monument. it came overheated objections over the utah legislation, and the entire congressional delegation. my constituents depend on the land resources have been on the mer without of touch bureaucrats who have little knowledge or personal connection to the land. reporter: after consulting with hatch and other opponents, president trump today also acted unilaterally to undo what his predecessor did. it should never have happened. that s why today, i m signing this order, and directing secretary zinke to end these abuses and return control to the people. reporter: today s executive order directs the interior department to review any monument that is over 100,000 acres in size, over 40 meet that criteria. environmental groups are threatening a fight. we re waiting to see what the president or congress decides to do. if they in fact attempted to
monument. it came overheated objections over the utah legislation, and the entire congressional delegation. my constituents depend on the land resources have been on the mer without of touch bureaucrats who have little knowledge or personal connection to the land. reporter: after consulting with hatch and other opponents, president trump today also acted unilaterally to undo what his predecessor did. it should never have happened. that s why today, i m signing this order, and directing secretary zinke to end these abuses and return control to the people. reporter: today s executive order directs the interior department to review any monument that is over 100,000 acres in size, over 40 meet that criteria. environmental groups are threatening a fight. we re waiting to see what the president or congress decides to do. if they in fact attempted to