and you will hear about some of the bizarre excuses some people give him our say for not filling in their tax returns it s all coming up on Dr Now Listen Very Carefully Does this sound like your kind of dining experience. Doing everything you know satisfaction. I don t like the chips sorry the chip so awful Oh dear what s what s wrong with them there and the wrong shape and I just awful I m afraid to get everything called The way he likes This is how does he does he yes I do expect. Yeah I don t know what you like. d if you make me a Waldorf salad. Or so and I think we re just out of wool I want our salad absolutely one would also and it means that it for me and one reason yes and if we can t manage the board or some of that kind of Waldorf salad and the father will come a family man Young takes a certain run right out of the bottle not out of all right what do you care to see the wine. Thank you I asked did you say you take 20 pounds. Yes but it s not the money my wife and I we want to dinner at this company right there s no reason she couldn t stay over so he s forgotten already oh well that s she. Oh gee it s salary that s great in May right up from the. Sky many memories. Now tonight is the last night of the Fawlty Towers dining experience in Weston super Mare But don t worry because if you fancy a dinner served by Basil and Sibyl and Polian Manuel along with a load of mishaps I m sure the show will be coming back Susanna Hughes will be civil when the restaurant returns to Weston from April the 17th and she told me how this all started so well it actually started with our company director under original simple Allison. About 23 years ago now in Britain in Australia it was a sort. 3 hours in the. Ring around. The script has kind of progressed over the last 24 years or so if there s any of the original script. Because we always buy new material and. It was our original settle and continued playing right up until I started out with a start up 4 or 5 years ago I would say she hung her wake up. What s it like 1st of all playing simple because she s going to the one that keeps it all together really and she gets very frustrated like when you re playing. Is all she s she s an absolute dream to play because you have she has so many sides to her character so I can be ridiculous Lee Maine where all the frustration is which is a lot of fun but she is of course very very nice really chassis and really sociable to the guests. As well. Can be a lot of fun so she will pass on man well can be running around serving the. Circle of a setting that literally. Having a chat with. A lot of foreigners will serve anything short of back. Because time much of the show is improvised we just take what they ask us as well so well well used in the show if anyone says anything to come to. The audience of the 4th call that night which is a brilliant interactive experience by the sounds of it. It s fully set and interactive gas coming to toe in Fawlty Towers restaurant from the minute you step into the restaurant it is an experience you all Fawlty Towers you re not just sitting there watching a show your posts. Have simple changed much since we. She probably can t smoke now. No she doesn t smoke and most most definitely not a few still likes a glass of wine. And Brandy and doing anything. Sometimes all in the same garden I m taking actually to see if this is still very much the character that we know and love but there are lots of different teams of craft I think that s a tall knowing that each of us so everything lacked there will put their own spin on the character as well we don t replicate the originals you know with with everything we do Claro own spin on it which is which is rather nice so one might be a little bit stricter than the other one might be a little bit more say you know what I m saying is it possible to stop being Susanna for a moment and just turn into simple for us words I don t know what you mean dear a movie where you sit all. Blue You do sound like a wonderful young man and if you don t mind me staying I should a marriage someone like you know other people won t say I should have listen we come into the green here at Weston super Mare or in a pool reserve injury where I m going to see you. We re going to have dinner with. Doc told. Suzanne Hughes or simple he will be in character in Weston super Mare from April the 17th it s 5 o clock. As he. Heads to. The latest b.b.c. News his Emma Rushton England s chief medical officer has confirmed that people are being treated in the case for the knee strain of Corona virus which killed more than 200 people in China Professor Chris we see said the patients who are now at a specialist unit.

