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Transcripts For CNN CNN NewsNight With Abby Phillip 20240611

just for the summations now, you can t bring the president there for the whole trial because people say, well, doesn t he have better things to do than sit here for a week, but for summations for a few hours, it would not have been inappropriate to do that s interesting. so you think a president biden being in there would have been helpful? i m sure that discussion was had between the biden family and abbe lowell and they decided against it. and i can understand there are reasons to decide against it, but if you do bring the president there, it does show respect for the system that he s there sitting as a father interested in the fate of his son, but he s not there. and you would have to acknowledge it. he s not there as the president of the united states he s there as the father of hunter biden? yeah. i mean, it is remarkable. abbe lowell going 90 minutes today with the jury was closing their eyes and some points. is that a bad sign look, it s it s not great, but you can t read too much into that. yeah. we re not us to bill, we will be waiting to see if there is verdict tomorrow. thank you for joining us tonight. thank you all so much for joining us, as well as we continue to monitor all the news here at cnn, seen a news night with abby phillip starts right now the donald trump, his rally diehards that s tonight on these good evening. i m abby phillip in new york, another american first, the convicted former president who is now running to oversee the country. again just met with his probation officer in just moments i ll speak with abc news anchor and former clinton white house insider george steph monopolists will get some unique insights into what a second trump term may look like but first, a play-by-play of what donald trump said in las vegas let s set the scene for you. the heat spiral 200 degrees. six people were sent to the hospital two dozen others were treated at the scene call it the heat or donald trump feeling hot under the collar. but the content of this rally vero wildly into topic after topic. now, some that actually might matter to you the voter, and others that matter to donald trump. and maybe no one else. so here is an incomplete sampling of what you heard. if you happen to have stood in that rally and sweated through all of it starting with a joke about voters i don t want anybody going on me. we need every voter. i don t care about you. i just want your vote. i don t care these are the range that dumb guy is that dumb son of a he s a corrupt, very dumb person. he s a low iq individual, is just something missing and there always has been this guy just hit enter, it goes to the beach the time somebody thinks it looks good in a bathing said, i don t think so and he has that little chair that weighs about like seven ounces. it s been so children can lift it and very old people can lifted. and you know what he s not old he s incompetent. it s weak, it s in ineffective, it s both. what he signed they re totally destroying our black population. they re totally destroying are hispanic population. i pay all this money to teleprompter people and i d say 20% of the time, they don t work. i don t pay contractors that do a job and that s a job that s a job you can t read all right what would happen if the boat sank from his weight and you re in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery. and the battery is now under the water. and there s a shark that s approximately ten yards over there by the way, a lot of shark attacks lately did notice that those j6 warriors, they were worries, but they were really more than anything else. they are victims of what happened. all they were doing is protesting a rigged election that s what they were doing. and then the police say go and go in, go in water, set-up. that was what a horrible, horrible thing. and you know, that blows two ways. if we win nevada we win the whole thing. i hope the military revolt set the voting booth and just says we re not going to take it. he should take a drug test because i m willing to take 20 me now is george stuff annapolis, abc news anchor he is a veteran of the clinton white house, and he s also the author of a brand new book, the situation room, the inside story of presidents in crisis. george, it s great to have you on in this book it chronically on avy, it critical six decades of crisis management from the situation room a place that you know well from your time in the white house, one of the interesting things is also these interviews with officers who were in the situation room on january 6. this is at a time now when trump is actively running to be back in the white house, and fundamentally change how the government works, how the so-called deep state works. did you hear any concerns from these duty officers about what a second trump term would mean for the kind of continuity that the national security apparatus has relied on for all these years. absolutely i mean, duty officers and others who served in the trump administration worried that the institutions would crumble. i spoke with them. wait us situation duty officer named mike stigler, who is actually on-point on january 6, and he said people have to understand how close we came to losing the vice president at the time. and he was horrified by this also horrified by the fact that he and his fellow officers in the situation room that they had to start implementing the continuity of government procedures which were designed to make sure that the government survives a nuclear attack. they were put into place on that day because of the threat to our institutions on that day as one of course, president trump famously never called down the situation room even once all during january 6. and you know, you talk about it s not just how close we came to watching our institutions crumble that day the ongoing threat is real. i mean, look at what happened just saturday night in las vegas when the president, former president uk, called the january convicted felons from january 6, those who rioted on january 6 and tried to block the peaceful transfer our he called them warriors who are somehow set up by the police. he s called them hostages. he s called them patriots. he s promising to pardon them. he s not promising to divide by the results of the next election. so this, this pass thread is very real right now have you ever seen, i mean, in your research and your time in government anyone run for office, really running against the very government that they are supposed to be? overseeing absolutely unprecedented abbe absolutely unprecedented. we have never had a former president or a presidential candidate who refuses to accept the peaceful transfer of power, who refused to say but he will buy by the constitution who s been indicted. and impeached for trying to block the peaceful transfer of power that is something that is absolutely fundamental to our democracy is one of the things that s made our democracy work for over 200 years. the idea the simple fact that the former president continues to lie about the, about the last election that he did, whatever he could on that data block, the peaceful transfer of power is absolutely unprecedented in all of our history and you, on your show on this week, you ve had some of these trump vp short listers on there some of the other hosts of this week have also had them on. i want to just play a little bit of what they ve been saying on television of late i think there were problems in 2020. yes, i do. do i think it was a problem that big technology companies working with the intelligence services sensor, the presidential campaign of donald trump? yes governors, governor you, you have said the election should wasn t stolen and you re supporting someone who says it was well, i know that we ve got certainly we ve got irregularities do you get the sense that this is one of the requirements to be on that shortlist you don t get the sense it s out there is plain as day. i actually talked to senator jd vance who is reportedly on the shortlist. as well. and every indication he gave was that he would do the same thing that mike pence, that he would not do what mike pence did in 2000 i mean, it s certainly seems to have become a requirement for those who are running to accept president trump s lie. former president trump s lie about the last election to suggest that he did nothing wrong. now on january 6, to say that somehow that is not an important issue at this point. and to suggest that it was actually vice president pence who did the wrong thing in 2020 i mean, this is just again, this is astonishing. we ve never really had a former prison isn t it run before? whose own vice president refuses to endorse him because of the actions he took on those days. yeah. yeah. i mean, that alone has says maybe it says it all as a journalist, when you have these potential vp, a candidates on the show, you ve had them on, we ve had them on the show here. they rarely, if ever for concede ground this seems to be also another litmus test for how to be in maga world. i mean, is this the new reality for this this maga era of politicians that they don t back down when they re confronted with fats perhaps it is, but i think that s, that poses a test for all of us in journalism as well. i ve made it a point if they will not accept those facts, i don t go on to other issues. i m not going to go to participate in some kind of a sham where you somehow equate the legitimacy of an election or the peaceful transfer of power with a debate over tax cuts or environmental regulation. if you can t pass that fundamental threshold of saying yes, the last election was not stolen two, i will abide by the results of the next election then i think that s all voters and viewers need to know. i don t think if you re willing to lie about something as big as that, why should anything else they want to talk about be given any credence it s such an important point. i mean, we ve got a vice presidential debate coming up right here on cnn. i later this month as a journal phyllis does american what do you think is the most important question that needs to be answered from both candidates who won the last election yeah, very simple. yeah. and won the last election. let s just let s let s discuss and debate. and we ll see, i mean, luck, week. it s been asked by donald trump. he refuses to answer it correctly, but we ll see what he does when he s given that opportunity in front of 140 million people it says it s a little bit different than on a stage like that. yeah, i when it s an actual debate, but that s it s a real test. i do want to play a little bit of what the vice president kamala harris has been saying, actually, on this very point, i mean, she seems to really be taking this issue on head-on. donald. trump openly tried to overturn the last election and now he openly attacks the foundations of our justice system. cheaters don t like getting caught it s a different tone than we ve seen from harb, but it also speaks to that question that you just raised if trump doesn t pass the truth test on that issue, is there room for the biden administration to even move on to some of the other stuff, maybe the bread and butter issues, maybe the economy do you think that they are? settling on this idea of a character test for donald trump on this issue. president president kennedy, i have to do it all, but i mean, i think that is the threshold question of this election. certainly the biden campaign is going to have to address voters concerns about the economy, voters concerns that inflation, those are important as well, but it it is fundamental, as i said, at the start part the very question of whether or not you accept election results, whether you accept the peaceful transfer of power, that is an absolutely fundamental issue that people should be confirmed runaway as they go to make their choice in november when it comes to the potential of a trump administration. i mean, what do you think his conduct on january 6 tells you about what he might do next? not just around the election, but just in general he s saying what he would do next. he says that every single day he says he would pardon what he calls the january 6 hostages. he s talked about retribution using his justice department as an as an arm of retribution. he s talked openly about dropping the prosecutions against themselves. that s an active obstruction of justice in and of itself. it s no secret when president trump says he wants to do something, we should take a minute as word george steph, novelist. thank you very much. again, george s book, the situation room is out right now next breaking news about trump s legal issues here. what happened inside of his meeting with eight probation officer ahead of his sentencing? thanks. plus one of trump s allies gets a new mug shot. will discuss with rudy giuliani is biographer and the former president says that he stands side-by-side with the group that wants to eradicate abortion. did he just give democrats another flash, flash point in this race? this is new sayyed get back i voted buttons. i netting dragging my every meal kit. why no donkeys or elephants scams? alice thing says, so it s like your generation has evolved past traditional political symbols. and there s room for everyone, kind of like my podcast on cnn. yeah, plus chins, puke rainbows, white, taken billy the kid, it s trying to take over the town what it needs is cleaning up. they ve appointed a new sheriff pat garrett, mean something to you? sure. does know, use the really really nice your job to haunt them down a lot isn t takes you can win. this ain t a game for me it was had trouble losing weight and keeping same discover the power of week-old in the my janan the gobi. i lost 35 pounds as some lost the war, 46 pounds. we go. and i m keeping wait off. we go via helps you lose weight and keep it off. i m reducing my 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stop. at the differences get real. trump got to have his lawyer, todd blanche in the room, a special accommodation not afforded then to the average defendant and it s one of the few notable examples of how the legal system really bent over backwards for trump, where it would not have for others, ten contempt violations normally merit more than just a fine. nobel restrictions for a defendant of his means. also, an anomaly carefully choreographed search of his home to spare them from having cameras capture agents of the lawn of the law wearing fbi jackets. that s a nicety really given to no one else joining me now are robert gray who was counseled to then president trump during is first impeachment. and dante mills, he s a civil and criminal attorney and a law professor at temple this leaves school of law, dante, this probation hearing lasted about 30 minutes. we re told what kind of information are they trying to get from trump. let s just walk through. everybody understands the purpose of this and why they do it most times, judges don t know the defendant these trials happen. normally their day or two. the judge doesn t get to know the person they re going to have to sentence. so what you do is you have an investigating officer come in, ask questions about the person s background, get an understanding of who they are, where they come from, who their family is, what kind to jobs they have. and then they present a report to the judge who says, based on this report it s going to influence my decision one way or the other, or it won t because it s pretty standard so it happens to everybody, but we do it to a former president of the united states. everybody knows who he is already. so it s not necessary. i don t think in this case, but you have to go through the process of why why have his lawyer present? i mean what s the concern there are the on trump s part. i don t know so about new york state practice, but i will say in federal practice is actually typical to have a lawyer present during the pre-sentence interview. in fact, it s almost always ordered by the judge upon request of the defense. them from saying anything that might hurt them. right. particular well, not so much that but particularly in a case that goes to trial where the defendant has an appeal. i think the concern always is to not talk about the quote, unquote, instant offense, meaning the offense of conviction because you might say something there that potentially could jeopardize. and i think everything else. and so that s why the lawyer often the lawyer is there to just simply she and i ve done hundreds of these essentially two let me handle the discussions as your lawyer with the probation officer about the offensive fine line between wanting your client to be forthcoming and not be obstructive against the person trying to get information, but also not crossing the line is saying, but i did this or slipping up is saying something that can be used against them, being obstructive to the person trying to get information is definitely something i would be worried about with trump. i mean, just in general that judge merchan is going to weigh who is donald trump, which everybody knows to a certain degree, but also the lack of remorse here, frankly, in this case, i mean, ultimately, how does that all come together to influence the judge s decision and sentence? i think the judge knows what he s going to do, but he ll get this regard. i think he s already made up his mind, but he ll get this report and he ll see what s in this report and he may use that to justify something if he wants to put trump in jail, he ll say well, trump wasn t forthcoming. look at this report. he didn t even provide this information if he wants to give them probation, he ll say, well trump was he was cooperating with this investigator. so this is a sign that he s learned his lesson and we don t need to put them in jail. i think this will be used to bolster whatever sayyed the judge wants to lean on. you think the judge is already setup, set his mind to some decision here you know, i honestly don t. i think that obviously all judges have views about a case, particularly when they ve sat through a trial about what they might do in the event of a conviction at sentencing. but i do think the judges take very seriously, both in guilty plea cases as well as cases that go to trial and result in a conviction in evaluating a third parties let s review which is the probation office of the defendant s personal characteristics and history and the investigation that they conduct. they re very good at it. i have found judges don t always agree. they don t have to agree with what they re probation office recommends, but i imagine the probation office will recommend whether or not in this e felony case a sentence of imprisonment is warranted or not. generally, i would say that in this particular case, i don t know if we re going to find any or learn anything new about the former president trump that we don t. and the judge doesn t know are ready, so i do want to move on just briefly to what s happening down in florida with judge aileen cannon i mean, she s got a lot of emotions to deal with. she dealt with one issue today hey well, one-and-a-half let s call it that one of them was whether or not to throw out some of the counts against donald trump sheet ruled against that, but she did say that this so-called talking indictment in which the prosecutors laid out this description of trump s handling of classified map and how he talked to somebody and his camp payne about it. she basically said that was unnecessary and she struck it from the indictment what do you make of that? it is something that judges, federal judges increasingly, i have seen as a defense lawyer have problems with i mean, they they don t try to trim the sales of the government too often about speaking indictments but they do expect that speaking indictments, if they speak speak to facts that the government expects with some degree of certainty will be offered into evidence and received into evidence at trial. and this was a situation where i think the sense was that was excised from the indictment was problematic. the judge hasn t ruled on it yet. it may or may not. this is other similar acts evidence but not conduct that s actually he wasn t part of the charge charge and that s shouldn t really be in the diet payment ordinarily unless you re pretty certain that the judge has made a ruling. but to trump s handling of classified documents, which is the gate does but i ll tell you why this was put in there. the prosecutors who bought this case knew they were bringing a case against the former president of the united states, and they will be scrutinized all right, people are going to go through with a fine tooth comb and i believe they want it to include things that would pass the smell test for anybody reading this indictment, they threw extra facts and air. so if you just read the indictment on its face, you said, oh, they have a case. oh, they have a reason for bringing this forward. so i do think they went overboard a little bit. i understand why they did it i also don t blame the judge for saying all right. just take this part, striking it does that have any impact on the case at all? the indictment is welcome to things. one is the jury will be specifically instructed at the beginning of the trial during trial and at the end of the trial that the indictment itself is just a charge and it s not evidence of anything. but it is fairly often the case paste that judges will allow the indictment into the jury room. not all judges will do that but in federal cases, some judges will. and so you don t want anything in the indictment that the jury really shouldn t be in a judge is going to take a look. important thing is the jury instructions. the judge is going to tell them what the law is, what they have to base their decision on. think that will be more important than the indictment itself but she was right for cleaning up that indictment and just not having facts that may or may not come in. that case is a slow moving train. but here we are. robert ray, dante mills. thank you. both for being here. and next, the man who was once known as america s mayor posing for his second mug shot in less than a year, who knew giuliani biographer joins me live plus y giuliani decided to call fani willis a