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Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With Manu Raju 20240609

and the pros so far, she s put up 30 points on a couple of occasions. she s also had games where she s been held the single-digits, she struggled a turnovers. she struggled with the leeks physicality, and every player on team usa does have senior level international experience. eight have played in the olympics still, only 22. clark has created an absolute frenzy of interest in women s basketball, which has already led to this tangible boost in the wnba s developed litman. her entry to the pros has come with an extremely divisive undercurrent. and this is just the latest thing that she s going to have to navigate now, as everybody figures out what the official roster will look like. yeah. i m sure we ll continue here about that and that controversy carolyn manner. good to have you. thanks so much. and thank you for spending a part of your morning with us inside politics sunday with manu raju was nice. we ll see you back here next weekend. have a good day. taking this stain. israel makes a movie in gaza. president biden tries to outshine donald trump overseas, are refused to believe that america s greatness is a thing of the past while at home the vice president calls trump s conviction disqualified. cheaters don t like getting caught and exclusive details on a new plan to further overhaul immigration. well, progressives concerns plus retribution. i would have every right to go after them new reporting publicly because promise payback. thanks. have consequences. they going to have consequences as i should. and perseverance a rising democratic star confronts a debilitating terminal diagnosis when it comes to eunice progressive is not a good thing to be. our exclusive sit-down ahead inside politics that s reporting from inside the corridors of power starts now morning. welcome inside politics it s sunday, um, when roger president biden woke up in france this morning after he spent the last several days warning about the risks to democracy and marking the 80th anniversary of d-day. yet as he tries to ensure american allies, but the us commitment to the world order, biden has not mentioned donald trump, munch by name, not once during his pair of major speeches but the contrast he s trying to draw is clear as he seeks to reframe the race and take on his major vulnerabilities. knew this morning on that front, cnn has breaking news and how the president is trying to address one big weakness with a major policy more on that in just a moment. but first he and his team are dealing with the aftermath of that israeli operation in gaza that rescued four hostages. gazan officials say at least 274 palestinians were killed. cnn senior, senior white house correspondent kayla tausche is lie from paris. so kayla, how s the presidency addressing the fall of this recipe? q operation manu, the white house says, it s supports all efforts to secure the release of hostages still held by hamas, including americans, whether that s by negotiations or by other means here in france, president biden and president reagan macron have reiterated the need for an immediate ceasefire, but this all comes as biden is wrapping up a multi-day trip to france, where he has tried to set himself apart from his gop opponent as president biden memorialized war heroes in normandy, church, remarkable bravery on that day. his reelection campaign released this. a good commander in chief is somebody who gives veterans knocking donald trump in a new ad as unfit to serve. the aim to distinguish biden from trump on defense with this week s decorum on display pledging unwavering support for european allies. we will not, we will not say it again, walk away where trump is non-committal. i ve been saying, look if they re not going to pay, we re not going to protect okay. in speaking from the cliffs, american troops scaled on d-day for the fortunate heirs because of a legacy of these heroes, biden, earning comparisons to a republican ronald reagan are armies are here for only one purpose to protect and defend democracy. who 40 years ago was also selling voters on a second term so far, they re not sold according to one recent poll, independence favor trump over biden by 12 points, trump traveled to normandy d2 to mark the d-day 75th. today we remember those who fell, but after his speech attacking democrats in an interview her name, it s nervous magic that she s a nervous wreck. trump later came under fire for skipping a visit to a cemetery outside paris, reportedly calling the americans, buried their losers, something he s denied, but biden doesn t want people to forget telling campaign donors last week, he said they re losers and suckers who in the hell does he think he is in just a few hours, president biden is scheduled to visit that very cemetery outside paris before departing france the trump campaign. meanwhile, for its part calls the biden team desperate and says it s president biden, who s been disrespecting service members, manu, tausche in paris. thank you and now there s a lot to unpack, so let s break this all down with our great panel this morning. seung min kim of the associated press said harnden with the new york times, cnn s isaac dovere, and moralizing with npr. good morning. all right. great. thank you guys all for joining me today. a lot to discuss. that was an interesting trip over the last several days. what s interesting of course, as we all know that elections are typically decided by the economy. but this is an election, of course, it has two wars that are raging overseas. there are the biden has been making the case about democracy that says major selling point. this is how voters view how the issues that are important to them, economy number 130, 1% immigration number two, we ll talk about that in a second. presumably think democracy is 16%, but still the issues about ukraine and the israel-hamas war ranking lower down sudden when you cover the white house for the associated press, how does the biden campaign believed that these issues, foreign policy issues, may have an impact or do they not think you ll have much of an impact come november well, there s a lot contained within that foreign policy category. obviously, we know that one of their biggest weaknesses is the biden administration s handling of the war in gaza, which has really dissolute progressive disillusioned progressives and young voters when the, on the issue of democracy, which you can also put into this foreign policy category, as we have seen over the last several days with president biden and france, they believe that is a really fundamental issue that unites not only their coalition, but kit gets those independent voters, those so-called nikki haley voters that we have seen persistently turnout in these primaries. they believe that that is something that could attract them to their sayyed. and that s why you saw that s one of the reasons why you saw biden speaks so forcefully in these issues over the last several days, he never really said the words donald trump, but you see the political subtexts. you can t help but see that contrast that president biden and his aides are trying to implicitly make against you know, someone like donald trump who disparages the nato alliance, who has said, who has given the green light to putin to do whatever he wants and biden says that is not the way and you really invokes the memory of d-day invokes the the honor of these army rangers to say what would they ask us? to do? we they would ask us to. one quote was vanquish hateful ideologies and you can t help but think that president biden was thinking about donald trump at that moment and look, but you talked about trump versus biden on some of these issues, isn t voters view them according to recent quinnipiac paul preserving democracy as joe biden i ll play a lot seven points, but he is losing. he s underwater. and what the israel-hamas more in russia ukraine, war, morrow i mean, what do you explain that? because trump is barely talked about what is policy is on the israel-hamas war or on ukraine for oh, he s been pretty clear on ukraine. he was impeached the first time because he held up military aid to ukraine. but about how to end this war. yeah, you know, except for that he d ended on day one. what this one was the president. but what s interesting about that, the bad numbers on gaza are about internal democratic divisions that young people and progressives are angry with biden about that. i think that as if biden can succeed in conflating foreign policy in the threat-to-democracy, which is pretty high up on those list of concerns foreign policies way down. but democracy is way up. if you can conflate them, i think that can help them. and what really struck me about the president and europe the things he said could have been said by any president. in other words, of course, we re going to defend democracy and our allies. but because he s running again, someone on a pretty openly authoritarian platform who said nice things about putin disparaged nato allies said, we don t really deserve belong in ukraine. it s not our fight. that s what made this contrast. so explicit want to turn to what you have is what you, some breaking news here about a major issue that president is going to confront and dealing with immigration. right now, if you look at this is isaac story from this morning, biden nears huge next move on. immigrations. you tries to win over latinos in key states this past week, he moved forward in an executive action that angered a lot of folks on the left to try to clamp down on migrant crossings at the southern border. this time a shift. what is it? what are reporting is that the president is very close to moving forward on what would be the next round of executive actions. it would be to make work possible legally for long term undocumented immigrants who are married to americans it sounds like a small group. it s actually about 800,000 people, predominantly latino, when you think about the effect that this haves, it s not just on those people themselves, it s of course, on their spouses under kidd on their whole networks around them, that really makes a reverberating effect through millions of people. by the way, many of those people concentrated in arizona, nevada, georgia, places of the president has been behind a specialty with latinos. there s a political benefit here, but to folks who are been involved with this, this looks a lot to them like daqqa to 0.0 this time, 2012, it was june 15, 2012, barak obama created the daca program for people who had been brought here as children, unknowingly to, so that they could be legal status that to a lot of people was one of the turning point moments for obama s reelection campaign. there is a deep desire to replicate that both in terms of the policy effect here and in terms of the political effect. yeah the political factors. one thing we ll look at it right now. obviously, both polls showed that biden is struggling with on the issue of immigration is what it is major vulnerabilities, but had a biden s bars versus trump s supporters look at the idea of undocumented immigrants and whether they should be able to stay