it had strengthed of a standard clinton speech, engaging, convincing, able to deal with facts but it was wonky. he got off into policy details at greater length and self indull jent and 30% too long. and in this hall. just making a quick note, jobs, medicare, immigration, are we better off than four years ago? on it went from there. you should point out, joe, going on behind us is the official role call. this is the order of the stage, to officially have the delegates nominated including president obama over the top. and this is expected to go on sometime. but it will be unanimous. there won t be any other delegates like we saw in tampa. i think bill clinton may have picked up a few tonight. you know joe your thoughts about the speech? he did sound a number of times
doughnut hole and force seniors to pay more for drugs and will reduce the lives of the medicare trust fund by eight full years. so. if he s elected, and if he does what he promised to do, medicare will now grow broke in 2016. think about that. that means. after all we won t have to wait until their voucher program kicks in in 2023 to see the end of medicare as we know it. they re going to do it to us sooner than we thought. now. folks this is serious because it gets worse. and you won t be laughing when i finish telling you this. they also want to block grant medicaid and cut it by a third over coming 10 years. of course that is going to
so. so president obama and the democrats didn t weaken medicare. they strengthened medicare. congressman ryan looked into that tv camera and attacked president obama s medicare savings as quote, the biggest, coldest, power play, i didn t know whether to laugh or cry. because. that $716 billion is exactly to the dollar the same amount of medicare savings that he has in his own budget. he ought to get one thing, it
doughnut hole and force seniors to pay more for drugs and will reduce the lives of the medicare trust fund by eight full years. so. if he s elected, and if he does what he promised to do, medicare will now grow broke in 2016. think about that. that means. after all we won t have to wait until their voucher program kicks in in 2023 to see the end of medicare as we know it. they re going to do it to us sooner than we thought. now. folks this is serious because it gets worse. and you won t be laughing when i finish telling you this. they also want to block grant medicaid and cut it by a third over coming 10 years. of course that is going to
so. so president obama and the democrats didn t weaken medicare. they strengthened medicare. congressman ryan looked into that tv camera and attacked president obama s medicare savings as quote, the biggest, coldest, power play, i didn t know whether to laugh or cry. because. that $716 billion is exactly to the dollar the same amount of medicare savings that he has in his own budget. he ought to get one thing, it