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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240611

united nations. the un security council endorsed a ceasefire proposal for gaza council endorsed a ceasefire proposalfor gaza on council endorsed a ceasefire proposal for gaza on monday the first time the council has passed a resolution demanding a stop in fighting after eight months of war. the resolution urges both hamas and israel to fully and quickly implement the 3 phase plan. russia abstained. reactions to the resolution between the two parties have been mixed. says it welcomes the endorsement and that it is ready to work with mediators. senior israeli diplomat said her country would continue to pursue its objectives. us ambassador to the un linda thomas greenfield says the resolution shows hamas that the international community is united. ., ., , ., , united. colleagues, today this council sent united. colleagues, today this council sent a united. colleagues, today this council sent a clear united. colleagues, today this council sent a clear message i united. colleagues, today this | council sent a clear message to hamas accept the ceasefire deal on the table. israel has already agreed to this deal, and the fighting could stop today if hamas would do the same. i repeat the fighting canned stop today. the bbc has more from new york. what we heard from the united states was that this was the best possible way to secure a durable end to the war, saying that it really is a deal that was israel s initiative and outlined three phases that they said would eventually lead the complete withdrawal of israeli forces the, release of all hostages in exchange for palestinian prisoners, major re construction of gaza eventually. i think from different members you heard different members you heard different positions. while the united states says this resolution passing means that the international community ask is united and that this will help put pressure hamas to accept the deal, algeria said they still had reservations about the text but supported it because they net it wanted to give diplom a chance, wanted to give diplom a chance, wanted to give a glimmer of hope to palestinians. but from russia and china, a lot more scepticism. russia said it didn t want to block this resolution because the arab group of nations supported it. but it questioned whether israel had really accepted the deal as the resolution states. they pointed to a number of statements by israeli officials, including prime minister binyamin netanyahu, that they will continue the war until hamas is defeated. china as well questioned if parties will actually implement these three phases of presidentjoe biden s proposed deal, and china noting that the other security council resolutions that have been passed weren t implemented, including a permanent ceasefire, including getting more aid in at scale into gaza, questioning whether this will have a tangible impact on the ground. so i think it remains to be seen if this resolution will, in fact, be different than the other ones. meanwhile, us secretary of state antony blinken is visiting the middle east for the eighth time since the october 7 attacks. secretary blinken is fiercely advocating for the ceasefire deal proposed by president biden 10 days ago. mr blinken met with egyptian president abdel fattah el sisi before heading tojerusalem for talks with israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu. a state department spokesman said secretary blinken assured mr netanyahu that the proposal would unlock the possibility of calm along israel s northern border. our state department correspondent tom bateman is travelling with the secretary and has more from jerusalem. publicly, we re seeing the americans come here and try to press arab leaders to put pressure on hamas to accept this. but hamas is going to want, and basically wants, a far clearer guarantee that this would mean the end of the war and a full israeli withdrawal from gaza. clearly, they don t feel like they ve got that yet, because we re not seeing the formal response from them or the resumption of these indirect negotiations. but there s something else going on beneath the surface. this isn t part of the public presentation. what mr blinken is trying to do is bind the israelis into this, and the israelis into this, and the israeli leadership, because although mr netanyahu has said that his war cabinet has authorised a deal, we haven t heard unequivocal support from him. crucially, in his wider cabinet, that fractious cabinet, that fractious cabinet, including far right ministers, some of those have outright rejected this proposal already. and some of those have said they would quit the coalition, precipitate its collapse, if this proposal were to go ahead. so that puts pressure on mr netanyahu potentially to pull back from it all. so i think the white house is trying to bounce the two sides into making progress. that is why mr blinken is here. there are also some strong motivations, really, for the israeli leadership, to some extent the top echelons of hamas, to play for a bit more time here. but among those who are trying to rush this through the white house president biden desperately seeking an agreement before the us presidential election campaign gets underway proper later this year. but so far, here from the region, few signs of any imminent breakthrough. for more, i spoke to james jeffrey, former us ambassador to turkey and iraq, and chair of the wilson center s middle east programme, for more on the detailed proposed ceasefire plan. the israelis, again, are agreeing there are other things such as some hostages come back, there s aid pouring in, people can go back to their homes. the basic thing is, for six weeks, the israeli military stops fighting and pulls out of the major urban areas. it basically will hold a strategic terrain along the egyptian border, the sea, and other places, but stops fighting. and in return, as will hamas. and in return, as will hamas. and in return, as will hamas. and in return, will negotiate on a possible permanent ceasefire during those six weeks if. they haven t achieved a breakthrough by then, they can extend that six week ceasefire while they continue to negotiate. but, importantly, they don t have to. and if one or the other side decides after the six weeks to break off the negotiations, we would go back to fighting. so this puts pressure on hamas. that s the israeli proposal. president biden is stressing how important it is to keep those negotiations going on forever, because then the initial six week ceasefire will look like a permanent ceasefire. right. now, here in the us, the president s son, hunter biden, tells the bbc he believes his federal gun case now before a jury federal gun case now before a jury has went well. jurors began deliberating monday after closing arguments wrapped up. our correspondent spoke to mr biden in downtown wilmington, delaware, a few minutes away from the courthouse. good evening, mr biden. do you have time for questions with bbc news? how do you feel today went? i bbc news? how do you feel today went? ~ went? i think it went well. we ll see went? i think it went well. we ll see - went? i think it went well. we ll see - we ll went? i think it went well. we ll see - we ll wait - went? i think it went well. we ll see - we ll wait for l went? i think it went well. l we ll see - we ll wait for the we ll see we ll wait for the jury we ll see we ll wait for the jury to we ll see we ll wait for the jury to come back. hunter jury to come back. hunter biden is accused of lying about his drug on a federalform while lying about his drug on a federal form while buying a weapon in 2018 and illegal a using a firearm while he was allegedly a drug user. thejury will allegedly a drug user. the jury will return to this courthouse behind me here in del wire on tuesday morning to continue its deliberations to weigh the evidence and testimony that they ve heard in this trial over the past week or so. much of that has been very detailed and sometimes difficult to listen to. the prosecution has laid out its case that hunter biden was addicted to crack cocaine, that he was using the drug on or around the time that he purchased that revolver on october 2018. that and that he then lied about that on a federalform. of course, all of this evidence the text messages, the pictures, video, even some audio snippets from hunter biden s memoir has played out notjust for the jury, but also for the biden family itself. many members of that family were again in court today sitting just behind hunter biden in a show of support. among them was the first lady herself, jill biden. this is already an historic case, an historic trial. but a conviction here would also be historic. hunter biden would become the first son of a sitting president to be convicted in a federal courthouse. that would carry a maximum penalty of about 25 years. it s unlikely he would serve that amount of time the discretion would be up to the judge but of course, it s in the hands of the jury now. they will continue those deliberations on day two here on tuesday. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. now to another story making headlines in the uk: an initial postmortem concluded that dr michael mosley died of natural causes brought on by the causes of a strenuous walk. the bbc presenter s body was found in a rocky island in greece, symi. it was just near this beach bar that his body was found yesterday not by search and rescue teams but by local journalists, the mayor and the staff of agia marina. he passed up over the land. mikailis was one of the first on the scene. he is still in shock and feels guilt for not finding him sooner. we did our best. we gave whatever we can do and i m very sorry about it. i m very sorry about the end. cctv from the resort, which has not been released, shows the final moments of michael mosley s life. it is upsetting and shows him clearly in distress, michael mosley was 67 years old. you re watching bbc news. french political parties are scrambling to prepare for legislative elections less than three weeks away. it comes after president emmanuel macron s surprise decision to dissolve parliament and call a snap vote. mr macron made the announcement on sunday after his allies suffered a resounding defeat by the far right in european polls. the first day of the campaign was marked not with a rally, but with a memorial service. emmanuel macron visited the site of one of the worst nazi massacres in france, perpetrated 80 years ago today. he s been drawing on the past to highlight what he claims is the current threat confronting the country from the far right. in the face of his opponents success this weekend, the president has taken an almighty gamble in calling a snap election. a0 miles outside paris, this is coulommiers, the land of cheesemaking, where support for macron has crumbled. the members of the monday club said they hadn t veered to the right. but then we met 31 year old mum of three noemi, a worker in an elderly care home, who says she s desperate for something new. translation: what frightens people could actually do them j good, so we should try the national front, because france is getting worse. i m scared to leave my house and the public transport is not safe. whatever the result of these snap parliamentary elections, emmanuel macron is set to stay on as president for another three years, but a national rally victory could have a huge impact here and in many parts of france. it would also be hugely symbolic, too, because injust six weeks time, the country will host the olympic games and by then, france could have its first far right government since the second world war. this is the 28 year old who could be france s prime minister in a month. through his social media, jordan bardella has been winning young supporters in particular, focusing on the cost of living, softening the image of a party once condemned as unelectable, and working alongside marine le pen. she hopes to replace macron as president in 2027. so can national rally translate their victory at the european elections to the national vote? so they have some kind of, say, a political virginity people say, we do not know what they will do if they come to power but nevertheless, let s give them a try, and if we are not happy, we will have election next time and we ll get rid of them. it s not clear what the president s thinking is, but his legacy will be defined in the coming weeks. nick beake, bbc news, outside paris. for more on the snap election, i spoke to a writer and correspondent based in paris. what impact do you think the french president calling snap elections is going to have not only on france, but across the eu? ~ , ., ., ., eu? well, it started a large pr camaian eu? well, it started a large pr campaign by eu? well, it started a large pr campaign by both eu? well, it started a large pr campaign by both the - eu? well, it started a large pr campaign by both the left - eu? well, it started a large pr campaign by both the left and| campaign by both the left and the right throughout europe, but it s essentially a french story. macron had to do this because he has wanted to put a stop to the rise of ultra right right wingism in france, which many here call fascism. you know, the right wing here approximately tax up 40% short of a majority of the 289 seats that s going to be required to get in the parliament in the national assembly to take a majority. they have 577 seats. so macron s decision here which is a political calculation, a tricky one he just wants to shut down the ultra right wing once and for all. he thinks he can do it. you said this is a french story, but we did also see a surge for right wing parties in austria, italy and germany. you don t think we will see this kind of ground breaking snap election in any other country? no other country has yet announced a snap election. and i think viewers have to remember that the european union parliament elections have always been a vehicle to express national discontent, frustrations, in local issues back home. a good illustration, of course, is nigel farage from the uk. so, macron knows this, and again this is another reason why he intends to host the shutdown, this attempt of le pen, jordan bardella, and of course her niece, marichelle and the other cronies, to take them on in the french elections in two years. which according to the polls right now, the french right wing has a good chance of taking. france s snap election is just part of the fallout of this year s european