u.s. oil companies, are raking in near record profits, so why are they still getting huge taxpayer subsidies? i m wolf blitzer. you re in the situation room. he skipped the last presidential debate and sidelined himself in iowa saying he wants to focus on the first of the nation s primary state. jon huntsman is betting almost everything on new hampshire, but is trail ng the state while romney is enjoying a substantial lead and now, huntsman is joining some of romney s sharpest critics in questioning romney s conservative credentials. jon huntsman is joining us now from salt lake city. thanks very much for coming in. thank you, wolf. an honor to be with you. george will, the conservative columnist writing in an upcoming edition of the washington post says this about mitt romney. he says you agree with george will on that? those are pretty tough words, wolf. all i can say is this is the time when this nation wants leadership. we ve been looking for leadership for