Radio-program , G20-nations , Educational-stages , Somerset , Research , Association-of-commonwealth-universities , British-television-programmes , Political-terminology , National-security , Salads , Political-science , Streets

Transcripts for BBC Somerset BBC Somerset 20191201 120000

Pool street and check them out the clue was throwing a lot was an ad now yes Lance and much of that as well doesn t it. Means just simple straight for the former home of b.b.c. Some of into into so they should know where the different types are you I thank you very much for that bridge and hopefully that is appointed by the thought teams in the right direction the direction I d like to go to the bridge is the wonderful. Legendary club where you occasionally get depressed murdered but other than that it s a fantastic last visit has Barry Manilow with his celebration of that. When Lol. The sensational sound there are Barry Manilow a couple Cabana this is clueless on a Sunday it s past 12 o clock now the time is 10 pounds 12 the lovely farmer s wife by my side the state of play at the moment embrace what we got on well 1st on my bags in the Animal Farm and Somerset are on their way to shop tomorrow it sounds like they re going to let a Latin lantern workshop not let him know that maybe they might even call it in so much Ok let s catch up on both the team to start off with summer so hopefully we ve got Luke or on the on the phone Hello lads Oh wait yes where are you my friend we re just coming down here or even. Most probably Dolly. So we re not really about wait a minute wait maybe. Okey cokey keep on going let s stay out Bristol are going on hello Bristol Martin I m sorry. From where he was a little bit certain. Yeah what you re stuck in traffic Oh yeah. Yeah it took us quite a long time to get my temp to me come through that way and I m not trying to think about so I would do it but there were also bluish please call the silver hats in the sun is shining No we re still golden crash course is a good sign. Well good luck with the problem of course bridge is the number of people in this country there are too many people and many of those people have got vehicles which clutter up the road so yes it s compounded by the Christmas rush I was consigned Christmas rush is only the 1st of December for 1 you don t plan to time yet Ok well when the teams get to their autumn at destination I should remind you some of the ship to manage having to find that Lantern event on pole Street and the Bristol team are insane were bugs heading towards the wonderful city farm that I think is cross to some of them taking place today once they ve established contact there know how to work with the people there we have got another Christmas going to the ghost of Christmas past and we re going to ask them to try and find something in the area which is connected to Christmas in the order is the more points they get we can t give that away yet they ll come where we can t I m afraid Ok we will catch up on the teams what they re doing very shortly after this. Those wonderful and beautifully named loo rolls which sounds a little bit like loo roll really. We ve forgiven that and that is Lady love the time now is 60 minutes past 12 Steve Yabsley filling in for the wonderful Richard Lewis. A mishap a home in the city a bloomin tap on the end of his toe it can t be removed they put butter around it his wife s been yanking away she managed to she s a qualified plumber to remove it from the bath unit based on stuck on his toes time I m worried about that concert he was due to perform an organ concert with. But that s going to affect his playing I mean you can still operate the pedals but if you go it s going to be yes it s going to be a few. Days when I used to go what Roger Bennett in the Blue Note Jazz band and sometimes you d go along he had something stuck on one part of his body or another because he was a curious fellow is nose in different corners I always say if you put your hand into a dark crevice eventually you re going to. Absolutely I got my strap on his finger once when he was playing the clarinet which is never going to how that s going to help anyway Christmas is looming with it being the 1st of December and there s a lot of extra traffic in the areas now which is affecting it seems to be that way at the moment I can t see again any better between now and the end of the year well let s just see how the teams are getting on Sasha big wood and Martin Evans There are Bristol team the heading the same words where you at the moment well we were riding the ride at the market and there s no just who was in front of us but we want to pave road block 1st off one of the players run broke Yes we did. To you dear let s see how the Somerset team react to this you know what yeah oh they re not happy they re not happy about the. Only right that we ve got. You know but oh how we always have all. You know so you think when. I m. Ready. To write down what it could ve been worse you could call me on the train or something. There Well we ll start off well you know if we have to start with some of the you know we have to understand some as it may be that many in the meantime Sasha you could give us a little bit worried