hoe at eight christian event alder james is cold, calculating, cynical, and needs the money not only was the cia compromise he also was compromised secrets and spies, a nuclear game. sunday at ten on cnn my husband and i own a growing beverage company. we rely on e-commerce and digital tools it s a build our business and launch new products thanks to american investments and ai, we re using this technology to run our business more efficiently artifact official intelligence is a game changer. and i m excited that the us is leading the world in its 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available to the view, are now accessible to the many ciness and spinning, take back control with lipo flavanoid your assignment with audie cornish. listen wherever you get your podcasts there are a number, of images of rudy giuliani, his life and career that stand out over time. his mobster prosecution pressers in the 80s and the 90s the day he was sworn in as new york s mayor in 1994, while his son, jan, there on the podium walking the streets after 911, earn earning the title of america s mayor. the image on the cover of time when he was named person of the year at the wrong four seasons in philly after the 2020 election, when he pushed the stolen election lai, this viral hair dye moment, just a few days later and speaking moments before the capitol insurrection in washington and now you can add yet another mug shot to the list on the left. this one is from georgia last year, and on the right, that s the new one from today in arizona, where he pleaded not guilty to charges of conspiring to overturn arizona s election, joining us now is andrew kurtzman. he is the author of giuliani the rise and tragic fall of america s mayor. that is exactly the topic of conversation today because i mean to mug shots in a year, for any rational person that would be extraordinary for the man who used to be he thought at one point he could be president of the united states, america s mayor. i m in quite the fall. will anyone who was around the 80s or 90s saw a giuliani even long before he was america s mayor. he was the most famous law man in america, right? he was a crusading prosecutor. the united they southern district and manhattan, the scourge of wall street wall street crux and mafia bosses and the, the trajectory of giuliani s career is just, it s pretty extraordinary. i mean, with trump and giuliani long ago, we ve lost the ability to be shocked by then, but those mug shots of giuliani or a jaw dropping, if you know who he was, someone back then who had such a reverence for the law. he saw that court system as his church someone who has now been reduced to that. it s pretty tragic. and on top of that, i mean alaa man, that s a perfect example of the image that he portrayed himself. and yet in this arizona case, he was literally running from the law he literally tried to escape being served i mean, that s the rudy giuliani of today would be completely unrecognizable of the giuliani of 20 years ago are 30. there s, there s no question about it. i mean, his fall it s not that he s had a toe just a career collapse. he said a total moral collapse as well. he is just a shadow of him self and today or tonight, i was listening to his nightly webcast and there he was railing against joe biden and hunter biden engaging and character assassination there s a certain kind of almost fanaticism to him that s caused him to do as much as as much damage as he done and also to be a shameless about it. and it continues, i want to play for you what he said at a christian event about the georgia district attorney fani willis then i ve got to prosecutors fani the whole i m sorry i mean, what what what is there to even say anymore about comments like that, right? i mean, it s horrible. it s horrible, and it s it s not just, you know? portable character assassination, which is kind of bint as hallmark all the way back to his prosecutorial career but it also is a complete undermining of who he wants was as someone as i was saying, who had such reverence for the law that he you re talking about a person almost became a preece when he was a young man, he saw the court system as kind of that kind of similar moral kind of adjudication area where you declared right from wrong i mean, look look at them now. i mean, it s disgraceful as with so many people in trump s world, it s almost like he gives them a permission slip to just no holds barred, no inhibitions. they get to kind of go with their most base instincts. and i think that s what we re seeing with mr. giuliani. andrew kurtzman, you very much for joining us up next, donald trump tells conservative christians that democrats are against their religion. as he supports a group that wants to outlaw abortion and ivf. my political panel, we ll discuss that next the devastating, and sudden power of tsunamis. it happened in far away lands and it s easy to think it can t happen here if one hits home ready. silent birth with liev schreiber sunday at night on cnn, paying down debt can feel overwhelming upstart makes it fast and easy. borrowers can access the fund because they need in as little as one business day checking your rate is fast with no cost to you or your credit score. join over 1.8 million customers who have turned to upstart for our personal hello how did you get your deed? so you got to use the right toothpaste after see not all toothpastes white in the same craft, 3d white removed it was 100% more stains for a noticeably wider smile. you personal best press yellow is not 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in november we can t afford to have anyone sit on the sidelines now is the time for us to all pull together and to stand up for our values and for our freedoms. and you just can t vote democrat. they re against religion there, against your religion in particular, you cannot vote for democrats and you have to get out and vote what makes the comments notable are where are they happened, which was in front of extreme anti-abortion group, the danbury institute wants to outlaw all abortion, even in case of rape and incest. they also claimed that abortion is never necessary to save the life of a mother. the group also so opposes ivf treatments to help women get pregnant. now remember, trump and says that he doesn t want to ban all abortions. and he says that he supports ivf. but today, he told those anti-abortion activists that he ll stand by there, sayyed side-by-side with them joining me now is republican strategist joe opinion, former communications director for vice president kamala harris, jamal simmons and former press advisor to speaker john boehner, more gillespie, joe. this is probably a strategy of no one is going to pay attention to what trump is doing, but we re paying attention. why would, why would he do that? look, i think we have to two issues here. do you have an issue with your organization? do you have an issue with the message? i think we ll start with the message. i mean, i think the issue is does donald trump believed that abortion should all be illegal? this group believes or does he believe what he says? he believed the president has been quite clear that he does not want you have a federal ban, i think has been very clear on the fact that he wants you have the issue remain with the states and so either we can take him at his word or you don t. it s quite clear that people want you tie him and tebor him to the organization. and all of their beliefs. it is quite clear that we are in the business of coalition building here in american politics. if you have an issue with the coalition, you can bring that up on the campaign trail, but it is interesting to me that we never asked democrats you disavow any of their supporters. we never asked democrats to affectively find the most extreme elements of their party and then answer questions about them. this only happens with people on the political right. and so i think that, that look, i think i don t think that s true. i think that s what comes up all the time. democrats are always asked, they are i say disavow, i didn t blanche. there s a difference between asking whether you agree with the issues and then saying, what do you have to disavow the group? i think again, the broader issue here is is the democratic party, a party that is hospitable to the beliefs of christians. i think there s plenty of polling that shows that there has been an erosion of faith in america. but there is a greater arose in the democratic party. and many of the policies that they re advocating for them up to democrats. this is a place where you guys are completely off base because the democratic party is fueled by african americans, particularly african american women who are the backbone of large christian churches all over america and so if we take a look at where the democratic party stands and the teachings at some i m a child of a minister. and as the teachings of jesus feeding the hungry clothing, the naked, taking care of those who are, who are needed and dispossessed that is quite right in the middle of the home plate of the democratic party platform. so i think that make the argument is an argument that is being made on behalf of a various particular subset of christianity that in historical terms, has not been on the side of african-americans at all because that part of the christianity has been on the side in the old days, slavery segregation i mean, he remembers very different. we want to have an ala carte conversation about religion short democrats like you pick and choose when they want to go down to the black church, like kathy hochul and get their anointing and say that i am not here to be the mother of all 62 counties that she s going to be a were all her apostles. there is a real serious conversation. democratic party, where if barack obama goes to boston it says that we have some people worshiping god and the blue states and awesome gotten the blue states. but when eric adams goes and says that i believe that god s plan for my life has led me to becoming mayor. he gets mocked. he gets mocked by the media. he gets mapped over there when we have all of those arrays. also, i just i don t want to lose this in the conversation. it s important though it is donald trump describing, first of all, your religion, i thought that he described himself as christian, but then to say that it is against your religion, christianity to vote for democrats, that seems like crossing a line. but i also think, what just happened here too is you re saying you guys down trump is saying all democrats, your blanket statements. that s what s frustrating i think to there can people as these blanket statements assuming that all democrats think like that all republicans think like, and that s an accurate. and so donald trump did here is interesting because he s pandering to christian conservatives, but yet his lifestyle, we know violet plates most, if not all, the commandments that he, you know, that the christians abide by but that s all trump. that doesn t speak for all republicans, not all republicans believed to ban abortion. and not all republicans want to attack women. just like i don t think all democrats are pro palestine and not all pro-hamas. i don t blanket statement that because i think that s a frustration in politics. political perspective. i mean, you talked about the big tent. i i think that s that s one way of looking at it. but from a political perspective, donald trump trying to argue he understands abortions of political problem for republicans. he s trying to argue, he s not the extremist president. he s not going to have a national ban, but then to go before an organization that is even to the right of the right on this issue, it does that really undercut his message giving democrats an opportunity? it does get their request an opportunity, not just because he s talking to this group i mean, he he made i think he s being extreme, but all the extremists think that he s extreme enough for them, right? he is the president who took credit for pregnant three supreme court justice on the court, who got rid of row, who helped the end roe v wade protections for abortion. he wants credit from groups like this about getting rid of abortion in the country. and if he s going to take credit, that means he also has take the blame from 60 5% of the country who has decided that we are four abortion rights. they are for women having the freedom to exercise control over their own bodies. and if he s going to take the credit, he also has to take well, i would agree that there are individuals who will be offended by the choice of the venue. and so if democrats want to raise that as an issue that is fair game in politics, but that does not deal with the fact that again, we re not having this conversation to your point when we re talking about people on the brooklyn bridge yelling from the river to the sea. palestine will be free, which is a call for the eradication of us people. we don t have these same, i think would disagree with you i don t wanna i don t want to belabor that point, but definitely i don t i do not think that is an issue that the democratic party has to own, right? it s becomes those are those democrats that is not indicative of who we are as a party. i think it is disingenuous to sit here and pretend that we don t have a senate majority leader for this nation that has gone and undermined benjamin netanyahu. it is disingenuous to say that we don t have a president than on one day said you re going to support israel on the other, de said is going to get rid of funny, i click, i get this is a completely separate issue, but my point is that if we re going to have people own a particular faction of their base and which do what across the board. and we re here having this conversation about abortion because it is clearly an issue the democrats think they can run on. and the only issues they can run on its abortion on monday, abortion on tuesday, january 6, on wednesday, and nothing else. abortion on monday and abortion on tuesday worked pretty well for them particularly in 2022. so more, how do you see this? republicans are going to struggle as we have on this issue of women s rights. when we talk about abortion, we fail to talk about the resources that aren t available to women who are now in these states that are being told they can t do ivf, which i m sorry if you want women to have more children, ivf is a wonderful opportunity to do that. so you re banning things like that. and you re not giving them the resources, then to have children to support women going to those appointments. having children is expensive. childcare is expensive. we don t do anything about that conversation. we stop and i think that two things can be true at once. you can believe in the sanctity of life, but you can also believe in medical freedom for half the population of the places in this country where it s the most difficult to have an abortion. it s also the most difficult to raise a child. it s a good point more, joe and jamal. thank you all very much for that conversation up next for us, the olympic rings, they re officially unveiled in paris, but not without some conscious firstly, of course, over who will be on the court for team usa. bob costas is here and he ll weigh in on caitlin clark, not making the cut. that s the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher, biden. democracy is on the ballot. your freedom is on the ballot. trump, there 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average, a whopping 1.3 million people have been watching their games on national broadcast. that is a 286% increase over last year game attendance merchandise sales social media engagement. they ve all been off the charts now, it s unclear exactly how much credit indiana fever star caitlin clark deserves for this jump, but it is safe to say that she has had a significant role in the success of the league. now, that being said all of these numbers come as the team usa announced its roster for next month s olympics, olympic games in paris. now let s just take a look at the team. you ll see that someone is notably missing yes. caitlin clark was omitted from the list and social media didn t take kindly to that. so should she be on the squad joining me now to unpack all of this is cnn contributor bob costas christine brennan, our friend on the show here and usa today and broke or so unless she broke this big story she won t be on the team. is it a snub or is this just the way ago? well, there are no rookies on the team. they re all veterans. if you wanted to make a case, you could say diana taurasi, who is an all-time wnba great. been in the league since 2004 for two decades, 41-years-old has five olympic gold medals already you could say you could put caitlin clark on in place of how you could make that case, but caitlin clark, other people would make that caitlin clark herself says, i get this 100%. i m young, i can work toward the next olympics and an olympics after that caitlin clark has faced some resentment for a variety of reasons. people, according to whatever narrative they want, want to attribute everything to one thing, whatever it is. but as we discussed last week with carrie champion, it s a combination of things, but say anything you want about caitlin clark. she in addition, they should understand this high tide of caitlin clark is raising all boats as you just pointed out, in addition to that, she has done everything the right way. she said i don t know what an apology from kennedy carter is just the way the game is. and then she praised carter s play. she says the game is rough. i ve got to adapt to that. she signs every but a graph. she doesn t whine and complain. she didn t complain about being left off the olympic team. some of this, and it s just not just a white, white thing, but maybe she is in terms of attention now that but many white stars in the league over the last quarter century, maybe there s some similarity between her and larry bird when larry bird came into the nba, there was some skepticism all he was fine in college is a white guy, can t be that good. it turned out he was one of the all-time greatest players, one of the ten greatest players conservatively in the whole history of the league when dennis rodman, who s always been a little crazy, said, if larry bird was a black guy, just be an average player, everyone was up in arms, right? here s what larry said. i don t care. let s just play he defused the whole thing. he warned everybody over by just being about basketball and caitlin clark, i think has been not just a really good and exciting player. she s been a classy person to this point and good for her. yeah. actually, let s play what caitlin said about being left off the team honestly, notice appointment like i think it just gives you something something to work for. you know, that s a dream, you know, hopefully one day i can be there and think it s just a little more motivation you remember that and, you know, hopefully in four years when four years comes back around, i can be there and honestly likely she will. i mean, just so people understand bob me what you were just talking about. this is what the olympic team looks like in terms of their accolades. i mean, you ve got wnba champions, you ve got all stars because you ve got olympic gold medalists, you ve got people who have basically been at the highest levels playing at slav a for a long time already. seems that she understands that she understands that. and what coaches and players around the wnba have to understand. i think most of them likely do yeah, i understand the resentment they d been there a long time. there are many good players. she s getting a disproportionate amount of the attention, but none of that is her fault. some of the resentment toward her has a racial element in it. we d be naive to deny that, but some people want to make that the entire narrative as we discussed last week with carrie champion, some of this is is carrier said as stacy dales of espn, who played in league happens to be white, she has said, hey, we ve been around a long time notice, not just our excellence, but it s a physical game. now, we have to make distinctions. what kennedy carter did against caitlin clark is outside the bounds. it should have been a flagrant foul i ll they upgraded it to that last week. i made the point that when alyssa thomas through angel reese to the floor, that was involved two black players had it been caitlin clark and alyssa thomas and thrown her to the floor? everyone would have made that a racial incident and only a racial incident i did a bad job, however, on context because that was immediately called a flagrant two. and alyssa thomas was ejected, plus it was on a small cable outlet and not viewed as widely as kate, right like kennedy carter, caitlin clark thing was out of bounds and it s pretty clear that for whatever reasons kennedy carter harbored some resentment toward caitlin clark, whatever the cause. i mean, one of the things is that all these kind of new fans right to the gay are coming in and everybody wants to be a sports analyst of the wnba and they ve just now started watching and they re not even watching all the games, apparently. right. and when people say in a simple-minded way, oh, she s a white star. there have been many, many white stars over the years past and present. there s breanna stewart now, there was rebecca lobo sue bird, sabrina ionesco, who almost batch steph curry in a three-point shooting contest this past february at the starting name, what is it about caitlin clark? it s not just that she s white. steph curry stood out from other great black stars in the nba because he played in a way that was appealing and relatable. shooting from the logo, dr. jay was more appealing and brought in more fans and his teammate moses malone, who was a three-time mvp because dr. jay s game was more flamboyant. michael jordan wasn t just great. he was fun to watch caitlin clark is fun to watch. yeah. and she is going to be a star pretty much no matter what do you think she ll ultimately be an alternate for the olympic team? i think he could be. i think that s possible. and the concern that because she d be reserve and she wouldn t play that many minutes and therefore, her fans would be up in arms just put the point out there, educate them it would help the

