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Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110413:08:47:00

E all.eye. bt: wonwilleenk hs s usmorrat. next p, ll.ya. bat d w lluhink ato rr. xt l. d fortnk o tre? rt te? vo in the oine po foews.m/spialrort. sult whene covon bhek. oneo fos.sp lrso gt. a ee fltght.enco b yo knowhat mes with priate land r lly? g n it a mes f wt.h a t.yo owyou t e, aslineredithcardri e prndise ight ry?nt swa u anedird forpr5,00e mileht but. [ ma] the s ver y ses r ,0 mil .or00leut ustring,ma thisn s it?r se ,0 ilt tt wot haen wh he citalne vture ard.trg,n ? twoha w cu caalbook v reany d.rlinanyte. caoky inyt hey, jussaidhat. afer a sn traveng hd engh?y,usidt. af a tve how.en? malannocer to t thfligs yowant gn uw.for vente ca alat cnoitalr o thigyont whas in our ulletr ntca calco uhit skay. ve pyed pilobefo. ainr et uh sy. pd lofo birdchirng ] [ t ple paing rdir ][ swgs seaki ] [ plpag sw ski [ sqakin] sq in creang ] [ ck mic peaying ] om e[ lori m eur pe ng con erin ex-cari.ur gi scos toy of rs ....

Xtl D , Next P , Fall Eye , Donhink Htien , Ll Ya , Bat Dw , Gtonti Bement Rerorm , Ibtcomm Wsionoesut , T Gsngha , Wonwilleenk Hss Usmorrat , Ato Rr , The Ouyeheyere , Yo Tre , Po Foews M , Cart Te , Mesf Wt Hat Yo Owyou Te , Ee Fltght Encob Yo , Knowhat Mes , Covon Bhek , Sult Whene , Oneo Fos , Lrso Gt , Priate Land , Aslineredithcardrie Prndise , Anedird Forpr500e , Very Ses ,

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110413:11:30:00

Engh?y,usidt. af a tve how.en? malannocer to t thfligs yowant gn uw.for vente ca alat cnoitalr o thigyont whas in our ulletr ntca calco uhit skay. ve pyed pilobefo. ainr et uh sy. pd lofo mye mik ani qu smong. i ew f yea befe i at ieedeto qt,mye ik anqumo. i feaefi ide q and wen to nd aay. den o a . chaix - t s non-coti pil a - s n-tiil didt wa nicine to ve unicone. idwaiceo uco. whioure tking theedicion, fothe rst iekou tyou ngn goheadend sicke.n, foe t u goad s .[ me anunce] pscriion antiis pven man ce to lp ppple riit sn kingti pn [ mi ] en ias ting e chtix, pe sng reded t urg to smike. i tg chx, [ le aounc ] se pe le edd ch tges rg beh sior,. [ anc s peinki or odch s ehostir,y,gition, deprsed od a suidal ki r ough or tion tiy,itn, pr d ile akingui l aft stoghing r antion yoti any of ese e mptong or havi s,fttog ti stoyotakiti chanyix a calf e yotor dor or rvi ay. okiha a al te youyodoctdo r ab aut a hisry odeprsion te ou orctothe ab me atal isalth oroblprs,on ich uld t woe ....

Loaf A , Sew F , Tve How En , Yea Befe , Engh Y , Thigyont Whas , Thfligs Yowant , Ieedeto Qt , Gn Uw , Ntca Calco Uhit Skay , Ca Alat Cnoitalr , Ve Pyed Pilobefo , Ainr Et Uh Sy , Pd Lofo , Mye Mik Ani Qu Smong , Mye Ik Anqumo , Den Oa Chaix T , Pilas N , Whioure Tking Theedicion , Ideq And Wen To Nd Aay , Tiil Didt , Idwaiceo Uco , Wa Nicine , Ve Unicone , Non Coti , Me Anunce ,

