20 casi di herpes zoster correlati al vaccino post-COVID-19 osservati presso la clinica di dermatologia di Las Vegas. Secondo gli autori dello studio per i .
The study of apoptosis is a critical aspect of drug discovery and development. In this application note, two apoptosis assays were run to study the cytotoxic effects of anti-cancer compounds on HeLa cells. Long-term time-lapse imaging was performed on the ImageXpress ® Pico Automated Cell Imaging System.
In this application note, the effects of TNF-α treatment time were tested on the nuclear translocation of NF-κB in HeLa cells. Cells were imaged with the ImageXpress ® Pico Automated Cell Imaging System and CellReporterXpress ® Image Acquisition and Analysis Software.
Tom Ellis e gli altri attori di Lucifer 6 sono i protagonisti dei nuovi poster dedicati ai personaggi della serie che tornerà su Netflix a settembre. Netflix .