President , It , Family , Hunter-biden , System , Reasons , Discussion , Abbe-lowell , Things , People , Summations , Trial

Transcripts For MSNBC The Saturday Show with Jonathan Capehart 20240609

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[crowd cheering] it may not seem like it, but this, is actually progress in play. a shell energy 100% renewable electricity plan lighting every soccer match at shell energy stadium. we re moving forward with the houston dash. because we re moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. is it for us. thank you so much for watching. remember, you can watch the nightcap again tomorrow night, saturday at 11:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc but for now, i am signing off and on that note, i wish you a good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late with me. tonight, we are following breaking news and the israel- hamas war. four israeli soldiers are now reunited with their families after being rescued alive in gaza by the israeli defense forces. all four were transferred to a hospital near tel aviv and are in good condition according to medical officials. the free hostages were kidnapped from the music festival on october 7th. that noa argamani,includes seen in this disturbing video being kidnapped and driven away on a motorcycle. it was an emotional reunion for him and his loved ones, including her father, whom she is seen hiding in this video. earlier, president biden reacted to the news during his trip to paris. before i begin my remarks i want to echo president macron s comments welcoming this hostages that were returned to their families and is real. we won t stop working until all the hostages come home and the cease-fire is reached. joining me now from tel aviv is nbc s raff sanchez. what more do we know about how and where this rescue operation was executed? reporter: this rescue operation took place in broad daylight in an area called dave surratt in central gaza. the israeli military says this was based on weeks of intelligence and that they simultaneously stormed two apartments in buildings around 200 yards away from each other. in one of those apartments, they found noa argamani on her own and in the other, they found those three male hostages who were also kidnapped from the october 7th music festival. when those israeli special forces had the hostages in their arms, they gave the agreed-upon code word over the radio. they said we have the diamonds, we have the diamonds. they got the hostages out in armored vehicles. noa argamani was flown back and israel by a helicopter and taken to the hospital here in the greater tel aviv area. i met her father on october 8th. the worst day of this man s life, his world crumbling, his only daughter kidnapped by hamas and i saw him again today exactly 8 months later, and you can only imagine the joy exuberant rating out of this man to have his child back. we had a chance to speak to some of his friends and listen to what they told us about how she is doing. how are you guys feeling? amazing. you saw noa? how is she doing? she s laughing, she is strong, it s amazing. reporter: now, this moment of joy for noa and her family is also tinged with sadness. noa s mother is dying of brain cancer. for these last eight months, it has been her final wish to see her daughter once again and tonight, that wish was fulfilled. noa s boyfriend was kidnapped alongside her on october 7th. he remains inside gaza is one of the 120 hostages still being held there and jonathan, i should tell you that while there are celebrations here in israel tonight, there is absolutely searing grief inside of gaza. the health ministry says at least 210 people were killed by israeli forces during this raid, many of them, women and children. our team on the ground inside gaza sat many dead and dying children being brought into that facility there, so it is a painful split screen tonight between the joy in israel and the grieving going on inside gaza. indeed. thank you. we have also learned that one member of the israeli police counterterrorism unit has died from injuries during the operation. we will be monitoring the story and bring you updates throughout the evening on msnbc. we are also monitoring this out of washington, d.c. where thousands of pro-palestinian demonstrators have gathered outside the white house to protest the united states support for israel amid its war in gaza. they formed a redline around the white house blocking traffic and calling for an arms embargo against israel. white house staff had increased security around the residence and put up protective fencing. now, we put turn to disturbing developments in the presidential election. ever since donald trump s guilty verdict last week, the four times indicted president is vowing revenge in dangerous ways. this week, the presumptive republican nominee for president told us exactly what he plans to do if he gets back in the white house. i think you have so much to do, you don t have time to get even. you only have time to get right. well, revenge does take time. i will say that and sometimes revenge can be justified. reporter: in your first term you did not arrest any of your political opponents but after your conviction last week, has your approach to that changed? the world is different now so when you asked me the question would we do it, i ll talk to you in about three weeks from now. wouldn t it be terrible to throw the president s wife and the former secretary of state think of it. the president s wife into jail. it s very possible that is going to have to happen to them. speaker mike johnson is not waiting to exact revenge on trump s behalf. this week, he laid out how he plans to weaponize the houses oversight powers to go after the federal investigations into trunk. we are working on a three- pronged approach through the appropriations process, through the legislative process, through bills that we will be advancing through committees and putting on the floor for passage and also through oversight. those things will be happening vigorously because we have to do that because the stakes are too high but, as scary as that is, the new york times reports that prominent republicans in and out of government art demanding quote, that elected republicans use every available instrument of power against democrats, including targeted investigations and prosecutions. take, for instance, former trump aid, election denier and soon to be prison inmates, steve bannon, who is urging the prosecution of democrats telling the new york times quote, there are dozens of ambitious backbencher state attorneys general and district attorneys who need to seize the day and on this moment in history. and, bannon is not the only one calling for revenge. i m talking about to it for tat. you just wait and it won t be hunter biden the next time. it s going to be joe biden. it could potentially still be barack obama. it could still potentially be hillary clinton. you have to get in the game, republicans. as every house committee controlled by republicans using its subpoena power in every way it needs to right now starting every investigation they need to right now? we need some brave district attorneys in the united states to step forward and take aggressive action. incredible rogues gallery there, but you notice, there is no mention of actual crimes committed. only enemies to be targeted in a tidal wave of vengeance and retribution. as the new york times knows, quote, the intensity of anger and open desire for using the criminal justice system against democrats after the verdict surpasses anything seen before in transnational tumultuous years in national politics six. what is different now is the range of republicans saying retaliation is necessary and who are no longer cloaking their intent with euphemisms. this is why, for the sake of our democracy, we need to take all of what you just heard, the snarling threats of revenge and the actions to come, very seriously. joining me now, olivia troy, former top aide to former vice president mike pence and anthony coley, former legal affairs analyst and former senior adviser to attorney general merrick garland. thank you both very much for coming to the saturday show. i would love to get both of your reactions to trump suggesting that he s going to jail political opponents. i drama trump projects and says what he plans to do so i think we should take it very seriously but i don t think it s going to stop his political opponents. i think he means anyone who is ever crossed him. he will start with people like you in the media, people like me who have been outspoken critics and there will be actually no justification for it, exactly the point you made it the end of your opening. right now, what is the crime? what are you trying to investigate? but it doesn t matter to trump, because he will bend the rules and put enablers in place to go along with it. before you give your reaction, to what you just said, olivia, what is really scary to me is yes, he is saying all of this stuff and he will try to do all of this stuff and my fear is, i m not sure that the american people will rise up to try to stop him. that s exactly right. what you just said about putting enablers and places key. donald trump has learned one key fundamental truth about washington which is that people our policy. what we have seen here in d.c., they hire people, they surround themselves with people who share their vision and their values and thankfully and his first term, we had enough conservative republicans around him who resisted his very worst instincts, people who put their oath to the constitution, like olivia, ahead of their loyalty to him. they are not going to be that, those people, in the second term. he s going to surround himself in the white house with yes men and in the congress, just imagine if donald trump is president, he is more likely than not to have a republican majority in the congress. they are not going to do legitimate oversight. they re going to do rubberstamps and then we cannot look to the judiciary to save us. he has openly talked about eileen cannon, who i believe is deliberately slow walking this documents case. he talks about how we need more judges like her and i think your viewers have got to understand he has already appointed three justices to the supreme court. so, five of nine justices could be donald trump appointees and that should send a shiver down anyone s spine who loves our country and our constitution. yes, i m trying to remember who it was. oh, it was dan pfeiffer during a podcast interview for he made this exact point. if donald trump gets re-elected you can see thomas and one other justice, alito, retire and he would get at least two more but let s talk about speaker johnson since you invoked congress. speaker johnson, among the things he wants to do, he wants to theoretically allow trump to move state-level charges he is facing in georgia to federal court with the option to then issue a self pardon if convicted. that would totally upend the rule of law in this country. yes, and it is shameful to be someone who supported the republican party for so long to watch this, the party that used to stand for freedom, liberty, the rule of law. now we have completely flipped the script on it but that is a very serious thing in the fact that they are just openly discussing it and saying yeah, this is our plan, and it is for a pardon and they are all on board with it. it doesn t matter. this person committed a crime. there was an entire process that happened. it was a jury of his peers who decided on the conviction. these are cases going on in georgia where there are republicans testifying who are involved in this process, who saw the whole sedition happening firsthand so i think this is a disturbing on so many levels because it is the speaker of the house and he knows better. the other thing is, not for one second should anyone believe these people don t understand exactly what they are doing because they are intelligent and they know exactly calculated what the plan is. what really bothers me is the sense that these prosecutions were not deserved. this is politicization of the u.s. justice department. nothing could be further from the truth. i spent two years at the u.s. justice department. i saw the attorney general put in place people and processes to make sure that facts and law, not politics or anything else, would be the determining factor for investigations and prosecutions. you want more evidence that is what is happening now, look at the fact that right now, the u.s. justice department under joe biden is prosecuting joe biden s son. right, right. i love how joe biden s justice department is going after donald trump but they leave out that joe biden s justice department is not only going after joe biden s son, but also a prominent democratic senator. two prosecutions, so if joe biden has weaponize the justice department, he is doing it all wrong. i can t believe we just got started talking and it s all done. olivia, anthony, thank you very much for coming to the saturday show. up next, hunter biden could take the stands next week as his trial on gun charges enters its next phase. i m officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone. verizon these days everyone is staring at screens, and watching their spending. good vision is more important than ever, but so is saving. that s why america s best includes a free eye exam when you buy two pairs of glasses for just $79.95. book an exam online today. switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. much more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. norman, bad news. i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is. xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal. i know. faster wifi and savings? .i don t want to miss that. that s amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? hunter biden s daughter, naomi, was the last person to take the stand in his firearms trial this week but she could end up being the first and only family member to testify in his defense. he is charged with three felony counts for allegedly lying about gun use. his daughter testified she did not see him using drugs around the time he bought the gun. earlier in the week, hunter biden sister-in-law and another former girlfriend appeared as witnesses for the prosecution under immunity agreements. they joined his ex-wife and testifying at length about his addiction to crack cocaine and his struggle to stay sober. the defense team is now deciding whether to call hunter himself to the stand on monday. in an interview with abc news, president biden said he will accept the verdict no matter what it is, and that he will not pardon his son if he is convicted. joining me now, msnbc legal analyst and former u.s. attorney, barbara mcquaid. she is cohost of the hashtag sisters-in-law podcast and is also the author of attack from within, how disinformation is sabotaging america. thank you as always for coming to the saturday show. how risky would it be for hunter biden to testify on his own behalf? testifying on one s own behalf is probably the most difficult decision the defendant has to make and something that the lawyer will sit down with them and discuss the pros and cons. i think on the pro side, the defense here has been that hunter biden did not consider himself to be an addict at the time he filled out that form, that he may have been addicted before and after but that he wasn t, and the question asks, are you addicted to drugs and so if he were to testify, he could say i did not believe i was addicted to drugs at that time. that could be enough to create reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors. on the other hand, when you testify, it puts into play anything that might tend to impeach your credibility, so any prior inconsistent statement, any bias that you might have, any