All rIght. WelcOme tO hannIty. N N Beaun beautIful harrIsburg pennsylvanIa. HellO, harrIsburl hag. A massIve crOwd. In just a mInute. FOrmer n In a PresIdent Trump wIll jOIn us fOr an hOur. In part, he wIll answer yOur questIOnsl be. ThInk abOut thIs. In just 13 days, early vOtIng3 s OffIcIally get underway acrOss the KeystOne State In a few daysgrOss just maIl In ballOtsl wIll gO Out In Other states. And wewIt In are Only 61 days fm what I belIeve Is an InflectIOn POInt fO dr the cOuntry thats less than twO mOnths away and thats the 2024 electIOn. The race, accOrdIng tO pOlls, I Is clOse In seven states. The latest Trafalgar POll has dOnalde Ins Trump up by twO In E State Of PennsylvanIa And State cOuld very well decIde the entIre race. NatIOnwIde, the Real Clear POlItIcs Average shOws statIstIcally It Is clOse a tIe In thesE States. MeanwhIle, left leanIng StatIstIcIans SIlver Is gIvIng PresIdent Trump a 58 Chancef Wn Of wInnIng the electOral cOllege. That tIn the O a man frOm trump
and welcome to hannity. and tonight, begin with ait moment of gratitude, frankly, thanks to senateh republicans. in 2016, merrick garland will never on the us supreme and court, and it s now obvious the biden s age is more of aca political hack than even eric holdegr. and today, merrick garland was g grilled and exposed on the hilrl . take a look. this is a matter in dispute and discovery in that court. and i m going to leave it for the district court to make t courwe ll len after what youtn say when i say it s not in dispute. this is what he sai, thd. e o the court filing, jack smith s team said that we . not controlur those officers, they make their questions. we communicate with them, not whether you contro wit whethl, you communicate with them and we provide this can make money is not going to solvicatee problem. when the department of homeland security and the president of the united states refuse the lawof.refuwon t p now, we rsee going to bring you the full
screaming for the last three years? domestic extremist extremismn ,white nationalism, vets who are patriot, extreme ists ad saying the threat is internal. it s inside, it s maga. supporters looside andk out form january 6th. that s been the focus of that man s federa, l bureau of investigations. instead of targeting in on foreign threat s and walking, i don t know, three blocks over to the to the homeland security say and saying you are creating a threat for this nation. sothat you creatin everything tn administration is doing and not minik more.king an attac and as a result, if an attacksu happens here, sean, i don t knowlt from china or from syriao or from iran or from iraq, s wih guess who has to answer that call? the united states militaryf thr0 and we ve been doing that for 20 years and the results weren t great. unfortunatels in they, after 20w how how prepared will we be at this point? that s a big be be open questio you know, you talk a lot about your personal experience th