parliament election an enormous undertaking with 373 million eligible voters across the eu s 27 member states. the parties in the for still dominate the legislature. the centre right european people s party, led by the european commission president, ursula von der leyen, gained seats and is still the largest bloc. ms von der leyen said the centre has held, but she acknowledged that more extreme parties also made gains. in her native germany, chancellor olaf scholz was pushed by the far right in germany, the alternative for germany. he rebuffed suggestions he should take responsibility for his party s result and said gains for the far right were worrying, but people should not get used to it. and in italy, the party of populist prime minister giorgia meloni secured a clear victory. elsewhere, right wing parties did not perform as strong. in poland the, governing centrist civic coalition gained victory. for more on the results across the continent, i spoke to a fellow at the council on foreign relations, focusing on europe. looking at the success of right wing parties in a number of eu countries, what do you think voters were casting their ballots on? immigration? the war in ukraine? cost of living? all of the above? in opinion polls ahead of the european parliamentary elections, european voters said that they re primarily concerned about health care, about poverty, and about social exclusion. so, very traditional social welfare topics. another item on the agenda was also security and defence for the first time a third of the european electorate said the third most important priority is actually security and defence, making europe secure after russia s war against ukraine. but social welfare has been on the minds of the european electorate, much more than immigration, surprisingly. we have seen the presence of right wing parties in previous european elections. why do you think we re seeing, however, this surge now? i think we re seeing, however, this surge now? this surge now? i think that there s a this surge now? i think that there s a story this surge now? i think that there s a story of this surge now? i think that there s a story of a - there s a story of a glass half full and glass half empty. on the one hand, the european centre in the european parliament still holds. which will allow, for example, european commission president ursula von der leyen to have a comfortable majority to have a comfortable majority to be re elected. on the fringes, we have this far right surge, as you said. this goes back to national member states and their current political situation. we have germany with the alternative for germany. the far right has been strong there. marine le pen and her party in france have doubled the votes of macron s party. other member states, however, the future doesn t look as dire as in france and germany. so, across the board, we do see a surge in the far right. but if we look down and drill down, it is spiffically certain member states where the far right has been very successful. states where the far-right has been very successful. been very successful. let s talk about been very successful. let s talk about consequences. l been very successful. let s i talk about consequences. we been very successful. let s - talk about consequences. we saw president macron call a snap elections. could we see that in germany as well? we know that there is pressure on chancellor scholz to call a no confidence vote? scholz to call a no-confidence vote? , , , . ., , vote? yes, indeed especially because germany vote? yes, indeed especially because germany will - vote? yes, indeed especially because germany will face i vote? yes, indeed especially because germany will face a| because germany will face a number of regional elections in the eastern part of the country where the afd and the far right has traditionally been very strong. this will be a tough item for this coalition in berlin. however, it is unlikely that early elections will be called in contrast to france the germans are actually much more hesitant about political instability, political surprise moves. they don t appreciate calling early elections. and for the three parties that are in government now, early elections might actually not be beneficial, because they are already in such a dire position right now. for germany, the outlook doesn t look as urgent as for france. as for france. what about the im act as for france. what about the impact on as for france. what about the impact on the as for france. what about the impact on the european - as for france. what about the impact on the european level| as for france. what about the l impact on the european level in brussels, and how the far right will have a presence there? i mean, could we see the centre right, as you said it has held with european commission president von der leyen could we see the centre right actually turn to working with the far right? that was indeed a major concern before the elections, because we have already seen this on the level of member states that centre right governments have entered into a coalition with far right parties or have been supported by far right parties, for example. sweden, netherlands, finland, have all pursued this kind of model. at the european level too, it would be tempting for the centre right to form a coalition with the far right. but the election results so far suggest that this will not be necessary, that for the election of ursula von der leyen as the commission president, if she gets confirmed, and a majority from the centre will be sufficient. but she has flirted with opening up to the far right. so this story is not yet at its end. ., , ., ., end. one more question - what do ou end. one more question - what do you think end. one more question - what do you think all end. one more question - what do you think all of end. one more question - what do you think all of this - end. one more question - what do you think all of this means l do you think all of this means for relations with the eu? we are here in washington, of course. will the relationship with the eu change at all with these different moving pieces on the european end? the relationship on the european end? the relationship with - on the european end? iie: relationship with the on the european end? iie: relationship with the eu, on the european end? i““ie: relationship with the eu, if on the european end? iie: relationship with the eu, if we just look at the outcome of the parliamentary elections, we ll probably remain stable. because the outcomes within the parliament are not too surprising. a little bit of a surge for the far right, but not a radical break. more concerning is really are we with the domestic developments in france. if we have a far right government in france, which might be a possibility after the two rounds of elections that emmanuel macron has announced, then this will have a significant impact on the european us relationship too. if it remains as it is right now, then washington can count on probably ursula von der leyen remaining an important actor working together with russia, working together with the white house on a regular basis, and steering europe into a direction of a stronger stance on china, more support for ukraine, and also stronger climate policies. uk prime minister rishi sunak and the conservative party are expected to unveil their election manifesto tomorrow. in an interview with the bbc, mr sunak detailed many of the party s initiatives, including addressing the growing challenge of home ownership, and a further two pence on national insurance. nick robinson questioned the prime minister on the conservatives many campaign promises. we ve had endless promises. i ve got all your tory press releases here. a promise of national service a couple of billion there. a promise for a tax cut for pensioners. a promise of a tax cut for parents. more apprenticeship, more police officers endless promises of more and more money from the conservatives. have you found the magic money tree? no, every single one of those policies that you have just been through is fully funded and costed, as is explained in every single one of those press releases, as indeed when we have set out our manifesto tomorrow, people will be able to see all the details behind it even further. and tomorrow you will promise more tax cuts? we will have a manifesto tomorrow that builds on all the things you just gone through that we have just built the labour party pledged to create 100,000 additional childcare places and more than 3,000 new nurses. liberal democrats are pledging everyone in england would be entitled to free at home care. the two child benefit cap would be lifted. and people in the uk would have the right to see a gp within seven days oh within 24 gp within seven days oh within 2a hours if urgent. a serious incident at a park in china instructors were in china instructors were in china for a teaching programme with the local university. the couege with the local university. the college said in a statement they were injured in a visit to a public park and that were no students were a part of the programme. a us state department spokesperson told our news partner cbs that they are aware of reports of a stabbing in northeast china, but did newt give any other details. now to other headlines from around the world: malawi authorities say a plane carrying the country s vice president and other officials has gone missing after taking off from the capital. the president s office said a search and rescuer operation is underway. the vice president and nine others were travelling to the funeral of a formerjustice minister. former us president donald trump attended a pre sentencing interview with a probation officer on monday after his hush money trial conviction last month, according to our partners at cbs news. the interview was part of the report the probation department would submit to the judge to help decide mr trump s punishment. sentencing is set forjuly11. in may, mrtrump became the first former president to become the president to become the president of a felony. a massive fire broke out on monday morning in miami, and an employee was found shot at the scene. it is not clear if the incidents are related. miami fire & rescue said multiple residents were evacuated and rescued, including some from their balconies. many people have been taken to hospital, including one for smoke inhalation. apple unveiled apple intelligence, its ai technology, at its annual worldwide developers conference in california. it will be incorporated across its apps including siri, to generate images and text. the company s partnering with openai and chatgpt, which has faced concerns over data security. apple said privacy safeguards have been built it into this new technology. that is our programme at this hour. thank you so much for watching bbc news from washington. stay with us. hello, there. for most of us, it has been a disappointing start to the week, in terms of the weather. a frequent rash of showers, particularly across scotland, gusts of winds coming from the north, and in excess of 30 mph, at times. temperatures struggled to get into double figures, but it was a slightly different story, further south and west. just look at anglesey beautiful afternoon, lots of sunshine and temperatures peaked at around 18 or 19 degrees. high pressure is continuing to nudge its way in from the west, so west will be best, through the course of tuesday. there s still likely to be a few showers around, but hopefully few and further between. most frequent showers, certainly, are going to be across eastern scotland and down through eastern england. so, sunny spells and scattered showers going into the afternoon. that will have an impact with the temperature, 1a or 15 degrees, but again, with a little more shelter, a little more sunshine, 17 or 18 celsius not out of the question. a few scattered showers moving their way through northern ireland and scotland. hopefully, some of these will ease through the afternoon, but you can see those temperatures still really struggling ten to 15 degrees at the very best. now, as we move out of tuesday into wednesday, this little ridge of high pressure will continue to kill off the showers. so, wednesday is likely to be the driest day of the week and make the most of it there s more rain to come, but it will be a pretty chilly start, once again, to wednesday morning. single figures right across the country, low single figures in rural spots. but, hopefully, the showers should be a little bit few and further between and more favoured spots for those showers, once again, to the east of the pennines. more sunshine out to the west. temperatures, generally, similar values to what we ve seen all week, 10 to 18 degrees the high, but the wind direction will start to change, as we move into thursday. unfortunately, towards the end of the week, this low pressure will take over. we ll see further spells of rain at times, some of it heavy. but the wind direction will play its part, a little a south westerly wind means that we will see temperatures climbing a degree or so. don t expect anything too significant, because we ve got the cloud and the rain around. but it s not out of the question that across eastern and southeast england, we could see highs of 20 celsius. take care. voice-over: this is bbc news. we will have the headlines for you at the top of the hour, which is straight after this programme. this week, we re heading into space to find out how we ll live, work and eat on the moon. we have space homes and a spacewoman. all of a sudden, it clicked in my head. wow, the international space station is a submarine in space. ..moon bots and moon dust. the surface is fine and powdery. i can pick it up loosely with my toe. you know, i think i ve seen that chap somewhere before. jfk: we choose to go - to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. j neil armstrong: it s one small step for man. - giant leap for mankind. 52 years ago, we laid our last footprint on the moon. as the crew of apollo 17 left the surface,

Parties , Resolution , Israel , Hamas , Russia , Plan , Mediators , Reactions , Endorsement , 3 , Two , Fighting

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240611