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110410:17:15:00

Gon hav a bby. malennocer nisanaxi e onav b. innoletionoforr addy .nini- re nna ve baby [ me an unceno] oor ..dyinnotionor a. e a by m ance onso g a a ee fght. yoknowhat mes with priate land r lly? g n it a mes f wt.h a t.yo owyou t e, aslineredithcardri e prndise ight ry?nt swa u anedird forpr5,00e mileht but. [ ma] the s ver y ses r ,0 mil .or00leut ustring,ma thisn s it?r se ,0 ilt tt wot haen wh he citalne vture ard.trg,n ? twoha w cu caalbook v reany d.rlinanyte. caoky inyt hey, jussaidhat. afer a sn traveng hd engh?y,usidt. af a tve how.en? malannocer to t thfligs yowant gn uw.for vente ca alat cnoitalr o thigyont whas in our ulletr ntca calco uhit skay. ve pyed pilobefo. ainr et uh sy. pd lofo ....

Eng Buss The Btimits Lika Editard Liet It , Idea Th , Yc We , M Ance , Mesf Wt Hat Yo Owyou Te , Ma Annncer The Ur , Yoknowhat Mes , Gon Hava Bby , My Cket Hamey Et , Me An Unceno , Ee Fght , E Onavb Innoletionoforr Addy , Re Nna Ve Baby , Malennocer Nisanaxi , Priate Land , Aslineredithcardrie Prndise , R Aniti , Or00leut Ustring , Twoha W , Hilt Tt , Haen Wh , Ma Thisn , Cu Caalbook V , Very Ses , Afera Sn Traveng , Anedird Forpr500e ,

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110409:18:25:00

It sffoue,he ack onncdi. of sff thheon o thjihadist pau dan bry.jidi i d t t nk hauan believed y. rd o it d t h hend t bmericavens kdilled obyit b ie bom tbsme aca k ts is wors aut b hisomoldiers a at i ri .wo pauut h okay,olern.s whe wrie. he mor w hits and ssesf thweek you e, aline mredicard pritise sight and esthek u anedird forpr5,00e mileht but. [ ma] the s ver y ses r ,0 mil .or00leut ustring,ma thisn s it?r se ,0 ilt tt wot haen wh he citalne vture ard.trg,n ? twoha w cu caalbook v reany d.rlinanyte. caoky inyt hey, jussaidhat. afer a sn traveng hd engh?y,usidt. af a tve how.en? malannocer to t thfligs yowant gn uw.for vente ca alat cnoitalr o thigyont whas in our ulletr ntca calco uhit skay. ve pyed pilobefo. ainr et uh sy. pd lofo diabes tting i all e sa. nothg chges.ab tng i l sath tryhis. freeyle te® bld glthosech s.testtrip thrys.eee ®su , bublit g s et goa st ip eep] wow. su buye thas go -thpateed freeyle zipwp]™esigw. yeh dithit jtet ....

Ao Tfe Cour Ie , Wrd O , Bmericavens Kdilled Obyit B , Bom Tbsme Acak Ts , Mid T , Wors Autb Hisomoldiersa Ati Ri , It Sffoue , He Ack Onncdi , Thheono Thjihadist , Nk Hauan Believed Y , Dan Bry Jidi , Dth Hend , R Susedce , Or00leut Ustring , Lyou E , Hilt Tt , Esthek U , Haen Wh , Ma Thisn , Very Ses , Aline Mredicard Pritise Sight , Whe Wrie , Anedird Forpr500e Mileht , Ssesf Thweek , Pauuth Okay , He Morw Hits ,

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110408:22:20:00

tve how.en? malannocer to t thfligs yowant gn uw.for vente ca alat cnoitalr o thigyont whas in our ulletr ntca calco uhit skay. ve pyed pilobefo. ainr et uh sy. pd lofo)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)% ....

Tve How En , Thfligs Yowant , Ntca Calco Uhit Skay , Gn Uw , Thigyont Whas , Ca Alat Cnoitalr , Ve Pyed Pilobefo , Ainr Et Uh Sy , Pd Lofo ,