what ben bernanke said yesterday was exactly what the market expected him to say, we know things are weak, we know europe is a severe issue. him saying it even though they knew he was going to say it makes people more worried looking for something to hold on to and a little bit of hope. most people say this is a dramatic sell-off and you might see stabilization. that isn t the same thing as saying we aren t in a real economic problem, we know we are. it seems the markets are underwhelmed by the feds latest move to kick start the economy. is there anything they can do? certainly not the fed. the fed has been deluging the economy with money the last three years. this idea of more purchases and government bonds ben bernanke announced yesterday i m not so sure they had a very calming effect. erin is right. and the president s speech wasn t very helpful. monday, the president announced a trillion and a half-dollar tax increase in 2013, 14, 15 months away. that was a very beari