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A contract with the ministry of defense. And the training takes place at special Training Grounds. The degradation of zelsky, an article with that title was published in the states, american journalists are horrified by the scale of corruption in ukraine and conclude that the head of the kiev regime has personal enrichment as a priority. The storming of the city hall and the television center, special forces tanks in the center of the capital, the burning Government House, all this happened exactly 30 years ago. Today in russia they remember the tragic events of 1993. It is necessary to test the equipment and ensure that in the event of a real danger, people will be promptly warned. The ministry of emergency situations will conduct a largescale check of the Warning System in russia. His creations have become symbols of different eras; the favorite architect of the romanov family and fourtime winner of the stalin prize opened an exhibition dedicated to alexei shusev in moscow. The russian Army Launched a massive attack on. The ministry of defense informed the ukrainian rear that in kharkov, on the territory of an armored plant , the workshops where the enemy repaired and restored equipment we destroyed, in the area of ​​pavlograd this is the dnepropetrovsk region, the blow fell on an enterprise that produced explosives and solid rocket fuel. Sergei shaigu said today that the Russian Armed forces have significantly weakened the combat potential of ukraine. The enemy suffered serious damage; all recent attempts to attack us in the zaporozhye and artyomovsk directions were repulsed. Details. Meetings at the ministry of defense , fresh footage from the front line with pavel pcholkin. These shots were taken on the contact line while working on verbovoe. Another attack attempt the Ukrainian Armed forces have failed, our aviation is covering the retreating enemy with fab250 and fab 500 gliding bombs, the numbers indicate their weight in kilograms. The crews of the multiple launch rocket systems of the tula paratroopers 122 come into play. Highexplosive fragmentation rockets are sent to targets identified by aerial reconnaissance, a large concentration of ukrainian militants. According to the heads of the ministry of defense, our troops to date have significantly weakened the enemys combat potential, causing him serious damage. During a Conference Call with his subordinates, he focused on certain areas. Units of the Southern Group repelled all attacks in the soledarbakhmut direction; military personnel of the 4th metered Rifle Brigade, 11th Airborne Assault brigade and 17th Artillery Brigade especially distinguished themselves. The enemys attempts to penetrate our defenses in the area of ​​verbovoy and rabotino, in the zaporozhye direction, failed. The units of the 70th motorized rifle regiment, the 56th Airborne Assault regiment, as well as the 810th marine brigade and the 291st Artillery Brigade successfully completed their assigned tasks. On krasnolimansk direction. The 55th motorized Rifle Brigade and the 228th motorized rifle regiment distinguished themselves. And vdeevs direction also includes footage from the front line. The militants had set up a well protected firing point right in the gap at the base of the bridge, causing a lot of trouble for our people. The drone operator first discovered the shelter, and then delicately brought the kamika drone there. Footage of the destruction of the firing point was captured by an observation drone. According to shaigu, our fighters act boldly and decisively, showing true heroism. From june 1, 50. To all formations and military units the titles of the guards were assigned to the unit, where from 50 to 90 of the personnel were awarded state awards; the minister of defense separately focused on the contribution to the Successful Development of the svocensky republic. I would especially like to note the chechen republic and personally its head ramzan amatovich kadyrov. In total, three motorized rifle regiments and three motorized rifle battle regiments have been formed in the republic. They proved themselves worthily in the special military operation. Unit under the command of the hero of russia, abti allaudov, were trained at the base the Russian University of special forces in gudrmesi has already sent more than 14 people to the special operation zone. The Training System created in the region allows for timely replacement of personnel performing combat missions. Shaigu also noted military doctors, emphasizing separately that they provide first aid on the battlefield in the first minutes after injury, due to the fact that field hospitals are deployed in close proximity to the front line. Thanks to the courage and professionalism of military doctors, he said, mortality among the number of wounded is constantly decreasing. Our peacekeepers are in karabakh, where things have escalated. During the conflict , people were evacuated, placing them at observation posts in the base camp. The ceasefire and the evacuation of 98,000 people to the territory of armenia became possible thanks to the mediation of russian peacekeepers. They put out fires, deliver humanitarian aid, and provide medical assistance to the population. I touched upon Sergei Shaigu and the topic of the autumn conscription. More than 2,700 draft commissions have been formed in all regions. In accordance with the president ial decree, the call subject to military service. 