personal information. that s a live picture. cnn in-depth on these troubled waters all lies on the swollen mississippi, cresting at levels not seen in 70 years in memphis, tennessee. thousands of people evacuated, including tammy everett. she joins us by phone from a shelter in tuneca, mississippi. tammy, tell us what happened to you. caller: i got evacuated out of my home. and tuneca is cut off. and the water has come up so high, we couldn t get our stuff out. there s like 300 people who lost their whole house. and they couldn t get their clothes and belongings. and some people up here don t even have clothes. and we haven t heard from our governor, haley barbour or the city officials to tell us anything. tammy, let me ask you, this has been described as a
united states to question osama bin laden s three wives, now widows. the widows have been in pakistani custody since the raid that killed their husband. i think they can offer some details about what it was like to live there, but in terms of operational details about al qaeda, very little. for some, they won t be able to meet any men. nato war jets carried out three bomb threats in tripoli. it hit command and control facilities for the gadhafi regime. nato actually bombed a library and hospital for burn victims. japan s prime minister says he s going to give up at least one of his paychecks. his prime minister s salary, almost a quarter million dollars, he s going to give it up. he s still going to draw a paycheck as a member of parliament. president obama on his way to el paso, texas to reboot the subject of immigration. come up with a comprehensive immigration reform plan. the president s address live on cnn. congress looking at smartphones and your privacy this