and so fortunate and you knowus that now my my focus has has shifted to things that areimpact going to hopefully make a more positive impact on people and help people and bring people togethethat wasr. any you know, i was able to make my parents proud before they passed. i have so manyo. reasons to be grateful. i really do. i wear the cloth on my on my pajamas every morning expressing my gratitude. yoto dthatu and i will continuet that. and hopefully that will rub ofrf on my children and other peoplet that i m around, that i continue to express that and that i have to do that on a daily basis. yo thankful to youa . yot u brought a great beacon obf hope, i think, for a lot of people through this film this year. thar i sign off, there are reports i read that you re being approached to joinandex be the marvel universe. are you getting fitted for your spandex? before i let you go ? no, there is no truth to that. i ve never been approached asked. and i don ait knowler in if i wd