about what s happening where you are mean can you tell us what s happening at the farm Well I can tell you one thing and I say I was loads of lovely cakes in front of the smell suffering credible we got a barbecue go in all this cake just sat and I sang. 7 How are you I m good thank you are you guys good Tell us what s happening today yes and we ve got I knew when to fast it s free and she We ve got a different story that in kinds of things what you. Feed sounds I hear all day to come down see him we ve got kids cross going on means a I think what you ve just said is the animals are we have and I m afraid that that tucked away in safe and warm. Tell us about some of the animals you ve got here yeah we got letters from him so we ve got a guy it s chickens ducks Yeah you got to see was never was of out in force today so now I m also a craft events can we roll up our sleeves and get involved in so you can make a Christmas card we ve got to say say printing so you can come and make you very own personalized Christmas card to your sophomore noses been drawn over here oh yeah you know I mean she s in the v. King cakes and stuff like that look was just fine and. It s vegetable smoke says Oh my goodness I don t even really want to. Look at this and they ve got tomato relish we ve got Danish pastries next to them or just smile the source look. It s just a like what did you make Lisa. The lady needs to make some for us so the local done although I wonder if you took He s got a stool here anyway I don t know cook she s going to be our son s whatever anywhere that pasty she makes him a pass was hoping he was going to remember I know we re coming to the sea farm and bring some homemade pasta as you have to speak to really pull on this is just such a lovely community event isn t it all that s why can you say thank you as your lovely community 5 and we get Likewise in local bands and I m not really too was together to help keep the farm free and I think for everyone to come and visit it s a really nice day out and what do you enjoy most about today over the centime definitely adds to it yeah big time and it s just lovely seeing like amazing talent we have in the local area with all the different traders here locally produced locally made me want to keep it local That way we definitely do yeah Ok what we have got a roadblock on the why are you assume that I m the is returned from the convenience I m here there. Is anyone there is look there well yes all right you hear that from the water closet good man well it doesn t sound like the strongest of signals and yet we will go for the roadblock Ok Well good luck Ok you ready to apply Yes One Ok Ok write your category for this roadblock is different languages French Spanish. Norwegian English. Spanish Italian and Arabic can relate. Spanish. You could well be and I let one. Go. A few questionable ones there I think but didn t quite know exactly Ok to ask about the press to Crystal were you there Martin and Sasha can you hear me we all here and we have just. One of you Bill cookie. Well they got a bit screamo for you don t like it email me Mom forgive me Sasha and Martin this is a tense situation the men were in the middle of a road block Let s turn our attention Martin please. Let me be the headphones on she just about her headphones on she let. From Kochi on the we don t need changing Ok You know you ready Ok well the Somerset team had language is your cat s a great piece for root different types of fruit everything s track down a precaution also peach. Come quote. Penn State chase then the exhaust. Theory if you look at us my God look at Hudson look at this is this a freak truly it s a nut you get it if you get a free show. In a fruit shop but it doesn t make it a fruit Well that was an interesting run wasn t it with mistakes made on both sides how well did the Somerset team to bridge. 1313 this is it not by the toe and what about the crystal team got 14. So some aside how doubt that all night yes until Saturday 3 minutes past 12 Ok sorry about that Somerset you are held up. For the next 10 minutes Martin Sasha you say you got cookie with you today she just laughs she run but these are all polish that she s made are absolutely delicious. Well. Oh my gosh what Bill are not going to make. Them back inside you know what are we going to find next on your boat should we move on with the next thing yes I think if they have established they ve been like Ok We want you to find you remember the older the better is a nativity scene or crib Ok a nativity scene or crib the older the better if you live in say. If you live in say were because you can help the team out then can you get in touch if you ve got a nativity scene or a crib the older the better get in touch you can text 803 Start your message with the word Louis. Well you can email. You can text. Messages you can email at b.b.c. 2. 