in the us legally if certain requirements are met, the recent pupils that 85% of biden supporters would are supportive of that. but just 32% of trump s supporters such a divide here, but it s clearly he s moving. you could say, to the left to try to placate those concerns is hearing one, how he s been heroin and certainly i think it reflects the kind of cross pressures he s feeling. when the number of issues not only immigration before in policy, this is a president who s tried to be everything to everyone in a lot of points. and with on both the border. and i think in foreign policy you ve seen the difference the gold teeth on that. i think that biden. okay. man, obviously with this is a strip that has flipped to a political liability and i think it s because democrats have not had an affirmative position on a lot of these issues. they have been able to criticize donald trump and republican actions, but there has not been a unified view from both top of the party to the base. well, what to do about immigration? and once you do a look abroad, but i think it s important that we don t see these issues as completely separate. when people talk about the economy too often bring up the fact that we re, that we re giving a lot of money into ukraine in israel when people talk about foreign policy, they ll bring up preserving democracy. these things are working together and also biden s perception, even things like age, the perception of him is not in the driver s seat of kind of events, but reacting to advance, it s something that happens on the foreign policy states that is contributing to his perception of unpopularity domestically. so these things are all kind of all working together to create a really difficult picture for this president. but i think what we re seeing now is the is the white house trying to take a more active role in shaping ahead of this debate so that by the time donald trump makes these arguments, he can point to very specific things that he has done recently specifically on the issue he has someone isaac mentioned about the impact that leads me like dog got the biden team looks kinda views this as darker. 22 of you covered this very closely at that time biden has struggled since then, with hispanic voters. this is having any impact. do you think with that key demographic or is this something similar in any way to what obama did more than a decade ago? well, i was i was talking with some some people who work in this space and there s so much anger after the border executive action that the president role that this week, that there s some thought that they might not even want to praise whatever affirmative action that the administration roles that that would help these undocumented immigrants. but i think another thing to remember too, is that president obama in 2014 rolled out something similar on executive action that was actually blocked by the supreme court. and it was never implemented. and now i m sure biden s team i m sure biden s lawyers are trying to make sure to craft this proposal in a way that they feel could withstand scrutiny. but first of all, the supreme court is a lot more conservative now than it was in 24 14. and he s already going to he could do these things either on the border or on that. it could get blocked by the courts. and then what does that do? then what does that do? those people who he s trying to thwart such a good point, but i m sure republicans will have something to say. this as well. all right coming up next is retribution on the ballot in november i ll dive into president trump s former president trump s new calls for revenge. and my reporting on how far his party is willing to go to back them up get a vote for trump. now i 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own with the security features we need. because my businesses are my life let s, talk was a blow it up. so whatever s next, we ll cook in which by gnats make switch to the partner businesses rely on before i would earth, would we have schreiber tonight? did nine on cnn vice president kamala harris, making news overnight and going on the attack and even going a bit further than her boss taking aim at donald trump in the aftermath of his felony conviction. speaking to michigan democrats last night. here s called trump, a cheater and said he thinks he is above the law. she said that should be disqualifying for anyone who wants to be president of the united states. but how is the rest of the political world responding to the guilty verdict in my new reporting this week with any grayer, we speak to some of the most vulnerable republicans and democrats and find it s often the democrats unwilling to speak about the verdict while swing district republicans rally to the former president s defense and have no pumps with a convicted felon at the top of their ticket by panels back to discuss this isaac use put a lot time with kamala harris. what do you make of the fact that she s going further down again and then biden i in april, spent a bunch of time with her, wrote a piece about how she is really embracing the campaign and the campaign aspects of things which is looser, swinging harder at trump. she also at this book moment, it does not have a direct opponent, right? we re waiting for donald trump to pick a running mate. we ll see who it is, but that puts her in this position where she can continue just going at trumping going at it, him in a way that i think actually speaks to where a lot of the democratic voters would like more democrats to be the response from joe biden and from the biden campaign overall, to donald trump s conviction is just stays convicted felon, not really talk about the details of it, and not really talk about it that much even at all and that has struck a lot of democrats in the wider world as a sort of strange approach. given that they would like you to brace as you may get more part of your message their goal here is to beat donald trump and part of that would be from making him more disqualified in the eyes of voters, harris went right out that and by the way, she went right at it at a democratic party in michigan democratic party event rather, and michigan that is where i think we should expect to see her much more over the course of the next six reminds me of her presidential campaign, you know, justices on the ballot. common harris prosecuting the case against donald trump. these were all kind of ethos is that were part of the original premise of her as a politician. i think that is going to be the rozi place to isaac s point, to be two, to actually be able to make the case in a more direct way than joe biden. well, but at the same time, we haven t seen real returns from this and especially because on the public side, that conviction has not registered as a huge shift. we were following the news there are times polling about what actually moved people after the conviction. and you saw two points moving away from from trump to biden, but some of that was drop-off, just the interest in third-party, some of that. but the landscape is really messy around this conviction, but it s not telling the sea change and last year when we were talking to democrats about the premise of biden s campaign part of it was a belief that the legal problems will make donald trump inherently uncollectible. we have not seen that come to fruition and so what the harris is doing, i think it s to try to make that true in a way that democrats have not been able to kind of make that reality such so far, but their belief that they would inevitably happen has not come to pass. and we re going to dive a little deeper. about the impacts are not at bag will have on the numbers in the next segments. thanks for that good there was going to board a cub meanwhile, we ve heard to trump and just talk about retribution and what does that exit mean? who really knows, but this is what he s talking about. this is his messaging in the aftermath of his conviction will revenge, just take time. i will say there has births and sometimes revenge can be justified. feel i have to be honest. sometimes they can it s very terrible thing. it s a terrible precedent for our country. does that mean the next president does it to them? that s really the question. when this election is over, based on what they ve done, i would have every right to go after them i mean, sure. he s rallied the base in the aftermath of the conviction, but is at risk of going too far. there might be the thing that struck me about donald trump s campaign is how much it s been base oriented, how much he doesn t seem to care about those independence or nikki haley voters he s just really been ever since the beginning of the political yeah, this is his theory of the case. it s like a cable news business model. you don t have to a bigger audience, they just have to watch him 24/7 how much money you raised so that but but i think that the republican party has fallen in line. i mean, some of his supporters are calling for jailing alvin bragg, something for supporters are calling for executing the alvin bragg, but and to a person, there behind him, will it have a risk? certainly we haven t seen that in the polls so far, but this is a race that s going to be won or lost on the market a tiny little shift of voters could make a big difference in battleground states speaking up, falling in line yes, i spoke to i spoke to a number of the sum of those vulnerable republicans in the house. so people will represent districts that joe biden won some districts even by double-digits. and i asked them, you have a convicted felon at the top of the ticket. are you still going to support now that trump has been convicted, are you planning on supporting him in november versus joe biden yes. yeah i already he voted for him in the primary november the way this is about the american people. i have no issues in supporting donald trump for president the united states. he s the republican nominee on the republican yeah. a lot of my constituents are i think even more than supportive now because democrats went way too far. having a convicted felon and a district like yours hurt republicans. my district school, a very smart people with firm grasp reality. they can smell give a comment that last one was caused the tom king junior who did not respond. the other ones indicated they did look at another political universe you have a candidate who has some baggage. you re vulnerable member, you run away from, you don t want anything to do with them. this is the trump era when republicans are fine, he s a convicted felon. they ll side with his messaging when i was watching that, i was reminded a lot of the dynamics that we saw after the access hollywood tape in 2016 when we did see some on endorsements, but most of the party rally behind him because they know they re the republican lawmakers you talked to. they ve either accepted or maybe are residing to the fact that president trump is their party s nominee. and they know they cannot lose their base of supporters if they want to win they do need to attract the independent voters, which is why they say things like, well, we re supportive of trump, that we don t like the verdict and all that, but let s talk about the economy let s talk about immigration. that