On February 28, the Business Council of Mongolia (BCM) organized its monthly meeting under the theme, ‘Economic Prospects of Mongolia and External Factors’, discussing the current state of the domestic and international economy.
2021-01-29 12:59:28
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mongolia to the Republic of Singapore T.Lhagvadorj attended as a speaker at a January Monthly Meeting 2021 of the Business Council of Mongolia (BCM). The Business Council of Mongolia (BCM) is a politically unaffiliated, membership-based association of leading business and investors, striving to deliver value for the public and members.
The BCM’s Monthly Meeting was held online on 28 January 2021 using the Zoom platform, with its Chairman Ts. Tumentsogt hosting for an audience of around 80 people. At the January Monthly Meeting, Ambassador T.Lkhagvadorj gave a presentation on “Singaporean experience: dealing with economic difficulties during COVID-19 Pandemic.”