106781566008008559490. Isn t that lovely that is do ball or Double I m captain of her heart a favor of the farmer s wife Oh I do not I thought was do I don t know how you don t know I don t mean I do it with a double except either it s a lovely piece of work is very good Ok the state of play at the moment is that some are held up on the other held up for another 5 minutes or so they ve scored 2 points so fast they ve been steadfast location which was the free market and they managed to find a ferry class and got 3 points the moment they ve been to both say locations which is tense failed and they ve been to say. They found a Christmas tree in the middle of that Ok so that s 3 to you at the moment well let s see if we can have a word with Bristol see how they re going on Bristol Sasha and Martin any news on your next find. Probably just manage to get away from the market some. Can t really get to it so we just got to the end of the raid the busy main road and now we re just decided what to do do we go to church and get one there or do we not go where we know there is an old one famous one. Brailsford brothers Christmas lights on too long do we take that. Charge and just knock on the door and hope. They ve got one on the run. I mean is older. And there really really quite a bit that s going to be about 20 minutes or so I might try to charge for yes unless somebody rang a minute direction but if you see a church or somebody else rings will go that Ok what if you live in the same were busy area and you ve got a nativity scene or a crib I remember the older the better exists it s over over 10 years old they get extra points yes then do get in touch you can text a 20 start your message with the word Lewis or you can email clue at b.b.c. To well you can even phone 08000. 85594900806781566 now. They found some rather oh well we ll get back to them in a moment of a bit of chit chat amongst themselves I m amazed actually they can able to talk with all the food they ve been was exactly summer sent him of course we re on their way to where was it shipped to I suspect a mallet in the lantern workshop plaything they all held and yet another couple of minutes yet I m afraid okey cokey Well good luck with that they will I m sure untangle themselves soon Christmas is looming is the 1st of December I was chatting to Bridget about Christmas and the various presents I ve been buying. A few feelers out on a very busy just sound like sounds promising by the list from my wife what she wants a Christmas baseball bat you know what that s for because maybe Our she keeps saying Oh your Remedial you needed to help you know on the same level as me and like Ok you know she doesn t actually hit me with it but she like she waves it and is the threat it s there and of course she s also after a pneumatic drill what she want to name Arctic drilling for her and a copy of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and she said that s what she was a signed copy as well are there any We re going help us out with out do get in touch anyway let s turn our attention to the latest on the road. Travel you can trust b.b.c. Somerset Ok let s find out what s happening on the roads with Jacob strong Thank you it s calmed down a bit getting into Bristol on the I m 32 getting out on a lot bound side to start to see some congestion form there s a breakdown on the x. Slip road northbound as you get off them for the m 4 so go towards junction 191 to watch out for while they wait for that to be recovered and moved it s busy in and around Cribbs Causeway So it s been busy at times getting off the m 5 a junction 17 but Merlin road and surrounding routes towards the co roundabout seems to be very slow and I think it s Christmas shopping traffic to be honest the course is still busy in 2 or city centers for the likes of the temper. Circus try racially queuing as you head through into wards the center itself there s busy routes on the outskirts of course including the likes of coronation road ran towards a better means to bridge roundabouts and Emerson s green on the ring road struggling at times from the rosary to a quick roundabouts it s also slow pass a park and ride on the a 4 out through Keynsham up towards me roundabout busy too and of course there s rugby and football on Bristol Rovers versus Plymouth Argyle at the memorial kicks off and Bears versus London Irish Ashton Gate kicks off at 3 if you heading out through tools Yeovil to heavy traffic at times 231512 to row works Yeoville itself show them road busy still in the library traffic lights she looking a bit calmer in and out of Bridgewater after a spike in traffic earlier not too bad for Taunton and the rest of the cameras for the likes the m 5 showing a reasonable run of it as well that s it for now this morning half an hour is your story your voice caught up after breakfast. And I wanted to return psychic interaction and how many. Children aged 15 Claire Carter is when you 2 are all they motorbike never quite understood that you still got it you know with 50 states is it now because it s a good. Match made in heaven some people some sad story Somerset s radio station are back tomorrow morning from 6 d.v.c. Somerset. Yes with Richard Larry s 2 radio stations 2 trains one when the only one decent signal unfortunately I think some of that now on blog talk you know they can head off to shop tomorrow and the lantern workshop where listeners have sent them to so hopefully they re on their way now Ok so that s a London workshop on Paul Street which fits in with the 2nd clue on today s program