s how they tried to broaden their own coalition of voters. and i was just blast for the past manu, but remember when joe heck in 2016 shamelessly on endorse trump on live tv after access hollywood, i remember strategists at the time saying that s kind of where his campaign started going downhill because you really need to cole are really bring together, consolidate your own based first. yeah, good, good reference and then 2012, there s also but it was also the dynamic here is that there are republicans in the swing districts who are fine with endorsing trump than the love vulnerable democrats, vulnerable senate democrats in these purple-ish, even red states. and whether they are going to talk about the trump guilty verdict do you think that i will come back to trump verdict? was did they get this correct? the trump verdict, the jury in new york the jury decision, and they that s their that s their decision. and we ll see with an acceptance, did the jury get it right in new york? sayyed put out a statement. i ve said what i ve said. do you support that meantime, there are republican opponents have come and gone after them with ads. tim sheehy and montana put out an ad saying that jon tester, who s running against them standing on the attacking him for the verdict and sherrod brown is a bone-in tagging him over the verdict in these members don t want to talk about was that tell you well, look, i mean, that s montana now it s the very republican state and job bob casey s from pennsylvania. i think that that s trays and look, i think that this is the tension they re facing. look, i had a story a couple of days ago that was also a bad the biden campaign s outreach beginning to republicans and i think it is definitely the case that republican leaders, current republican leaders please do not want to have any sunlight between them and donald trump, but among a lot of former republican leaders, there is now some connections going on to the biden campaign. and the question that a lot of them raised to me is how many republicans looking voters are there out there who maybe don t want to say it publicly. but who once they go into the voting booth, pulled the curtain tight, we ll actually not vote for donald trump or even vote for joe biden. maybe skip it or vote. that is a huge question. for the rest of the campaign. all right, up next, our first hint is at how trump s verdict is sitting with voters will dive into this week s polling and hero why some voters could be and the brink of switching sides the cnn presidential debates, june 27th, nine live. i m cnn and streaming. and it s never a good time for migraine especially when i m on camera. that s why am i go-to is nortech ott for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura. and there preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. it s the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent all in one don t take if allergic to near taco dt allergic reactions can occur even days after using most common side effects are nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain people depend on me without a migraine. i can be there for them to talk to your doctor about neuro check ott today my name is braden i only 5-years-old when i can thank you seen jim how trains shore and down the story shell, and then having these headaches that want to go away my mom she was just crying what they. said. their son has brain cancer it was 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are some small size of shifts. broadly speaking, it has not made much of a dent in trump s standing, at least not yet. new poll from fox news shows the former president still ahead several key states, except notably in virginia, where the poll shows the race is tied. and of course, president biden won virginia in 2020 by about ten points or panel is back just a little bit deeper than that fox news poll about how independence, what they view, this has an impact in these swing-state, the hush money verdict the guilty verdict their 29% of voters in virginia say it matters up to 44% in florida, then you have the doesn t matter, 68% in virginia, all the way down to 52%, say it doesn t matter now we don t know that that means whether they re going to actually vote or they will vote but it doesn t seem to be. again, not a game changer. look, we always said this was the weakest of all the cases against him. it turns out it s the only one that s probably going to happen before election day and most people say it s not going to change their votes. npr, pbs, marist had a poll, 60 something percent said it won t change their votes, but 17% said they would, and that matters in a battleground state. so it might happen around the edges, but the biden campaign has to figure out how to make it matter. i don t think they re very clear yet on the best way to do that instead, you had actually been speaking to some of these voters throughout the course of these legal cases in your podcasts, you talked to a voter about whether they would switch to biden. this was someone who had said they were going to vote for trump and now will they switch vote for biden now that he s a guilty guilty in this case? so i was thinking along the lines of the january 6. now i m comprising yup. if you went after my mat and you re able to get them on something like that. that might make me change my mind, but this being a big item on i m sorry. it just doesn t sway me. i think it was a crime i am that in another world, if he was another person and nobody would have touched it, would you? this? is an arizona republican voter. cells as mine hasn t changed. yeah, this is part of two groups we spoke to. the first, which includes cart, was people who had set in the october york times paul, that if trump was convicted of a crime, they would change their mind. they would start that they were trump supporters will be open the backing biden was about 7% of people. now, when we call it a lot of those folks back as new york times polling was doing over the last week, almost universally they were having added caveats to that opinion, say, oh, was a different case as kurt said, or maybe if it turned out or maybe the facts were more but they folks weren t really changing because because of this but when we call back to the majority of voters in the general national survey, you did see one to 2% of movement away from by, away from trump toward biden. and so that can to the point about margins make a small difference. but i would caution against saying this doesn t matter at all. donald trump s donald trump s legal problems have been ingested by most people well, and it s part of the reason democrats have done better and things like the midterms as far the reason joe biden has a narrative to tell swing voters in independence, because oftentimes it has come back to hurt donald trump. donald trump is a weak general election candidate, partially because of these things, all of the polling would tell us that republicans will be better served if someone else was at the top of the ticket, how ever because he s going up against another week candidate and joe biden relative to each other. he s still retaining that level of support. so that s what really came through in this poli. and it s not the people did not care about donald trump s baggage, is that it wasn t enough to overcome some of the unpopularity of joe biden. that s what we re seeing. that s a little more deeper rooted. i think some democrats expect, of course, the fact that a lot of these other cases almost certainly will not get reach a verdict november then it shows you that voter may not be swayed. we ll see, but i do want to turn to the other big criminal case. so hunter biden case, the president s son, there could be verdict this week. in fact, the instill question about whether hunter biden will testify. it seems unlikely he will in his own defense in this criminal case what s been we ll see what the fallout is depending on what the verdict ultimately is, what s been notable is there s been a shift a bit in trump s own messaging about this from 2022. now hunter, you got thrown out of the military. he was thrown out dishonorably discharged. that s not true. was it two years. and he didn t have a job until you became vice president. i feel very badly for them in terms of the addiction part of what they have, right now, because i understand the addiction world and i ve also not only a brother, i ve lost a lot of friends to addiction so suddenly he s changed his tune and hunter biden well, like many people saw that moment when the debate that followed that in 2020, when joe biden spoke very personally in viscerally about his son facing addiction and families of the face as one of joe biden s best moments in the campaign. donald trump seems to be responding to that. i think the other thing here is that this case is it s really complicated what happened with hunter biden here. it s not about drug use, it s about the gun charges related to drug use and trump s supporters are trump aides have said that they feel like this is not the kind of thing that they would like to be prosecuting the case on hunter on it doesn t get to the business dealings, it doesn t get to joe biden enriching himself. look, if you re going to get into complicated family dynamics with a lot of children the trump family has some you don t but speaking obviously says personal issue and the president, but politically zero concern in the biden camp about what a guilty verdict may mean for the president november they think that people will view these things separately. well, i think they re trying to make sure that these legal his legal hunters legal cases don t get conflated with what the present for the former president has been convicted of. and they are so different, obviously not only different facts, but hunter s a private citizen donald trump is the republican nominee. what what he does has a direct bearing on the american people, whereas janiot, you can i really argue that. but i think the democrats are really trying to make sure that in the eyes of the public that those two those two issues are kept separate. i think the concern among democrats is just the impact on president biden himself and he is a father. i this is his son going through very difficult moment and a moment of his life. he s got a lot going on this month. he s got the debate coming up. he s got another foreign trip later this week, and just that just weighing on him, i think that is the concern of mine. and democrats. course this past week, you would not pardon. sorry. if he is convicted all right. next is trump s search for a running mate narrowly new details from this week, including whether one possible candidate is drying too just a little too hard bathroom. so musty new fast acting drop-in tab a traps and traps excess moisture, eliminating musty the odor if we weren t proud of the craftsmanship and level of detail that go into every pair of warby parker glasses well, we probably wouldn t show you how they re made including this part which is our favorite wow and this is also great. each pair comes standard with lenses that are scratch resistant anti reflective and uv protective try five peers for free at warbyparker well done, viv, you