Christmas s is. Well, its Aboutut The Best E Ofof the wholele year. [tom] nono matter whwhen they e plplace, moderern era or p p, Christstmas Movieses and televen specials a are always s about someone e who has Lolost Theieir faith inin humankind, reregaining itit, saved byy other Pepeople Beingng kind because itits christmtmas. [chrhris] christmas s is the lanandsce that e everybody w wants to p. Eveveryone whoho tells Stots Isis Attracteded to the e Heighteneded Emotionss that it t brings. [aisha] Noststalgia Playays such a a huge partrt in Christss Bebecause it i is part of fo many peoples s childhoodsds. And bebeing able t to go back d relilive those f feelings evever by Watatching Holiliday moviess justst. Joy. [phil]l] a christmtmas story is one of f the best m movies at nostalgia,a, family anand chris. J jingle belllls, jingle e be, jingle a all the Wayay A Christmamas Story , i wawatch it evevery year at leaeast twice. Its. Lik, the e script of f my life. Can we e go now . Caca
[mususic] [c[christmas m music] christmas s is. Well, its Aboutut The Best E Ofof the wholele year. [tom] nono matter whwhen they e plplace, moderern era or p p, Christstmas Movieses and televen specials a are always s about someone e who has Lolost Theieir faith inin humankind, reregaining itit, saved byy other Pepeople Beingng kind because itits christmtmas. [chrhris] christmas s is the lanandsce that e everybody w wants to p. Eveveryone whoho tells Stots Isis Attracteded to the e Heighteneded Emotionss that it t brings. [aisisha] Noststalgia Playas such a a huge partrt in Christss Bebecause it i is part of fo manyny peoples s childhoods. And bebeing able t to go back d relilive those f feelings evever by Watatching Holiliday moviess justst. Joy. [phil]l] a christmtmas story is one of f the best m movies at nostalgia,a, family anand chris. J jingle belllls, jingle e be, jingle a all the Wayay A Christmamas Story , i wawatch it evevery year at leaeast twice. Its. Lik, the e script of
passengers have to wait to fly? russia s deadly new attacks in ukraine the city liberated just weeks ago and now back in putin s crosshairs ukrainian families defiant and determined to keep christmas alive. holiday messages of hope. the services around the world. the faithful now back in person, the pope s message of peace and the royal family s first christmas without the queen. and the nfl players making music with a mission this is nbc nightly news with jose diaz-balart. good evening at a time of year so many of us want to be with loved ones, intense winter conditions and sub-zero chills are making it dangerous or altogether impossible to travel safely 100 million people are under winter weather alerts coast to coast. lake-effect snow have hamstrung parts of the midwest and blizzard-like conditions have stranded drivers and all bu shut down buffalo. at least 23 people have died across the country and at a time of year filled with twinkling lights, hundreds of
eaglgles involveved with us for something likeke this, anand partrticularly t the individual plplayers. these arare pretty special guguys who are part of thisis these e guys have e big namemes and pepeople love e them in this town.n. big names but even bigger heaeart for a a special cacause thisis christmamas. s santa clausus is comiming to totown merry christmas, philadelphia. and a happy new year and that album, a philly special christmas is now available on all streaming services up next, lester holt is here with a tribute for people around the world who bring you the nightly news each and ever night, but first i d like to take a moment to wish you and your family a merry christmas and a joyful holiday and as always, thank you for the privilege of your time we ll be right back with a message from lester holt