website, even social posts. in minutes! -how? -a.i. (impressed) ay i like it! who wants to come see the future?! get your business online in minutes with godaddy airo hi, i m gina. i ve tried so many things to lose weight. none of it worked. i would quit after a few days or a week at the most. golo is not like any of those. with golo and release i not only met my goal i ve surpassed it. and i m keeping it off. ainsley: it s 8 a.m. on the east coast, tuesday, june 11, this is fox and friends . we are expecting to see hunter biden shortly, day two of jury deliberations in the federal gun trial get underway in one hour. brian: how many family members will be there. this as dad issis faing heat from a pollster. steve: and siri getting smarter, as apple rolls out a massive ai update. can we escape ai in every part of our lives? doesn t look like it. lawrence: mornings are better with friends. brian: get dressed. we are waiting hunter biden s arrival in delaware at federal court. steve: 9:00 eastern time, deliberations will begin. lawrence: rich edson is live outside the courthouse in wilmington, delaware. steve: with a heckler. i m surprised there hasn t been more of that. this was this morning. jurors are supposed to be here and will start deliberating in less than an hour. the judge will address them briefly. they are doing so without hearing hunter biden do so. the jury deliberates after an afternoon of closing arguments. there is overwhelming evidence against hunter biden, lying on a form, owning and possessing that weapon for 11 days, all in october of 2018. they led off their presentation referring to the biden family members, including first lady. people are not evidence and nobody is above the law. and his ex-girlfriend and ex-wife s testimony was discussed. he claimed he was meeting a drug dealer and smoking crack. the gun owner who was questioned about him being a drug owner. relying on evidence of past drug abuse when he bought a gun. lowell says there is no evidence or testimony or witnesses observing hunter using drugs then. week after hunter bought the gun, there was a text about him meeting a drug dealer. maybe he wasn t smoking crack. all in the hands of the jury. steve: during closing arguments yesterday abbe lowell was trying to inject reasonable doubt, he said hunter biden did not knowing ly lie, he was in a deep state of denial. that is their case there. that is the whole case there. there were times between 2015 and 2019, he was in and out of rehab, on drugs, at time he signed that form, he was under the belief he was not a user of drugs. the prosecution is saying that other stuff, they are contending he was on drugs and lied on the form. lawrence: so do other drug addicts that refuse to go to aa, but it is not a defense. interesting to see what the jury decides today. they continue deliberation. hunter biden has not arrived at the courthouse. brian: first lady will go on tuesday from washington to wilmington, wilmington to france, france to wilmington and france to philadelphia. she of course is back in wilmington, to show support for her step-son, i get it. but why are we paying for it? ainsley: it cost $345,000 for her to go back and forth and dnc is saying they will cover the cost. we asked peter about it, they will cover the cost of a couple tickets. steve: probably one first class ticket. if intent was to influence the jury, they will not be needed today. the president is leaving tonight or tomorrow for the g-7. they will be close so they can go back to court if the word comes down. lawrence: when they pay for the flight back and forth, is that a legal expense or campaign contribution? steve: probably campaign. lawrence: is it part of the election, how do you label these things? brian: juneteenth coming up thursday? ainsley: next wednesday next. brian: yesterday at the white house was time to celebrate, great roster of fantastic acts evidently, people looking at this shot and saying is the president freezing? is he frozen? is he okay in this or just refusing to sway with the music? steve: remember when you were a kid and played that game where you come up and say freeze and everybody else around you would move and you have to freeze. looks like he is playing that game right there. he moved a little bit. lawrence: or guy with lack of rhythm. it wouldn t be a problem if he did not lie and say he was part of the black church and he marched in the civil rights movement. that is all we do as a culture. someone hanging with the culture, you even have kamala, she does not have to lie or cackle. ainsley: if you don t have rhythm, you can clap. everyone can clap. brian: he was also brought up in a puerto rican church. he should sway, not sit still. that is all we got, no one in catholic church has any idea if we have rhythm or not. lawrence: he s a catholic part of all this culture. raised and marched. brian: it is a great way to go. steve: when he was not dancing, standing there, freeze, he was at the lect your honor and reminding those at the early celebration of juneteenth, i m doing a really good job for all of you and the other party did not mention political opponents by name, they want to take you back. watch this. president biden: let s be clear, they re all ghosts in new g garments trying to take you back, make it harder for black people to vote or have your vote counted, closing doors of opportunity, attacking, diversity, equity and collusion. about our present and future. brian: run on dei. that is popular in america. number two, what part is he talking about going back, taking us back? southern democrats separated and they were for jim crow and they are the ones that called themselves the kkk, not sure if he will be happy with where his party was. lawrence: whole celebration of juneteenth was donald trump s idea, he proposed the idea and joe biden lift said it and made it a national holiday. it is a fear tactic and they have been doing this nonsense ever since the bronx rally. look at numbers now, black people are leaving the demo democratic party, leaving the party and has nothing to do with race. it is one thing, the economy. it is one thing, the border and fact you decided to take schools away in black neighborhoods, shut down senior facilities and put illegals there. instead of focusing on issues, they plan to use a fear campaign not to talk to white voters, but to tell black folks, stay in your lane right where you are. better not shift your vote, if you do, donald trump is worst thing for you. don t forget tax credits, it is racial politics and to fear people and to brian: talk about georgia. lawrence: which was a lie. brian: senator warnock won again. he should apologize for his comment jim crow 2.0. lawrence: and all that revenue for the all-star game, the all-star game pulled out. business owners said, what are you doing? you are hurting campaigns, it benefited the party. ainsley: one-fourth of the black community is now voting for donald trump. almost 80% voted for biden and now 72% say they will vote for biden. the pollster nate silver is suggesting because of biden s low numbers and ashes proval rating 37.4% is cause for joe biden to jump out of the race. steve: in february, nate silver was saying democrats should think about substituting for the quarterback. yesterday he came back and post said on x, former ly twitter, h said democrats would have been better served if biden would have decided not to seek a second term and give voters a say across the democrats across the country. essentially bring in a new horse. he continued and joe biden hit all-time low in approval, dropping out would be a big risk. there is threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk. are we there yet? i don t know. it is more than fair to ask. you have one guy who is smartest big data guy in the world saying it could be too late for him. lawrence: if you are the president, you can t feel good about this. the convention is two months away, i think. people are still suggesting maybe he shouldn t be on the ticket, almost convention time. brian: where do you go? it is kamala harris. governor whitmore will say, kamala, step back, governor shapiro? no. if you put her top of the ticket, numbers look worse, unless sonia sotomayors, i m going to retire and they say kamala, would you go to the supreme court. ainsley: don t even say that. you said all staffers don t want to lose their jobs and telling him to stay and run. steve: in a safe space. nobody saying, the numbers stink. he knows numbers are bad, he thinks and we ve been talking about this a long time, we heard last march what the plan was. joe biden may not be great, he is not donald trump. ainsley: beat him before. look at virginia. brian: one big advantage is money and that gap is closing rapidly, president got 12 million ainsley: president trump. brian: in silicon valley and story in politico talks how wall street is lining up behind him. and point bridge capital is in. blackrock labeled insurrection following trump, an asffront to democratic values is in, castleman and eric levine, gop fundraiser treasury official is in, shawn mcguire is in. he is getting wall street andic taking a piece of silicon valley. a lot of guys are citing court cases, civil and legal case because they are business people and you don t want to weaponize government to go after people s success. steve: what he did last night trying to court the black community and hemorrhaging young voters. you mentioned virginia, bellwether state for virginia, in latest poll, it s a tie, battleground state. brian: three straight polls. steve: 48%. governor youngkin said last night with sean hannity, anything can happen. sean: that is what polls are showing like georgia and pennsylvania and wisconsin, michigan, nevada and arizona, those battleground states are seeing same kind of statement that virginia is making. they want a strong america. an america that has economic strength, not biden generated economy that unleashed inflation. lawrence: as we get closer, the partisan divide was deeply emotional. the closer we get to election, only emotion that matters and their paycheck every two weeks, they are looking and don t have enough. they are going to the grand jury store. brian: i think security, too. i look at the border and foreign policy, 38% approval rating on foreign policy. lawrence: i agree, it was border at one point, closer to election, economy is number one issue. steve: to your point in our big packet of stuff, there was survey done by intuit credit karma and 27% of americans admit they occasionally skip meals because they cannot afford it, 30% sacrifice other things to buy crashes, other things are paying bills or rent because of cost of food. brian: hot water in a bag, if you are skipping a meal. i think this is country style chicken pot pie, come by my office today, skipping a meal in a bag. tells me where to cut it open, too. boil water, dinner is coming your way. ainsley: it is eza. we have machines right outside your office, put a cup of hot water. brian: and have friends and family over. ainsley: meal in a bag. brian: i m boiling the water, call your relatives. lawrence: i will toss to carley. carley: i always wanted to eat chicken pot pie in a bag. brian: you are invited, bring your own bag. carley: chaotic scene, p protest rocking new york city, watch this. [indiscernible chanting] carley: they are upon chants long live intifada. protesters set off flairs and chanted anti-israel slogans and demonstrators were carrying a banner that said long live october 7. praising the mas killings which left 1200 israelis dead. 120 hostages are still in the hands of hamas. hundred for two migrants who beat and mugged outside a four-star hotel. how to combat that significant uptick in crime. there was a shooting where a migrant shot two police officers trying to keep us safe, who were tailing him because he was a suspect in several robberies. now they shoot at our police officers. carley: the migrants are believed to be staying at nearby hotel shelters. terribles in california rescuing a kite surfer after a pilot spotted the word help in the sand. first responder was lowered down and the surfer was hoisted to safety. the surfer did not need medical attention. uconn head coach dan hurley is staying in connecticut after turning down $70 million from the lakers. he will look to lead huskies to a national championship, saying, i am humbled by this experience, i am proud of the championship culture we have built at connecticut. speaking of basketball, wnba star caitlin clark fouled hard as fever faced the suns last night. the connecticut player bumped clark. clark and chicago sky star angela reese have been in the spotlight. sales are up over last season. actress courtney cox recreating her iconic appearance in bruce springsteen s music video. it is part of trend where people ask their moms how they danced in the 80s. she wore a shirt similar to what she wore. she said it was one of the most importance of her career. brian: i thought it was spontaneous. ainsley: she looks amazing, she has not aged. carley: she is gorgeous and i hope my son does not ask how i dance. lawrence: how did you dance, brian? steve: dancing ymca. brian: no, no. cal mcginnis carley: he stays on one letter. lawrence: like biden. brian: i don t freeze, tomorrow i will be in dallas, klif is carrying the radio show. i will talk to people of texas, find out what dallas thinks what is happening in america and the border and food in a bag. steve: snyder plaza is just across from smu. brian: right where the bush museum is. lawrence: tell my people i said hello, texas, dallas. ainsley: go to the diner so he is not out by himself. steve: i will send sally. brian: i need help dressing casual, untucked shirt. lawrence: show your muscles. ainsley: gingham. lawrence: wear cowboy boots. brian: if we don t tease soon steve: real photos of children are being used to power ai. ainsley: who official and leading ai expert jamie metsel says this is tip of the i m going berg. brian: and he has a brand new book. only purple s gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. no other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. memory foam doesn t come close. get your best sleep guaranteed right now! save up to $400. visit or a store near you. 