130,000 people. Please note that all conscripts, including those from new regions, will not be sent to the combat zone. The general staff has no plans for additional mobilization. The armed forces have the necessary number of military personnel to conduct a special military operation. According to him, patriotic volunteers have been actively joining the ranks of the russian army since the beginning of the year. More than 335,000 people were admitted, more were added in september alone 50,000 contract soldiers. Several regions have formed registered volunteer units, which continue to actively recruit and support. Pavel pcholkin, tatyana bakulina, Sergey Filippov channel one. All volunteers who join the ranks of our armed forces, before entering the specialization zone, must undergo a long course of combat training, every detail is worked out to the point of automaticity, so that later in a real battle, our fighters understand each other perfectly training and combat coordination takes place at special Training Grounds. One of these is located in the lugansk republic, channel one correspondent Oleg Shishkin visited there. Im holding on, lets go ahead. In combat twos and threes, under the cover of machine gunners, the paratroopers go on an attack against a mock enemy. This battalion was formed almost from scratch from volunteers who signed a contract with the ministry of defense. Combat coordination at one of the Training Grounds in the lugansk peoples republic, a lesson from morning until dark, with short breaks for rest. Paratroopers they are practicing the tactics of the enemy assault point, in front of the trenches there is a barbed wire fence, this distance is about 20 m, the paratroopers must overcome as quickly as possible, in a polished manner, practically without lifting their heads from the ground. Fire with live ammunition, as in a real collision with the enemy, the task of the paratroopers is to knock the enemy out of position, take up defensive positions and hold the lines until reinforcements arrive. First. The most important thing is the continuous fire defeat of the enemy, so that he cannot raise his head. The assault team must work as one whole, everyone is obliged to control the flanks and know exactly where their comrades are and what sectors they hold for fire. In a real battle , you wont even be able to see this with peripheral vision. With experience, the guys seem to develop a special sixth sense. And this is what a target looks like on a Training Ground a plate made of body armor. Its very convenient, you dont have to go up and see if you hit it or not, it rings when you hit it all the way. Circle, by the way, this target is located at a distance of only 100 m from the firing line, our experiments show that close combat, this is a maximum of 100150200 m from the enemy, and despite the fact that today this target is being rocked by a strong wind, look how many accurate hits there are. As a rule, before a real assault, data on the nature of the enemys fortifications and personnel is collected by aerial reconnaissance; the drone crew operator with the call sign resin has been taking special courses for six months, and is confident that he can recognize even camouflaged equipment of the militants. Each technique has its own demasking features, such as antennas that reflect, a chance tool, it perfectly visible. These training defensive lines, in which case they can withstand even a serious attack from the enemy, everything is according to military science, camouflage, trenches, the soldiers showed ingenuity as a support, here is a tube from an antitank missile, it is empty, here is a fox hole a depression in the ground, which allows the fighter to hide in the event of artillery shelling. To equip such a shelter it takes from 3 to 4 hours, quickly, with a weapon, in a bulletproof vest and helmet, getting into such a shelter is only at first glance, simple task you need simple dexterity, which appears after long exercises. Precipitation, precipitation, and shelter allow personnel to be guaranteed to remain safe and sound and continue to carry out combat missions accordingly. Everyone we spoke with went to the battalion , which is called the groove of the heart, thanks to his friendly and goodnatured character, this fighter received the call sign relatives from his colleagues, his relatives joined the combat family of paratroopers a couple of months ago, even his mother is not aware of. In polar region to our offer cover his face, he answers, i have nothing to be ashamed of, and let his relatives see that everything is fine with him, my mother at least knows that i produce gas and oil in the north, my sons accepted it with understanding, probably the time has come for our generation to give back to our homeland what she gave us in her time, that they are real men, these soldiers have already proven by voluntarily coming to the front, and now they are ready to show. They will go after completing the training course. Oleg shishkin, dmitry kachurin, alexey bokhvalov, First Channel lugansk peoples republic. Meanwhile, the west, on whose help kiev really counts, is not as united in supporting ukraine as before, as the Foreign Press openly writes about this. The reason given is total corruption in the square, because of which the states seriously doubted whether it was worth sending zelsky any more money. Previously, they tried not to notice the theft, but now they are amazed at its scale and wonder where billions of dollars of western aid went. Against the backdrop of these publications, news came from kiev today; the sbu reported on the detention of an official for a bribe of 50,000 dollars. Alena germanova, about the fight against corruption in ukrainian. Aleksandrovi, you should lie down, youre probably a little tired from your civil service. Well, its an ordinary evening in ukraine, this time they put the mayor in the asphalt for 2 million hryvnia, he promised not to spoil the life of the local. Companies, which of the ukrainian officials have no history of corruption, the scale of theft worries the United States much more than rumors say there, citing a secret document from the state department, the political publication