to see a person of go any further with the thing that they re after which is a nativity scene or a crypt Sasha Martin what s the latest. Driving Towards really and how we might come across a church for us was maybe wrong in with one what s going on with the people of Bristol today meeting. Both brothers Christmas lights Well those which still today follow you I would just go door to door knocking on houses say that you re not a maniac income people help you out. Be able to live on that isn t the problem is he ll be on the early side a lot of people still walk going up in their lot oh yeah Ok well if anyone s got a crib or a nativity scene that they can help the Bristol team I with just sort of leaving saying we re both at the moment to get in touch that number one more time it s 806781566 or 880-5949 or you can text one trouble 3 Start your message with the word Lois or email clue at b.b.c. To u.k. Ok we ll catch up with the some of that team after this. News I m a good day with your fans and I. Do think. There was. Anything. Isn t that lovely Dan and Shay and Justin Bieber Let s catch up on the Somerset team they ve been broadcast Andy and Luke Cullen can you hear me loud Yes we can hear you repeat that we ve made our way to these and making workshops here for Street Community Center good Dominic with us I would only hire that gosh maybe next year oh you re very nervous because. I don t want something here than to make workshop what we do every year except a mallet this is a 10 year we have a line some parades in the middle of winter just before Christmas and to do that we need people to make Lance and so the 3 weekends leading up to then we hold free workshops where people can buy materials and then just be shown very easily how they can make lanterns from tissue paper Willow and a deal like how I see I was very busy in that we actually had this interview were in an alleyway behind the building because it s so busy. In there how many people in there probably 20 to 30 now but it goes on a rolling psychosis drop in so we can load today some people make a mark then go off have lunch come back them up with a tissue paper on some people start one we can finish the next on his dog or come here and make it our No you can come it s a drop in and some people take 3 weekend to make it look like they make good on fresh or tough love that other people have to make you look like a little sheep and they can do it about our lives so are you a professional one to make sure that yeah quite since I had my little father today he s my angel. Yes they made However while I thought of it yeah they will be easy thing to make your box standard lantern which you base your wits and all they were making us look to see really look and see but yeah I think this is the 10th anniversary Mandy McCann who s one of the. It s making a fix for high she perception like a massive brown that we carry between 2 people and so people can join and we re making a very simple design just make a little cheap that you can make in about an hour and a half and then it sort of look a little sheep around the ship and Ram say yeah I see so when the main parade as it were the parade is on the 21st 20. 5 o clock in College Park in town and that pitch black so you see all the land there s a lake you walk around see see the reflection and then the family and takes everyone through towns the marketplace where those who drink the band keep playing on so the whole you ll be out at night all is absolutely fantastic and ready ready where you know what will you be what were your lines and beat you make the best one for yourself Oh no I just was everybody around I was it was the people that helped in the mansion where I just say hello to all the children and everybody s just really well we just probably dodged the sound of on the way down and they let me go and so that s how all the training I was doing isn t it I mean we Christmases are just wonderful on going able to get that yeah I m not to think it s christmas everyone gets so stressed about have a got the right present the right food and it s like there is going to stop and this is very nice that you can actually be in the town walk with music and lights and actually have a really good time and come together not the kind of thing you can miss out too easily or. Good to meet you both I ll let you carry on with your paper and your lights thank you so much to cultures. And the and look back give you your right to be going to find Ok. The challenge thank you very much a family. Hi Hello Andy and Luke let me give your item you got to find you ve only got about 18 minutes to find a Christmas novelty or decoration which makes a noise so you re going to find a Christmas novelty or decoration which makes a noise if you re in a bind Froome then you can help them out getting to the punch have to right to spend a busy morning. And then about ship to get in touch you can tell he can text. Messages the way you can email clue at b.b.c. U.k. Well you can call our 880594900806781566 Ok so the sun has a team of go to find a Christmas novelty or decoration which makes a noise we ve got Julie on the line I think Hello Julia were you there when Ok and what have you got that you