ve got the presence, the balloons, and the raptor cake now how about something to put a smile on your or face has been dental provides complete affordable care with 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spring moving segall has been extended, save up to 25% i m moving in storage until june 10 and cy pods, it s been trusted with over 6 million moves, don t wait, use promo code 25. now to save, look at today, maria and julio thought their life would never slow down then one day it finally you will make to find inner peace we will make to track flight prices to paradise this making you uncomfortable. good. when you ve got type two diabetes like me, you have up to four times greater risk of stroke heart attack, or worse death even when meeting your a1c goal. discomfort can help you act. i m not trying to scare you. i m empowering you to get real with your health care provider talk to them about lowering your risk of stroke, heart attack, or death this is cnn the world s news it s betting season, that time of year when the presidential standard baer and his team intensify their scrutiny of a possible running mate, several potential trump vp picks have now received vetting materials and two of them, senator joe jd vance, and note dakota governor doug burgum joining trump on a west coast swing this week. trump s as you re announcing his choice at the republican national convention next month and fouls back. okay, mara, your crystal ball, where do you think that trump it lands here. i mean, there s obviously there s a list of running mates. you can see on your screen where it knows it s hard to make predictions, especially about the future and about, and about. look, this is the most normal part of donald trump. this is he picked mike pence last time. totally normal. he wanted the evangelical community. mike pence was the ambassador to that constituency. totally understandable in this case. he has a couple of choices. he can pick a person of color, reach out to minority voters or you can pick doug bergen, burgum and increase his credentials with the business community. some of some of whom are a little nervous about him, or he could double down on maga and go for a jd vance? yeah. what he s gonna do. i don t know. but in the past we know that he s done the normal thing. yeah. that would be a burgum pads speaking of burgum is how the washington post put it broken is viewed by some trump allies, is trying too hard, but trump seems to have genuine personal chemistry with them according to people familiar with the matter, i mean, trump also wants loyalty. obviously, there s anyone does a particularly trump loyalty. trump s all else pun intended. i find it interesting that they think, or they are some advisors think they re doug burgum is trying too hard because so many of these vp candidates are really auditioning without saying they re jacking for the position and you mentioned jd vance and burgum campaigning out with with president trump. jd vance was asked about this. you have tim scott, i believe spending $14 million on an ad campaign. they re doing a lot to try to get that vp slot. they re just not saying that. yeah. there s the question of does it help in other parts of the ticket, tim scott, maybe helps with black voters. trump just got to hello percent supportive blackboards in 2020, at least to phonic. she up with women. he just got 42%. he s gonna do better in both groups, but vice presidential candidates don t always change the equation. yeah, we often have this kind of discussion with them when we know this is going to be probably about the top of the ticket with it does du obviously set up a vice presidential debate between this person and vice president harris. but i think these kind of normal calculations is what donald trump is going through. what we can bet on is the show. he is announcing this as the republican national committee. he s hoping he s hosting an apprentice like trial that was at new hampshire after the primary and when he had people speak one by one and what felt like a live audition process? we can bet on the spectacle of it all, but i do think the kind of traditional political calculus is where a lot of these things, law, it s kind of surprising, actually to see the names live rubio on the list kind of more traditional republican figures. but i think it speaks to someone who feels like he s in a good position to win this election. and this thinking more about consolidation of the party at large, rather then more firebrand type methods could even jd vance isn t as maga as he could have gone over. some people were expecting last year in quickly as it who do you think that the biden team wants trump to pick? they would like someone who doesn t bring in a lot of votes from doug burgum, like are they scared i think that that is much more on people s minds, but i do think that one thing that will be notable here as we go through this drawn out process trump does. is that a lot of these people, doug burgum said that he would not do business with trump. marco rubio said people would come to regret going trump. a lot of these people used to say that trump was terrible yeah. this is her tv absolutely absolutely. great discussion coming up or exclusive sit-down interview with a member of congress diagnosed with debilitating brain disease how she s making history and inspiring others it may show you to hear this, but this is not my real voice pods spring moving sale has been extended, save up to 25% on moving in storage until june 10, and see via pods, it s been trusted with over you re six million moves, don t wait, use promo code 25. now to save, look at today, my name age braden. i wish 5-years-old when i can changing. how trained short-run gown the story shell, and then having these headaches that when i go away my mom crying what they said, they re saying has brain cancer it was your worst fear coming to life? watching your child grow up is the dream. every parent you can join the battle to save the lives of kids leg braden, by supporting st. jude children s research hospital families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food. so they 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melania zona has the story it may shock you to hear this, but this is not my real voice. once a rising star in the democratic party, congresswoman jennifer waxen, flip house seat in 2018. i ve been saying since the beginning of this campaign that he s is coming to america and changes coming to virginia and that change came tonight. now, a rare brain disease has forced her into early retirement and robbed waxen of the ability to speak but that hasn t stopped her from using her voice. i hope i can show that even instability dating a diagnosis has this doesn t have to mean you are powerless and finding moments of levity and fund helps to last year at 56-years-old wac than was diagnosed with progressive supranuclear palsy to have find incurable disease that impacts about 30,000 americans described as parkinson s on steroids psp affects the brain cells that control balance, walking, speech, and swallowing. we give are you polish shakes when it comes to illness progressive is not a good thing to be as her condition began to rapidly deteriorate, the congresswoman and mom of two learn to adapt last month, weapon became the first lawmaker to use a voice app is to deliver a speech on the house floor, a history-making moment that prompted an outpouring of support, psp makes it very difficult for me to speak and i use an assistive app so that you and our colleagues can understand me she also uses the app to participate in committee hearings. she shows up every time we have a committee hearings. and she represents her people and god bless her people she s representing a getting a hell of a deal with her and so i had to communicate with colleagues and staff in all of the congressional text chains that exist, like she is absolutely like top five funniest waxen isn t the only member of congress using assistive technology senator john fetterman relies on an app to help him process what he s hearing as he recovers from a stroke in my recovery was to the point where now it s really this fetterman was so touched by waxen story that he sent the congresswoman a personal note to let her know that she is not alone. she is inspiring people by being able to perform her job because a lot of million americans have to everyday tasks can still be a challenge for weston, the capitol hill campus has not historically been very ada friendly how have you? he found the institution? do you think it s been adequately equipped to handle people with disabilities? you measure notice how it accessible of place maybe until it s you who relies on the accessibility accommodations. and weston says some of her colleagues now treat her differently. it s especially frustrating and deploying when people mistake my speaking struggles for like cognitive ability. i ve had experiences where well-meaning colleagues always men have approached me seeing hi jennifer, it soon, so like, yeah, of course i know who you are. i ve seen you hear every day for the last five years, the chaotic speaker s race in october took an added one, weston who was forced to miss doctor s appointments because of the grueling schedule that was probably the worst i felt physically and emotionally since i was diagnosed but quitting early was not something like ever seriously he entertained before she leaves congress early next year, waxed as using her platform to raise awareness about brain diseases like psp she organized an advocacy week last month, while the senate recently passed her national plan to end parkinson s disease, she s an inspiration while many would have been discouraged or lost hope with a disease like this, she is endured. she has used her struggled to help others. and now the bill goes to the president s desk, a bipartisan bill named in her honor. what do you want your congressional legacy to be i hope that one day when we have eradicated parkinson s in parkinson s isms, paton leucine even though it was too late for her to help herself. she helped countless others pretty incredible story, thanks to my balloon is known for bringing is that today? that s it for inside politics sunday, you can follow me on x, formerly known as twitter at mk raju fall the show it inside politics. and if you ever miss an episode, you can catch up wherever you get to podcasts, just search for it inside pollak up that state of the union with jake tapper and dana bash dam has guests include us national security adviser jake solvent as well as governors gretchen whitmer and christina no. thanks again for sharing her sunday morning with us. see you next time if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect new periodontics act of gumbert pair breath freshener, clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease a new toothpaste from paradise context, the dom experts. this will be a goldmine of local intel. just you wait so tell us about this corn festival. he got your corn pudding. you ve got your corn chowder. it s how is it safe for anterior 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Transcripts For MSNBC The Saturday Show with Jonathan Capehart 20240609