bad things you ve ever done before come into play that would otherwise be not told to the jury, so that is a balance that the defendant really has to decide for himself based on the advice he gets from his lawyer. and barbara, if hunter decides not to testify, where does that leave his defense? it could be that they are done, and i think it leaves that were most cases really end, which is arguing that the prosecution has not prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt so i think what the defense would argue is that although they don t really contest what happened, that yes, he did buy this gun, all the facts that happened, that he was using drugs and all the dates that have been introduced, he did not believe himself to be an addict at that time. proving a defendant s intent and knowledge and mind-set is always the hardest thing for a prosecutor, because you can t read another person s mind is so much of the testimony has been that you know, you didn t see him on that day. you didn t know if he was using on that day. there certainly has been testimony that he was using right up around that day so it requires a little bit of circumstantial evidence for the jury to find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt but it seems like there is plenty of evidence there from which they could draw that inference. let s turn to donald trump s criminal convention. the judge sent a letter to both sides yesterday about a social media, reporting to preview the guilty verdict. how seriously do you take this potential claim of a jury week? not at all. it is interesting. many courts have these, which are unmoderated message boards where people can comment. they were set up with the idea that you could engage in good public discourse but of course there are all kinds of people out there who engage in mischief and worse, so this person has said oh, my cousin says a verdict is coming. i think the judge here, out of an abundance of caution, wanted to be up front with it and not try to hide it. certainly there would be people out there who would point to this as some sort of conspiracy that the fix was in, and so the judge has disclosed this to the parties so that if they want to explore this, they may do so. manhattan district attorney alvin bragg told the house judiciary committee he will come testify about the case but not until after trump s sentencing. should brag actually show up? would he be walking into a show trial whose sole purpose is to discredit him and his successful prosecution of the case? yes. i really worry about this idea of the accusations of the weaponization of criminal charges. donald trump that due process every step of the way in this case and i worry that there is a real separation of powers issue here to try to probe into the mind-set of what prosecutors are thinking when they bring a case, so that is a risk. certainly there is oversight that exists when there are federal prosecutors but there really isn t that kind of oversight over state court prosecutors. there could be [ inaudible ] to the extent that alvin bragg s office accepts federal funds so the thing to do would be going after this case is over. all right, we re going to have to leave it there. thank you, as always, for coming to the saturday show. up next, brace yourself. with three weeks left in the supreme court session, there are several decisions to be handed down that will be consequential, even life- changing for americans, from donald trump s immunity claims, reproductive rights and more. hi honey. ahhh.ooh. look, no line at the hot dog stand. yes! only pay for what you need. liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. 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of the two abortion cases, that s the one i m most optimistic about. i think that they will leave it alone? that s correct. almost half of all abortions in the u.s. are performed with mifepristone and if they accept the lower coats reasoning to bennett so many other drugs would be banned. these guys don t like abortion but they don t want to ban antibiotics. that s the good news on abortion there. thank you for the help. don t worry, i ll spoil it in just a second. exactly the next one is whether federal law regulating hospitals trumps abortion bans when it comes to performing emergency abortions. i m worried about this case. there is a federal law that does not refer specifically to abortions but it says that if you go to an emergency room and you have a medical emergency they have to stabilize your health condition so if the appropriate treatment is on abortion, the law right now says you have a right to an abortion. i think based on the oral argument, they are likely to write that out of the statute or at least put some kind of limits on it so that people who need life-saving or health saving abortions will be able to get them anymore. now, here is the case that i don t think a lot of people even know about, and this is euphemistically known as the> case and this is whether to overturn the landmark supreme court ruling in the case that gave federal agencies leeway to interpret the law. sounds very dry, but explain why this case, to your mind, is the most important case decision. this is most hypertechnical but also the most important. there are scads of federal laws that delegate power to a federal agency. everything from how mac how much emissions come from power plants to who gets overtime pay is controlled by federal agencies. chevron is a case from the reagan era that said courts should generally let agencies do what they need to do and defer to them. what the court is likely to do here is essentially give itself a veto power over everything the agencies do, so it s not just at the huge transfer of power and a huge transfer of power from the democratic biden administration to a supreme court that has a 6-3 republican majority. to your point about regulating antibiotics, that would give them purview over the fda, right? potentially. the fda has its own statute, which is different than the regulatory regime that concerned chevron but what we seen from the supreme court overall, they ve been making up all these things with names like the major questions doctrine that lets them interfere with agency so. in the u.s. versus rohini case allowing domestic abusers to have access to firearms, will the supreme court make that happen, let that happen? i think they realize they screwed up. they handed down a big program decision that led to this decision. i think they re going to have to walk it back. you ve given us hope on two cases. thanks for coming to the show. still to come, president biden delivers a powerful speech in defense of democracy as he commemorates 80 years since americans landed on french shores to defeat the forces trying to destroy it. my political panel joins me next to talk about the message, and more. more. hello. my smile is back on point. easy. shingles. some describe it as an intense burning sensation. or an unbearable itch. this painful blistering rash could also disrupt your work and time with family. shingles could also lead to long term, debilitating nerve pain that can last for months or even years. if you re over 50, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. 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someone to say yes, and someone to not detract from his ticket or in the case of bergen, someone who could write a really big check to support tom s campaign and what bergen has going for him as we could go all the way to november for the nation knows who this guy is. maybe he is a very nice guy. we saw him try to be somewhat reasonable during the primary. we know he has high marks as governor but donald trump is looking for somebody to fall in line. marco rubio has long been my dark house horse. he s now moved up. he s in the final four because he played the politics of donald trump right. he didn t relitigate his flip- flop for the past eight years, he just flopped. he reminds nikki haley voters that there are people like nikki haley still supporting donald trump but the vice president is not going to change. the vice presidential nominee is not going to change donald trump s behavior nor the parties platform. what the country should hope for is somebody capable of governing should donald trump end up not being able to serve. so, alencia, of those four people , who do you think he s going to pick? it s a crap shoot however, i think he might pick someone like tim scott given that it gets diversity on the ticket. in air quotes. they ve been trying to run black candidates in certain areas. republicans are trying to get away from being called the party full of white supremacists and racists, so tim scott falls in line and he happens to be a black man. maybe. i heard there s an awesome new book written by jonathan capehart that s about to drop. the wager will be the new k part book that it s not tim scott. well, that looks not coming out until later in the year, knock on wood. am excited about it. thank you very much. that s very nice of you. in the few seconds we have lester left, i will say the one thing we know about donald trump as he is biggest on appearances. he gave somebody the department of defense secretary job because he looked the part and so of those four characters we saw before, governor bergen looks the part to donald trump s mind, that is. in the time i spent in his head. former congressman david jolly, alencia johnson thank you both very much for coming to the saturday show. up next, the trump campaign is making a big play for black voters but given the former president s rhetoric and disrespect for topline officials, i m not buying it. charles coleman junior joins me after the break to discuss. jo after the break to discuss. good to go off the grid. good to go nonstop. with cabenuva, there s no pausing for daily hiv pills. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it s two injections from a healthcare provider. just 6 times a year. don t receive cabenuva if you re allergic to its ingredients or if you re taking certain medicines which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems, mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. with cabenuva, you re good to go. ask your doctor about switching. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn t ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue. and stop further joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what s yours. abbvie could help you save. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. donald trump and his campaign are making a very public play for the black vote. even vice presidential hopeful tim scott, the african-american senator from south carolina, the only black republican in the chamber, has started a political action committee to target minority voters and good for them. they should ask for our vote, but scott told the ap quote, much to the chagrin of many folks, there is no doubt that african-american men are wide open for a political shift of partisanship. i don t know about all that. but, black voters all voters should be aware that while they are smiling and black men s faces, trump and his campaign are denigrating black men in plain sight. for instance, michael tyler is the communications director for the biden-harris s re-election campaign. quentin fox is the principal deputy campaign manager. these two black men you see on the screen of the most senior african-americans on the campaign, role models and yet, the trump campaign and the rnc continually refer to these two black men as quote, junior staffers, or junior biden campaign spokesman. some of you might think, what s the big deal, it s just a title. when you re african-american you learn quickly the ways in which her stature, prominence or authority are undermined in the eyes of white people, and that is exactly what trump and his campaign are doing, but we shouldn t be surprised. trump is running his campaign the way he has lived his life. going after black men. trump did it in the 1980s when he went after the central park five, demanding they get the death penalty for a crime they didn t commit even after dna evidence exonerated them. he did it in 2004 when jackson was a finalist on the apprentice reportedly sign quote, what america aye a blank winning? n word. the spokesperson from the trump campaign has denied the story calling it completely fabricated but trumps disrespect for black men was evident when president obama was in the white house. trump actively undermined obama s legitimacy by promoting the racist brother lie that he was not born in hawaii, but can you. now, he s doing it to quentin foltz and michael tyler and i m here to call it out. don t ask for our votes in one breath then denigrate someone who looks like us in the next. but, let s be real. this is not about getting our votes. it s about setting up a permission structure for white voters to cast a ballot for him. after all, how can he be racist if he s asking for their vote, right? wrong. joining me now, msnbc legal analyst charles coleman junior, civil rights attorney and host of the charles coleman podcast. charles, i wanted you to be with me in the segment specifically because of that pin you where every day and every show. what does that pin say? yes, this is my black brilliance pen and i m so glad you asked about because for me as a black man who is a professional who walks in different spaces that in many cases, i find myself being the only one of many. i am someone who understands the importance of affirming myself and my brilliance because as is the case with quentin and michael, i can expect that even as i have done the work, even as i have gotten the title, is an as we have ascended through the ranks that other people are going to affirm it as well so it s a soft affirmation and an affirmation for people like you, as well, who find themselves trying to make their way in worlds that are often not friendly to us. what you say to that question saying how could donald trump be racist, you know, if he s going for their votes? why is that that s not good enough. this is a very nuanced question because i think what people have to understand when they re talking about black men and their voting patterns, particularly as it relates to the selection, the biden campaign is battling two major campaigns. the first one is misinformation. there are a lot of voters who are misinformed or underinformed about the progress that administration has made on their accomplishments and in some cases, they ve been told wrong information. the other thing they are battling, is regardless what it is you re saying, people are going to vote how they feel and that s why it s even more important that outreach occur on a proactive level. if you are talking about, for example, a record low and unemployment of black men but that low is still higher than the national average and higher than other white men, then it still feels like your last. it looks do we have charles? let me buffer for a second. there you go. real quick, finish the last part of your answer, charles. what i was saying is that it is something the biden campaign has to be aware of, regardless of the notion of racism in terms of how donald trump tries to siphon off voters from a pretty solid democratic block. that is an important point people have to understand. people are going to vote how they feel more than anything else. and i hope people feel that they should not vote for somebody who says vote for me, well you know, around the corner is denigrating people who look just like them because you are setting yourself up for failure. charles coleman junior, thank you very much. sorry the conversation was so quick. i hope to see you soon. or of the saturday show on msnbc after a break. msnbc after a break. 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Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240608-780