writes. Highlevel corruption can undermine the confidence of the ukrainian public and foreign leaders in the wartime government , is written in a confidential version of the document. The administration wants to pressure ukraine to stop taking bribes because u. S. Dollars are at stake. When western money flows like a river. How can you not get drunk . Take, for example, exminister of defense reznikov, at the height of the counteroffensive, gave his daughter a villa in cannes, a piece of paradise with its own Swimming Pool and elevator cost 7 million euros, with the official salary 280 times less, not a new minister had just taken his post when a criminal case hung over him. Umerov covered up the theft of state property, about the trial of the kiev regime, writes american finker magazine. Ukrainian corruption is systemic ; its not people, its the system. Moreover, this system has been built into every aspect of society, the judiciary, defense, law enforcement, banking, healthcare, and of course womens economics, perpetuating itself. Ukraine seems to be incurably ill with corruption, but everything could have been different, in his article entitled degradation of zelsky, american journalists continue to discuss how much ukraine got after the collapse of the soviet union, and how it was methodically robbed, zelsky came and continued. Before he dragged his country into a catastrophic, ultimately selfdestructive war, zelsky should have known. That his country is expendable in the geopolitical struggle between the us, nato and russia. He could have avoided military conflict by renouncing nato membership. The conflict has led to an unlimited influx of funds that fill the pockets of zelsky, as well as the political and military elite. It is difficult to find another case in history where an elected leader of a nation has squandered so much political capital, betrayed the trust of the people and traded dazzling prospects for personal enrichment. And now the exminister is complaining to western journalists about his former colleagues. He himself is now at the front. We are furious that some of our leaders choose to cheat and steal when we die on the battlefield. We think zelsky should trade his camouflage for a tie. And suit and analyze what is happening to his team. Western sponsors seem to be seriously afraid of investing billions in the ukrainian rampant corruption. There is not a cent for ukraine in the us draft budget for the next month and a half. The pentagon will have enough resources to keep the kiev regime afloat in the next six months, but what next . Are asked. Not only in the usa, the European Union is nervous, its resources are not endless writes the woll street journal, and the british telegraph spoke with a highranking military commander, britain no longer has weapons for ukraine. We we gave away almost as much as we can afford, we will continue to supply equipment to supply ukraine, but now they need things like air defense and artillery ammunition, we have run out of all that. All the hopes of kiev, now only on the promises of washington, the abrams have already arrived in the lithuanian port of klaipet. But who will control them, analysts do not rule out that the technology will be entrusted to foreign mercenaries, as was the case with the petriat missile system. Sole operators of abrams tanks in nato, United States and poland, but things are not easy with warsaw in kiev; the day before, the polish side ignored the eu council in kiev, explaining this by the decline in relations between the countries. Alena germanova, irina bliznyuk, natalya moshtakova and alexander anonichev, channel one. The focus of the government today was the development of three transport corridors, namely between. Northsouth, as well as in the azovblack sea and eastern directions. New highways, Railway Lines and sea routes are needed to significantly increase cargo transportation. Krasnodar, rostovondon, expanded movement in the direction of the Verkhniy Lars checkpoint, deepening work in the seaport of makhachkala has been completed, as well as reconstruction of the bypass. And a number of other facilities have been commissioned in recent months, thanks to which the delivery of goods in some busy areas has become faster. In december, we will complete the deepening of the volgacaspian shipping canal, we expect that the total carrying capacity of the baikalamur and Transsiberian Railway will increase to 173 million tons by the end of the current of the year. In the following, this indicator should achieve. 180 million this is precisely the task set by the president. I draw the attention of my colleagues that any delays in the approved schedules are unacceptable. Today in russia they remember the tragic events of october ninetythree. Then, 30 years ago, the political crisis turned into armed clashes in moscow. The assault on the city hall and the ostankino television center, tanks and special forces, in the center of the capital, the Government House on fire. According to official data alone, 147 people died. There were hundreds. Pavel krasnov about a page of history that determined his future fate countries. For everyone who remembers october ninetythree, these images are still like a bad dream, battles in the center of the capital, tanks firing at the Parliament Building and a white house blackened with soot, the bloody denouement of a twoweek confrontation between president yeltsin and the Supreme Council, two branches power, executive legislative , two centers of power and. By the fall of 93, the congress of peoples deputies according to the constitution is the highest body of power, and the Supreme Council elected by it is an irreconcilable opposition to yeltsin and his radical reforms, the country in the political impasse and cut through the knot of contradictions, yeltsin decides with one blow, on the