programs, we ve been talking at great length about wikileaks and the denial of service and the backlash and how it could all reach us individually. ali, get set, on your mark. you ve got 60 seconds. all right. visa, mastercard and paypal say don t worry, richard, their payment systems are far more secure than their corporate websites, which have been attacked. but these are early days in this cyber war. we don t yet know what else julian assange s supporters have up their sleeves. let s face it, richard. while we all act shocked, we know that hackers have been making digital mischief long before wikileaks. just ask microsoft, how many users it s lost because of people tired of hackers penetrating windows. you might get caught in the middle. as hackers deploy their skills for purely political reasons. and beyond your online purchases, which might be in jeopardy, federal agencies are
insurance, that s what julian assange says he has. he s threatened to release a colossal file of unknown but presumably explosive content if he s imprisoned or killed. we ll have a lot more on this over the course of the next hour, including, coming up right after this break, how could a wikileaks backlash actually reach you? i m going head-to-head with richard quest in q & a. singer: you check a lot of things already why not add one more that can help your situation for sure check your credit score free-credit-score-dot-com free-credit-score you won t regret it at all! check the legal y all. anncr: offer applies with enrollment in triple advantage. [ but aleve can last 12 hours. tylenol 8 hour lasts 8 hours.
metal structure, or is it d, the sichbs of control between animals and machines? ali? d. correct. it s cybernetics. every other one of those answers has absolutely no factual basis whatsoever. all right. and you may know this one from last week. time magazine named wikileaks the number one leak and watergate as number two with president nixon at the center of the controversy. what was president nixon s secret service code name? was it searchlight, lancer, renegade or general? i m too young to know this. this is going to go to richard. richard? i don t know this. i m guessing lancer. incorrect. ali? searchlight. you are correct.
it is searchlight. lancer was jfk s secret moniker. renegade is president obama s code name. and general was president harry truman s. see, we wouldn t have known that if not for a wikileak. thank you, voice. thank you. have a good day. richard, it feels good to be on top in the quiz. i have never been in this position. don t get too comfortable because you won t be there many more times as we head towards 201 2011. i can t believe i m so mean to you tonight. that will do it for this week. we are here each thursday on quest means business at 1800. and 2:00 p.m. eastern in the newsroom. keep the topics coming. we choose these based on what you tell us. so go to our blogs and tell us each week what you want us to talk about. we ll see you next week. see you, richard. see you.
warning employee s that simply reading documents posted by wikileaks could cost them their job. some universities are warning students that reading or distributing leaked material through social networks could hurt their prospects of getting federal jobs in the future. so from whom do you have more to fear, richard? is wikileaks and its hackers or your own government, employers, and universities? all right. here we go. give me a minute on the clock, ali. starting now. ever since the first computers in 1945, the hackers have been attacking. but what is different about this time? i ll tell you what s different. over the last 20 years, things like this have arrived into every one of our homes and in our offices. the computer is everywhere. but this was more. what about the smartphones that we are using and, of course, the tablets that will be in everybody s christmas stocking?