might do to help the team with we have been. All over 10 years old that s not bad at all well let s see how the Bristol team get thank you for that Judy that s very kind of you Martin and Sasha Where are you at the moment wow we are on great stuff I mean you were trying to get to. We re trying to get some bright tree so I went you know passes very traffic everywhere tonight but we are on our way now you hate to be there in a couple of meetings Yeah we re about 4 or 5 minutes away branches just around the corner and we do know that there is the most amazing foresaw is floodlit nativity scene even with a donkey on the outside of the house and it s very old I think that they got it 25 years it is the 25th anniversary of the lights this year tonight the big speech on race which runs at 5 o clock so we re going to get a little big build up and well in it if you see the dunk he s got up by this point he surely Yeah I don t know about that that s not within the rules where you go up by 15 minutes to get there is a better hurry and good luck with finding a Christmas novelty or decoration which makes a noise they could still win of course if they can you know what they found that Ok if you can help out the Somerset team once again do get in touch on the usual numbers 0806781566000000880599. Playing this role you virgins listening today must be must be if you have their. Problems not as many as they used to because times have changed to course live in a very free society these days the time is 30 minutes to one let s see if we can contact the wonderful Somerset team in quality and the English can you hear me. Yes we can for the 1st time in about 2 hours lovely Luke Luke right out of the way the b.b.c. Engineer is fixed. And I mean he didn t swear at me 1st because I rang him when he was but that s what I paid for that s what I paid more yes indeedy now we ve got a woman on the line you might want to help you let s go to Andrea who s on their ship to mount a hello Andrea. Ok now you got something that might be to help the Bristol the path the Somerset team. On the out for him right yeah what I do know you know in the middle of nowhere and. Then. The father. On the parish. Yeah and it s hard to. Make you know if. You ve got time to get there. But I am really sick leave probably not snow in the snow in 6 minutes if I m honest with you Ok but do you live in a walk in a horse is that your pup my mom. Oh are you that are you that now. Not have a name and. Either you open it yet. I don t think we re still about a community center we ve only got about 6 or 7 minutes I don t think we ll get shipped in to work at all she s not talking we ll wait what do you think. It was like she s you know that it was worth a shot Seamus I said he weighed 200 but I think you re right thank you but we ll see if we can find something for you in your area this close so that you can get to in the next few minutes with checkable Bristow hybrid still session Mart. Gosh what sounded like Well Martin told a lie because he said it was a donkey. Is a come oh it s a camel Martini you have about this church there Ritchie she we got the full nativity scene even Father Christmas is haven t got round the city and we ve got 10 of them. How old are they. Right now the man who now says he didn t write yeah sketch Now how did these and to this he seems probably by 15 years old one who likes to point out the one down the list will probably invite 12 after. You get the appoint because you go to Nativity now I think that just one for the Nativity be the next joint because that by say the 10 years old so you get an extra point you went for the last 2.2 things as play which has been 25 years in the making and look just over the us is the biggest plunger we have ever. Is he pushing the plunger or the same one as a surprise. For me as such to come out I mean every reasonable rates for local calls this well it might be a big big guy like in a red suit. Oh I mean Red Sox I d rather have a Madden you are paying them but. They re got an awful lot to just stand on for a moment Sasha and Martin because we got to film a line in shot to hell and feel can you hear me yes I know you like your I understand you ve got some advice for the Somerset team or can you say something maybe talking about it like it or says I ve got one of those in Beach Avenue. B. Job you can you get the Beach Avenue you go 5 minutes. Right that s. One number one number but shopping you re like 29 on the final. Song it s on a lot so I guess the rule is Is it Ok to you by the details of them anyways give up the sash and Martin Ok tell us more about your nativity why we should just the Nativity say dummies everything here you can imagine Tell us what we call presents we got reindeer we got name and for a much every field the f ing white Christmas we ve got you can do the 25 years and you ve raised an offer of money for charity this our 25th anniversary and we re just under $75.00 phase and paying for up are still in law school so doing well what s happening in the evening to door switch on should go fine and you know. Kind of Lawson Well so and even if you don t make it of gift boxes we make it sweet by its candyfloss you know you name it we ve been making