Ve třech krajích, kde ještě musí žáci nosit ve třídách respirátory, by mohla tato povinnost v úterý skončit. Řekl to ministr zdravotnictví Adam Vojtěch (za ANO), jeho záměr ale ještě musí schválit vláda, která se sejde v pondělí. Epidemie covidu-19 stále slábne i v nejhůře zasažených regionech. V sobotu bylo pozitivních pouze 74 testů na covid-19. Stejně jako minulou neděli spadl denní přírůstek pod stovku, byl dokonce ještě nižší. V přepočtu na sto tisíc obyvatel přibylo za poslední týden už jen v jednom okrese více než 50 nových případů.
constitution provides, that you shall have a census every ten years to distribute representation within the different states to determine district power in the electoral college, number of represe representatives each state gets, and that s why people argue they wanted this citizenship question on to suppress the amount of votes in a particular state or people in a particular state so as to get them more power, so the argument that he s making now really plays in some sense to the plaintiffs hand, which says yes, this is what they want, they want it for bad purpose to suppress vote count. so the justice department also wanted a pause in the proceedings while it finds a new rationale, you know, for adding the question, you know, judges, you know, have said no, so does the supreme court weighing in the way it did in any way influence the lower courts?
love while he s sticking, poking his finger in the eye of our allies. what s going on here? this is really dangerous stuff. he s a threat, in my view, a threat to our core values. and folks, the fact of the matter is that four years of donald trump will be viewed as an aberration in american history. eight years eight years will fundamentally change who we are as a nation and how we re viewed around the world. again, we are monitoring both live events, as a backdrop, a new poll from quinnipiac university showing a 13-point lead for biden over the president, with senator sanders and kamala harris ahead represe respectively. joining us, howard dean and
represe house of representatives condemned antimuslim sentiment, racism, hate in general. that resolution came in response to a congresswoman omar s comments that were considered antisemetic. whether or not to include her name in a resolution sparked by her remarks is deeply divided democrats. with me now is casey hunt. the panel is still here. so casey, all right, there is a couple things here, we have michael steel here, who is intrigued about why, what the republican plan was on this and if there was one or if it was implemented too late to have this sort of chunk of no votes, but a majority of republicans voting with democrats. what just happened on that front? the final vote was 407 to 23 with steve king voting present.
racist that s the question what kind of campaign did donald trump run pushed those racial buttons. voting for obama does not absolve somebody. not saying it does. i hadn t seen that study it that was the primary motivation and obama voters switching to trump, that s just as surprising. an interesting question a lot of people raised that point. i m eager to address it. some people say, i m not racist. i voted for obama but that s just not true. you can still hold racist views. a lot of people raised that question, but i highly recommend the study. you have a highly represe lly re research it was not the economy, it was the race. and a high profile of bernie sanders who struggled with his issue in 20916