Transfer of the presidency. how did he go from this chief of staff to the most powerful man on earth to this, if you failed to appear for court without good cause, a warrant could issue for your arrest. these indicted along with in other trump acolytes, including rudy giuliani, lawyers, john eastman, jenna ellis, christina bobb, as well as advisors, boris epshteyn and michael roman also arizona s 11 so-called fake electors, state lawmakers and republican operatives who gathered in phoenix december 14, 2020 pledging part president donald j. trump of his state of florida. but joe biden had won the state, thus winning there states 11 electoral votes. they also sent the fake pro-trump electoral certificates to washington those fake electors hoped prosecutors say to encourage vice president mike

Court , Trump , Presidency , Chief-of-staff , Earth , Man , Transfer , Arrest , Cause , Acolytes , Warrant , Rudy-giuliani

Transcripts for CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240608 04:13

Indictment as unindicted coconspirator one, a former president united states, who spread false claims of election fraud following the 2020 election. or from cnn s nick watt sir, could you state your name, please mark randall mattos, eight virtual appearance in an arizona court. this morning facing nine felony counts of conspiracy, forgery, and fraudulent schemes because prosecutors say meadows schemed to prevent the lawful transfer of the presidency. how did he go from this chief of staff to the most powerful man on earth? to this, if you failed to appear for court without good cause, a warrant could issue for your arrest these indicted along with other trump acolytes, including rudy giuliani, lawyers, john eastman, jenna ellis christina bobb, as well as advisors, boris epshteyn and michael roman also arizona s 11 so-called fake electors qatar s state lawmakers and republican operatives who

