Gokul S, a 23-year-old from Thirumala, Thiruvananthapuram has cracked UPSC civil services exam despite having a low vision. Gokul got an all India Rank (AIR) 804 and a category rank 3. However, he is not satisfied with his score and has applied to reappear for the next attempt of the UPSC CSE.Gokul is an English literature scholar from
While formulating answers and notes, UPSC CSE rank 4 Smriti Mishra took guidance from 2021 topper Shruti Sharma's notes and answer scripts. She compared her answers with toppers and her previous written answers as well, which also played a crucial role in her success, she said
Uma Harathi, who hails from Telangana’s Nalgonda district, is a graduate (B Tech) in Civil Engineering from IIT, Hyderabad. She had opted for anthropology as her optional subject in the CSE exam.