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(vo) close in a matter of days. when life s doors open, we ll handle the house. i m trevor and i lost 132 pounds on golo. at 26 years old my doctor wanted to put me on medication and i wasn t having that. i tried other diets and they just didn t work didn t last. release worked fast. after a week i had more energy, mental clarity, and my cravings were gone. i ve lost 132 pounds and i will never, ever, gain that weight back. thanks to golo. a slow network is no network for business. that s why more choose comcast business. and now, we re introducing ultimate speed for business our fastest plans yet. we re up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds. at no additional cost. it s ultimate speed for ultimate business. don t miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! steve: check this out, apple officially jumping into the ai race announcing plans to bring ai technology to ios users around the world. some tech agiants are calling ot apple. apep announced a partnership with chat gpt. ceo tim cook says updates will be indispinsible and help users to create custom recipes, stories and more. tech jaet has apple intelligence. it has been called a security risk. visitors will have to check apple devices at the door to be stored in a cage. apples new john ffeatures come later this year. brian: disturbing new report claiming real pictures of young children are being used to create powerful ai learning tools without knowledge of their parents or the kids. human rights watches bad actors are creating malicious deep fakes. this comes after top imf official wash warns ai could have disastrous effect. jamie metsel has a new book that is supposed to help us, super con convergence, it is out there, genetics, biotech and ai revolution will trans form our lives, work and world. this is what you worry about, ethics involved with ai not on display with kids. ai and technology could be best thing happening to humanity, and it could be worst thing that happens. could put our children at risk. now is time we need to navigate toward better outcomes. it is using your picture in way not giving permission. we asked lion to tell us what they are up to, they tdz we have worked together wto move links o the children s public images on the internet. it does not contain images with url that point to public int internet only. you feel better? no, we have large ai systems, they are collecting digital information and more information and data they grab, smarter they bottom. they will try to swallow up the internet, we need governance and regulations in place. brian: you made a readable book about something we all need to know. you said we can start curing cancer and you used ai to save your dad s life. it is really something so meaningful to me, while writing the healthcare chapter, my dad was diagnosed with the steve jobs cancer and i encouraged our oncologist, sequence his tumor cells. chem o did not work, we found a mutation by sequencing the cancer cells. he has seen two super bowls and ashes tended his granddaughter s graduation and celebrating the book launch. brian: i can understand the book, we all need confidence in this. we ll talk more about it. primary day in nevada and polls are opening soon, candidate sam brown picking up major endorsement, he is straight ah ahead. there are many ways to deliver a shipment. at old dominion freight line, we deliver them this way. this way uses technology and goes the extra mile to do things the right way. the delivering promises on time, every time, way. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she s sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn t know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? 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[panting] janice: good morning, it is a beautiful day here in new york. we have temperatures going into the 70s. across the west, we have extreme heat. phoenix 110, in houston, heat will feel oppressive. above average temperatures thursday, friday and saturday for two-thirds of the country. in florida, tropical moisture, could see 6-12 inches around tampa and fort myers. fox, for the details. inside to you. ainsley: polless opening soon for highly anticipated senate primary in nevada. lawrence: donald trump endorsing army captain sam brown. sam, thank you for joining the program. lawrence: thank you for your service. how does it feel to have the former president endorse you, do you think it will give you last boost you need? it is humbling to have president trump s endorsement. i started in 2016 as trump voter and a business owner of a small business. i volunteer at the mindon trump rally. polls open in 90 minutes. president trump at top of the ticket and i ll be there with him taking on joe biden and jackie rosen and their failed policy. path to senate majority run through nevada. ainsley: captain, sienna polls have you neck and neck with jackie rosen. senate balance of power, 49-51. why is this seat important to you? this seat is not just important to me, but to the entire country. we have seen contrast between joe biden and left leaning congress lead by chuck schumer compared to how things were under president trump s wellership. nevadans are hurting. the american dream is at risk and people are looking for hope. i know power and importance of hope when all seems lost. my own soldiers came to my rescue saying, sir, i have you. that is what president trump is doing for americans and gaining in the polls and i seek to do in nevada, give them something to hope for. country and struggles we have now do not have to persist. we can get back on track, become strong and have an economy that works for all. lawrence: captain, many would argue you have given the country enough, almost dying in combats, decided to serve again. ainsley: god bless you, thank you for your service. jury deliberations will resume in hunter biden gun trial in 20 minutes, will we get a verdict today? my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we re taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20 do you ever have a run-down feeling, lack of energy or just not up to par? 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we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. steve: 14 minutes from now, hunter biden s trial will resume. former federal prosecutor joins us with what to expect. the yesterday they went in 3:33 in the afternoon and deliberated one hour. what do you think? this case is open and shut in terms of facts and laws. prosecution has presented strong evidence of his drug use. it is up to the jury here. steve: and we re talking about a jury in bidenville, joe biden has been there forever. you know that leo, the david weiss wes / weiss took into effect the biden family was in the front row saying this is not evidence. we will see. people talk about idea of jury nullification, that means facts and law 100% lined up. it is not supported by what was supported in court and this case has that written all over it. even if they have hung jury or acquittal, which would be outrageous. all from hunter s text messages and laptop, of course. steve: you think he will be convicted? i think he should be convicted based on legal analysis. not sure how political this jury is. you can t read into anybody or a jury until after the fact, of course. steve: we ve all been watching and this case has been salacious, the family dragged back and forth through the trial. he could have done something about this a long time ago. that is a very interest ing part to me. hunter could have pled guilty, you don t need a plea deal to plead guilty, by taking it to trial, we have all the behind the scenes from his o this ws all going down, that is interesting, as well. steve: if convicted, i know the president said he will not pardon him. he s going to pardon him. after the election is over, he will get a pardon, joe biden does not have anything to lose there. they said this is a political prosecution. do you expect a verdict today? i anticipate a verdict today, streamlined case. steve: thank you very much. meanwhile, 10 before top of the hour, kicking off summer of soccer on fox. fox soccer analyst stu holden and alexi lawless will preview it. check in with bill hemmer. bill: taking a few headers outside, see how that works out. we are on verdict watch. about 10 minutes away. dramatic body cam video. hits keep coming over joe biden s age and cans day from the left. one week later, is the border any better? join dana and me top of the hour, we ll kick things off. see you then. it s kubota orange days, shop the year s biggest selection of kubota equipment and get 0% apr for 84 months or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. find your nearest dealer at honestly, i was scared when i was told age related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. great. one more thing to worry about. it was all too hard to deal with in the beginning, but making a plan with my doctor to add precision was easy. preservision areds2 contains the exact nei recommended, clinically proven nutrient formula to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. thanks to preservision, i feel better that i m doing something about it like millions of others. preservision. have you ever thought of getting a walk-in tub for you or someone you love? now is a great time to take a look at getting a safe step walk-in tub. with safe step s standard heated seat and new fast fill faucet, you can enjoy a nice warm bath up to 20% faster! and the convenient touch pad control is right at your fingertips. each tub comes standard with a dual hydrotherapy system. the ten water jets can help increase mobility, relieve pain, boost energy, and improve sleep. while the microsoothe advanced air therapy system oxygenates and softens skin. safe step walk-in tubs are built to maximize safety. so you can stay in your home and enjoy the comforts of bathing again. so call now for more information and a free no obligation consultation. choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it s the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don t receive botox® if there s a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they d talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you. learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®. brian: it s the summer of soccer all season on fox sports. two largest tournaments in the world. joining us now is two guys that didn t need me to tell them what s coming up this summer. with their predictions for the two tournaments. welcome, guys. great players in your day. hard to believe your day is done but you look like he could still play. back in the 1900s. he played in italy. brian: let s set the table for people. the tournament begins june 14th, correct? which one can we see first? the euro, our first time at fox sports covering this event. it feels like a mini world cup. you have england, germany, spain, italy, all the big players and tournaments. the teams in this big tournament and that s what we re excited. you think about renaldo, his last international tournament. and france and then messi. fox sports we talked about the big teams and stars on display every summer. an opportunity even for the united states this summer in the copa america to show what they ve got. brian: who comes in favored and who do you pick to emerge? euros, france, england. from an england perspective is it coming home being able to win a trophy? they re very good. incredible talent and confidence. france, also the last stand when it comes to renaldo and portugal. the big teams and stars and then a couple days later we roll right into copa america. u.s. hosting this tournament that in normal times is for south america but u.s. is hosting it and everybody is coming and argentina and brazil. messi in his new neighborhood here in the united states, or vinny junior when it comes to brazil. brian: u.s. against boll ive yeah. they re getting respect internationally, right? you make a great point here. we talk about this generation of players and they ve been dubbed as the golden generation. this is a team you should be excited about this summer. really this summer we ll find out if this team actually has what it takes to play against big teams and it is kind of a dress rehearsal for two years from now, the world cup in the united states and expectations are sky high. uruguay is one of the top teams now and then brazil or columbia. chances for these guys to prove what they have what it takes. otherwise the coach could lose his job and maybe i m excited and hope they make us excited getting it done on the field. what have you done for me lately. you should expect this team to do big, bold things. i think as you said for coach and the team to a certain extent. brian: i didn t know where he was going with that. now it makes sense. it works. i think it works. new material. open source, it is all yours. brian: let s talk about this on radio, too. congratulations, a fun summer. the world cup right after. thanks, guys. watch the euro cup and cabo america. steve: meanwhile. brian: i m in dallas tomorrow. breakfast with friends and live there. we ll talk to a lot of people on camera and buy a lot of food. steve: things kick off at 5:00 a.m. central time until 8:00 a.m. lawrence: pack the house for kilmeade, my dallas folks. ainsley: do you want them to get dressed? i will be dressed. stay within yourself. [chanting]

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Sportsday 20240611