President , Cnn , Election , Sir , Indictment , Name , Us , Claims , Unindicted-coconspirator-one , Election-fraud , Mark-randall-mattos , Nick-watt

Transcripts for CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240608 04:13:15

Transcripts for CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240608 04:13:15 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

Appearance , Felony-counts , Conspiracy , Meadows , Prosecutors , Arizona-court , Schemes , Transfer , Forgery , Eight , Nine ,

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240608

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meeting with the french president today israel war cabinet could see a shakeup in the hours ahead as we await the end of a deadline set by former defense minister benny gantz. what he s threatened department shift from the cabinets could mean for the conflict in gaza. plus the u.s. jobs report is showing a mixed bag when it comes to growth and inflation by families and small business this is my have a less rosy perspective than what the numbers would the close ties between the u.s. and france will be on full display in the coming hours as us president joe biden continues his official state visit in paris french president emmanuel macron will welcome mr. biden and the first lady with a formal ceremony at the okta triomphe there will be a parade precession, the least say palace followed by a working lunch. in the evening, the macron s will host the bidens at the musee d orsay, 48 state desert dinner it s coming on the heels. the 80th anniversary of d-day. president biden on the allied troops of world war ii during a speech on the cliffs of normandy on friday, he evoked their legacy as he called on the world to defend democracies under threat. today they re not asking us to give or risk our lives. but they are asking us to care for others and our country more than ourselves they re not asking us do their job are asking us to do our job to protect freedom in our time, to defend democracy, to stand up aggression abroad and at home be part of something bigger than ourselves well, for more on this, cnn, international diplomatic getters and nic robertson joins us now live from london and make president biden. he s been in france now for, for quite a few days, you ll spend the day with his host, emmanuel macron. it really is testament today bond and the country s bonds it is. and i think it was testament to president emmanuel macron s desire to have a strong relationship with whomever the us president is. it was only a few years ago. it feels like now that he was hosting at that time, president trump, and undoubtedly one can imagine the possibility. i mean, this will be put, i guess in the most diplomatic terms, but the real possibility and president my mind president biden will believe he s going to win the when the upcoming us election. but in president macrons mind the concern that the next us president that he may be greeting in france could be donald trump, if he, if he wins the election. and that s a concern. and i think we heard those concerns overlaid and all the conversation and speeches that president biden has given while he s been in france about the importance of united states not being isolated, the importance of the duty of unity of the nation let s to support ukraine in its fight against president putin s russia which president zelenskyy himself compared to germany under the nazis and adolf hitler. so this is the sort of backdrop to the conversations, but the real meat of the conversations for what they both late to du really those lie in the sphere of peace in the middle east and, and of course how best to support ukraine and in juror that support going forward, whomever wins the us presidency as you say, nick, there are differing opinions between biden and macron despite their close bond. i mean, what impact do you think this trip will have on us foreign policy, particular regarding the wars in ukraine and gaza i think president biden is bounded by a couple of things here. when it comes to sort of how he adjusts his foreign policy for international pressure, even from a strong la lake like frogs. and that is the demands have domestic politics and the way that contains and constraints what he wants to do. we ve seen any apologized for president zelenskyy for taking so long to get that $60 billion aid package for ukraine because it got stuck. he said because of some hardline republicans so his constrained what he can do, macron, of course, we ll want to push biden to get tougher on israel. he supports president biden s latest peace proposal for hostage judge release and a ceasefire in gaza. but he wants biden to do more. and when it comes to ukraine, he wants biden to do more there as well and be more for forward leaning and support. his own initiative, macrons initiative, to have a coalition of international military trainers who would be inside ukraine we don t have this, at least not publicly knowledge at the moment that nato nations have military members inside ukraine supporting and training troops. and that s something match a chrome wants to, wants to do is something president biden is averse to doing because part of the american electorate is very leery about seeing a, you who is entanglement, a military engagement on the ground inside ukraine something president biden said wouldn t happen even if and when russia invaded ukraine. so it s hard to see what wiggle room biden has, but that just president macron isn t going to try to find that space to move things in his direction rather send journeys from london, good to see you. thank you in gaza fire and destruction at refers at kuwait hospital, the director of rafah s kuwaiti hospitals has two workers there were killed and five others wounded in a strike by the israeli military. last month, the kuwait hospital was forced to close after can you it s continuous israeli strikes. cnn has reached out to the idf for comment. they re going hours could be crucial for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is facing pressure from the united states to accept ceasefire and hostage release agreement and now a key member who s war cabinet could quit. benny gantz has threatened to leave the group meanwhile, the united nations is adding the israeli military, hamas and palestinian islamic jihad to a list of groups that harm children. the un secretary generals spokesman says the list will be presented to the security council next week gaza s ministry of health says more than 15,000 palestinian children have been killed in the israel hamas war israel denies deliberately targeting civilians we ll see you then that senior international correspondent, but wait a man joins us now, live from beirut. but let s start with an ultimatum that by benny gantz, what is the us s trying to get him to stay what could this mean for the israeli political landscape if he does leave? well, in the immediate short term, nothing really because his party is not a member of the ruling coalition now, benny gantz, a former army chief of staff, former defense minister. he was the main political opponent of prime minister netanyahu before for the war. but after the war began, he joined a national unity cabinet. he s a member of this so-called war cabinet with him, leaving it s certainly remove is somebody who was considered a somewhat moderating force on the prime minister. he s somebody who has maintained good relations with the americans. in fact, he s gone to washington, dc since the war began on more than one occasion without the actual cool permission of the prime minister for him to leave it means that that sort of counter balance to netanyahu s perhaps more bellicose inclinations is gone. and it means that, that really basically opens up for vacuum into which the likes of which national security minister ben gvir will step in. and he s sort of the extreme of the extremists in the israeli cabinet. so it could definitely spell more political chaos in israel. now, last month, gantz did he say that on the 8th of june it today, he would resign if netanyahu did not. in the meantime, come up with some sort of post war plan for gaza. netanyahu really hasn t done that yet. but fundamentally, even on the post-war plan for gaza, it s not clear what but he has in mind because gantz, like netanyahu is opposed to the creation of a palestinian state. and he is opposed to the palestinian authority taking over gaza after the war as well. but clearly this is going to open up another gap in an all ready chaotic scene. and israeli politics and wait a min, joining us from beirut, many thanks. the secret service is preparing for massive pro-palestinian demonstrations in washington dc today, putting up extra fencing to protect the white house. they ve also blocked off access to the white house gates. service agent tells cnn they re expecting up to 12,000 protesters were us president joe biden will not be the one white house says he s attending the state visit in france well, there s been talk of european concerns about possible second, trump presidency, but should be u.s. equally concerned about the european parliament election taking place this weekend. we ll check in with an expert plus these back on the campaign trail. newly convicted donald trump fundraises in california i brought in a short max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy. it just two weeks here i ll take that. i m sure not to protein 30 grams protein one frame, sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend 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required fired so phi get your money, right well, voters are casting their ballots. slovakia and latvia at this hour for elections to see the next european parliament over a four-day period, 27 european union countries voting in elections that will shape the blocks political direction for the next five years. the jack republic and ireland voted on friday, but most nations will go to the polls on sunday including economic powerhouses germany and france will cnn s bobbing to do has more. what s at stake? this concludes this unique transnational democratic exercise. the world is a very different place since european parliamentary elections were held back at 20:19 a global pandemic two major wars, including one in europe. and the subsequent rise in energy costs farmers frustrated by eu red tape and cheap imports i ve dumping manure in brussels a worsening climate with activists attacking cultural gems from paris to venice and a cost of living crisis are all among the issues facing europe s 300 373 million eligible voters these elections are the second largest in the world after india. and considerably bigger than the upcoming american vote. leinz, nine amendments by the computer responsible as a blog hotels in favor between june 6 and ninth, voters in 27 european countries will choose the 720 lawmakers to shape and increasingly splintered europe for the next five years your van elections are important because in eu member countries nowadays, a lot of important strategic decisions are taking at the european level. this is why the election of the european parliament, which is the only directly elected body of europe, is so important. policy making in europe is more complex and the election of the european parliament is only part of that. as a result, usually we record a lower turnout than in national elections. creating a functioning parliament when europe is making a hard rightward shift, won t be easy the first difficult task the parliament is choosing the president of the european commission with the current president s centered right german ursula von der leyen, leading most polls for the incumbent to win. she has to slalom between her center-right european people s party and the increasingly popular far-right parties of giorgia meloni marine le pen, to secure the newly elected parliaments support. you are preparing to work together with the ecr with that s not what i ve said. i wanted to be very clear. this is not what i ve said. okay. i m speaking about members of the european parliament. i want to see where their group themselves and then we work with a groups that are clearly, clearly pro-european approach ukraine against food. and for the rule of law are far-right with more members could greatly influence how europe deals with political priorities like how to share the burden of irregular migration and what exactly to do about artificial intelligence and regulating big tech against a more sort of china and united states the european union will need the parliament to set a clear path. but with balancing the wide-ranging needs of voters against the goals of divergent parties approving legislation with a fractured parliament will be complex. the stakes for europe and beyond couldn t be higher barbie lots of knidos, cnn, rome well, natasha lins is a professor of government at the university of essex and cultures to england. great to have you with us, with european politics are fragmented and a rise in support for right-wing bodies explained to us more what s at stake there are a lot of things at stake with its election, though the parliament isn t the most important eu institution when it comes to foreign policy making you see that the results will reflect what the national debates are going to be about these national debate, of course, inform what the commission does and the council, and we have some of the biggest issues facing europe since world war ii. by far the biggest security threat facing europe with russian aggression in ukraine and the ongoing war in ukraine but beyond the questions of whether or not europe can be united in its support for you ukraine. there are questions of european enlargement of the green agenda and also at the heart of what the european union is about whether it s going to be a model for democracy and supporting human rights. you see with the rise of these far-right parties that don t like institutions that are aren t particularly supportive of democracy or human rights it s very anti-immigration. they want to almost dismantle the european union from within. so these are really been questions that are coming with this particular election. disaster there s obviously a lot of talk about what will happen if, if donald trump becomes president again and what that would mean for europe. but let s turn that around if right-wing parties perform well, what could that mean for relations with us? it s a really good question, and i think in terms of if it s still joe biden in 2024 the biden administration has maintained that they are committed to democracy, to human rights into working to ensure that the partnership, the transatlantic partnership is ironclad and that they were working in lockstep in fighting against russian aggression and they ll have to work with whatever partners are there. and you see that biden is in france right now. and though he and macron don t agree on everything, that they are showing a united efforts here that they do mostly agree on on the issue of russian aggression. and in trying to strengthen the european union but with the trump presidency, i think you re going to see quite a bit of disarray and chaos if you look at the far-right, this family group is probably one of the groups that is the least united and trump promotes disarray. whether it d be just this isolationists idea that doesn t really work for institutions, particularly intergovernmental institutions. and also the transatlantic partnership. there needs to be i guess something fighting against that rugged individualism that these far-right parties want to promote. so it would be very hard to predict what s going to happen. but what you ve seen is just at least the voting of some of the var of the far-right in the european parliament. they vote to basically support russia either refusing to vote against putin or russia. but they show their true colors many times by their voting record. and this of course, would be a big win for putin as asha, whilst biden has been in paris this this week he certainly has reiterated, america s commitment to european security given these, there a sense that that s ringing a little hello given that he could be out of the white house come november definitely. there s a sense that europe cannot rely on the u.s. that is not a trustworthy partner because even though there were decades and decades of the us and europe being incredibly united against what they perceive to be similar threats and that they had similar goals. the trump presidency really through everything into total disorder because he has threatened to abandon nato course left the paris agreement at a moment s notice, left the iran nuclear agreement has threatened to leave the world health organization so u.s. commitment to these types of institutions appears to be wavering. and of course, france, president emmanuel macron has sounded the alarm on this that europe has to be more independent, both militarily, financially in every single way, and can t rely on the us and he s been talking about modernizing europe s nuclear forces because the big the big threat is without a united, us and europe making it very clear to putin, what they re capable of russia under putin was very risky accent acceptant, could take huge risks. whether that means using nuclear weapons, whether it means attacking other nato countries. there s a lot of unknowns there so. there have been many voices within europe besides just macron, that are saying that they cannot really count on the u.s. as reliable partner you d have to assume that vladimir putin is watching these elections very closely, hoping for that disarray and chaos natasha lins said great to see you. thank you for joining us. thanks for having me bill, former us president trump has been boasting of his fundraising windfall on the heels of his hush money conviction. and now he s in california to raise even more on his cnn s alayna treene with the latest we ll just a week. after, the former president was convicted in manhattan, donald trump is back on the campaign trail and aggressively fundraising in california now on thursday, donald trump attended a san francisco fundraiser at the home of silicon valley investor david sacks. that was organized actually by jd vance, one of donald trump s top contenders to become vice president. and i was told that advance it really spent months working on getting sacks to endorse the former president. they viewed that endorsement the fundraiser as a sinus silicon valley starting to embrace donald trump. now, on friday, donald trump also has a fundraiser in beverly hills. this one hosted by le samson and a very wealthy businessman who has endorsed the former president in the past and has donated to him before and then on saturday, donald trump will have another fundraiser in orange county and look all of this comes as donald trump is continuing to rail against that verdict in new york, we heard him speak about that in thursday at a rally in phoenix where he called the conviction rigueur, called the verdict. rigueur and the jury rigged, and also said that if his case did not win on an appeal, there would be no country anymore. and we also have heard donald trump really escalate his rhetoric for retribution against his political opponents. take a listen to what trump to dr. phil in an interview on thursday retribution is going to be through success. we re going to make it very successful. we have to bring the country together. the word revenge is a very strong word, but maybe we haven t revenge through success while revenge this time, i will say that does. and sometimes revenge can be justified. so i have to be honest, sometimes it can t. now what i find very interesting staying about that interview is that donald trump, over the past several days now, has done a series of what i would characterize as friendly interviews where the host have really tried to get him to step away from these calls for retribution. but as we just saw, in that interview with dr. phil he s refusing to do so. instead, he s doubling if not tripling down on his calls for revenge. and this is something we ve really heard donald trump talk about ever since he was indicted. last year, he is called for potentially going after and prosecuting some of his political opponents. and i think we ll continue to hear that rhetoric when he speaks at a rally in las vegas on sunday, alayna treene, cnn, los angeles after the break, a former top trump associate pleads not guilty, two election interference charges plus hunter biden s daughter takes the stand on day five of his federal gun trial russia we re trying to spy on us. we were spying on them. this is a secret war. secrets and spies tomorrow at ten on cnn, knew mr. kliger in ultra foamy magic eraser with the scrubbing power magic eraser and the cleaning barkat on question, make soaps come here, disappear and sprays can leave ghraieb that ultra foamy melted on contact can you ultra valmy magic eraser so who are you? i m in a child less horsepower keeps going up towards get you going on. now we re talking dodge order or two. but totally torqued out crossover ga, the advanced form