Weekend clinics to ease waiting list
Fri, 22 Jan 2021
The Breast Service at Noble’s Hospital is to hold additional clinics over the next few weeks in an important effort to reduce a backlog of patients waiting for a symptomatic appointment. The initiative begins this weekend, with support from the local Breast team and a locum Consultant Radiologist who has been engaged to provide extra cover. An additional 30 clinic slots will be offered across Saturday and Sunday and run for the following four or five weekends. The extra clinics will reduce the waiting time for appointments for those people concerned about breast symptoms and assist efforts to meet the target two week wait between initial referral and the patient being seen in hospital for the first time.
Weekend breast service clinics to ease waiting list backlog Clinics aim to reduce appointment backlog
The Breast Service at Noble s Hospital is going to have extra clinics over the next few weeks, aiming to reduce the backlog of patients waiting for a symptomatic appointment.
Starting this weekend, an additional 30 slots are being offered across Saturday and Sunday and will run for the following four or five weeks.
Referrals to the symptomatic clinics have increased significantly since June 2020; demand outweighing capacity.
The service involves an assessment by the breast consultant team, diagnosis and potentially a biopsy, depending on need.
The Patient Information Centre will be in contact with all those who are awaiting an appointment to book them into the earliest available clinic slot.