an effort to him and I saw set up a sweet buxom a hot chocolate to look forward say I know if I toughed it out one time from about 5 o clock on words and how many people do you think that it s not because I mean always choose a big salad Yeah I mean we have our faces in the past we haven t advertises a big switch on this year so we re probably a little bit less I ll come on everyone that means our Andries I m sure everyone not only see nice sauce don t like they definitely especially Cuban Air was on the Times this weekend about 5 or 6 but this is my 10th year of coming. Into the Basswood light so it s like an annual tradition for us all in just a couple. Of them for the last 3 hours in a in a well I ve got a phone next to it we got about 10 minutes to find something else I m sure the somebody in the Branch Rickey can help us with but I think that s going to be really 3 minutes not a not well I will give you a challenge give me a challenge what you re going to give my challenge you can if you re Ok Well good luck with it it s a paper or card decoration a paper or decoration but you ve only given the course you re going to the board you ve only got 3 minutes b.b.c. Set Simon Parkin book has been working with blood sort of standing on just of different t.v. And film productions everything that he is and he still says he next to someone Putin and the very famous Simon pocket because of the things we ve done in the hollow crayon. He was a really nice man and it was very interesting to peregrine falcon we have to tell you that I should record. Thinking how is he said and happening especially when you hear that famous for you can you polish the bottom. Line in parking that s also the amount you remember. Back tomorrow from the. Feces on the fence the time now is 7 minutes to one we ve only got a couple of minutes to go let s see if someone made any progress on the and Luke was a situation with you that s. Why I felt the job in you was closer than we where we were as a story so I just think it was on the end of the road today stories it s somebody we won t do in next 3 minutes is put out by all too often it s minute enough probably but no we were going to struggle with. What you ve let the whole county dime. Wash we have we do it many Sundays. Let s see if by any progress then they were looking for another item which is a paper record decoration Martin we all know that on the the. Just fine John he s got one correction I said that says Merry Christmas. String like surround these guys talking there was a little bit string there John of you got the paper decorations you fashion was all card decorations I m afraid to suffer nothing to do any more less is more my disposable you got the brains for you don t really need to do much you don t even put the lights on my. Thanks John. This is live radio of course knocking randomly on people s doors you can get any sort of reaction because coming up with a machete can I. Find someone with something caught Yeah Ok you got one minute to do it try your best. Let s just remind me if you want your life story of the current scores Bridgie How is it with Bristol in some ways that I well I m in the game as a whole if Somerset lose today to win which looks like it will be the case but still be on 19 and some of that will be on 16 and we have 3 more games to go before the end of the season oh yeah let s just have a brief summer so you don t find anything of you by any chance someone said. No we are about 30 seconds try when we could listen and for today that would be also the running to win for the year which would be the 1st time we ve lost since we started this show 4 years ago I think yeah. Well I think you did yeah I felt you could draw a laugh and I think you should have your pay Dr Martin Sasha any good. She s running around knocking but. Not all the decorations up yet and nobody is prepared to do it for me which I think is well you re out of time anyway sorry. Sasha Martin you are out of time Bridget what is the scores on the doors so schools that today of Bristol have got 5 points because they had to 2 points for the nativity scene and that to take Haitians and also for the artificial Christmas trace they got 5 points on a set Sunday when he got 3 points today so they got a letter. So that s. The overall score of the cycle 19 and some is that 16 dear oh dear Well I m going to end up like that oh girl she I beg your pardon. Some of the buttons to press you know break. Well congratulations it s been a very trying program today for one reason or another if only Sasha shrieking but a Bristol have won they are triumphant and they can all be in this year no not 9 the best you can do is a drawn out Ok well commiserations to Somerset I m sure you can draw level come the end of the year if you put your your effort into it thanks live good on day yeah I mean it s been a very very smooth show today with Ted the course so let s fingers crossed anybody s off congratulations to Sasha congratulations the mountain. There you guys they ve done Ok overnight that is it. Had scheduling Ok my heart up. She s been hot sun was known as freeze a glass to get so on that all the things that we. Can hold this song Oh you re understand our feed. Here