/PRNewswire/ Allied Market Research published a report, titled, "Offshore Mooring Market by Mooring Type (Catenary, Taut, Semi Taut, Spread, Single Point,.
cocaine worth 4$480 million, th biggest bust in coast guard history. it was spotted by a navy plane in the pacific last month. the video just released. this was blue so it would blend into the water. you can see the exhaust pipe and cockpit. they re very difficult to see. the semi submersibles have become a favorite of cocaine traffickers that began using them a decade ago. they re now thought to carry as much as a third of all illegal drugs smuggle into the u.s. by sea. pete williams, nbc, washington. the political debate lit social media on fire last night. we ll tell you what got the most attention. that s next. it took serena williams years to master the two handed backhand.
going after google, reports says the ftc will issue subpoenas to google imminently, to open a formal investigation into the internet search giant. the concern is whether google is abusing its dominance on the web. with you and me. but, individuals could only smuggle small amounts of cocaine. next came speedboats. but, these have recently fallen prey to chopper mounted 50 caliber marks men who take out engine blocks. today, semi submersibles emphasize stealth over speed. bill: they are going under water with the submarines and away look at how the drug cartels in south america are using custom-made submarines to transport 8 tons of cocaine, worth $250 million. on the streets. and, now from the columbian jungle to tell us what they found, steven hougaard, the
director of cocaine sub hunt, which premiers sunday on the national geographic channel. what is the story you tell viewers in the, steven. we travel along with the dea team in southwest columbia and they ve found the semi submersibles for a couple years and we track them as they hunt bigger prey, a fully submersible sub and it is like a german u-boat, 100 feet long and goes 3,000 miles, 30, 40 feet beneath the surface. bill: do they ever see success? do you know if they completed a mission, into the u.s. border? well, you know when you travel with the dea teams looking for these things and the columbian commandos, you realize there s a lot they don t know. they know there are more than the one they captured ultimately in our film, but, how many other
trans-shipment point for cocaine from columbia, through guatemala, through mexico and into the u.s., take a look: reporter: these guatemalan navy special forces were trained by navy s.e.a.l.s to intercept drug traffickers before they off load tons of cocaine onto the shores of guatemala, the past five years as air routes become more difficult the cocaine core tells employed a new form of transportation, mini-submarines or semi submersibles. fabricated in the jungles of columbia and almost impossible to detect from the air, two years ago in march the u.s. ghost coast guard captured this vessel, 375 miles west of the galapagos islands, filled with cocaine, coming from columbia and the hollow holds four passengers and travels 4,000 miles, without refueling. this sewas found in 2009 and tr