Graduation can be an uncertain, frightening time for many college students. This fact holds especially true when your graduation is in the middle of a global pandemic such as COVID-19.
Gastonia Police Chief Travis Brittain announced four new sergeants and eight recently hired officers during a virtual promotion and swearing-in ceremony on Dec. 17.
“This ceremony is different than how we’ve done it in the past due to the pandemic, and this is a proud moment for us as we formally recognize our new officers and sergeants,” Brittain said. “We look forward to the great work they will do with our department and our community.”
Sgt. Shane Johnson, promoted on Dec. 3, joined Gastonia Police Department in 1998 and has served in patrol, and as a community coordinator, field training officer, police training officer and shift tactical officer. Johnson served the N.C. Air National Guard for 23 years.