evening of september 21 he appears on the air and after a theatrical pause on number 1400, from today the implementation of the legislative , administrative and control functions of the congress of peoples deputies and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation is interrupted. The supreme soviet congresses have been dissolved, but yeltsin has no such powers. In response, deputies already at night gather for an emergency meeting to announce the removal of yeltsin himself from the post of president. Expresident. Not angry at in strict accordance with the constitution of the Russian Federation, so i would urge everyone to obey the law and the constitution. The duties of the head of state are assigned to Vice President rudsky. Did the president of russia have the rights and powers to change the system of state power . Is it there . No. He makes this decision in violation of the law. I rate this decision no. The Supreme Council, no, the congress no, who evaluates the actions of the president . The court, the constitutional court, is a coup detat, here, on a higher level, it was necessary to go with them straightened out, and the tanks were purely for show. Former opponents still blame each other for the rebellion today. 30 years ago , similar statements were made, and at first the events resembled a tug of war. On the very first day , supporters begin to gather at the Supreme Council, and barricades appear near the building. In response, the police put the white house in a cordon, electricity communications in the building are cut off, on september 24, the first clashes and the first casualties, tension increases every day, the last attempt to reach a compromise negotiations took place on the night of on october 3, we agreed on some things, didnt agree on others, difficulties arose, a fundamental difficulty. And now we went with representatives to the white house in order to try, one of the solutions that was rumored then was Simultaneous Elections of deputies and the president , the socalled zero option, but both sides seemed to prefer force, individual skirmishes on the streets of moscow are developing into largescale clashes; on october 3, a column of protesters crushes the Police Cordon and breaks through to the blocked Supreme Council. There we are inspired by the support that has arrived and hope that this success can be developed. Youth, combatready men. Here, on the left side, they are building to form detachments; today, they must storm the Mayors Office. The remains of the storming of the Mayors Office are already filled with machine gun fire for success, and here the protesters from the flagpole at the captured building are accompanying them; they are defiantly taking off their tricolor and raising the soviet banner, you took this damned Mayors Office, and never on ours there will be no more meows on earth. On captured trucks, the convoy rushes along vastankina road, overtaking the armored personnel carriers of the internal troops going there. Guys, the law is about our country, there is no need for any spilling. Its a paradox, formally the law was really on the side of the defenders of the house of soviets, but their methods were far from legal, although at that moment the tragedy could still be avoided, but the chance was missed, the truck rams the glass doors of the television center, after which an explosion is heard. There is still debate about what exactly exploded. The version about the grenade being fired was refuted by the investigation, but the fact remains a young soldier died from the explosion, and in response, shooting. On that day, it was near ostankino that the bulk of those killed; in total, the number of those killed during the crisis is estimated at one and a half hundred people, victims of a civil war that almost broke out. Already the next one. Troops entered the capital, the outcome of the confrontation was a foregone conclusion, the Supreme Council was stormed, its leaders were arrested, and the country finally said goodbye to the soviet past, the last bastion of which was the house of soviets, had he won, the history of russia could have turned out differently, but we will never do that again we wont find out. Pavel krasnov, natalya litovka, sergey romanov, channel one. The chronicle, eyewitness comments and reasons are collected in the documentary. 1993 autumn on fire, watch on channel one on wednesday night, at 0 00. The ministry of emergency situations will conduct a largescale test of the Warning System in russia, and the following siren sounds will be heard throughout the country tomorrow. Everything is according to plan, no need to be scared. Such checks take place periodically. It is important to test the equipment and ensure that in the event of a real emergency, people will respond as quickly as possible. Along with alarms and messages via loudspeakers, information about the verification should appear on the television broadcast. Alexander lyakin will tell you all the details. The countrywide Warning System test will begin at 10 43 local time and will last exactly one minute. Sirens with a power of 600 watts can transmit sound over a distance of at least a kilometer. This familiar warning sign means everyone should pay attention. The most important question is how exactly we should react when we hear sounds. Technical means of warning will be used, these are horn loudspeakers type, upon hearing the signal of which, a citizen must turn on the tv, this is the first multiplex, channels such as the First Channel, vgtrk, ntv channels, as well as radio stations, respectively, there he will receive the necessary information on what to do in the event of a particular type of emergency , if you hear a signal attention everyone, mobile communications, sms alerts, and internet resources of the ministry of emergency situations will also be