that. i think we will exceed that goal. it s important to your goal wasn t to win one of these states? i don t think anybody expected mitt to win alabama or mississippi. as mitt said early on in the campaign, that this was an away game for him. i think that s i think that s true. look, this is a delegate contest and like i said, our goal was to come in, take a third of the delegates. keeping him honest on that claim that nobody expected him to win alabama or mississippi. in fact at least one person did expect, mitt romney in mobile, alabama. we re going to win tomorrow. we need your help. that was the night before the primaries. not to single out governor romney. of course listen to newt gingrich spin the results. i want to tell you this a second. what will become a challenge is we ll now have three or four days of the news media and they ll a say why doesn t gingrich quit. these are the same people that said last june that i was dead. they recycle this every