hello and welcome to sportsday. with less than seven weeks to go until the olympics, some contenders have been in action ahead of the global extravaganza in paris. our reporter natalie pirks rounds up the stories from the italian capital. another busy night night in rome with yet another gold for host italy to keep them on top of the medal table. on a british point of view, there were two medals, a silverfor charlie dobson in the men s aoom and a bronze for molly caudery in the women s pole vault finals. for charlie, another personal best in what is a fantastic season so far for him. he said he was over the moon and could not be happier to take silver in what was his first individual major 400 metre final. the race was won by belgium alexander doom with a new championship record. molly caudery came into the pole vault final with the world leading height and as the world indoor champion but fell a little short by her standards and had to settle for bronze. the gold was won by switzerland s angelica moser, the only athlete to clear 4.78m. she was a little disappointed after quite literally setting the bar high for herself but is dreaming about her first olympics this summer and cannot wait to get there. the women s aoom final was a thrilling head to head down the back straight to poland s natalia kaczmarek and ireland s rhasidat adeleke. it was so close but the pole just cleared when it mattered to win gold. the fastest time from anyone in the world this year. adeleke set a new personal best to come second. day 5 is the penultimate day and we have the women s 200 metre final. there is the women s 10,000 metres and women s and men s a00m hurdles and it means this crowd will get a chance to see a bona fide star, the world and olympic champion from norway karsten warholm. as natalie just mentioned, charlie dobson winning a silver medalfor britain in the men s a00m to gain his first major individual medal. this is what he had to say afterwards. i could not be happier with that. i think i executed the race perfectly. exactly the way me and my coach wanted to. unfortunately it was not the gold but more than happy to take silver, especially with a pb like that. one more round for selection and once that is done, stay fit and healthy and we will be in paris. to make it with the top guys especially ones i have watched in the past is incredible. to football and teams have begun arriving in germany as euro 2024 draws ever closer. the opening match will see hosts take on scotland in munich on friday and euro 2020 runners up england have landed in deutschland, gareth southgate s squad on the quest to become kings of the continent after acclimatising to their surroundings a five star resort near to the east german town of blankenhain, the first training session for the team will take place on tuesday. england kick off their tournament on sunday against serbia in gelsenkirchen. their welcome party were very excited for them to arrive. first, we are really proud to have such a team here, and i think all the people around living here in the small town are very proud to have the english team here. and my staff is quite excited, but even the english staff is now excited because they will arrive today, and everybody is waiting for the resurrection of the team, if they are satisfied and everything is ok, and it is a really big thing for us here to have the british team here, the english team here, it is really fantastic. italy arrived for their campaign on monday. italy come into the competition without the weight of the favourites tag over them, having endured a tricky qualifying campaign. clinching second place in group c behind england. they have since had the misfortune of being placed in arguably the toughest group alongside heavyweights spain, experienced side croatia and perhaps the dark horses albania. croatia are at their team base. they began their campaign against spain in a tantalising tie in berlin on saturday. then albania, followed by the defending champions italy. portugal and cristiano ronaldo haven t quite left for germany yet they are continuing preparations for the tournament at their their training camp outside lisbon, after losing 2 1 against croatia on saturday. portugal has one more friendly against the republic of ireland on tuesday before they start their competition against the czech republic onjune 18 in leipzig. three valencia fans have been sentenced to eight months in prison, in what is the first conviction for racism at a football match in spain. it comes as a direct result of a complaint filed by la liga. brazilian forward vinicius jr was subjected to the chants at valencia s mestalla stadium in may last year. as well as facing prison sentences the three fans were also banned from la liga matches and spain internationals for two years. la liga presidentjavier tebas called the verdict great news for the fight against racism in spain. real madrid and manager carlo ancelotti have clarified that the champions league winners will compete at next year s club world cup despite the italian earlier saying the club would refuse the invitation . carlo ancelotti made the comments in an interview with the italian newspaper il giornale, where he also claimed other clubs will refuse to play in the enlarged 32 team competition due to be held in the united states. ancelotti now says his comments were misinterpreted while real madrid say they ll play with pride and with the utmost enthusiasm . our chief football news reporter simon stone has more he gave an interview in italy in which he said that real madrid would have 12 european clubs do to play in the club world cup at the end of the 2a 25 season would not be participating in it because basically, they had not been offered to play in it. i spoke to the european clubs association not long after her and said they did not understand where the comments had come from, 11 of the european clubs apart from real madrid who are competing in america next year are in the eca and as far as they were concerned, they were all competing and they did not understand the comment. then real madrid put a statement out in which they said that they had never spoken about not playing in the competition and that as far as they were concerned, they would be involved and then a few moments after that, and szilagyi himself put a statement out saying, his comments had not been interpreted the way they thought he would be. carlo and szilagyi. i m not sure what he thought the interpretation would be putting on them but that is what he said so real madrid along with the 11 other european clubs will be playing in the club world cup at the end of next season. the t20 world cup now. bangladesh came close to a surprise victory. bangladesh s bowlers putting on a superb display south africa to 23 1; at one stage. on a tricky pitch reaching 113 for six of their 20 overs. bangladesh make a decent run chase and slight favourites heading to blast over. this is how close they got, the six required off the lost two balls, caught on the boundary ensues away from the win. south africa in the end taking the match by four runs on the brink of qualifying for their group. and it s official, history made on monday. jannik sinner is the first italian to become men s world number one in tennis. sinner won the australian open earlier this year and secured his position at the top of the atp rankings by reaching the semi finals of the french open, where he was beaten by eventual champion carlos alcaraz. sinner replaces novak djokovic after the serb withdrew from roland garros before his own quarter final. the 22 year old say there s plenty more to come. i was happy and it was some relief now, what i have dreamed of since i was little kid, it was only a dream that day and now i know i can say i am world number one, it means a lot to me. it took some time, that is for sure. but it was a very nice feeling. the meaning of world number one i think is the biggest meaning we have in our sport. it is the best number you can have and as i said already, this is everyone s dream to be in this position and obviously it is an important grand slam and masters event and to be number one in the world is an achievement, what you build in one year time and now obviously we see how much you can stay there. that s all the time we have for now. you can get all the latest sports news at from the bbc sport app, orfrom our website that s from me and the rest of the team at the bbc sport centre, goodbye. hello, there. for most of us, it has been a disappointing start to the week, in terms of the weather. a frequent rash of showers, particularly across scotland, gusts of winds coming from the north, and in excess of 30 mph, at times. temperatures struggled to get into double figures, but it was a slightly different story, further south and west. just look at anglesey beautiful afternoon, lots of sunshine and temperatures peaked at around 18 or 19 degrees. high pressure is continuing to nudge its way in from the west, so west will be best, through the course of tuesday. there s still likely to be a few showers around, but hopefully few and further between. most frequent showers, certainly, are going to be across eastern scotland and down through eastern england. so, sunny spells and scattered showers going into the afternoon. that will have an impact with the temperature, 1a or 15 degrees, but again, with a little more shelter, a little more sunshine, 17 or 18 celsius not out of the question. a few scattered showers moving their way through northern ireland and scotland. hopefully, some of these will ease through the afternoon, but you can see those temperatures still really struggling ten to 15 degrees at the very best. now, as we move out of tuesday into wednesday, this little ridge of high pressure will continue to kill off the showers. so, wednesday is likely to be the driest day of the week and make the most of it there s more rain to come, but it will be a pretty chilly start, once again, to wednesday morning. single figures right across the country, low single figures in rural spots. but, hopefully, the showers should be a little bit few and further between and more favoured spots for those showers, once again, to the east of the pennines. more sunshine out to the west. temperatures, generally, similar values to what we ve seen all week, 10 to 18 degrees the high, but the wind direction will start to change, as we move into thursday. unfortunately, towards the end of the week, this low pressure will take over. we ll see further spells of rain at times, some of it heavy. but the wind direction will play its part, a little a south westerly wind means that we will see temperatures climbing a degree or so. don t expect anything too significant, because we ve got the cloud and the rain around. but it s not out of the question that across eastern and southeast england, we could see highs of 20 celsius. take care. live from washington, this is bbc news. the un security council backs a gaza ceasefire proposal as us secretary of state antony blinken makes a diplomatic push in the middle east. jufy in the middle east. jury deliberations begin in the gun trial of the us president s son, hunter biden. how do you feel today went? i think it went well. we ll see. thank think it went well. we ll see. thank you. and - thank you. and the far right thank you. and the far right advances in the european union s elections, prompting fresh questions about europe s future. great to have you with us. the us is making a major bush to pause fighting in gaza, with diplomatic efforts taking place both in the region and at the united nations. the un security council endorsed a ceasefire proposal for gaza council endorsed a ceasefire proposalfor gaza on council endorsed a ceasefire proposal for gaza on monday the first time the council has passed a resolution demanding a stop in fighting after eight months of war. the resolution urges both hamas and israel to fully and quickly implement the 3 phase plan. russia abstained. reactions to the resolution between the two parties have been mixed. says it welcomes the endorsement and that it is ready to work with mediators. senior israeli diplomat said her country would continue to pursue its objectives. us ambassador to the un linda thomas greenfield says the resolution shows hamas that the international community is united. ., ., , ., , united. colleagues, today this council sent united. colleagues, today this council sent a united. colleagues, today this council sent a clear united. colleagues, today this council sent a clear message i united. colleagues, today this | council sent a clear message to hamas accept the ceasefire deal on the table. israel has already agreed to this deal, and the fighting could stop today if hamas would do the same. i repeat the fighting canned stop today. the bbc has

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Transcripts For CNN Violent Earth 20240610

magic with nothing and even if they take everything, like for a month we re still going to find a way to put on a show to entertain the thing i ve found is people love drag if we have a chance to put on a show for you, you re going to fall in love legal battles over drag performances continue. so far, laws proposed in florida texas, tennessee, and montana had been blocked by federal judges on constitutional grounds. the states are appealing those decisions. thanks for watching the whole story. i ll see you next sunday [siren blaring] police officer: i need traffic stopped, southbound 10. steve pyne: fire has been on earth as long as plants have been on land. police officer: follow me! follow me! steve pyne: but we get a big shift when a species arrives who can start fire at will. police officer: go, go, go, go! go south! steve pyne: i think humans have been changing the earth for a long time. police officer: come down this way! come down this way! steve pyne: we ve lost the ability to understand how fire works and how it can be used to our advantage. police officer: [indistinct] the fire has jumped the road. this is bad. steve pyne: we ve mismanaged fire. now we get fires that are really off the scale, shouldn t be here, shouldn t be behaving in this way. and now we re left with these monsters. and it is remaking the world. police officer: (voice breaking) it s all bad up here, brother. it s all bad. oh, my god. [thunder crackling] welcome to violent earth. i m liev schreiber. scientists say wildfires are more frequent and burning bigger. in the past, a 50,000 or 60,000 acre fire was considered big. these days, firefighters are often dealing with fires well above 100,000 acres. according to government statistics, during the 1990s, an average of 3 million acres a year burned in the united states. since 2000, that number has more than doubled. in 2020 alone, over 10 million acres were consumed. the experts say 85% to 90% of wildfires are caused by human activity. tonight, violent earth takes a look at this roaring force of nature, starting with the mega fire that burned through paradise, california, in 2018. [police radio chatter] kory honea: the camp fire was the deadliest and most destructive fire in california s history. [shouting] john messina: it was almost 200 days since we had received any rainfall in that particular area. the wind was very dry and blowing in gusts of 70 miles an hour. kory honea: the town of paradise at the time of the camp fire was about 26,000 people. alexander maranghides: a town built in the forest. there was a lot of vegetation, topography, wind, drought. all these things contributed to make this event unfold very rapidly. police officer: go double lanes! go double lanes! and very catastrophically. kory honea: the fire was caused by a downed electrical transmission line. camp creek road was the nearest named road to the ignition. and that s why this is the camp fire. tamra fisher: oh, this is horrible. oh, my gosh. oh, my gosh. these poor people. i ve lived in paradise since 1979. i prepared for years for this exact moment. i knew fire was was bad. i ve always respected it. tamra is my little sister. she s raw, and she s funny. this, too, could be you. tamra was not as concerned about the wildfires as i was. and that morning, i got out of there pretty fast. tamra texted me and asked me what was happening. and i