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reporter: this rescue operation took place in broad daylight in an area called dave surratt in central gaza. the israeli military says this was based on weeks of intelligence and that they simultaneously stormed two apartments in buildings around 200 yards away from each other. in one of those apartments, they found noa argamani on her own and in the other, they found those three male hostages who were also kidnapped from the october 7th music festival. when those israeli special forces had the hostages in their arms, they gave the agreed-upon code word over the radio. they said we have the diamonds, we have the diamonds. they got the hostages out in armored vehicles. noa argamani was flown back and israel by a helicopter and taken to the hospital here in the greater tel aviv area. i met her father on october 8th. the worst day of this man s life, his world crumbling, his only daughter kidnapped by hamas and i saw him again today exactly 8 months later, and you can only imagine the joy exuberant rating out of this man to have his child back. we had a chance to speak to some of his friends and listen to what they told us about how she is doing. how are you guys feeling? amazing. you saw noa? how is she doing? she s laughing, she is strong, it s amazing. reporter: now, this moment of joy for noa and her family is also tinged with sadness. noa s mother is dying of brain cancer. for these last eight months, it has been her final wish to see her daughter once again and tonight, that wish was fulfilled. noa s boyfriend was kidnapped alongside her on october 7th. he remains inside gaza is one of the 120 hostages still being held there and jonathan, i should tell you that while there are celebrations here in israel tonight, there is absolutely searing grief inside of gaza. the health ministry says at least 210 people were killed by israeli forces during this raid, many of them, women and children. our team on the ground inside gaza sat many dead and dying children being brought into that facility there, so it is a painful split screen tonight between the joy in israel and the grieving going on inside gaza. indeed. thank you. we have also learned that one member of the israeli police counterterrorism unit has died from injuries during the operation. we will be monitoring the story and bring you updates throughout the evening on msnbc. we are also monitoring this out of washington, d.c. where thousands of pro-palestinian demonstrators have gathered outside the white house to protest the united states support for israel amid its war in gaza. they formed a redline around the white house blocking traffic and calling for an arms embargo against israel. white house staff had increased security around the residence and put up protective fencing. now, we put turn to disturbing developments in the presidential election. ever since donald trump s guilty verdict last week, the four times indicted president is vowing revenge in dangerous ways. this week, the presumptive republican nominee for president told us exactly what he plans to do if he gets back in the white house. i think you have so much to do, you don t have time to get even. you only have time to get right. well, revenge does take time. i will say that and sometimes revenge can be justified. reporter: in your first term you did not arrest any of your political opponents but after your conviction last week, has your approach to that changed? the world is different now so when you asked me the question would we do it, i ll talk to you in about three weeks from now. wouldn t it be terrible to throw the president s wife and the former secretary of state think of it. the president s wife into jail. it s very possible that is going to have to happen to them. speaker mike johnson is not waiting to exact revenge on trump s behalf. this week, he laid out how he plans to weaponize the houses oversight powers to go after the federal investigations into trunk. we are working on a three- pronged approach through the appropriations process, through the legislative process, through bills that we will be advancing through committees and putting on the floor for passage and also through oversight. those things will be happening vigorously because we have to do that because the stakes are too high but, as scary as that is, the new york times reports that prominent republicans in and out of government art demanding quote, that elected republicans use every available instrument of power against democrats, including targeted investigations and prosecutions. take, for instance, former trump aid, election denier and soon to be prison inmates, steve bannon, who is urging the prosecution of democrats telling the new york times quote, there are dozens of ambitious backbencher state attorneys general and district attorneys who need to seize the day and on this moment in history. and, bannon is not the only one calling for revenge. i m talking about to it for tat. you just wait and it won t be hunter biden the next time. it s going to be joe biden. it could potentially still be barack obama. it could still potentially be hillary clinton. you have to get in the game, republicans. as every house committee controlled by republicans using its subpoena power in every way it needs to right now starting every investigation they need to right now? we need some brave district attorneys in the united states to step forward and take aggressive action. incredible rogues gallery there, but you notice, there is no mention of actual crimes committed. only enemies to be targeted in a tidal wave of vengeance and retribution. as the new york times knows, quote, the intensity of anger and open desire for using the criminal justice system against democrats after the verdict surpasses anything seen before in transnational tumultuous years in national politics six. what is different now is the range of republicans saying retaliation is necessary and who are no longer cloaking their intent with euphemisms. this is why, for the sake of our democracy, we need to take all of what you just heard, the snarling threats of revenge and the actions to come, very seriously. joining me now, olivia troy, former top aide to former vice president mike pence and anthony coley, former legal affairs analyst and former senior adviser to attorney general merrick garland. thank you both very much for coming to the saturday show. i would love to get both of your reactions to trump suggesting that he s going to jail political opponents. i drama trump projects and says what he plans to do so i think we should take it very seriously but i don t think it s going to stop his political opponents. i think he means anyone who is ever crossed him. he will start with people like you in the media, people like me who have been outspoken critics and there will be actually no justification for it, exactly the point you made it the end of your opening. right now, what is the crime? what are you trying to investigate? but it doesn t matter to trump, because he will bend the rules and put enablers in place to go along with it. before you give your reaction, to what you just said, olivia, what is really scary to me is yes, he is saying all of this stuff and he will try to do all of this stuff and my fear is, i m not sure that the american people will rise up to try to stop him. that s exactly right. what you just said about putting enablers and places key. donald trump has learned one key fundamental truth about washington which is that people our policy. what we have seen here in d.c., they hire people, they surround themselves with people who share their vision and their values and thankfully and his first term, we had enough conservative republicans around him who resisted his very worst instincts, people who put their oath to the constitution, like olivia, ahead of their loyalty to him. they are not going to be that, those people, in the second term. he s going to surround himself in the white house with yes men and in the congress, just imagine if donald trump is president, he is more likely than not to have a republican majority in the congress. they are not going to do legitimate oversight. they re going to do rubberstamps and then we cannot look to the judiciary to save us. he has openly talked about eileen cannon, who i believe is deliberately slow walking this documents case. he talks about how we need more judges like her and i think your viewers have got to understand he has already appointed three justices to the supreme court. so, five of nine justices could be donald trump appointees and that should send a shiver down anyone s spine who loves our country and our constitution. yes, i m trying to remember who it was. oh, it was dan pfeiffer during a podcast interview for he made this exact point. if donald trump gets re-elected you can see thomas and one other justice, alito, retire and he would get at least two more but let s talk about speaker johnson since you invoked congress. speaker johnson, among the things he wants to do, he wants to theoretically allow trump to move state-level charges he is facing in georgia to federal court with the option to then issue a self pardon if convicted. that would totally upend the rule of law in this country. yes, and it is shameful to be someone who supported the republican party for so long to watch this, the party that used to stand for freedom, liberty, the rule of law. now we have completely flipped the script on it but that is a very serious thing in the fact that they are just openly discussing it and saying yeah, this is our plan, and it is for a pardon and they are all on board with it. it doesn t matter. this person committed a crime. there was an entire process that happened. it was a jury of his peers who decided on the conviction. these are cases going on in georgia where there are republicans testifying who are involved in this process, who saw the whole sedition happening firsthand so i think this is a disturbing on so many levels because it is the speaker