nashville to get an educatio education,er education to learn and to earn good money and in school, he ended up going to nashville to seek his dream, to a nightmare, and in that training camp. he went to yemen to teach english supposedly, but it was there he was indoctrinated very intently. yeah, this is on purpose. this is in nashville and the people purposely took them out and they brain washed him, manipulated him and lied to him and they abused him. he was a victim of a crime before he committed the crime that he committed. mike: there is, your son was in the army, four months five days when he was killed. does it does it get to you that your own government has failed to acknowledge that he was the victim not just of a random shooting, but the deliberate murder because he
i want to hear a little bit more from the hearings today in washington. let s all listen to marvin bledsoe. he testified today he is the father of carlos bledsoe. do you remember that name at all, carlos bledsoe? raised in nashville, converted to islam. do you remember this man? he is accused of shooting two soldiers at a recruitment center in arkansas. one of those soldiers died. mr. bledsoe says his son was brainwashed, brainwashed at this nashville mosque and later sent to yemen to teach english at a school. but he says that whole thing was i an total setup, a trap laid out by that mosque in nashville. listen to what he said. the school turned out to be a front for carlos and carlos ended up in a training camp run by terrorists. carlos joined with the yemenees