trip, officials, previously said that they remain stead fast, the affordable care act is what is best for the nation. they say the surge in traffic on monday and tuesday is an indication that this is what people want. they will know that their family will not have to go bankrupt just because somebody in their family gets stick sick. they will know if somebody in their family gets sick they will be able to go see a doctor and have access to quality healthcare coverage that is available in the greatest country in the world. the healthcare system needs millions of young people, the young and healthy tone roll. they want to offset some of the cost of the country when they offset the cost of older and sicker patients. there is a lot unforeseen a lot of people can sign up if they meet that criteria. we certainly will be talking about. this anna, rick and kelly back to you guys. thank you, elizabeth. it s something because people have been talking about. this been talking about it sin