Supervisor Donald P. Wagner held a press conference to double the Leos’s $50,000 reward, bringing the amount to $100,000. Supervisor Wagner’s message inspired his colleagues and the business community to match his reward, eventually bringing the new total reward to $250,000. Six-year-old Aiden Leos was fatally shot in Orange on his way to school in Yorba Linda; both cities Supervisor Wagner represents.
“Aiden’s killer will be held accountable for this atrocity,” said Supervisor Wagner. “I led this effort for the community to get behind and I’m grateful my colleague, Supervisor Katrina Foley, agreed to add another $50,000. I want to thank District Attorney Spitzer and our businesses for each bringing $50,000 to the table. Please come forward if you have any information or know someone who may have information that could crack this case.”