said, get out, t. get out. paradise is going to burn down. but possibly, the cell towers were starting to burn in that area. i don t believe she got my text. tamra fisher: can we please get out of here? larry laczko: tamra had her three dogs in the car with her. tamra fisher: it s 9 o clock in the morning. larry laczko: she was recording the events on her cell phone. tamra fisher: i m really scared. and i don t got that much gas! she was stressed that she was not making progress getting away from the fire. tamra fisher: come on! just go! i m so scared! [honking horn] todd abel: these fires, it s very, very intense heat. ignite a tree without flame touching it. all at once, the tree lights up sort of like a roman candle. paul hessburg: and when a wildfire is really moving fast, it can burn five to 10 football fields in a second. it s millions of hot embers that can find so many places to ignite a fire. sometimes the winds are so strong that they are tossed up to five miles. brad elder: the drier it is outside, the probability of that ember is going to stay lit and the fuel that it lands in is approaching 100%. [police radio chatter] paul hessburg: paradise, california, burned from an ember attack from a plume miles away from paradise. kory honea: this is, like, 9 o clock in the morning, and it s pitch black. given the smoke, it almost appeared as though it was the middle of the night and it was snowing. ash and embers began to rain down. john messina: the fire was moving at a football field per second. and the way it did that, of course, was by jumping ahead and starting these fires. they would immediately take hold and rapidly grow into a 100-acre, 200-acre spot fire. that was happening all through town. alexander maranghides: that resulted in the town starting to burn all at once. 30,000 people were trying to be evacuated while being overran by fire. police officer: go forward and turn around. turn around and go north. turn around and go north. [bleep] this is bad. larry laczko: a firefighter told tamra to follow him down pearson road. cindy christensen: tamra was behind them. but the traffic stopped. tamra fisher: no! [honking horn] larry laczko: everything around her was burning. tamra fisher: look at that. cars on the side burning. and nobody was moving. tamra fisher: go! it s so hot. todd abel: these fires, they can be well over 2,000 degrees. they melt metal. they melt cars. and you can hear her dogs panting in the back. [dogs whimpering] tamra fisher: ugh! and her despair. tamra fisher: what did i do? come on! paul hessburg: the increase in wildfires in the current 21st century is exponential. california is seeing its worst year ever for wildfires. canada in general right now for this fire season. 33.8 million acres have already burned. brad elder: and we generally think of fire as bad because most wildfires are dangerous. mark finney: but it s very important to try to understand really the essential role that fire has in our ecosystems and the beneficial role. steve pyne: fire is not some kind of alien visitation on the landscape. fire has been on earth as long as plants have been on land. we can go back 420 million years and find fossil charcoal. these landscapes have, in a sense, co-evolved with fire. kristen honig: fires are good for the planet. they have lots of roles in ecosystem health. brad elder: there s so many different plants and animals that respond positively to fires. paul hessburg: the varied habitats come from the byproducts of a wildfire. the forests of western north america, including the western united states, need fire. they evolved with fire. what is new is the frequency of very large fires is increasing. steve pyne: it kills people, threatens properties and towns. they re essentially uncontrollable at scale. paul hessburg: wildfires are burning at the rate of 7 to 10 million acres of the us every year. this is unprecedented. it s getting worse. paul hessburg: we expect double to triple the amount of area burned between now and 2050. well, how did that happen? [music playing] [siren blaring, police radio chatter] karen davis: i was a registered nurse at feather river hospital in paradise. we received a code black get patients out now. and the flames were unbelievable that came up the canyon. my best friend, nichole, was also a nurse at feather river hospital. we worked together. karen davis: ambulances were not able to get to us. patients had to be put in employee vehicles. dispatcher: 10-4, chief, go ahead. karen davis: after we got all the patients in vehicles, nichole and i left following each other. steve pyne: 1910 was really the founding year for the american way of firefighting. reporter: the big blowup. a wild surging firestorm started near elk city, idaho. paul hessburg: the 1910 big burn. it burned 3 million acres across three states, killed 87 people, mostly firefighters. and our awareness and our whole consciousness about fire pivoted in that moment. reporter: this is a picture of tragedy, a tragedy that happens year after year in our great american forest areas fire. fire became public enemy number one. and wildfires were to be put out at all cost. steve pyne: and at that point, we almost militarized firefighting. kyle dickman: we were really good at it. firefighters could put out 99% of fires before they grew bigger than an acre. paul hessburg: and from about 1935 to about 1985, you see not much fire burning. and it made our fire suppression look great. steve pyne: and that was a very poor judgment. well, they completely misjudged the character of the overall fire scene. paul hessburg: what s happened since the exclusion of fire is forests have gotten denser. the forests of today look nothing like they did in the 1930s. there are 10 times even more trees than that on the landscape of the historical condition. and they will burn bigger and they ll burn hotter than they burned historically. and what we didn t know in those days and we ve learned later through research is, fire is medicine on the landscape, and it s how we can live safely. and here s why that s so critical. it was the frequency of the small- and medium-sized fires that blocked the flow of very large fires. you might burn out a patch in a forest, but the bulk of the force is still standing there. mark finney: fires that just burn underneath the trees, maybe some grass, maybe some downed logs. paul hessburg: so there s power in the patchwork to regulate how big and how severe the fires got. so fires would be rarely very large. so after a century and a half without fire, fuels have built up over many large areas to powder keg conditions. but the worst part of it is, we re actually building homes in the middle of this mess. and so when we get a large fire, houses and forests literally go up in smoke. and as the climate continues to turn up the heat and dry out the landscape, what we see after 85 is that area burned increases exponentially. and it continues to increase today. fires like paradise, the camp fire. alexander maranghides: the town of paradise had not seen any fire history in the past 100-plus years. paul hessburg: they re setting new records for area burned and structures that are burned. and it s because the fires are literally uncontrollable. police officer: i copy that. [honking horn] tamra fisher: i m scared! cindy christensen: tamra was beating on her horn, screaming to go, go, go, go. tamra fisher: come on! cindy christensen: nothing was moving. larry laczko: tamra was driving a yellow volkswagen beetle. somebody shot a video from behind her showing her out of her volkswagen. that firestorm came roaring through. it was unreal. her car was on fire. she was screaming for help. tamra fisher: help! cindy christensen: tamra was on pearson road. alexander maranghides: pearson is one of the top five worst situations in all of camp fire. the fire overtakes evacuating, gridlocked traffic. everything is on fire all at once. vehicles start catching on fire. 40 abandoned vehicles in that 6/10 of a mile. and this created a very, very dangerous situation. nichole s car was trapped with me right on pearson road. nichole jolly: that tree could come down on me at any moment. this is ridiculous. and i m stuck. [bleep] tamra fisher: oh, my god. it s everywhere. in tamra s video, you could see my white truck, and you can see nichole s silver sedan. people just sitting there. nothing was moving. tamra fisher: this is a [bleep] nightmare. just come on! oh, my god. karen davis: all of a sudden, i could feel my truck drop, which meant my tires were burning. and right in the middle of that, i heard a knock on the window. nichole got out of her car because her car had caught on fire. she tried to open the door, but the handles were gone from the outside. they had melted away. so she ran off. i had no idea where she was. [music playing] craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office. [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. s greater than 100,000 acres, we term it a mega fire. some of the biggest fires are a million acres or more. big, hot fires create their own weather. suddenly, this really white cloud start developing. it was being made by the moisture being driven off by the fire down below. and in the most extreme cases, they have lightning, and they have rain. they have very strong downdrafts that can create very, very strong winds right down at the surface. paul hessburg: sometimes wildfires are so loud, associated with the wind and weather that the fire is creating, it sounds like a 747 flying overhead. tornadoes, they call them firenadoes, will happen as a consequence of these phenomenal surface wind speeds. woman: oh, my they move incredibly fast when they get up and go. and they re really quite horrific. mark finney: wildfires ignite from lots of different sources. steve pyne: before humans were around, this was almost always lightning. volcanic activity can start fires. that s a natural ignition, we often call it. steve pyne: humans probably account for 90% of the ignition in the united states and probably around the world. reporter: investigators say a wildfire near yosemite national park was started by an unattended campfire. reporter: power lines were blamed for starting 10 fires this year. violent and explosive wildfires in hawaii fueled by strong winds from a hurricane 800 miles away. reporter: maui locals have never seen anything like the firestorm that obliterated lahaina. winds of up to 80 miles an hour. erin burnett: tee dang was on vacation with her family. the flames so dangerously close that they were forced to jump into the ocean to save themselves. tee dang: it was just like a hot oven fire flaming, blowing at us. and then we started just huddling in and trying to keep our family tight so we won t get burned from the fire and then get washed away from the water. reporter: the lahaina fire is now the deadliest fire in the us in more than a century. reporter: this will rank as one of the worst disasters in american history. it s as bad as paradise, california, the deadliest fire from a few years back. larry laczko: that morning, when i turned on pearson road, i hit gridlock. we were just inching along when i came upon tamra and her burning vw beetle on the side of the road. she just opened her door. i heard tamra say, i need help putting out this fire. i told her, you need to get into my truck. but she seemed like she wanted to stay with the car. i know she had some treasured belongings. but she had to get away from that. tamra fisher: i m sorry, lucky. i m crying. karen davis: nichole got out of her car because her car was on fire. she knocked on my window. and she tried to open the door, but couldn t. so she ran off. i was dazed from the smoke. and i didn t know where she went. everybody was in a panic, just trying to survive. larry laczko: i did witness people running to a cal fire fire engine. we couldn t believe that they were outside. the temperature inside the engine at that point was probably around 150, 160 degrees. at some point, the outside of the engine probably took temperatures of 600 degrees. we started pulling people into the engine, as many as we could. but we just didn t have any more room. larry laczko: we were still trying to inch along. tamra fisher: [indistinct speech] [crying] and suddenly, out of the darkness came the headlights of a bulldozer driven by a cal fire hero, pushing burning vehicles off the side of the road beside us. john jessen: joe kennedy, he was able to get those cars out of our way and be able to open up that road and give us a means of escape. alexander maranghides: the dozer comes in, helps clear the area, and enables the first responders to escort the convoy out of harm s way. karen davis: that eventually saved our lives. i did wonder what happened to nichole. i remember it was so hot, my eyes and my throat were burning. i ran up the road. and i m closing my eyes because you can t see anything. and i touched the back of this fire engine. the firefighters looked at me, and they were like, oh my gosh. karen davis: and i later learned nichole was one of the people that ran into the fire engine. nichole jolly: the firefighters absolutely saved our lives. i waited all day for tamra. i didn t hear anything. i was so scared. if i wouldn t have had my dogs, i probably would have ran on foot. having larry open the truck door and tell me to get in and then said, bring the dogs, it was like a knight in shining armor. i got a text from somebody i didn t know, this gentleman, larry. i found out that he had saved tamra. i feel that i was in the wrong place at the right time. tamra fisher: oh, my god. karen davis: and when we finally did get through, it was like an apocalypse. tamra fisher: oh, my gosh. it s like you re seeing this destruction that you only see in, like, movies. it s gone. larry laczko: it s gone. tamra fisher: it s gone. look, that house is gone. larry laczko: yep. tamra fisher: and that house is gone. and to see that devastation, it was surreal. yeah, my sister s just right up here. it s all gone. cindy christensen: our neighborhood, our house, there was nothing left. nothing. it was decimated. we lost everything, except for the clothes on our backs. nichole holly: the flames engulfed the hospital, and the roof collapsed. kory honea: it consumed 18,000 structures. 15,000 of those structures were homes, places where people lived. karen davis: and i learned. the next road up from where we were trapped, that s where five people died trying to run from the flames. 