their national cemetery. sort lying a state of the union and a visit to arlington. so there have been high level of courtesies exchanged here to try to emphasize the relationship. ali i m sure you have been aware of a lot of discussion of trade. president trump leveraging south korea to reopen negotiations at a time when they need the united states for security. kelly, thanks very much, and a good wednesday to you. kelly o donnell in seoul, south korea. joining me now is ambassador wendy sherman, msnbc global affairs contributor who served as undersecretary of state. wendy, good to see you. thank you for being with us. talk to me about your interpretation. is this a very big deal that president trump has tempered his comments on north korea? or is it the normal course of affairs, that he s there, he s had his fire and fury moment now, and he gets to say all right we ve all yelled at each other. now it s time for us to think about possibly maybe