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coalition of 30 or 35 different airline pilots and these folks are out there and believe that they are safety concerns for our commercial pilots flying our airliners who may encounter this unexplained phenomena these uaps. and feel there's not a way to actually report them appropriately where we can remove the stigma. electors real solutions here, creating a real reporting system, ensuring that we in congress are getting classified information correctly, continuing the search on uaps. i think this is all part of the work. >> i think it's important work in, i think it will also dampened down the hysteria that exists out there right now, and exotic exists out there. let me if i can congressman will have you switch gears for a moment to get your thoughts on donald trump. obviously the biggest news this week include the new charge

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Folks , Pilots , Coalition , Airline Pilots , Safety Concerns , 30 , 35 , Way , Uaps , Phenomena , Airliners , Congress , Information , Part , Search , Work , Solutions , Electors , Work In , Stigma , Real Reporting System , Trump , Congressman Goldman , Charge , Thoughts , Gears , News , Hysteria , Exotic ,

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