85 people lost their lives. there s nowhere you can go in butte county where you don t run into somebody who was burned out of their home or knew somebody who perished in the fire. todd abel: all over the western united states, these fires are more intense. wildland firefighters are a big part of trying to mitigate these natural disasters. hotshots are sort of a breed of their own. kyle dickman: hotshot firefighters are crews of 20 people, men and women. desiree steed: they fight fire from the frontlines. kyle dickman: their job is to go anywhere in the country where there s a bad fire. and they ll spend as long as two weeks or three weeks on a single fire. i m a former granite mountain hotshot. it s really not a job. it s a lifestyle and career. kyle dickman: the granite mountain hotshots were a hotshot crew. came from the city of prescott, arizona. eric marsh was the superintendent of the granite mountain hotshots. a very meticulous man, very intelligent. and then there was jesse steed. desiree steed: jesse was the captain. so he was second in command. prior to that, he was also in the marine corps. he was tough, 6 4 and 220 pounds. always put his family first, his kids first. brendan mcdonough: jesse was a mentor, and he was a dad that i so desperately wanted to be like. desiree steed: he could handle all kinds of excruciating, backbreaking labor and work and actually enjoyed it. [music playing] todd abel: in arizona, june is usually kind of that month where everybody s hair on the back of your neck stands up, and we start getting higher temperatures. the relative humidity drops. the fuel moistures drop. kyle dickman: it was just perfectly primed for extreme fire behavior. todd abel: we start getting monsoon buildups, which sometimes throw out the dry lightning, which starts fires. the morning of june 30, the hotshots on the crew were woken up by a phone call. we got to go. we got a fire in yarnell. a lightning strike from a couple of days ago started multiple fires. it was about 500 acres. the reason this fire was concerning was that it was on a ridgeline above a town. todd abel: there was peeples valley to the north. and then to the south-southeast was the town of yarnell. i remember getting out of the buggy, and jesse was like, hey, grab grab extra water today. it s going to be hot. todd abel: there s different strategies in wildland firefighting. we use fixed-wing airplanes and rotor-wing helicopters to help reduce the intensity of the fire. then we can get our men and women on there, our boots on the ground i call it, to actually finish putting it out. [chainsaw buzzing] john jessen: most effective, especially when fires are larger and stuff, is removing the fuels, creating control lines. kyle dickman: what they re doing is they re taking away what the fire eats so the fire can t burn it. once you get to the edge of the fire, that s when the work really starts. yeah! ow! it s not just the backbreaking work of digging. digging, digging, digging for days on end. kyle dickman: they use chainsaws a lot. brendan mcdonough: you re removing everything for miles on end. so if that tree is 60 feet tall, you re cutting that entire tree down. it s not for the faint of heart. sometimes we do use fire to fight fires. kristen honig: using drip torches to burn the fuel in a controlled fashion so that by the time the main flaming front got there, there would be no more fuel for it to burn. and that would stop the fire s advance. todd abel: a lot of times, we ll do a lot of those firing operations at night, where we have better control over what that looks like. kyle dickman: so june 30, the yarnell hill fire is just ripping to the north. and the priority is to stop this fire on the northern edge. and we start hiking in. we were on the fire s edge. the flaming front was two to three miles long. probably had 20-, 30-foot flame lengths. kyle dickman: jesse steed asked brendan donut mcdonough to act as a lookout down in the valley below the ridgeline. brendan mcdonough: and i hiked into my lookout spot closer towards the active edge of the fire, and i m at a lower elevation. [music playing] i got the word from our fire behavior analyst that called and said, hey, we got some thunderstorm developments developing north of us. kyle dickman: thunderstorms are extremely dangerous to firefighters because they create erratic winds. and erratic winds create erratic fire behavior. todd abel: that s what changes our environment. and that s what causes our injuries and some of our fatalities. kyle dickman: it was a warning to the hotshots that by the afternoon of june 30, they could be dealing with a fire that was completely different than it was behaving in the morning. [music playing] kyle dickman: two things that firefighters pay the most attention to, fuels and weather. paul hessburg: weather is one of the ficklest parts of a wildfire. mark finney: aside from drought or dry conditions, the wind is probably responsible for the greatest variation. another aspect of the wind that makes wildfires dangerous is the shifting direction. the wind can be coming out of the west, for example, and suddenly shift to coming out of the north. todd abel: so thunderstorm developments, it ll push wind multiple directions. [lightning crackling] brad elder: we ve all been standing outside watching a front hit and suddenly get hit by this wall of wind. kyle dickman: what happens with these thunderstorms, they start to rain. brad elder: and that water is now falling, and it s pulling air with it. so we have this rush of air coming down, slamming into the ground and moving out in all directions. wherever that cell is, it could push winds from the north to the south, the south to the north. brad elder: if you don t know that s going to happen or know how it s going to shift, that s a real dangerous situation. [music playing] kyle dickman: june 30, the yarnell hill fire is just ripping to the north. kyle dickman: and the hotshots were down on the southern edge, what s called the heel of the fire, which is essentially where it started. they were just supposed to start building line up around the fire to make sure that it didn t escape. and late in the afternoon thunderstorm hit probably around, i don t know, 4:15-ish. kyle dickman: all this cool air comes rushing down, and it races out across this desert. and it hits the fire. and suddenly, the fire pivots and turns direction. it had been running north. but it turned and ran south. brendan mcdonough: that s pretty uncommon to see a fire completely shift 180 degrees. kyle dickman: and it began running straight at brendan donut mcdonough, the lookout. brendan mcdonough: captain jesse reached out because he could see where i was from up top. and so he called over the radio and said, hey, donut, i think it s about time for you to get out of there, man. move fast. and i did that. got a ride down. and so now this fire has turned around. my brother is on the complete south end, and i am on the north end, opposite ends of this fire. so the granite mountain hotshots were in what s called the blacks. the best safety zone, where fire s already burnt. kyle dickman: all they were doing is watching the burn. they can just look down and see this ominous scene. there s these black smoke. it s dark. and it s just all the colors of hell sweeping down this valley toward this town. [music playing] it became very clear that the town of yarnell was imminently threatened by this fire. we started evacuating yarnell. man: we just pulled out. yarnell is blowing up. kyle dickman: the granite mountain hotshots, they weren t doing a whole lot. they couldn t do a whole lot. so the hotshots decided to leave the safety of the black and move back toward the town of yarnell, where presumably they could do something to help the people that were soon to be threatened by the fire. and they re essentially climbing down these rocky cliffs into that canyon. and when they do, they know they re going to lose sight of the fire. they can t see the fire. and suddenly, the fire turns the corner of this ridge, pivoting and sweeping in front of them, fanning out into this flaming front. at exactly that moment, they realized that they are out of options. todd abel: it was moving so quick that there was no way that a human could outrun that fire. kyle dickman: suddenly, they come over the radio. and what he s saying is, we need help, and we need help right now. they re in trouble. brendan mcdonough: and i remember them trying to call in water. and that s when it became very frantic. kyle dickman: at that moment, nobody really knew where granite mountain was. todd abel: the last conversation i had with them was granite mountain was in the black and that they were in a good spot. no one knew that they had moved to the south end like that. they are forced to do the only thing they can do in that instance, to deploy their fire shelters. fire shelters are just these small, thin blankets that reflect heat. that s all they are. they are tents that you pitch up and you climb into. if you re deploying your fire shelter, it s a last-case scenario. that fire crew s in trouble. they re in trouble. a lot of things going through my brain at the same time of my heart being in my stomach. brendan mcdonough: the helicopter s trying to find them. and it s the smoke is just so thick. bravo 33: operations bravo 33. [music playing] kyle dickman: you have 19 firefighters standing in front of a flaming front. every firefighter on that fire, their jaws dropped and i m sure their hearts broke because they now knew that their brothers, their colleagues were in very real danger. todd abel: we launched some helicopters to try to find them. i absolutely had all kinds of hope that the crew was going to be fine. and i m just waiting on the radio and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting. and i hear there s 19 confirmed. there were 19 dead bodies in the canyon. i can feel it in my heart right now and in my stomach right now talking about it. it was devastating. absolutely devastating. i remember just sobbing. every negative emotion that could be felt, i just felt in that moment. i remember walking in, and they re just everybody was crying. and we were told that they were all gone. kyle dickman: and this was the worst fire tragedy that had happened in a generation. todd abel: they were fathers, sons, brothers, husbands, the whole nine yards. they were good people. they enjoyed wildland firefighting. they had the passion for it. the fact that i can tell my children that their father died a hero has made a huge difference. they can be proud of him for everything that he did. kyle dickman: the nation was captivated by it for months. and they ended up making a hollywood movie no matter what you hear we ve got several aircraft coming to you. no matter what s going on we can t go back up there. stay together tell me when you hear the aircraft, ok? and look out for each other because you re a family. no one could be prouder of his boys than i am of you guys. and the fires that we fought when when we were young are nothing like the fires of today. they re really, really dangerous. and they re very, very threatening. todd abel: longer duration, definitely larger fires. how do you manage something like that? paul hessburg: in the western united states, the fire season is 40 to 80 days longer. in california, the fire season is nearly year-round today. steve pyne: the climate is is morphing in ways that enhance fire. it s acting as a performance enhancer. smoke has been carrying the fire problem to areas that otherwise are immune to it. reporter: smoke from those fires traveling more than 500 miles. it s philadelphia, boston, new york city, all the way to the nation s capital. paul hessburg: the air quality index just ballooned in many of these metropolitan areas. more people are being challenged by smoke-related injury to human health. reporter: wildfire smoke contains particulate matter, or pm 2.5. among the tiniest and most dangerous pollutants, it s able to infiltrate the lungs and enter the bloodstream and has been linked to conditions like asthma and heart disease. the need to do something is urgent. we have a lot of tools in the toolbox. one of them is using prescribed burning. prescribed burning is intentional burning to invite the right kind of wildfire back to the forest. there s a tremendous amount of science and skill that go into this prescribed burning. 99.8% of them stay within the line. it produces a tenth of the smoke. so the numbers are really good. steve pyne: some of these areas, we can go in, we can thin. not log, thin out. it s a kind of woody weeding. but it s the fire that matters most. if you do the thinning but don t do the fire, you re not really solving the problem. burning where you ve got residents or small communities embedded in the landscape around, very difficult. but almost certainly, they are going to burn. and if we don t do it in some way, then they re going to burn probably in the worst possible way. kyle dickman: it s like, you can pick your poison, right? like, you re either going to have prescribed fires, or you re going to have more big wildfires. [music playing] steve pyne: well, all this requires a political and social mechanism for us to come together and argue over differences in values, what we want public lands to be, how we want to do it. and we re facing the point where we simply cannot pretend that we can control all these fires as we would wish. [music playing] kyle dickman: we can only do so much to insulate ourselves from those tragedies. like, the way that the system works and the environment is changing, like, these are just they are realities. desiree steed: i want jesse to be remembered for his strength of character. he had a lot of integrity. he was a great dad, a great husband. brendan mcdonough: everyone s journey after the tragedy has been different. there s a lot to learn from it. for me, it s been giving back and, you know, paying it forward and trying to help people understand their sacrifice. karen davis, the nurse who survived the entrapment in the mega fire in paradise, california, says she lost everything in the inferno. battling the trauma from the flames, she decided to move to las vegas to be closer to her daughter and rebuild her shattered life. once there, karen continued her career in health care. she also decided to become a member of the henderson, nevada, community emergency response team, aiming to help others in future emergencies. a testament to her inner strength and resiliency. for more information on what you can do in a wildfire and how to combat the growing climate crisis, please go to i m liev schreiber. thanks for watching.

