court up exponentially since he s back in court his up exponentially since he s back in court. his followers think it s unfair court. his followers think it s unfair that he s on trial and they give unfair that he s on trial and they give money and help him to cover all the costs give money and help him to cover all the costs that he has. the costs that he has. interesting. anna, the costs that he has. interesting. anna. what the costs that he has. interesting. anna, what have the costs that he has. interesting. anna, what have you the costs that he has. interesting. anna, what have you made - the costs that he has. interesting. anna, what have you made of- the costs that he has. interesting. anna, what have you made of the| anna, what have you made of the week? , ., , , anna, what have you made of the week? , ., ., , week? obviously today s developments are shockin: week? obviously today s developments are shocking and week? obviously today s developments are shockin
Animationsfilm, ISL/B 2018
Der arktische Winter ist sehr kalt. Und Ploey kann ihm nicht entfliehen, denn der kleine Regenpfeifer kann noch nicht richtig fliegen. Als seine Verwandten in den Süden ziehen, ist er ganz auf sich allein gestellt. Schnell haben es Raubvögel und Füchse auf ihn abgesehen. Doch Ploey findet zu seiner Ãberraschung Mitstreiter in der unwirtlichen Winterwelt. Doch um sich und seine Freunde zu retten, muss er über sich selbst hinauswachsen.