of the house and he knows better. the other thing is, not for one second should anyone believe these people don t understand exactly what they are doing because they are intelligent and they know exactly calculated what the plan is. what really bothers me is the sense that these prosecutions were not deserved. this is politicization of the u.s. justice department. nothing could be further from the truth. i spent two years at the u.s. justice department. i saw the attorney general put in place people and processes to make sure that facts and law, not politics or anything else, would be the determining factor for investigations and prosecutions. you want more evidence that is what is happening now, look at the fact that right now, the u.s. justice department under joe biden is prosecuting joe biden s son. right, right. i love how joe biden s justice department is going after donald trump but they leave out that joe biden s justice department is not only going after joe biden s son, but also a prominent democratic senator. two prosecutions, so if joe biden has weaponize the justice department, he is doing it all wrong. i can t believe we just got started talking and it s all done. olivia, anthony, thank you very much for coming to the saturday show. up next, hunter biden could take the stands next week as his trial on gun charges enters its next phase. i m officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone. verizon these days everyone is staring at screens, and watching their spending. good vision is more important than ever, but so is saving. that s why america s best includes a free eye exam when you buy two pairs of glasses for just $79.95. book an exam online today. switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. much more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. norman, bad news. i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is. xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal. i know. faster wifi and savings? .i don t want to miss that. that s amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? hunter biden s daughter, naomi, was the last person to take the stand in his firearms trial this week but she could end up being the first and only family member to testify in his defense. he is charged with three felony counts for allegedly lying about gun use. his daughter testified she did not see him using drugs around the time he bought the gun. earlier in the week, hunter biden sister-in-law and another former girlfriend appeared as witnesses for the prosecution under immunity agreements. they joined his ex-wife and testifying at length about his addiction to crack cocaine and his struggle to stay sober. the defense team is now deciding whether to call hunter himself to the stand on monday. in an interview with abc news, president biden said he will accept the verdict no matter what it is, and that he will not pardon his son if he is convicted. joining me now, msnbc legal analyst and former u.s. attorney, barbara mcquaid. she is cohost of the hashtag sisters-in-law podcast and is also the author of attack from within, how disinformation is sabotaging america. thank you as always for coming to the saturday show. how risky would it be for hunter biden to testify on his own behalf? testifying on one s own behalf is probably the most difficult decision the defendant has to make and something that the lawyer will sit down with them and discuss the pros and cons. i think on the pro side, the defense here has been that hunter biden did not consider himself to be an addict at the time he filled out that form, that he may have been addicted before and after but that he wasn t, and the question asks, are you addicted to drugs and so if he were to testify, he could say i did not believe i was addicted to drugs at that time. that could be enough to create reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors. on the other hand, when you testify, it puts into play anything that might tend to impeach your credibility, so any prior inconsistent statement, any bias that you might have, any bad things you ve ever done before come into play that would otherwise be not told to the jury, so that is a balance that the defendant really has to decide for himself based on the advice he gets from his lawyer. and barbara, if hunter decides not to testify, where does that leave his defense? it could be that they are done, and i think it leaves that were most cases really end, which is arguing that the prosecution has not prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt so i think what the defense would argue is that although they don t really contest what happened, that yes, he did buy this gun, all the facts that happened, that he was using drugs and all the dates that have been introduced, he did not believe himself to be an addict at that time. proving a defendant s intent and knowledge and mind-set is always the hardest thing for a prosecutor, because you can t read another person s mind is so much of the testimony has been that you know, you didn t see him on that day. you didn t know if he was using on that day. there certainly has been testimony that he was using right up around that day so it requires a little bit of circumstantial evidence for the jury to find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt but it seems like there is plenty of evidence there from which they could draw that inference. let s turn to donald trump s criminal convention. the judge sent a letter to both sides yesterday about a social media, reporting to preview the guilty verdict. how seriously do you take this potential claim of a jury week? not at all. it is interesting. many courts have these, which are unmoderated message boards where people can comment. they were set up with the idea that you could engage in good public discourse but of course there are all kinds of people out there who engage in mischief and worse, so this person has said oh, my cousin says a verdict is coming. i think the judge here, out of an abundance of caution, wanted to be up front with it and not try to hide it. certainly there would be people out there who would point to this as some sort of conspiracy that the fix was in, and so the judge has disclosed this to the parties so that if they want to explore this, they may do so. manhattan district attorney alvin bragg told the house judiciary committee he will come testify about the case but not until after trump s sentencing. should brag actually show up? would he be walking into a show trial whose sole purpose is to discredit him and his successful prosecution of the case? yes. i really worry about this idea of the accusations of the weaponization of criminal charges. donald trump that due process every step of the way in this case and i worry that there is a real separation of powers issue here to try to probe into the mind-set of what prosecutors are thinking when they bring a case, so that is a risk. certainly there is oversight that exists when there are federal prosecutors but there really isn t that kind of oversight over state court prosecutors. there could be [ inaudible ] to the extent that alvin bragg s office accepts federal funds so the thing to do would be going after this case is over. all right, we re going to have to leave it there. thank you, as always, for coming to the saturday show. up next, brace yourself. with three weeks left in the supreme court session, there are several decisions to be handed down that will be consequential, even life- changing for americans, from donald trump s immunity claims, reproductive rights and more. hi honey. ahhh.ooh. look, no line at the hot dog stand. yes! only pay for what you need. liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. 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of the two abortion cases, that s the one i m most optimistic about. i think that they will leave it alone? that s correct. almost half of all abortions in the u.s. are performed with mifepristone and if they accept the lower coats reasoning to bennett so many other drugs would be banned. these guys don t like abortion but they don t want to ban antibiotics. that s the good news on abortion there. thank you for the help. don t worry, i ll spoil it in just a second. exactly the next one is whether federal law regulating hospitals trumps abortion bans when it comes to performing emergency abortions. i m worried about this case. there is a federal law that does not refer specifically to abortions but it says that if you go to an emergency room and you have a medical emergency they have to stabilize your health condition so if the appropriate treatment is on abortion, the law right now says you have a right to an abortion. i think based on the oral argument, they are likely to write that out of the statute or at least put some kind of limits on it so that people who need life-saving or health saving abortions will be able to get them anymore. now, here is the case that i don t think a lot of people even know about, and this is euphemistically known as the> case and this is whether to overturn the landmark supreme court ruling in the case that gave federal agencies leeway to interpret the law. sounds very dry, but explain why this case, to your mind, is the most important case decision. this is most hypertechnical but also the most important. there are scads of federal laws that delegate power to a federal agency. everything from how mac how much emissions come from power plants to who gets overtime pay is controlled by federal agencies. chevron is a case from the reagan era that said courts should generally let agencies do what they need to do and defer to them. what the court is likely to do here is essentially give itself a veto power over everything the agencies do, so it s not just at the huge transfer of power and a huge transfer of power from the democratic biden administration to a supreme court that has a 6-3 republican majority. to your point about regulating antibiotics, that would give them purview over the fda, right? potentially. the fda has its own statute, which is different than the regulatory regime that concerned chevron but what we seen from the supreme court overall, they ve been making up all these things with names like the major questions doctrine that lets them interfere with agency so. in the u.s. versus rohini case allowing domestic abusers to have access to firearms, will the supreme court make that happen, let that happen? i think they realize they screwed up. they handed down a big program decision that led to this decision. i think they re going to have to walk it back. you ve given us hope on two cases. thanks for coming to the show. still to come, president biden delivers a powerful speech in defense of democracy as he commemorates 80 years since americans landed on french shores to defeat the forces trying to destroy it. my political panel joins me next to talk about the message, and more. more. hello. my smile is back on point. easy. shingles. some describe it as an intense burning sensation. or an unbearable itch. this painful blistering rash could also disrupt your work and time with family. shingles could also lead to long term, debilitating nerve pain that can last for months or even years. if you re over 50, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. 