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Weekend News 20240610

closer to finding that out. well, collecting sounds as they strip away from other noises and segments, they will put some in the segments and pieces them into those signs each as symbols that are similar to the alphabet. and they found they made different parts. they speak differently too. in the meantime, that s it at 5:00. we ll see you back here at 6:00 for an hour of tonight, the battle for the white house intensifies. president biden visits america s war dead in france, reminding voters of donald trump s presidential past. every marine i know knows about the battle. trump today combative in nevada. nobody loves the military more than me. nobody. nobody respects it. nobody s treated it better. nobody s done as much for the military as i have. it s his first official campaign rally since his historic felony conviction. new cbs polling tonight on the state of the race. also tonight, fury and blood shed in gaza. new details about israel s daring and deadly hostage rescue. reporter: i m chris livesay in tel aviv where israelis hope the hostage rescue is a turning point in the war. spring scorcher. the heat dome expands heading east. we ll have the forecast. plus, why tornado alley is shifting and threatening more people. restaurants rebound. why this could be their biggest sales year ever. and later, double dutching. how a group of women is making this playground pastime new again. this is the cbs weekend news from new york with jericka duncan. good evening and thank you for joining us on this sunday. we begin with breaking news from israel and a major blow to prime minister benjamin netanyahu s hold on power. opposition leader benny gantz announced he was quitting the country s emergency government. gantz, a former general, criticized the lack of a long-term strategy for the war in gaza. his decision follows this weekend s daring and deadly israeli commando mission to rescue four hostages. the shakeup comes as the u.s. pushes for a cease-fire deal with hamas that would free hostages and end the war. cbs s chris livesay is in tel aviv with more on that. chris? reporter: good evening, jericka. new details continue to emerge of that risky rescue operation, an enormous morale boost in israel, a stinging blow to hamas, and more suffering for civilians caught in the middle. israeli commandos storm the residential buildings in gaza where hamas was hiding those four hostages. a deafening hail of gunfire, but on the other side, their first steps of freedom in 245 days as they re ushered on a beach and aboard a ch-53 sea stallion helicopter. once home, almog meir was swarmed by friends at the hospital. his uncle relieved. there was a big party for him. all he wants is a cigarette and friends. reporter: but in a cruel twist, that party was interrupted. in the same hours israeli forces made their daring rescue, meir s father, long suffering from an illness, died, never to see his son again or even know he would soon be saved. today was his funeral. a day of smoldering rubble and horror in gaza. we were sitting on our living room and suddenly we heard strikes targeting our neighborhood, says this resident. i went outside and saw dead people. apartment buildings now flattened where hamas had embedded the hostages among palestinian families. the israeli military says about 100 were killed or wounded, including hamas combatants and civilians, a distinction not drawn by the hamas-run ministry of health, who say the dead and injured number nearly 1,000. like this 4-year-old boy hit in the head with shrapnel, severely brain damaged and fighting for his life. i thought he was dead, cries his father. i had already dug his grave. before saturday, israeli military ops had saved only three hostages, with the latest able to penetrate so deeply behind enemy lines israel hopes hamas will be pressured to finally come to a deal. but so far, jericka, hamas remains defiant. chris livesay tonight in tel aviv. thank you. tonight, president biden returns to the u.s. from his five-day visit to france, but he won t be here for long. on wednesday he heads to italy for the g7 meeting with america s allies. cbs s skyler henry is at the white house with more on what we can expect there. skyler, good evening. reporter: good evening to you. there will be work cut out for the g7 leaders dealing with several of those issues as president biden juggles multiple international challenges and deals with his main political challenger here at home. without naming his predecessor, president biden jabbed at former president donald trump today during a wreath-laying ceremony at a world war i cemetery in france. i think as a measure of a country s support for democratic values that they honor those who have risked their lives and lost their lives. the idea that i come to normandy and not make this short trip here to pay tribute. and it s the same story. think about it. america showed up. reporter: the former president skipped that same cemetery during a trip to france in 2018 and reportedly afterwards called those who were buried there, quote, losers and suckers. this afternoon in las vegas, trump said that never happened. for me to say suckers and losers about people that died in world war i, in front of military people, it s not a possibility you could say a thing like that. reporter: sunday was trump s first official campaign rally during a west coast swing where i saw thunderous crowds since being found guilty in the so-called hush money trial in new york. cbs news confirms he s scheduled to meet via zoom with his probation officer on monday from his mar-a-lago home. likely voters say that guilty verdict pales in comparison to other issues like the economy, inflation and the border. if joe biden truly wanted to sign an executive order to stop the invasion, right now all he needs to do is say i hereby immediately reinstate every single border policy of a gentleman named donald j. trump. reporter: new cbs news polling out sunday shows the likely rematch between biden and trump neck and neck with the former president ahead by 1% nationally and president biden ahead by 1% in the battleground states. as for president biden, he will also make a trip out west for a star-studded event in los angeles next weekend, but not before that g7 trip to italy. jericka? skyler henry, thank you. well, this weekend hundreds of airline passengers had an extremely close call with disaster. it happened at india s mumbai airport. video posted on social media shows one jet landing just as another jet was taking off on the same runway. the country s aviation authority says it is investigating. to ohio now where at least 43 horses were killed in a barn fire in logan county northwest of columbus. firefighters from multiple counties responded. one official said by the time they got there the 60,000-square-foot barn was fully engulfed. tonight, the sprawling heat dome that broke records across the west is on the move. meteorologist andrew kozak of cbs philadelphia joins us with the details. andrew, good evening to you. yeah, jericka, once again excessive heat affecting nearly 20 million people across the desert southwest. up to 112 in arizona. for vegas, inland california, up to 110. it s all due to this area of high pressure, the heat dome that s driven by the jet stream. that s well to the north. that s to start things off. but by the end of the week, it does shift to the east coast, giving perhaps some of the hottest temperatures across areas like new york, down to d.c. and baltimore. switching gears, real quick, 180 down to florida, 6 to 8 inches of flooding rain by the end of the week possible for miami, fort lauderdale, and that s due to this area of high pressure, bringing in that caribbean moisture. we re watching that by the end of the week and watching potentially a heat wave for the east coast as well. remember, if we re hot, the pets are hot, bring them in as well. jericka? good advice, andrew kozak of cbs philadelphia. thanks. now to a concerning number of tornadoes. more than 500 have been spotted in the u.s. since april. and there s new evidence tonight that tornado alley may be expanding beyond the midwest. cbs s dave malkoff shows us why. reporter: april 2nd, 2024, an ef-1 tornado sliced the roof off a funeral home in sunbright, tennessee. noah and lexi hamby were next door, outside. we was probably about right here when it hit us. reporter: he was carrying their 4-year-old. she had their baby in her arms. i mean, it literally swooped me up off my feet with the baby in my hands. he had me by the hood of my jacket and was like choking me. if she wasn t wearing a hoodie, she would be gone. reporter: they were trying to find a basement to take cover in a part of the country that s not used to tornadoes. the most likely place in the world for a tornado is right here in tornado alley. in fact, look at the 1950s. you can see a clear line right through the center of the country. but if you fast forward to the 2010s, tornadoes don t necessarily stay in their alley anymore. dr. timothy coleman wrote a study released in april after researching tornado locations dating back to the 50s. the tornado alley now in the united states in terms of the maximum area for tornadoes is an area from the southeastern u.s., parts of mississippi, alabama, up into tennessee, kentucky and even parts of southern indiana and illinois. reporter: meteorologists have not settled on a definitive reason for this change, but the shift can be dangerous. a lot of that increase in the east has been at night into the winter when people don t expect tornadoes and may not be as ready for them. we really about lost our lives. reporter: as the hambys tried to get to a safe place, they found their neighbor, kevin daniels, just in time. and he grabbed hard, i grabbed him. they both had a baby in their arms. i drug everybody out of here. that s where me and my daughter were. reporter: learning what so many in tornado alley were taught, that seconds count. two seconds slower, me and her would be gone, absolutely. reporter: dave malkoff, cbs news in sunbright, tennessee. well, here s something to chew on. inflation has not stopped americans from eating out. new numbers this month show restaurants are having their biggest year ever. cbs s elise preston is in los angeles tonight to explain how this is even possible, especially with the cost of food. elise? reporter: well, jericka, there s renewed optimism with nearly half of restaurants putting out help wanted signs to help them meet the dining demand. it s chow time at america s eateries. restaurant sales are projected to break records this year, but for many diners inflation is taking a bite out of their budget. going to dinner is one of those dopamine hits that s like, i can t afford it. even if i can t, i m still going to enjoy it. reporter: this appetite for dining out is fueling what s expected to be $1.1 trillion in sales nationwide. a big jump over the $864 billion restaurants made before the pandemic. after years of struggling, restaurants seem to be having a really good year right now. it s been a banner year for restaurants. and ultimately what we re seeing is, many are celebrating in this year of strength, but it s a have and a have not. reporter: still, higher prices for food and labor have forced some restaurants to declare bankruptcy or close locations, including red lobster, applebee s and california-based rubio s. when our minimum wage, it s been the dagger for california restaurants. reporter: 80% of americans now consider fast food a luxury item and they re looking for ways to save by choosing cheaper restaurants or eating at home. if you look at the lower end consumer, that s where you re seeing much more pressure. reporter: also boosting interest in restaurants, social media, from tiktok trends to better takeout and delivery options. jericka? i prefer to eat out, elise, i have to admit. thank you. wnba rookie caitlin clark confirmed today that she is not on the roster for this year s olympic team. in clark s words, she s not disappointed and will be cheering on the squad. of course, she s no doubt helped draw attention and record crowds to the wnba despite her short time in the league. today at the french open, carlos alcaraz battled back to make grand slam history. the 21-year-old phenom from spain defeated alexander zverev. alcaraz is now the youngest man to win major championships on all three surfaces, clay, hard and grass. straight ahead on the cbs weekend news, french connection. the scouts mapping american history in paris. and how the golden age of double dutch is about joy, fitness and tradition. if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is not chemotherapy, it works differently. it helps your immune system fight cancer in 2 different ways. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain; severe nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you ve had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. your search for 2 immunotherapies starts here. ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. a chance to live longer. ego, the number one rated brand in cordless outdoor power brings you the select cut mower. customize the cut with three interchangeable blades. it cuts for over an hour on a single charge. ego - exclusively at lowe s, ace and ego authorized dealers. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping. in 99% of people over 50. and it could strike at any time. think you re not at risk? 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ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what s yours. abbvie could help you save. three in the front. you take the six in the back. looks intense. the fourth installment of smith s series with martin lawrence, bad boys: ride or die appears it s what hollywood needed. it took in an estimated $56 million at the box office, the highest grossing r-rated film since oppenheimer last july. well, today we say happy 90th birthday to walt disney s famous fowl. come in! on this day in 1934 donald duck made his first appearance in the cartoon the wise little hen. he has appeared in more than 150 short films, more than any other disney character. take that, mickey mouse. next on the cbs weekend news, double dutch is not just for young girls anymore. be usedh your albuterol asthma rescue inhaler, but it s a bit of a dinosaur, because it only treats your symptoms, not inflammation. treating both symptoms and inflammation with rescue is supported by asthma experts. finally, there s a modern way to treat symptoms and asthma attacks. airsupra is the first ever dual-action rescue inhaler that treats your asthma symptoms and helps prevent attacks. airsupra is the only rescue fda-approved to do both. airsupra is an as-needed rescue inhaler and should not be used as a maintenance treatment for asthma. get medical help right away if your breathing does not improve, continues to worsen, or for serious allergic reactions. using airsupra more than prescribed could be life threatening. serious side effects include heart problems, increased risk of thrush or infections. welcome to the modern age of dual-action asthma rescue. ask your doctor if airsupra is right for you. (hamlet) it s beggin ! smoky beggin . meaty beggin . tasty beggin . beggin !!! oh, i love you, i love you. (vo) dogs go bonkers for beggin ! vote for your chance to win free beggin ! on your period, sudden gushes happen. say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins. with rapiddry technology. that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush. i m a rusty old boat hitch, and i am barely hanging on. ha ha ha. and while we re still miles from the lake, i m gonna launch this boat right here. see ya. [rusty creak sounds] ahoy! [traffic noises] so get allstate, save money on auto insurance and be protected from mayhem. yeah, like me. i won t let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms define me. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. ( ) finally tonight, double dutching. it took off in america during the 1940s and 50s. many black girls would jump to songs and chants in the streets with their friends. well, it quickly became a symbol of community. and as i found out, it is still tying together generations today. reporter: mastering the fast-paced footwork between two ropes comes naturally for these women. who have been captivating crowds through double dutch. rockin robin and what might be even more impressive, everyone you see is at least 40 years old. they have over 10,000 active members. we re in germany, israel, canada. reporter: 53-year-old pamela robinson of chicago started the 40-plus double dutch club in 2016. the 40-plus double dutch club. reporter: interest and membership grew after they appeared on a local television station in 2019. so eah, we went from 30 local chicagoland women to over 1,000 women in two days. reporter: the only cost, a $25 t-shirt that proudly displays your name and age. get it, miss shirley. reporter: shirley wilfred is 88. it s a movement on a mission, to promote friendship, fitness, fun and fellowship. the group has grown beyond the ropes with a podcast. we do all of the things we did when we were growing up. reporter: and a documentary, featuring members like 46-year-old shelli edwards. i almost can t see me doing anything else. come on, come on, come on! reporter: and now that i m officially over 40, i was allowed to try. and try. until i finally got it. [ cheers ] reporter: these women 40 and over are bonded by an old pastime, brought back to the future and made new again. [ cheers ] all right, all right! all right, all right, all right! well, that is the cbs weekend news for this sunday. thanks so much for joining us. i m jericka duncan in new york. have a great night. now at 6:00, a fire in a building spreads to a tough one to fight. hit by strong winds, blowing through the strait. a car on fire in the middle of the embarcadero. fireworks in the mission, and the wild side shows that ended without any arrests. and getting paid for your work seems bold, but many aren t getting their full paychecks. our investigation looks into the growing problems of wage theft. the final race day at golden gates fields. what they have if stored for northern california s last remaining horse track. the crisis that became a victim of it as well. the story of the journalist, randy schultz a little later in the newscast. live from the studio in san francisco, i m brian hackney. i m andrea nakano. we start with breaking news out of the east bay, fire crews are battling a fire in pittsburg. this is a live look at the fire as you can see the large plume of smoke near the hills. cal fires says it has grown to 48 acres. the fire br

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