there was no changing their mind despite the evidence presented in this indictment. uh-uh also spoke with some people around the town in palm beach. many of them did not want to go on camera. those who did werepretty split what they thought of the indictment and how this should go down. i spoke to two people who supported him in the past, one a republican woman who doesn t think he had should run. in speak ining to that group, o thing they did agree on is this indictment could benefit donald trump. they think it will bring out hiss base in force. a lot of support coming forward in light of the indictment, including the supporters we see here at mar-a-lago. randi kaye, cnn, florida. boris johnson, the embattled form er british prime minister said he s had enough with parolment and is stepping down effective immediately. while kwiting is out of character for johnson, it proved