is how I can tell you when a. Judge should just listen you. Never see. This my. Fault. Story. Just. One step. Just. Bringing the program to a close my thanks to all the people involved in the show David. George the lovely farmer s wife who s with make Thank you thanks to all the teams. It was. Digital. Is b.b.c. . If you see some of that news at 1 o clock I m Kelly with those bars Johnson has clashed with the B.B.C. s Andrew Marr about the early automatic release of Usman car on the convicted terrorist who stabbed 2 people to death at London Bridge on Friday car was out on license and electronically tagged when he stabbed 5 people during a conference on criminal rehabilitation Mr Johnson blamed the previous Labor government for cancer early release but his interviewer asked why the conservatives hadn t done anything to fix the issue during the last 10 years the former chief superintendent of the Metropolitan playstyle Babbitt believes the attack on Friday could have been avoided out of the casing is about monitoring and. I think resources plays a very very key part in these resources and probation resources and the police the cutbacks in policing have been mainly within the neighborhood areas and that s a key area where you collect intelligence where you you feed into the police intelligence system in order for actions to be taken bath or northeast of us I can solicit a pause roadworks across the district from today but Jane says it s made the decision so it helps drivers over Christmas and the new year that applies to plan works that restrict traffic and protests trains except essential utility and emergency work some will run through until the 6th of January thousands of protesters have returned to the streets of Hong Kong to maintain pressure on the cherry trees Beijing back to governments 3 rallies have taken place to celebrate the electoral success of pro-democracy candidates in local polls cyclists wanting to take on a challenge to help raise money for the Dorset and Somerset ambulance have got a few days until registration I pants the charity s coast to coast challenge takes place in May but online registration opens on Wednesday Gillian Brice the chair of trustees says to 56 mile of a. And is a great want the cyclist to enjoy this year will be the tenses and it s not a race it is an event that starts off in watch it about 11 o clock in the morning and the cyclists go on a route that avoids main roads in heavy traffic across Somerset and down into Dorset and being up West pay it s hugely popular with mixes of people of all ages and all sort of cycling abilities and in football Bristol Rovers take on Plymouth Argyle today in the f.a. Cup The game kicks off at 2 pm with me fielder Liam circum hoping they can reach the 3rd round of the competition for the 1st time in 6 years saying we ve only got phrase not once in 11 years or something so. You know I ll enjoy cup runs and I think everyone does you know fans want to see a big club come out you know for us to play them so yeah it s exciting and you know hopefully we can get a win on Sunday and get next on the weather the softer new mostly a mixture of bright spells and areas of cloud it will feel chilly and a press north to northeasterly wind today s talk temperature will be 7 degrees Celsius that s 45 degrees Fahrenheit b.b.c. Somerset news is 3 minutes past one. Interesting I m thinking see some say in the 2nd round of the f.a. Cup Bristol Rovers against Plymouth Argyle nice commute change through the alley dance and these obscene words could strike I. Was told the 3 o clock in my piece Premiership it s Bristol is versus London Irish life coming change resound here and Chris we re going to run in the corner it s a really good finish on the left hand side this scored by Jake and Sunday school too was Richard Haas b.b.c. Radio Bristol and b.b.c. 6. Yes good afternoon coming up at 3 o clock we ve got commentary from Ashton Gate as Bristol bass host London Irish the 1st half will be live on b.b.c. Radio and online with the 2nd half of a liberal across all our frequencies that s because we ve got a 2 o clock a golf at the Memorial Stadium with Bristol Rovers looking to reach the 3rd round of the f.a. Cup for the 1st time in sake she has leaked to Plymouth Argyle are the team standing in a time when goals it would be hard to come by but I can be free flowing it s nice on a day when. You can get in from a variety of different source in different ways as well yeah absolutely I think we ve. Just been a mind you know that for us he s a he s a physical outlet in terms of the game for us in how we play and sometimes you don t over a lot on him so I was you know we want other people popping up and contribute and go was so it was not about to happen we worked on set pieces and for that s come off goes for midfield as well which is pleasing which we know we ve got we probably want to see more of. Overall pleased people come to the party and you know getting on the scoresheet and you mentioned the set.

Radio-program , Christmas-traditions , Christmas , Packaging-materials , Traditions , Christmas-characters , Street-furniture , Christmas-decorations , Bristol-rovers-fc , Lighting , Light-sources , Utility-cycling