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someone to say yes, and someone to not detract from his ticket or in the case of bergen, someone who could write a really big check to support tom s campaign and what bergen has going for him as we could go all the way to november for the nation knows who this guy is. maybe he is a very nice guy. we saw him try to be somewhat reasonable during the primary. we know he has high marks as governor but donald trump is looking for somebody to fall in line. marco rubio has long been my dark house horse. he s now moved up. he s in the final four because he played the politics of donald trump right. he didn t relitigate his flip- flop for the past eight years, he just flopped. he reminds nikki haley voters that there are people like nikki haley still supporting donald trump but the vice president is not going to change. the vice presidential nominee is not going to change donald trump s behavior nor the parties platform. what the country should hope for is somebody capable of governing should donald trump end up not being able to serve. so, alencia, of those four people , who do you think he s going to pick? it s a crap shoot however, i think he might pick someone like tim scott given that it gets diversity on the ticket. in air quotes. they ve been trying to run black candidates in certain areas. republicans are trying to get away from being called the party full of white supremacists and racists, so tim scott falls in line and he happens to be a black man. maybe. i heard there s an awesome new book written by jonathan capehart that s about to drop. the wager will be the new k part book that it s not tim scott. well, that looks not coming out until later in the year, knock on wood. am excited about it. thank you very much. that s very nice of you. in the few seconds we have lester left, i will say the one thing we know about donald trump as he is biggest on appearances. he gave somebody the department of defense secretary job because he looked the part and so of those four characters we saw before, governor bergen looks the part to donald trump s mind, that is. in the time i spent in his head. former congressman david jolly, alencia johnson thank you both very much for coming to the saturday show. up next, the trump campaign is making a big play for black voters but given the former president s rhetoric and disrespect for topline officials, i m not buying it. charles coleman junior joins me after the break to discuss. jo after the break to discuss. good to go off the grid. good to go nonstop. with cabenuva, there s no pausing for daily hiv pills. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it s two injections from a healthcare provider. just 6 times a year. don t receive cabenuva if you re allergic to its ingredients or if you re taking certain medicines which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems, mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. with cabenuva, you re good to go. ask your doctor about switching. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn t ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue. and stop further joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what s yours. abbvie could help you save. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. donald trump and his campaign are making a very public play for the black vote. even vice presidential hopeful tim scott, the african-american senator from south carolina, the only black republican in the chamber, has started a political action committee to target minority voters and good for them. they should ask for our vote, but scott told the ap quote, much to the chagrin of many folks, there is no doubt that african-american men are wide open for a political shift of partisanship. i don t know about all that. but, black voters all voters should be aware that while they are smiling and black men s faces, trump and his campaign are denigrating black men in plain sight. for instance, michael tyler is the communications director for the biden-harris s re-election campaign. quentin fox is the principal deputy campaign manager. these two black men you see on the screen of the most senior african-americans on the campaign, role models and yet, the trump campaign and the rnc continually refer to these two black men as quote, junior staffers, or junior biden campaign spokesman. some of you might think, what s the big deal, it s just a title. when you re african-american you learn quickly the ways in which her stature, prominence or authority are undermined in the eyes of white people, and that is exactly what trump and his campaign are doing, but we shouldn t be surprised. trump is running his campaign the way he has lived his life. going after black men. trump did it in the 1980s when he went after the central park five, demanding they get the death penalty for a crime they didn t commit even after dna evidence exonerated them. he did it in 2004 when jackson was a finalist on the apprentice reportedly sign quote, what america aye a blank winning? n word. the spokesperson from the trump campaign has denied the story calling it completely fabricated but trumps disrespect for black men was evident when president obama was in the white house. trump actively undermined obama s legitimacy by promoting the racist brother lie that he was not born in hawaii, but can you. now, he s doing it to quentin foltz and michael tyler and i m here to call it out. don t ask for our votes in one breath then denigrate someone who looks like us in the next. but, let s be real. this is not about getting our votes. it s about setting up a permission structure for white voters to cast a ballot for him. after all, how can he be racist if he s asking for their vote, right? wrong. joining me now, msnbc legal analyst charles coleman junior, civil rights attorney and host of the charles coleman podcast. charles, i wanted you to be with me in the segment specifically because of that pin you where every day and every show. what does that pin say? yes, this is my black brilliance pen and i m so glad you asked about because for me as a black man who is a professional who walks in different spaces that in many cases, i find myself being the only one of many. i am someone who understands the importance of affirming myself and my brilliance because as is the case with quentin and michael, i can expect that even as i have done the work, even as i have gotten the title, is an as we have ascended through the ranks that other people are going to affirm it as well so it s a soft affirmation and an affirmation for people like you, as well, who find themselves trying to make their way in worlds that are often not friendly to us. what you say to that question saying how could donald trump be racist, you know, if he s going for their votes? why is that that s not good enough. this is a very nuanced question because i think what people have to understand when they re talking about black men and their voting patterns, particularly as it relates to the selection, the biden campaign is battling two major campaigns. the first one is misinformation. there are a lot of voters who are misinformed or underinformed about the progress that administration has made on their accomplishments and in some cases, they ve been told wrong information. the other thing they are battling, is regardless what it is you re saying, people are going to vote how they feel and that s why it s even more important that outreach occur on a proactive level. if you are talking about, for example, a record low and unemployment of black men but that low is still higher than the national average and higher than other white men, then it still feels like your last. it looks do we have charles? let me buffer for a second. there you go. real quick, finish the last part of your answer, charles. what i was saying is that it is something the biden campaign has to be aware of, regardless of the notion of racism in terms of how donald trump tries to siphon off voters from a pretty solid democratic block. that is an important point people have to understand. people are going to vote how they feel more than anything else. and i hope people feel that they should not vote for somebody who says vote for me, well you know, around the corner is denigrating people who look just like them because you are setting yourself up for failure. charles coleman junior, thank you very much. sorry the conversation was so quick. i hope to see you soon. or of the saturday show on msnbc after a break. msnbc after a break. 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Publisher Microsoft and co-developers The Initiative and Crystal Dynamics have finally given us a proper look at their Perfect Dark reboot. Here'