used. In other words, an alarm helps us not to miss Important Information on which our safety may depend. Turn on tv or radio before turning to friends or social networks for news. The most difficult task is to bring the correct information to a person, in the conditions of the struggle that has unfolded on the internet, on social networks, false information, most importantly, the source of information, if a person knows who and what to trust, his risk of survival increases significantly. All Warning Systems were created and installed many years ago during the soviet union, and their performance is constantly tested, currently being tested carried out as part of a large exercise of the ministry of emergency situations on the anniversary of the founding of the countrys Civil Defense system. The main goal of training is to test our readiness to act as intended. It is important to complete all tasks. The exercises are being held in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the participation of regional heads; they began in zhukovsky near moscow. The training was observed by the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, and the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov. The exercise scenario included Emergency Rescue operations and evacuation of the population from the danger zone. Alexander lyakin, alexey bilov, kravchenko, channel one. Brilliant. By an amazing fate, the creations became symbols of different eras; in moscow there was a grandiose exhibition dedicated to alexei shyusev, before the revolution the favorite architect of the romanov family, and after four times a laureate of the stalin prize. The mausalee, the moscow hotel, the building of the peoples commissariat of agriculture in the garden ring, the kazansky Railway Station and the komsomolskaya metro station are only a small part of his heritage. The exposition brought together 200 of the masters best projects, which, by the way, were not realized only in russia, opening tomorrow, and olga pautova has already seen everything today. How many times have we run past, rushing to work or to meet friends, noticing all this beauty, kazansky station, here we usually try to remember the train number and look for the right path with our eyes, not having time, for example , to see that shyusiv made this tower immediately similar to the other two, borovitskaya, is part of the moscow kremlin, and one of the kremlin towers in kazan, this is the masters most complex project, he devoted almost 40 years of his life to him. For his sake , i moved from st. Petersburg to moscow, workshop got bearded right at the station, the whole city came to see the incredible models of the project, even the star couldnt resist. And fyodor chaliapin, here they are together with shyusev. At the exhibition you can also see what was not realized. It was Alexei Viktorovich who created the sketches for the design of the station, and these are very elegant graphics; we see that the decoration is very lush. Then, when financial restrictions began, even before the revolution, he called it a sketch of the project. He sensed time incredibly accurately and recorded the era in stone this was the case with the moscow hotel in the postconstructivist style. By the way, visit. Television exhibitions can show real things from the rooms, keys, telephones from the thirties, and the mausale on red square generally became a symbol, at first it was a wooden building, the architect had only a few hours to design, but when it became clear that a permanent structure was needed, shusiv i was wondering how to fit the avantgarde structure into the already formed appearance of red square. He understands that this Historical Context cannot be violated, but at the same time you need to create a structure that will fit into and be different, that is, it will be visible and invisible at the same time, in the end it turns to this dark red color of granite, which is lined with stone vasal, which makes it invisible against the background of the wall, but at the same time the forms themselves it is so different from everything that stands around that it always attracts attention, the building can be found in various corners, the russian exhibition pavilion in venice, the hotel in batum, has even been completed project of a monument. To the lighthouse to Christopher Columbus is the capital of the dominican republic, one of the main masterpieces of the master is located in tashkent, the opera and ballet theater was conceived as a classical european musical theater, but shusev, in love with uzbek culture, decided to add national flavor. This is a design model of the alishir novai theater , which was created under the supervision and guidance of alexey viktorovichav, these wonderful sketches, paintings for the fae theater, were made by local uzbek craftsmen, it is difficult to overestimate the work of alexey shyusev during the great patriotic war, he designed gases and bomb shelters, and then worked on the restoration of cities, rodnoy chisinau, istra, veliky novgorod. According to his project, all the ancient buildings of nogorad had to be preserved, restored , restored, as a result, novgorod today is one of the popular tourist cities, precisely because it. Has preserved its medieval essence, its spirit. In a sense, shusiv returned to where he started, to temple architecture; before the revolution, he believed that it was in when designing churches and cathedrals , nothing limits the artist; he himself even came up with what windows and door handles should be like; among his customers was the emperors family. I would like more people to see such projects, the only thing that scares me is that there is not much time, and that you need to be on time, because the objects that are presented. Are so unique that

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