of dry age-related macular degeneration can irreversibly damage your vision. it can progress faster than you think when ga threatens your eyes, take a stand slow ga with saif ovary. saif ovary is an eye injection that was proven to slow damaging lesion growth over two years with increasing effect over 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our. viewers in the united states and canada on a current this is cnn newsroom. surprisingly strong jobs growth in the u.s. is dashing hopes that the federal reserve will cut interest rates anytime soon the us added 272,000 some jobs in may, far more than expected and american workers are earning more with wage growth coming in stronger than expected, will average hourly earnings and now up for 0.1% on the year outpacing inflation on the flip side, unemployment rose to 4% for the first time in over two years ryan patel is a senior fellow at the drucker school of management, say claremont graduate university. he s joining us via skype from los angeles. ryan, always good to see you tell us, what do these numbers say about the us economy? confusion i guess, right? you re looking for these reports to come out and say this is the direction of the economy is going but the number is kinda show both pictures where unemployment kinda continuous rise, wage growth rises, but jobs are actually increased as well. so what i mean by that, what it means we re looking at the federal reserve so they can do choose, decide to decrease interest rates. but this jobs report does not help the case. it also shows a painted picture that is divided on both sides. and so i don t the word is confusion, i guess for those looking from the outside, looking in, and it means that the fed, the federal reserve will continue to hold pat are not decrease in interest rate because the numbers are not still fighting an inflation as it wants to these 272,000 jobs added. i mean, the numbers are misleading as you say, because of the way that the surveys are conducted, payroll obviously focuses on large companies, but the broader household surveys suggest that unemployment is ticking up. so why are they not aligned i think also there s a couple of things capturing think about these surveys, how they re capturing it, where they re capturing at what time is it being captured? i also think that gig worker is not being captured in this as well, people choosing not to come come back into the workforce as another thing. so where do you categorize those types of folks in those and also companies choosing, think about small businesses. if wages starting to go up, they re going to have less employees on w2, which means that they re going to probably go contractor roles. and so that gets reported differently as well. and then you think about some of these industries. where do you think of that job growth out of that report? it was health care government, leisure and hospitality. these are consistent with the trends that are growing where the other sectors are not and then there is this, i guess confusion on the stock market you ve got the magnificent seven. are these big companies outperforming, making record profits they re hiring obviously remains strong with small to medium enterprises suffering yeah, no, i think it was clear in this report in the last couple of reports that small businesses are struggling. i think when you mentioned that magnificent seven, you have to call out nvidia all, of, this, the record growth bag had and that s holding the market, i would say. and the word ai for a couple of or amd and others are pulling the market up so that trend goes hot. it brings a market go up. now, mind you when the market goes down, typically, who are those who would the tech talks are taking the town with them? is these very, very sudden that you mentioned. so i think that s you see the market, but i think small businesses are really feeling it because of wages are becoming more expensive. supply chain costs to goods are expensive and i think that s part of why i think though the biden white house is trying to before the before the white house, before the november election to do more at the consumer level, or they can keep the soon we re spending at a high. and so it d be interesting to see what happens next employments is strong. i mean, that suggests that the economy is in good shape, but i guess not everybody is feeling that. and then you mentioned prison of biden. i mean, this is a big problem. him stealing. he s economic performance, the strength of the economy because inflation is hurting poor people the most yeah you ve got the economic fundamentals. you see the numbers, you look at the backend and when you see where prices of increased in what parts of the country what types of different graphics it turns to be when you see these numbers, then you see your bank account. i think the word had been using as by you don t feel that you re getting the economic benefit out of what the market is doing. and i think for president biden is uphill battle for him to face these type of vibes or feelings that people are feeling because they re not spending as much even though consumer spending overall has been there, but that doesn t mean with all the different groups so they re there and even certain companies and they are sitting on the sideline and holding cash instead of investing it. furthermore, because they don t, they re still not sure where the market is and things are expensive because of industries being high. so people are not taking loans out there are waiting and waiting to see when that occurs. and so it does cause is built up where you see shelter prices, rent increase in wages don t always keep up with that. and so it is interesting the dilemma that the president, president biden the white house, needs to be talking about the rhetoric has been interesting and hasn t been really working when it comes with some things, exit polls and surveys then i guess the biggest question in the markets is when will the fed cut rates? and i guess that s not gonna to happen while employment remained strong i with you. now, the market the market wants as of today, the market thought over 60% of the trend or the guesses were that they marked the future market was saying that they were going to see a rate cut in september. we ll find out next week when the fed meets, when, what the rhetoric looks like. but i can tell you this i d be hard pressed to think that they re gonna make a cut in september right before election. and if they did is 25 basis point no, that doesn t mean very much. and that would mean that they would start cutting it down. and as of today, i don t see them doing that based on the data that we have now, things can change until september, but it seems like maybe we ll get a rate cut by the end of the year and then going into next year, have a better plan, but it to me it doesn t look good for september even though the market, future markets are saying it s still over 50% chance that occur. but i think it s still coming down in that percentage when we get closer. my money is on ryan patel, any day the week rhyme to tell always a pleasure, love with his speak to you appreciate you. thank you. the judge who oversaw the trump hush money trial is dealing with the social media posts that claim to know the verdict before it was even delivered. a poster who claims to be a cousin of a juror. so drop would be convicted in a message on the courts facebook page last month the judge has briefed both the prosecution and trump s defense team on the comment. it s not clear if there is any validity to the post meanwhile, judge juan merchan says, trump s attorney can join the former president at his pre-sentence investigation interview. the interview will form part of the report. the judge will receive. ahead of trump s sentencing next month. or prosecutors in hunter biden s federal gun trial, rest of their case on friday, and lawyers for the us president s son. so they ll decide over the weekend whether he ll testify in his own defense on friday. his legal team called hunters daughter naomi to the stand. she said she was proud to see her father in rehab in the summer of 2018, but she appeared uncomfortable when confronted with text messages that appear to show he was somewhat erratic in october 2018? that s the same month prosecutors claim hunter bought and owned a firearm while addicted to drugs and to biden is accused of having a gun while abusing drugs, and lying on a form about his use of the contraband former trump white house chief of staff mark meadows is pleading not guilty to charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election results in arizona. he s one of 18 trump allies are charged in connection with the fake electors case in the stage, cnn s nick watt has more sir, could you state your name, please mark randall matters. thank you. and virtual appearance in an arizona court and facing nine felony counts of conspiracy, forgery, and fraudulent schemes because prosecutors, say meadows schemed to prevent the lawful transfer of the presidency. how did he go from this chief of staff to the most powerful man on earth? to this? if you failed to appear for court without good cause, a warrant could issue for your arrest. these indicted along with other trump acolytes, including rudy giuliani, lawyers, john eastman, jenna ellis christina bobb, as well as advisors boris epshteyn and michael roman also arizona s 11 so-called fake elector vectors, state lawmakers and republican operatives who gathered in phoenix december 14, 2020, pledging part president donald j. trump of his state of florida but joe biden had won the state, thus winning their states 11 electoral votes. they also sent the fake pro-trump electors turtle certificates to washington those fake electors hoped prosecutors say to encourage vice president mike pence not to certify biden s victory on january 6, 2021. according to the indictment, meadows worked with members of the trump campaign to coordinate and implement the false republican electors votes in arizona. and six other states. and was involved in the many efforts to keep unindicted coconspirator one in power, despite his defeat at the polls unindicted coconspirator one is, of course donald trump and that broad fake electors scheme plays a significant part. in federal indictment filed against him. over the january 6 capitol insurrection the arizona election was tight he s biden won by just about 10,000 votes. trump s supporters filed numerous lawsuits that all came to naught and later mounted an exhaustive audit of the maricopa county vote that found no significant fraud. that in 2023, a democratic state attorney general took office in arizona i will not allow american democracy to be undermined. it s too important. kris mayes succeeded a republican who investigated the unfounded allegations that fraud had benefited biden but not the fake electors the mayes office investigation led to a grand jury indicting meadows at al in april. and today confirmation that meadows will fight it, council. do you ever reading yes, your honor. we do an enter a plea of not guilty rudy giuliani also indicted in arizona. he s been a little trickier to deal with record officials who took nearly three weeks to find him an order to serve him a summons. they eventually tracked him through his live streams and gave him that some and served in that summons as he was coming out of his 80th birthday party in palm beach, florida giuliani also called into his first court appearance about an hour or latent called the case a complete embarrassment to the american legal system. the judge actually threatened to mute him. now, giuliani has been given 30 days to actually appear in person in arizona for processing and to post a $10,000 bond. he s got about 12 days left before that deadline expires. thank cnn los angeles record low birth rates in japan will show you what the japanese government plans to do to encourage births including launching its own the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be the higher the president and the former president s one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate, tuesday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming unmasked. i have moderate to severe crohn s disease. now, they re sky rosie, things. look in afghans in control in my crohn s means and been things feel significant symptom relief at four weeks with sky the including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements sky rosie is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improved damage of the intestinal lining the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or lower ability to fight them may occur tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine or plan to liver problems may occur in crohn s disease now s the time to ask your gastroenterology well, i ll just tell you can take control of your crohn s with sky rosie learn how fv to help you save if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect new periodontics act of gum repair, breath freshener clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease a new toothpaste from periodontics, the gum experts. i brought a jew or max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. here, i ll take that ensure max protein 30 grams protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic did you know taking xyz all at night relieves allergies while you sleep so you wake refreshed for more productive day get 24 hour continuous relief that does no feel i can has my back join me. it can decay come japan s fertility rate reached another record low last year. it s been declining for years with 2023 recording double the number of deaths compared to births. that trend is already contributing to a shrinking population. and to cnn s hanako montgomery reports it s prompting the government to take action running towards her future commonly be told me the decision to frehse rags in an effort to achieve her goals the shaima take it and now. i have this big dream of becoming number one in the world. and i want to achieve that first. i don t think that s something i can do ten or 20 years from now after having a child it s now or never the 33-year-old japanese marathon runner is working hard to be number one in the world s toughest marathon we do is one of a growing number of japanese women choosing to freeze their eggs? it s for future planning japan s birth rate hit an all-time low in 2023, according to the country s health ministry data released this week in 2020 d3, the average number of babies born fell for the eighth consecutive year. and government officials warned japan s youth population will rapidly shrink in the coming years if the trend continues, this could lead to a shrinking workforce with not enough young people to fill the gaps if this trend continues, japan socio economy will contract and it will become difficult to maintain our social security system and our local communities. the six or seven years we have from now until we enter the 2030s. it will be our last chance. government officials have announced various programs to tackle this issue. japan s parliament enacted a law to expand monthly child care allowances and parental leave policies. the tokyo government offers to subsidize women aged 18 to 39, up to 200,000 yen to freeze their eggs for future pregnancies. city officials also plan to launch a dating app encouraging singles who want to get married to find each other some contributing factors behind the low birth rates include the country s high cost of living lack of childcare support, and changing attitudes towards marriage and family the country s number of marriages has declined in the past couple of years, and the rate of divorce has increased a lot. they also anymore it costs a lot of money to raise children. and if there was more support for that, i think people would be more optimistic when sintering, raising children. he does not bto shared her experience with egg freezing on social media, hoping more women will have access to this option. dan it s reassuring to know that i have a choice and have the possibility to get pregnant when i want to hanako montgomery, cnn, tokyo we ll be right back after this short break i brought in a juror max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy is just two weeks here. i ll take that ensure max protein, 30 grams protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic it s doomsday but neutrogena ultras, your sunscreen is still on the clock. vital sun protection goes six layers deep, blocking 97% of burning uv rays. it s light, but it s working hard. like me, neutrogena ultras, your sunscreen every night it s the same thing after dinner, you start soaking, scrubbing, scraping your stove top night. well, now you can wake up to a clean dream kitchen every day with stole guard slide on stove top protector that stops all the methods before they started. sauces are red to end sayonara gone in seconds, 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seen in sports correspondent carolyn menno, with more on clark s record night. hey, carolyn hi, her pro debut, as you noted, it has been accompanied by this very divisive undercurrent and she s dealing with life as a very rich and very famous rookie that juxtaposition hasn t garnered a particularly warm welcome from some of her colleagues on the floor. so before friday s game, she addressed a recent off the ball foul but when viral involving the chicago sky is kennedy carter. she said she doesn t expect an apology for the incident which a lot of people thought was particularly malicious and she understands that basketball is a competitive sport. she backed that up on the floor friday night car kit, 73 signed the rookie record set by chris robinson back in 1999. in her 30 points tying a career-high in the pros as the indiana fever beat the winless washington mystics, 85, 83. it s karch second, 30.5 rebound five assists game if she can do can use to make her way in the initial stages of her pro career if i ll go to the shoot the ball well, like i feel like even my missus were like right there, i thought multiple are still going in and it s nice to have a night like that. and obviously overall, we shot the ball well, 16 may threes, but i still feel like there s so many ways that i can continue to be better and that probably goes for our whole team. we saw so if i feel like there s so many ways for us to improve and execute, especially down the stretch and not make it as close elsewhere, german tennis star alexander zverev has been playing at the french open with the cloud over him accused in his home country of abusing his former partner in a friday, the two agreed to settle the case with no admission. patient of guilt by zverev on the court. he was able to focus and finally get over the hump at roland garros after three-straight exits in the semifinals zverev top reigning two-time runner-up, casper ruud and four sets to reach a grand slam final for just a second time. in his career. on the other side of the net onset and they will be carlos alcaraz carlitos and yannick sinner putting on an epic performance for the crowds in paris. this has been projected to be the next great men sentence rivalry. some they say is already there. the 21-year-old spaniard has two major titles, the 22-year-old the italian just want his first this year at the australian open, this time algorithm that s coming out on top rallying from being down one row and 2121 a marathon for our five-set match. alvarez breaching his first french final in the year that his hero, 14 times champion rafat on adele might have played in his last. meanwhile, in about three hours time, iga swiatek will try to make it a three-peat in paris, the world number one, taking on 28-year-old italian jasmine paolini. listen to this before the year paolini had never even made it out of the second round of a grand slam. and now she has a chance the biggest upsets in recent memory against the undisputed best player in the world. and lastly, for you this morning, the puck dropping on the stanley cup final states sayyed here between the euler s in the panthers tonight. and i can think of no better way to celebrate ana then with these he s adorable puppies. see nhl putting on the first ever stanley pup game 16 adorable dogs all up for adoption. and every one of them was named after a player. so there s connor mcdougal, surrogate, bob ruff ski, in honor of two of the stars in the edmonton florida series, the mvp or the most valuable part? up as it were award the went to nakoda, nikita pucci, her off. i think i got all those right. but just adorable event who doesn t love it? exactly. i think you d want to take them all home. absolutely. carolyn, lovely to see you. thank you for that well, that wraps up this our of cnn newsroom. thank you so much for your company. i m anna coren hong kong dna this morning is coming up next i m thinking i m going to die and i thought that was it would with 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Way , President , Pressure , Politics , Constraints , Demands , La-lake , Zelenskyy , Food , Ingredient , Drink , Mayonnaise

