dollars annually to the green climate fund which finances climate change projects in poor and developing countries including even china and india. because they testify china and india is developing countries. this is madness. here with reaction fox news contributors ocasio-cortez fleischer and jason she fits in with us. i don t think these record high gas prices really care to spend $11.4 billion annually to help other countries with their climate agenda. it is just china is just thi third world developing country. give me a break. the inflation reduction act gav $300 billion just in their slus fund that they can spend on
security adviser who mass acknowledged a crime and will be anxious slus to see what his st was.mass acknowledged a crime and will be anxious to see what his story was. in terms of hifs contacts wiof hush s russ russia. this is why the investigation needs to continue. but the administration s effort to continually dismiss all these figures, i ll be anxious to hear what they say when their national security adviser again pleads guilty in terms of lying to the fbi about his contacts with russians. is this investigation one step closer to proof of collusion? listen, i think that we have got more work to do. and we ll do take as long as it takes to get all of the facts. we have a number of major
it s been basically politics as usual albeit with a more flamboyant guy. why doesn t he cut deals with conduct schumer? why is it they need to get 52 out of 55 republicans, the same old, all it takes is three republicans to say no and it all crashes and burns. why doesn t he reach over and grab five or ten from the other side or write a tax be ill the democrats are willing to go along with? i don t think trump understands how to make a deal on equal footh. most of it is i have money. you need know get this thing done. he s talking to people, i don t need your power, your assistance. everyone around him is cutting deals, jared kushner is cutting deals, paul man a the part is cutting deals, pap top slus cutting deals. those aren t the deals, deals about not going to prison for a long time. anyway, coming up, trump s trouble with the truth. the washington post has been counting auto trump s