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Verition Fund Management LLC Sells 150,116 Shares of Shell plc (NYSE:SHEL)

Verition Fund Management LLC decreased its position in Shell plc (NYSE:SHEL – Free Report) by 25.5% during the 4th quarter, according to the company in its most recent filing with the SEC. The fund owned 437,424 shares of the energy company’s stock after selling 150,116 shares during the quarter. Verition Fund Management LLC’s holdings in […]

United-states , Wellington , New-zealand-general- , New-zealand , Shell , Mawer-investment-management-ltd , Wellington-management-group , Energy-solutions , Capital-pty-ltd , Verition-fund-management , Invesco-ltd

Perfect Dark Gets Gameplay Reveal Trailer

Perfect Dark Gets Gameplay Reveal Trailer - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

Cairo , Al-qahirah , Egypt , Garden-city , Elissa-bibaud , William-dangelo , Daniel-carrington , Alix-regan , Shell , Joanna-mission , Team-perfect-dark , Crystal-dynamics

Tig Notaro & Stephanie Allynne dish on the perks of co-directing 'Am I OK?' & raising their kids with pride

Collaborating couple Tig Notaro & Stephanie Allynne open up about their new movie, parenthood, and Notaro's notorious "talent" for not recognizing celebrities.

Stephanie-allynne , Jane-sonoya-mizuno , Chris-martin , Tony-hale , Notaro-stephanie-allynne , Kaley-cuoco , Kate-berlant , Johnson-sonoya-mizuno , Sarah-paulson , Julie-louis-dreyfus , Tig-notaro , Dakota-johnson

Wasaga Beach baker opens custom cookie business

Actor and director Rochelle Reynolds finds new joy in the kitchen baking cookies

Rochelle-reynolds , Shell , Simcoe-muskoka-district-health-unit , Salty-snack-attack ,

If governments reflect today s rapid technological progress and existing national, industry and COP28 commitments when setting new climate targets

China , London , City-of , United-kingdom , Paris , France-general- , France , Susan-brownlow , Peter-bakker , Adair-turner , Caroline-randle , Simon-stiell