Laura Coates Live

Out to me. i am open to a conversation. i have said publicly that if my choices in november or joe biden and donald trump, that i will have no choice but to vote for joe biden. i don t really necessarily view it as a vote for joe biden, but more so a vote against shrimp. i just can t and good faith vote for someone who has shown us that he will not uphold the constitution and who to this day will not admit that he lost the 2020 election. and was the first president to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power. and so i would encourage other americans to follow suit. i know right now, i think there are a lot of people like myself, whether that be moderate republicans are independents who are hugely disappointed with their options? then 2024 and i empathized with that. but at the end of the day, i can put policy aside and know that joe biden is a person of good character and who will be a good leader for us. whereas donald trump has shown us what

Joe-biden , Maga-well-donald-trump , Choice , Vote , Conversation , Choices , Election , Faith , Someone , Constitution , Shrimp , 2020

Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240607-960

Message that is deeply racial and why the proud boys are turned on by the verdict. he is saying law and order is for minorities and african-americans when we talk about law and order, we are talking about a standard that shouldn t apply to us, to me, a rich white guy. it should apply to poor african-american men. that double standard is a turn on to certain segments of maga and trump space. i think you make a fair point and they say blue lives matter, but not when the blue lives were upholding the peaceful transfer of power which they turned violent. right. that goes back to jim crow and everybody else. that is how something, as you know we reported a lot on the program, the hypocrisy of

Message , Boys , Verdict , Law-and-order , African-americans , Minorities , Standard , United-states , Shouldn-t , Men , A-rich-white-guy , Tto-me

The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer

Recovery mission is personal for captain fox worth, an airman himself the cautious hope is to ultimately return the remainder scenes of evolve three to their families for burial with full military honors. it s a promise that our country has made to every service member, no matter how long it takes. but the possible remainders since most first undergo forensic testing at a dpa laboratory back in the us before making any positive identification, regardless of that outcome, we won t stop, we ll keep we ll keep searching ultimately, there will be a dignified transfer of these possible remains over to that us lab. we mentioned, according to the lab manager, they could make an identification and under a year-and-a-half, after extensive forensic testing, the families of these three unaccounted for airman have been notified that the government is working to recover them until then it s a waiting game. isabel resolve was cnn atlanta and a special thanks to cnn s isabelle results for that report. this important note to our viewers. be sure to watch the situation room

Country , Families , Recovery-mission , Captain , Airman , Promise , Scenes , Hope , Burial , Honors , Fox-worth , Three

Ana Cabrera Reports

Ryan reilly joins us now from the supreme court. what have we heard from the court this morning as they release decisions, and what cases are we still waiting on? reporter: we got three decisions, but none of them were the big ones we re looking for, which both have to do essentially with donald trump. one of them would impact all of the cases that jack smith has brought against the former president, including the one in florida and the one here in d.c. that had to do with his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election and stop the transfer of power in the lead up to january 6th. the other one has to do with a charge that has been used against hundreds of january 6th defendants as well as donald trump himself. it would have to do with two of the charges, of the four charges donald trump is facing here in d.c., and it s the obstruction of an official proceeding charge. and that has been used against hundreds of january 6th defendants, would also impact trump, and the question that sort of bubbled up from the district court here in washington ultimately up to the supreme court is whether it was properly applied to january 6th defendants and whether or not

On-donald-trump , Reporter , At-america , Supreme-court , Cases , Court , All , Decisions , Ones , One , Both , Ryan-reilly